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NBER Working Papers

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33038: Parents' Earnings and the Returns to Universal Pre-Kindergarten Downloads
John Eric Humphries, Christopher Neilson, Xiaoyang Ye and Seth D. Zimmerman
33037: Trading Volume Alpha Downloads
Ruslan Goyenko, Bryan T. Kelly, Tobias J. Moskowitz, Yinan Su and Chao Zhang
33036: Decarbonizing Heat: The Impact of Heat Pumps and a Time-of-Use Heat Pump Tariff on Energy Demand Downloads
Louise Bernard, Andy Hackett, Robert D. Metcalfe and Andrew Schein
33035: Understanding the Heterogeneity of Intergenerational Mobility across Neighborhoods Downloads
Neil A. Cholli, Steven N. Durlauf, Rasmus Landersø and Salvador Navarro
33034: On the Optimal Allocation of Policy-Making Downloads
Alessandro Dovis, Rishabh Kirpalani and Guillaume M. Sublet
33033: Theorizing with Large Language Models Downloads
Matteo Tranchero, Cecil-Francis Brenninkmeijer, Arul Murugan and Abhishek Nagaraj
33032: The Effects of “Buy American”: Electric Vehicles and the Inflation Reduction Act Downloads
Hunt Allcott, Reigner Kane, Maximilian S. Maydanchik, Joseph S. Shapiro and Felix Tintelnot
33031: Do Workers Undervalue COVID-19 Risk? Evidence from Wages and Death Certificate Data Downloads
Cong T. Gian, Sumedha Gupta, Kosali I. Simon, Ryan Sullivan and Coady Wing
33030: Old and Connected versus Young and Creative: Networks and the Diffusion of New Scientific Ideas Downloads
Wei Cheng and Bruce A. Weinberg
33029: Cross-Country Analysis of Labor Markets during the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Robert Breunig, Wei Cheng, Laura Montenovo, Kyoung Hoon Lee, Bruce A. Weinberg and Yinjunjie Zhang
33028: The Economic Impacts of Clean Power Downloads
Costas Arkolakis and Conor Walsh
33027: Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Toward an Understanding of Fade-out in Early Childhood Education Programs Downloads
John A. List and Haruka Uchida
33026: A Flexible, Heterogeneous Treatment Effects Difference-in-Differences Estimator for Repeated Cross-Sections Downloads
Partha Deb, Edward C. Norton, Jeffrey M. Wooldridge and Jeffrey E. Zabel
33025: 12 Best Practices for Leveraging Generative AI in Experimental Research Downloads
Samuel Chang, Andrew Kennedy, Aaron Leonard and John A. List
33024: Carbon Tariffs 101 Downloads
Claire Brunel and Arik Levinson
33023: Transmission of Family Influence Downloads
Sadegh S.M. Eshaghnia, James J. Heckman, Rasmus Landersø and Rafeh Qureshi
33022: Is Distance from Innovation a Barrier to the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence? Downloads
Jennifer Hunt, Iain M. Cockburn and James Bessen
33021: The ABC’s of Who Benefits from Working with AI: Ability, Beliefs, and Calibration Downloads
Andrew Caplin, David J. Deming, Shangwen Li, Daniel J. Martin, Philip Marx, Ben Weidmann and Kadachi Jiada Ye
33020: Describing Deferred Acceptance and Strategyproofness to Participants: Experimental Analysis Downloads
Yannai A. Gonczarowski, Ori Heffetz, Guy Ishai and Clayton Thomas
33019: The Impact of the Chinese Exclusion Act on the Economic Development of the Western U.S Downloads
Joe Long, Carlo Medici, Nancy Qian and Marco Tabellini
33018: Misperceptions and Demand for Democracy under Authoritarianism Downloads
Daron Acemoglu, Cevat Giray Aksoy, Ceren Baysan, Carlos Molina and Gamze Zeki
33017: Online Business Models, Digital Ads, and User Welfare Downloads
Daron Acemoglu, Daniel Huttenlocher, Asuman Ozdaglar and James Siderius
33016: Pitfalls of Demographic Forecasts of US Elections Downloads
Richard Calvo, Vincent Pons and Jesse M. Shapiro
33015: The Impact of Intergenerational Transfers on the Distribution of Wealth: An International Comparison Downloads
Charles Yuji Horioka
33014: The Causal Effects of Inflation Uncertainty on Households' Beliefs and Actions Downloads
Dimitris Georgarakos, Yuriy Gorodnichenko, Olivier Coibion and Geoff Kenny
33013: Dynamically Optimized Sequential Experimentation (DOSE) for Estimating Economic Preference Parameters Downloads
Jonathan Chapman, Erik Snowberg, Stephanie W. Wang and Colin Camerer
33012: APT or “AIPT”? The Surprising Dominance of Large Factor Models Downloads
Antoine Didisheim, Shikun (Barry) Ke, Bryan T. Kelly and Semyon Malamud
33011: Fear and Dreams: Understanding the Non-Institutional sources of Leader Strategy Downloads
Maria Angélica Bautista, Juan Galán, James Robinson, Rafael F. Torres and Ragnar Torvik
33010: Social Interactions, Information, and Preferences for Schools: Experimental Evidence from Los Angeles Downloads
Christopher Campos
33009: Intergenerational Transmission of Occupation: Lessons from the United States Army Downloads
Kyle Greenberg, Matthew Gudgeon, Adam Isen, Corbin L. Miller and Richard Patterson
33008: The Unintended Consequences of Merit-based Teacher Selection: Evidence from Large-scale Reform in Colombia Downloads
Matias Busso, Sebastián Montaño, Juan Munoz-Morales and Nolan G. Pope
33007: Estimating the Regional Welfare Impact of Tariff Changes: Application to the United States Downloads
Robert Feenstra and Chang Hong
33006: Cross-Border Shopping: Evidence and Welfare Implications for Switzerland Downloads
Ariel Burstein, Sarah Lein and Jonathan Vogel
33005: Do Elite Universities Overpay Their Faculty? Downloads
Cesar Luis Garro-Marin, Shulamit Kahn and Kevin Lang
33004: Finance Without Exotic Risk Downloads
Pedro Bordalo, Nicola Gennaioli, Rafael La Porta and Andrei Shleifer
33003: Currency Centrality in Equity Markets, Exchange Rates and Global Financial Cycles Downloads
Helene Rey, Vania Stavrakeva and Jenny Tang
33002: Child Penalties and Parental Role Models: Classroom Exposure Effects Downloads
Henrik Kleven, Giulia Olivero and Eleonora Patacchini
33001: Financial Advice and Investor Beliefs: Experimental Evidence on Active vs. Passive Strategies Downloads
Antoinette Schoar and Yang Sun
33000: Capital-Skill Complementarity in Firms and in the Aggregate Economy Downloads
Giuseppe Berlingieri, Filippo Boeri, Danial Lashkari and Jonathan Vogel
32999: Welfare in the Volunteer’s Dilemma Downloads
Marco Battaglini and Thomas Palfrey
32998: Interdealer Price Dispersion and Intermediary Capacity Downloads
Andrea Eisfeldt, Bernard Herskovic and Shuo Liu
32997: Hours Worked and Lifetime Earnings Inequality Downloads
Alexander Bick, Adam Blandin and Richard Rogerson
32996: Bridging the Gaps: The Impact of Interregional Transmission on Emissions and Reliability Downloads
Audun Botterud, Christopher Knittel, John Parsons, Juan Ramon Senga and Drew Story
32995: The Efficiency of Dynamic Electricity Prices Downloads
Andrew J. Hinchberger, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher Knittel, James Sallee and Arthur A. van Benthem
32994: Nonparametric Estimation of Demand with Switching Costs: the Case of Habitual Brand Loyalty Downloads
Xinyao Kong, Jean-Pierre H. Dubé and Øystein Daljord
32993: China: Autocracy 2.0 Downloads
David Yang
32992: Equity and Efficiency in Technology Adoption: Evidence from Digital Health Downloads
Itzik Fadlon, Parag Agnihotri, Christopher Longhurst and Ming Tai-Seale
32991: Fiscal and Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Agents Downloads
Adrien Auclert, Matthew Rognlie and Ludwig Straub
32990: Cultural Remittances and Modern Fertility Downloads
Mickael Melki, Hillel Rapoport, Enrico Spolaore and Romain Wacziarg
32989: Privacy Protection and Accuracy: What Do We Know? Do We Know Things?? Let's Find Out! Downloads
Evan Totty and Thor Watson
32988: Evaluating Policy Counterfactuals: A VAR-Plus Approach Downloads
Tomás E. Caravello, Alisdair McKay and Christian Wolf
32987: Theodore Roosevelt, the Election of 1912, and the Founding of the Federal Reserve Downloads
Matthew Jaremski and David C. Wheelock
32986: Do Investor Differences Impact Monetary Policy Spillovers to Emerging Markets? Downloads
Ester Faia, Karen Lewis and Haonan Zhou
32985: Are We Adapting to Climate Change? Downloads
Marshall Burke, Mustafa Zahid, Mariana C. M. Martins, Christopher W. Callahan, Richard Lee, Tumenkhusel Avirmed, Sam Heft-Neal, Mathew Kiang, Solomon M. Hsiang and David Lobell
32984: Investing in Vaccines to Mitigate Harm from COVID-19 and Future Pandemics Downloads
Rachel Glennerster, Catherine Che, Sarrin M. Chethik, Claire T. McMahon and Christopher Snyder
32983: On the Identifying Power of Generalized Monotonicity for Average Treatment Effects Downloads
Yuehao Bai, Shunzhuang Huang, Sarah Moon, Azeem Shaikh and Edward Vytlacil
32982: Mining Chinese Historical Sources At Scale: A Machine Learning-Approach to Qing State Capacity Downloads
Wolfgang Keller, Carol H. Shiue and Sen Yan
32981: The Economics of Recycling Heterogeneity Downloads
Don Fullerton and Thomas Kinnaman
32980: Economic Policy Challenges for the Age of AI Downloads
Anton Korinek
32979: Synthetic Data and Social Science Research: Accuracy Assessments and Practical Considerations from the SIPP Synthetic Beta Downloads
Jordan C. Stanley and Evan Totty
32978: "Despair" and Death in the United States Downloads
Christopher Ruhm
32977: Who should work how much? Downloads
Timo Boppart, Per Krusell and Jonna Olsson
32976: Exchange Rates, Natural Rates, and the Price of Risk Downloads
Rohan Kekre and Moritz Lenel
32975: The Selective Disclosure of Evidence: An Experiment Downloads
Agata Farina, Guillaume Fréchette, Alessandro Ispano, Alessandro Lizzeri and Jacopo Perego
32974: Entry Costs Rise with Growth Downloads
Peter J. Klenow and Huiyu Li
32973: Behavioral Attenuation Downloads
Benjamin Enke, Thomas Graeber, Ryan Oprea and Jeffrey Yang
32972: Perry Preschool at 50: What Lessons Should Be Drawn and Which Criticisms Ignored? Downloads
Alison W. Baulos, Jorge Luis Garcia and James J. Heckman
32971: Health Inequality and Economic Disparities by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender Downloads
Nicolò Russo, Rory McGee, Mariacristina De Nardi, Margherita Borella and Ross Abram
32970: Moving to Opportunity, Together Downloads
Seema Jayachandran, Lea Nassal, Matthew Notowidigdo, Marie Paul, Heather Sarsons and Elin Sundberg
32969: A Secure Query System to Improve Access to Individual Income Tax Data Downloads
Amy O'Hara, Stephanie Straus, Ron Borzekowski, Paul Arnsberger and Barry Johnson
32968: Experimentally Validating Welfare Evaluation of School Vouchers Downloads
Peter Arcidiacono, Karthik Muralidharan and John Singleton
32967: Of Markets and Marriages: A Multidisciplinary, Multibook Review Essay of Recent Work on the Causes of U.S. Poverty Downloads
Elizabeth Ananat
32966: The Rapid Adoption of Generative AI Downloads
Alexander Bick, Adam Blandin and David Deming
32965: Patent Hunters Downloads
Lauren Cohen, Umit Gurun, Katie Moon and Paula Suh
32964: Do Higher Tipped Minimum Wages Reduce Race, Ethnic, or Gender Earnings Gaps for Restaurant Workers? Downloads
David Neumark and Emma Wohl
32963: Climate Change through the Lens of Macroeconomic Modeling Downloads
Jesus Fernandez-Villaverde, Kenneth Gillingham and Simon Scheidegger
32962: Aid for Incumbents: The Electoral Consequences of COVID-19 Relief Downloads
Jeffrey Clemens, Julia A. Payson and Stan Veuger
32961: Optimal Financing of Government Purchases Downloads
Andrew Abel and Stavros Panageas
32960: Green Bonds: New Label, Same Projects Downloads
Pauline Lam and Jeffrey Wurgler
32959: The Impact of Early Childhood Parenting Interventions on Child Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Downloads
Kimberly Dadisman, Andre Nickow and Philip Oreopoulos
32958: The Distributional Consequences of Trade: Evidence from the Grain Invasion Downloads
Stephan Heblich, Stephen Redding and Yanos Zylberberg
32957: The Resilience of Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (CESEE) Countries During ECB’s Monetary Cycles Downloads
Joshua Aizenman and Jamel Saadaoui
32956: Why Do Workers Dislike Inflation? Wage Erosion and Conflict Costs Downloads
Joao Guerreiro, Jonathon Hazell, Chen Lian and Christina Patterson
32955: Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Regulation Downloads
Matilde Bombardini, Francesco Trebbi and Miao Ben Zhang
32954: Inclusive Teaching: Spotting Social Isolation in the Classroom Downloads
Sule Alan, Michela Carlana and Marinella Leone
32953: The Increasing Cost of Buying American Downloads
Matilde Bombardini, Andres Gonzalez-Lira, Bingjing Li and Chiara Motta
32952: Lee Bounds With Multilayered Sample Selection Downloads
Kory Kroft, Ismael Mourifié and Atom Vayalinkal
32951: Putting the "Finance" into "Public Finance": A Theory of Capital Gains Taxation Downloads
Mark Aguiar, Benjamin Moll and Florian Scheuer
32950: Hell with the Lid Off: Racial Segregation and Environmental Equity in America’s Most Polluted City Downloads
Spencer Banzhaf, William Mathews and Randall Walsh
32949: Information and Market Power in DeFi Intermediation Downloads
Pablo Azar, Adrian Casillas and Maryam Farboodi
32947: Hidden Debt Revelations Downloads
Sebastian Horn, David Mihalyi, Philipp Nickol and Cesar Sosa-Padilla
32946: Social Status, Economic Development and Female Labor Force (Non) Participation Downloads
Kaivan Munshi and Swapnil Singh
32945: Inflation Expectation and Cryptocurrency Investment Downloads
Lin Cong, Pulak Ghosh, Jiasun Li and Qihong Ruan
32944: Cournot Competition, Informational Feedback, and Real Efficiency Downloads
Lin Cong, Xiaohong Huang, Siguang Li and Jian Ni
32943: Work from Home and Disability Employment Downloads
Nicholas Bloom, Gordon Dahl and Dan-Olof Rooth
32942: Expected EPS × Trailing P/E Downloads
Itzhak Ben-David and Alex Chinco
32941: Voting Rules, Turnout, and Economic Policies Downloads
Enrico Cantoni, Vincent Pons and Jérôme Schäfer
32940: Data Privacy for Record Linkage and Beyond Downloads
Shurong Lin and Eric Kolaczyk
32939: The Effect of Inflation Uncertainty on Household Expectations and Spending Downloads
Olena Kostyshyna and Luba Petersen
32938: Firm Productivity and Learning in the Digital Economy: Evidence from Cloud Computing Downloads
James M. Brand, Mert Demirer, Connor Finucane and Avner A. Kreps
Page updated 2024-10-08
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