From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Should National Happiness be Maximized?

- Bruno Frey and Alois Stutzer
- Should non-expert courts control expert administrations?

- Georg von Wangenheim
- Should the Asian NICs Peg to the Yen? , pp 194-204

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- Should the Democratic Model Be Applied to Non-Governmental Organizations and Firms?

- Pascal Salin
- Should the government insure banks? , pp 72-90

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- Should visitation denial affect the obligation to pay support?

- Ira Mark Ellman
- Should we integrate corporate social responsibility with corporate governance? An empirical investigation of good governance codes’ recommendations , pp 157-174

- Alessandro Zattoni and Francesca Cuomo
- Should We Stop the IMF from Doing What it Should Not Do? A Radical Idea

- Ross P. Buckley
- Should we sustain? And if so, sustain what? Consumption or the quality of life? , pp 639-665

- Humberto Llavador, John Roemer and Joaquim Silvestre
- Should we Teach an Old Economy Dog New Economy Tricks? The Role of a Postal Service in the New Economy

- Michael Bradley and Dennis Jansen
- Should we trust people to do the right thing? , pp 84-120

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- Showcasing life cycle management , pp 41-51

- Pia Wiche and Natalia A. Cano-Londoño
- Shrimp Exports, Environment and Human Well-being in the Sunderbans, West Bengal

- Kanchan Chopra, Pushpam Kumar and Preeti Kapuria
- Shrouded attributes, consumer myopia and information suppression in competitive markets , pp 40-74

- Xavier Gabaix and David Laibson
- Side-activity entrepreneur: lifestyle or economically oriented? , pp 132-156

- Marianna Markantoni, Sierdjan Koster and Dirk Strijker
- Signal Setting with Dynamic Process Assignment

- Giulio E. Cantarella
- Signalling and Screening

- Sarah Brown and John G. Sessions
- Signals and incentives in blockchain applications , pp 145-164

- Cameron Harwick
- Signposts towards the Maoist end of history , pp 171-203

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- Silent suffering: LGBTQ+ intimate partner violence unveiled , pp 62-76

- Esra Ummak
- Silver and the origin of Asian currencies , pp iii-iii

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- Silvio Gesells vision on monetary reform: how to reduce social inequalities , pp 292-305

- Florencia Sember
- Similarities and differences in Islamic and conventional banking , pp 55-70

- Mohamed Ariff and Mervyn K. Lewis
- Similarity Indexes and Criteria for Spatial Linking , pp 183-216

- Walter Diewert
- Simon and Knight , pp 99-128

- J.-C. Spender
- Simon said: Herb’s research rules and life lessons , pp 314-335

- Robert Axtell
- Simon, Herbert A

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- Simon, Herbert Alexander

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- Simple Interest and Compound Interest , pp 143-186

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- Simple stipulation vs. complex emergence as modes of inquiry , pp 59-72

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- Simple things first: One variable, one sample , pp 163-184

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- Simple ways to estimate choice models for single consumers , pp 498-518

- Bart Frischknecht, Christine Eckert, Jordan Louviere and Tiago Ribeiro
- Simplicity , pp 27-30

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- Simplified guidelines for planning sustainable and diversified forest management: a case study of the Villa Mills Demonstrative Experimental Area

- Grace Saénz and Robin aus der Beek
- Simplifying the formation of companies in light of Digitalization Directive 2019/1151: an analysis of benefits and risks , pp 224-242

- Umberto Michele Carbonara
- Simulating geographical systems using cellular automata and agent-based models , pp 142-157

- Alison Heppenstall, Andrew Crooks, Ed Manley and Nick Malleson
- Simulating land-cover change in South-Central Indiana: an agent-based model of deforestation and afforestation , pp 218-247

- Matthew Hoffmann, Hugh Kelley and Tom Evans
- Simulating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change in the Mid-Atlantic Region , pp 131-139

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- Simulating the Impact on the Local Economy of Alternative Management Scenarios for Natural Areas

- Paola De Agostini, Stefania Lovo, Francesco Pecci, Federico Perali and Michele Baggio
- Simulating the Role of MNCs for Knowledge and Capital Dynamics in Networks of Innovation

- Petra Ahrweiler, Michel Schilperoord, Nigel Gilbert and Andreas Pyka
- Simulating the State-by-State Effects of Terrorist Attacks on Three Major US Ports: Applying NIEMO (National Interstate Economic Model)

- Jiyoung Park, Peter Gordon, James E. Moore, Lanlan Wang and Harry W Richardson
- Simulation

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- Simulation and estimation of macroeconomic models in Dynare , pp 593-608

- Joao Madeira
- Simulation Results , pp 57-81

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- Simulation studies, the aggregate production function and the accounting identity , pp 99-132

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- Simulation: Incorporating uncertainty , pp 232-238

- Robert Farrow
- Sin

- Samuel Cameron
- Sing if you’re Glad to be Grey. Working Towards a Happier Older Age in the United Kingdom

- Philip Taylor
- Singapore

- Chia Siow Yue
- Singapore

- Kit Boey Chow, Kah Mun Leo and Susanna Leong
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