From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- Social justice through affirmative action in India: an assessment

- Ashwini Deshpande
- Social Justice, Innovation and Antitrust Law

- Mariateresa Maggiolino
- Social Law and Economics and the Quest for Dignity and Rights

- Mark White
- Social life cycle assessment , pp 89-109

- Lindsey Roche, Catherine Benoît-Norris and Sonia Valdivia
- Social mechanism design , pp 109-124

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- Social media and firm performance: a review , pp 105-122

- Paige Costanzo and Christine Kirkland
- Social media and strategic leadership , pp 216-233

- Christina Kyprianou
- Social media as information weapon , pp 61-75

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- Social media challenges the entire postal industry , pp 393-406

- Kari Elkelä and Heikki Nikali
- Social media’s impact on intellectual property rights , pp 276-321

- Dennis Collopy
- Social milieu and built form of the city , pp 122-144

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- Social mobility and neighborhood change , pp 113-131

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- Social mobility and social capital , pp 351-365

- Mark Western and Xianbi Huang
- Social mobilization theory in HR and employment relations , pp 352-364

- Lorraine Ryan, Caroline Murphy and Daniel Troy
- Social movement struggles for decolonization and (re)constitution from below: Abahlali baseMjondolo's strivings against pariahdom , pp 227-242

- Tshepo Madlingozi
- Social movements , pp 193-204

- Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso
- Social movements and hegemonic struggle , pp 370-387

- Laurence Cox
- Social movements and the Paris Agreement: an imperfect vehicle for incremental change? , pp 381-402

- Cinnamon P. Carlarne and Keith H. Hirokawa
- Social movements in healthcare: learning for leaders , pp 665-685

- Stella Christou
- Social network analysis , pp 487-496

- Alicia C. Bunger and Reza Yousefi Nooraie
- Social network methodology , pp 193-246

- Nicholas S. Vonortas
- Social networks and innovation , pp 327-341

- Michel Ferrary and Mark Granovetter
- Social networks and private transfers , pp 178-235

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- Social Networks and the Economics of Networks

- Daniel Birke
- Social Networks for Effective Teams , pp 291-310

- Paul Scerri and Katia Sycara
- Social networks in space , pp 400-415

- Clio Andris and Dipto Sarkar
- Social Networks: Structure and Content

- Wilfred Dolfsma and Rick Aalbers
- Social norm nudging for sustainable consumption , pp 56-69

- John Thøgersen
- Social norms and endogenous preferences: the political economy of market expansion

- Euclid Tsakalotos
- Social origin, skills, and graduates’ formal employability in Brazil: how does it vary across fields of study and institutions? , pp 206-230

- André Vieira and Maria Ligia de Oliveira Barbosa
- Social partnership and the rise of the gig economy in Greece: continuity or discontinuity? , pp 42-66

- Maria Mexi
- Social perspectives on athlete pathways , pp 213-226

- Outi Aarresola, Jari Lämsä and Astrid Schubring
- Social perspectives: Transport as if people mattered , pp 16-24

- Janet Stanley
- Social policy in a globalized economy: neoliberalism, crisis and response , pp 134-183

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- Social policy in the Abrahamic religions , pp 75-100

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- Social policy research and climate change , pp 236-250

- Bjørn Hvinden and Mi Ah Schoyen
- Social policy research in changing European societies , pp 1-18

- Kenneth Nelson, Rense Nieuwenhuis and Mara A. Yerkes
- Social policy research in times of crisis , pp 279-293

- Bent Greve and Thomas Paster
- Social policy research on ageing needed from the perspective of intergovernmental organisations , pp 221-237

- Nikolai Botev, Julia Ferre and Claudia Mahler
- Social policy research on the ageing workforce from the perspective of employees and employers , pp 239-257

- Krzysztof Hagemejer, Frank Hoffer and Michał Polakowski
- Social preferences , pp 327-335

- Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis
- Social preferences and values: an experimental analysis for religiosity , pp 23-46

- Anwar Shah, Karim Khan and Hayat Khan
- Social Pressure in Siting Conflicts: A Case Study of Siting a Radioactive Waste Repository in Pennsylvania , pp 85-108

- Felix Oberholzer-Gee and Howard Kunreuther
- Social prevention of crime: Alternatives to policing measures in an urban context , pp 205-226

- Magdalena DomÃnguez and Daniel Montolio
- Social Problems and the Urban Crisis: Can Public Policy Make a Difference? , pp 207-214

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- Social procurement: generating social good through market transactions, directly and indirectly , pp 254-261

- Joanne McNeill
- Social Programs, Industrial Deconcentration and the Recent Decrease in Regional Income Inequality in Brazil

- Raul da Mota Silveira-Neto and Carlos Azzoni
- Social protection

- Lauchlan T. Munro
- Social protection and active labour market policies for inclusive green structural transformation , pp 173-204

- Jana Bischler, Marie-Christina Dankmeyer, Christina Behrendt, Marcelo Cuautle Segovia and Karina Levina
- Social protection and labor market policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in the MENA region , pp 193-215

- Anis Ben Brik
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