From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- The impact of trading fragmentation in securities markets , pp 224-238

- Giovanni Cespa
- The impact of transport connectivity on housing prices in London , pp 90-106

- Imogen Thompson
- The impact of uncertainty on investment plans: a survey data approach , pp 227-252

- Paul Butzen, Catherine Fuss and Philip Vermeulen
- The impact of unemployment on perceptions of personal efficacy: do gender and race differences exist? , pp 19-33

- Arthur H. Goldsmith, Jonathan R. Veum and William Darity
- The Impact of Urban Land Taxation: The Pittsburgh Experience , pp 273-293

- Wallace E. Oates, Robert M. Schwab, Wallace E. Oates and Robert M. Schwab
- The impact of urban social life on sexual networks and health , pp 350-365

- Patrick Janulis and Michelle Birkett
- The impact of venture capital/private equity investment on the performance of IPOs in Australia , pp 400-420

- Sian Owen and Jo-Ann Suchard
- The impact of word-of-mouth communication on investors’ decisions and asset prices , pp 171-191

- Byoung-Hyoun Hwang
- The Impact of Works Councils on Productivity in Times of Reorganization

- Saraï Sapulete, Arjen van Witteloostuijn, Annette van den Berg and Yolanda Grift
- The Impact of WTO Accession on China's Banking and Insurance Industries , pp 76-108

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- The Impact of WTO Accession on Income Disparity in China

- Fan Zhai and Shantong Li
- The Impact of WTO Agricultural Trade Rules on Food Security and Development: An Examination of Proposed Additional Flexibilities for Developing Countries

- Alan Matthews
- The impact on employment, unemployment and wages , pp 63-86

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- The Impact on Taiwan

- Chen-yuan Tung
- The Impact on the US and Other Countries

- Zhi Wang
- The impacts and interventions of land use on travel behavior: sprawl, built environment, and land-use controls , pp 71-90

- Torrey Lyons
- The impacts of COVID-19 and coup on Myanmar migrant children's education in Thailand , pp 325-343

- Pyone Myat Thu and Premjai Vungsiriphisal
- The impacts of Covid-19 on Estonian firms internationalization: foreign market entries, exits and re-entries , pp 36-56

- Tiia Vissak
- The impacts of environmental policy on competitiveness: theory and evidence , pp 33-70

- Paul Ekins and Stefan Speck
- The Impacts of Innovative Technical Concepts for Load Unit Exchange on the Design of Intermodal Freight Bundling Networks

- Ekki Kreutzberger
- The impacts of internet piracy , pp 225-240

- Stan Liebowitz
- The impacts of technological innovation on regulatory structure: Fintech in post-crisis Europe , pp 164-189

- Agnieszka Smoleńska, Joseph Ganderson and Adrienne Héritier
- The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on Housing and Mortgage Markets in Australia: A View from the Vulnerable

- Mike Berry, Tony Dalton and Anitra Nelson
- The Impacts of Trade Liberalization in Pingbian, China

- He Daming, Liu Jiang and Bobby Cochran
- The imperative of childcare provision as critical infrastructure , pp 112-132

- Melissa Pumphrey and Poorvi Goel
- The Imperial Bank of Iran and Iranian economic development, 1890-1952 , pp 111-121

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- The implementation of EMAS in Europe: a case of competition between standards for environmental management systems , pp 134-177

- Frank Wätzold and Alexandra Bültmann
- The implementation of environmental policy in the European Union context , pp 12-29

- Matthieu Glachant
- The implementation of IMF programs , pp 128-161

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- The Implementation of National Competition Policy Law and the Dynamics of Price–Cost Margins: Evidence from Belgium and the Netherlands 1993–1999

- Jozef Konings, Patrick Van Cayseele and Frédéric Warzynski
- The Implementation of the EU Directive for Electricity in Austria: A New Era for the Austrian Electricity Supply Industry

- Reinhard Haas, Hans Auer and Wolfgang Orasch
- The implications of corn-based ethanol production for non-metropolitan development in the North Central region of the US , pp i-ii

- W. Richard Goe and Anirban Mukherjee
- The implications of fintech for financial stability and inclusion , pp 162-175

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- The implications of international conventions for the development of the Environmental Management Act

- Daud Silalahi
- The Implications of Learning About Uncertainty for United States/European Greenhouse Gas Policy , pp 349-362

- Charles Kolstad
- The implications of medical travel upon equity in lower-and middle-income countries , pp 112-122

- Andrea Whittaker
- The Implications of North-South Trade for Natural Resource Depletion and Environmental Degradation

- Larry Karp and Sandeep Sacheti
- The implications of taxation and tax policies for cooperatives and members , pp 265-276

- Phil Kenkel, Keri Jacobs and Brian Briggeman
- The Implications of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATTS) for the Banking Sector in the Gulf Region

- Victor Murinde and Cillian Ryan
- The implications of the neurobiological approach for economic theory (I): the decision-making process , pp 97-112

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- The implications of the neurobiological approach for economic theory (II): the process of exchange with asymmetrical information , pp 113-121

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- The implications of the neurobiological approach for economic theory (III): "Path-dependency" , pp 122-139

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- The Implications of Thirlwall’s Law for Africa’s Development Challenges

- Mohammed Nureldin Hussain
- The importance of a just distribution in a ‘full’ world , pp 165-183

- Philip Lawn
- The Importance of Accounting for Variability in Remittance Income

- Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes and Susan Pozo
- The importance of attending social events , pp 156-157

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- The importance of certainty and predictability in oil and gas investment contracts , pp 9-50

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- The importance of corporate governance information and disclosure for investors , pp 251-263

- Raffaele Manini
- The Importance of Faith: Tax Morale and Religiosity

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- The Importance of Ignorance: Non-Knowledge and the Limits of Bayesianism , pp 143-162

- Oliver Kessler
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