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From Edward Elgar Publishing
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Causality and self-selection , pp 107-128 Downloads
Petter Næss
Causation , pp 204-238 Downloads
Ioannis Lianos and Claudio Lombardi
Causation , pp 62-134 Downloads
Causation and foreseeability , pp 114-148 Downloads
Mark F. Grady
Causation and Foreseeability Downloads
Omri Ben-Shahar
Causation and genetic causation in economic theory Downloads
Robin Cowan
Causation in tort law: A reconsideration , pp 97-113 Downloads
Keith N. Hylton
Causes , pp 53-86 Downloads
Causes and Consequences of Corruption: What Do We Know from a Cross-Section of Countries? Downloads
Johann Graf Lambsdorff
Causes of organizational failure , pp 49-60 Downloads
Causes of the crisis: inflation , pp 69-93 Downloads
Causes of the crisis: wage stagnation and neoliberalism , pp 94-109 Downloads
Causes of the currency crisis: Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand Downloads
Chayodom Sabhasri, June Charoenseang and Pornkamol Manakit
Causes, Consequences and Dynamics of ‘Complex’ Distributions of Technological Activities: The Case of Prolific Inventors Downloads
William Latham and Christian Le Bas
Cautions, caveats and future directions Downloads
Cautious adjustment in a context of economic collapse: The public sector in the Irish crises , pp 337-370 Downloads
Philip O’Connell
CBA: ex ante evaluation of mega-projects , pp 269-290 Downloads
Bert van Wee and Piet Rietveld
CBDC: functional scope, pricing and controls , pp 120-153 Downloads
Ulrich Bindseil, Fabio Panetta and Ignacio Terol
CDM in climate policies in the Netherlands: a promising tool? , pp 171-194 Downloads
Rianne de Leeuw and Ekko van Ierland
Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid (CA Agricultural Labor Relations Board) , pp 133-139 Downloads
CEEC Financial Sector Issues and Macroeconomic Policy: A Perspective from Across Countries Downloads
Cristian Popa
Ceilings and floors, growth and the NAIRU Downloads
Piero Ferri
Celibacy or Prostitution? , pp 50-77 Downloads
Cell Phones for Delivering Micro-loans Downloads
Anand Shrivastav
Centering equity and justice in land use-transportation coordination , pp 298-312 Downloads
Arlie Adkins, Deyanira Nevárez Mart'nez and Liliana Salas-Niño
Central and Eastern Europe , pp 422-432 Downloads
Seongcheol Kim
Central and Eastern Europe , pp 457-493 Downloads
Lénárd Sándor
Central and Eastern Europe: from transition towards new risk , pp 175-190 Downloads
Central and Eastern European countries , pp 504-526 Downloads
Jurgita Malinauskaite
Central and Subnational VATs in Federal Countries Downloads
Richard Bird
Central Bank Downloads
Zelijko Sevic
Central bank accounting , pp 314-332 Downloads
David Bholat and Robin Darbyshire
Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland's model Downloads
Kieran McQuinn, Nuala O’Donnell and Mary Ryan
Central Bank and Lender of Last Resort Downloads
Michael Knittel, Sybille Sobczak and Peter Spahn
Central bank and monetary policy , pp 92-117 Downloads
Central bank behaviour and the stability of macroeconomic equilibrium: a critical examination of the 'New Consensus' Downloads
Mark Setterfield
Central bank digital currencies in emerging economies: practical considerations , pp 96-112 Downloads
Gordon Clarke and Emir Hrnjic
Central bank digital currencies, Internet of Things, and blockchain: prospects and challenges for Islamic finance , pp 250-281 Downloads
Khalid Ahmed Al-Ansari and Ahmet Faruk Aysan
Central Bank Governance, the Euthanasia of the Rentier and Interest Rate Policy: A Note on post-Keynesian Monetary Policy after Taylor , pp 48-67 Downloads
Louis-Philippe Rochon
Central bank independence and the idea of money neutrality: re-considering the theoretical link , pp 96-110 Downloads
Ulas Sener
Central bank independence from banks rather than governments , pp 360-372 Downloads
Sergio Rossi
Central bank independence, macroprudential policies and financial stability in the Mauritian context , pp 274-296 Downloads
Manisha Chuttoor, Dinesh Ramdhony and Boopen Seetanah
Central bank independence: economic theory, evidence and political legitimacy Downloads
James Forder
Central bank lending , pp 79-101 Downloads
Brian Madigan and William Nelson
Central bank policy , pp i-ii Downloads
Juan Pablo Painceira
Central bank policy and gender , pp 345-358 Downloads
Elissa Braunstein
Central bank psychology , pp 365-379 Downloads
Andrew G Haldane
Central Bank Reform in South-East Europe: Recent Developments and Prospects , pp 99-124 Downloads
äΩeljko Ćeviƒá
Central Bank Responses to Financial Crises: Lenders of Last Resort in Interesting Times Downloads
Robert Dimand and Robert Koehn
Central Bank Transparency: Where, Why and With What Effects? Nazire Nergiz Dincer and Barry Eichengreen Downloads
Nazire Nergiz Dincer and Barry Eichengreen
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