From Edward Elgar Publishing Bibliographic data for series maintained by Darrel McCalla (). Access Statistics for this chapter series.
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- An accounting framework recognising the complexity of the nexus , pp 329-345

- Mario Giampietro, Ansel Renner and Juan J. Cadillo-Benalcazar
- An Accounting Perspective

- Anne Wyatt
- An Adam Smith Renaissance Anno 1976 , pp 1-36

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- An adding-up test on contingent valuations of river and lake quality , pp 58-81

- William Desvousges, Kristy Mathews and Kenneth Train
- An afterthought: How elusive is the construction of a general model of decentralized exchange? , pp 125-134

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- An Agenda for Children: Investing in the Future or Promoting Well-being in the Present?

- Ruth Lister
- An agenda for further research into the role of trust in regulatory regimes , pp 224-242

- Frédérique Six and Koen Verhoest
- An agenda for tax reform , pp 62-77

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- An Agent-Based Evolutionary Trade Network Simulation , pp 237-255

- Floortje Alkemade, J. (Han) A. La Poutré and Hans Amman
- An Aging Population and the Economic Vitality of Pennsylvania’s Cities and Towns

- Peter Karl Kresl
- An aging population as a benefit to Italian cities , pp 274-293

- Daniele Ietri
- An AHP-based methodology towards resilient tourism strategies: the Istanbul case , pp 95-116

- Ebru Seçkin
- An alternate approach to accessibility involving auto-hyper-personalisation , pp 107-134

- Gregg Vanderheiden, Crystal Marte and J. Bern Jordan
- An alternative approach to valuing non-market goods , pp 51-62

- Richard Cookson
- An alternative ecological theory of the firm and its environment

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- An Alternative Perspective on Government Policy towards the Chaebol in Korea: Industrial Policy, Financial Regulations and Political Democracy , pp 24-62

- Ha-Joon Chang and Hong-Jae Park
- An alternative to Alkire and Foster’s framework for measuring multidimensional deprivation , pp 355-367

- Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Yongsheng Xu
- An alternative to traditional project management: using lean OKRs as a model for value creation for software product companies , pp 23-38

- Bart den Haak
- An alternative way to think of finance: the case of innovative, sustainable financial instruments , pp 185-211

- Eleonora Broccardo and Maria Mazzuca
- An American dilemma in Europe? Welfare reform and immigration , pp 128-149

- Romana Careja, Patrick Emmenegger and Jon Kvist
- An American model for the EU gas market? , pp 196-256

- Sergio Ascari
- An American policy perspective on service trade: the views of the Coalition of Service Industries on the United States negotiating objectives for services at the Seattle WTO

- Robert Vastine
- An American View of Sustainability

- Ray Kopp
- An analysis of biogas, biomass, forest credits, and renewable energy programs in Brazil and Argentina supported by the Green Climate Fund , pp 292-308

- Bruno Lanfranco and S. Niggol Seo
- An analysis of doctoral supervision as pedagogic practice in social science and the role of social research methods in supervision , pp 351-365

- Rosemary Deem and Sally Barnes
- An Analysis of Indonesia's Transfer System: Recent Performance and Future Prospects

- Bambang Brodjonegoro and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
- An Analysis of Japan's Changing Import Behavior , pp 83-124

- Theresa Greaney
- An Analysis of Short Sea Shipping as an Alternative for Freight Transport

- Lourdes Trujillo, Francesca Medda and María M. González
- An Analysis of Spillovers: A Three-Region Model , pp 65-85

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- An analysis of Sri Lankan and Indian water projects under the Green Climate Fund , pp 368-385

- Upali A. Amarasinghe and S. Niggol Seo
- An analysis of the behavioral economics of the Green Climate Fund , pp 346-367

- Martina Bozzola and S. Niggol Seo
- An analysis of the impact of short-term capital flows on income in developing countries

- Amit Bhaduri
- An analysis of the Paris Agreement: commitments versus performances in Thailand and Vietnam , pp 331-344

- Thanyaporn Chankrajang, Khemarat Talerngsri-Teerasuwannajak and S. Niggol Seo
- An Analysis of the Political Economy for Bidding for the Summer Olympic Games: Lessons from the Chicago 2016 Bid

- Robert A. Baade and Allen R. Sanderson
- An Analysis of the Ripple Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on the South Korean Economy and the Recovery

- Jungeun Kim, Kyeong Pyo Ryu and Doowoo Nam
- An Analysis of the Selection Behaviour of Early-Stage High-Tech Investors in Europe

- Bart Clarysse, Mirjam Knockaert, Andy Lockett and Caroline Van Eeckhout
- An Analysis of the UN Security Council Veto

- Nevila Kote
- An analytical framework , pp 2-18

- Edoardo D. Martino, Hossein Nabilou and Alessio M. Pacces
- An analytical framework for the vigorous entry and low price phenomenon , pp 26-48

- Mariko Watanabe
- An anti-racist feminist agenda for sustainable corporate law , pp 143-162

- Carol Liao
- An Antitrust Analysis of the World Trade Organization’s Decision in the US–Mexico Arbitration on Telecommunications Services

- J. Gregory Sidak and Hal J. Singer
- An Application of Stakeholder Analysis to Infrastructure Development: The Case of the ‘DHL Super-hub Location Choice’

- Michaël Dooms, Cathy Macharis and Alain Verbeke
- An Appreciation of Paul David’s Work

- Dominique Foray
- An Approach to Nanoethics

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- An ASEAN identity , pp 49-61

- Eric C. Thompson and Apichai Sunchindah
- An Asian leader: Japan’s development trajectory , pp 44-63

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- An Asian poverty line? Issues and options , pp 13-29

- Stephan Klasen
- An assessment of anticompetitive conduct in the supermarkets sector in Costa Rica , pp 29-53

- Randall Arce Alvarado, Donald Miranda Montes and Guillermo Zúñiga Arias
- An assessment of health as a soft infrastructure for tourism: a case study of Mauritius , pp 57-66

- Boopen Seetanah, Narvada Gopy Ramdhany and Reena Bhattu Babajee
- An assessment of important issues concerning the application of benefit–cost analysis to social policy , pp 25-62

- Aidan Vining and David Weimer
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