MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 94349: Deficit financing in developing countries: Applications and consequences

- Zubair Hasan
- 94348: Институты коллективных жилищных сбережений (Institutions of Collective Housing Savings)

- Victor Polterovich, Dmitry Ilinskiy, Igor Boltonosov, Oleg Starkov, Artem Tutundzhyan and Alina Zhikhareva
- 94347: Eurasia Integration Index

- Behrooz Gharleghi
- 94335: A New Nonconvex quadratic programming Technique: Practical and Fast Solver Method

- Ali Soltani and Behnam Tashakor
- 94328: Distributional effects of congestion charges and fuel taxes

- Jonas Eliasson
- 94327: Fiat Money as a Public Signal, Medium of Exchange, and Punishment

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras and Ching-jen Sun
- 94324: Making Sense of the Minimum Wage: A Roadmap for Navigating Recent Research

- Jeffrey Clemens
- 94323: A New Adaptive Moving Average (Vama) Technical Indicator For Financial Data Smoothing

- Alex Pierrefeu
- 94318: Why and how the western economists should reorient their thinking?

- Girish Jakhotiya
- 94315: Development of Soybean Cultivation as Leading Commodity in Regional Agribusiness Area

- Harisman Kundang, Birnadi Suryaman and Subandi Muhammad
- 94314: Mixed rules in multi-issue allocation situations

- Gustavo Bergantiños, José María Chamorro, Leticia Lorenzo and Silvia Lorenzo-Freire
- 94311: Sharing the revenues from broadcasting sport events

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Moreno-Ternero
- 94310: A family of rules to share the revenues from broadcasting sport events

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Moreno-Ternero
- 94309: Cryptocurrency, Imperfect Information, and Fraud

- Yiting Li and Chien-Chiang Wang
- 94297: Numerical Computation of Flow Reattachment Lengthovera Backward-Facing Step at High Reynolds Number

- Saba Soori and Hooman Hajikandi
- 94293: How Much Do We Save If We Move From Commercial to Social Insurance?

- Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
- 94292: Time series analysis of interest rates volatility and stock returns in Ghana

- Johnson Ahiadorme, Emmanuel Sonyo and Godwin Ahiase
- 94289: Time Varying Heteroskedastic Realized GARCH models for tracking measurement error bias in volatility forecasting

- Richard Gerlach, Antonio Naimoli and Giuseppe Storti
- 94286: Examining eco-efficiency convergence of European Industries.The existence of technological spillovers within a metafrontier framework

- Kostantinos Kounetas and Eirini Stergiou
- 94279: Optimal Operation of Islanded Microgrid Operation Based on the JAYA Optimization Algorithm

- Ehsan Khazaei and Ashkan Jamaledini
- 94278: Islanded Microgrid Operation Based on the Chaotic Crow Search Algorithm

- Ehsan Khazaei and Ashkan Jamaledini
- 94277: Solving the Grid-Connected Microgrid Operation by JAYA Algorithm

- Ashkan Jamaledini, Ehsan Khazaei and Mohammd Bitaraf
- 94276: Solving the Grid-Connected Microgrid Operation by Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm

- Ashkan Jamaledini, Ehsan Khazaei and Mohammad Bitaraf
- 94273: Medium Term Growth: The Role of Policies and Institutions

- Michal Jerzmanowski and David Cuberes
- 94271: Social power as a solution to the Bertrand Paradox

- Renato Soeiro and Alberto Adrego Pinto
- 94268: Role of Fiqh in Islamic finance

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 94250: A simple characterization for sustained growth

- Thai Ha-Huy and Nhat-Thien Tran
- 94244: Entrepreneurship, Institutions, and Economic Growth: Does the Level of Development Matter?

- Christopher Boudreaux and Steven B Caudill
- 94238: Minimum Wages and Housing Rents: Theory and Evidence from Two Countries

- Atsushi Yamagishi
- 94233: Pricing Interest Rate Swap Subject to Bilateral Counterparty Risk

- Tim Xiao
- 94231: A consumption-based approach to exchange rate predictability

- Jair Ojeda-Joya
- 94230: Анализ на състоянието на системата за споделяне на знания и иновации в селското стопанство в България (Analysis of the State of the System of Sharing of Knowledge and Innovations in Bulgarian Agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Miheala Mihailova
- 94228: Explaining the Persistent Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Firm Growth

- Timothee Gigout and Jean-Charles Bricongne
- 94223: Exploring community stakeholders’ perceptions of mass tourism: the case of Bruges

- Gilda Hernandez-Maskivker, Sonia Ferrari and Aurélie Nathalie J. Cruyt
- 94222: Basel III in Africa: Making It Work

- Peterson Ozili
- 94221: EU Trade Relations with Latin America

- Chris Kirrane
- 94220: GATT and reform of the CAP

- Chris Kirrane
- 94217: Internal migration and public policy

- Michele Giuranno and Biswas Rongili
- 94213: The calculation of Solvency Capital Requirement using Copulas

- Marco Pellecchia and Giovambattista Perciaccante
- 94212: Does income or house price lead in the public housing market? a case study of Singapore’s public housing sector

- Nursakina Razak and Abul Masih
- 94211: One-off subsidies and long-run adoption – Experimental evidence on improved cooking stoves in Senegal

- Gunther Bensch and Jörg Peters
- 94210: Facilitating Artificial Intelligence and block chain systems, partnerships and technologies: emerging global actors and players in Sustainable Development

- Marianne Ojo
- 94209: Front-Running and Collusion in Forex Trading

- Martin Evans
- 94205: An economy under the digital transformation

- Filippo Bertani, Linda Ponta, Marco Raberto, Andrea Teglio and Silvano Cincotti
- 94204: Intention to Adopt and Willingness to Pay: Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) System in Greater Jakarta, Indonesia

- Rosiwarna Anwar, Imam Salehudin, Basuki Muhammad Mukhlish and Kirana Rukmayuninda Ririh
- 94203: Inclusion financière et exportations agricoles des pays de l'UEMOA: rôle de la qualité des institutions (Financial inclusion and agricultural exports of UEMOA countries: the role of institutional quality)

- Fousséni Napo
- 94201: Stock Market Volatility Analysis using GARCH Family Models: Evidence from Zimbabwe Stock Exchange

- Wellington Bonga
- 94198: Better Educated, Fewer Divorces: The Impact of College Education Quality on Marriage Outcomes

- Danqing Shen
- 94197: The lead lag relationship between oil prices and exchange rate in an oil importing country: evidence fromThailand using ARDL

- Hamza Tayeb and Abul Masih
- 94196: Female science advisors and the STEM gender gap

- Pierre Mouganie and Serena Canaan
- 94194: Optimum location of DG units considering operation conditions

- Soheil Dolatiary, Javad Rahmani and Zahra Khalilzad
- 94193: The Impact of Land Bank Demolitions on Property Values

- Gregory Niemesh, L. Allison Jones-Farmer, Joseph Hart, William Holmes and Nathan Soundappan
- 94187: Conceptualizing triathlon sport event travelers’ behavior

- Michela Cesarina Mason, Andrea Moretti, Francesco Raggiotto and Adriano Paggiaro
- 94182: Testing an Information Intervention: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Jamie Oliver on Fizzy Drinks Demand

- John Gibson, Steven Tucker and Geua Boe-Gibson
- 94177: La pratique de la contractualisation interne hospitalière: vers une nouvelle gestion publique (The practice of hospital internal contracting: towards a new public management)

- Hichem Benhamida and Mahfoud Arabi
- 94176: Economic announcements and the 10-year US Treasury bond: Surprising findings without the surprise component

- Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis and Stefanos Tsemperlidis
- 94172: Film-Induced Tourism Model - A Qualitative Research Study

- Prasanna Mohanraj
- 94171: Demonetization as a Payments System Shock under Goods and Financial Market Segmentation: A Short Run Analysis

- Parag Waknis
- 94168: Модел на счетоводна политика на юридическо лице с нестопанска цел по примера на сдруженията (A model of accounting policy of non-profit organization: on the example of associations)

- Даниела Георгиева
- 94164: Technology Advancement & Its Adoption: A Booster for Sericulture Development and Expansion in Madhya Pradesh, India

- Rahul A. Rathore, Madulika A. Sonawane and Chandan Roy
- 94160: Pervious Concrete: Potential Advantages in Regions with High Precipitation

- Mohammadali Pishdadakhgari
- 94159: South African unemployment in the post-financial crisis era: What are the determinants?

- Lutho Mbekeni and Andrew Phiri
- 94158: When the regulator goes home: The effectiveness of environmental oversight

- Jason Walter and Zach Raff
- 94155: The Dynamic Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks in Pakistan

- Samreen Saba, Muhammad Saqib and Nadeem Iqbal
- 94154: Regime-Switching And Levy Jump Dynamics In Option-Adjusted Spreads

- Charles Shaw
- 94153: The nature of Public Interest in Muslim and Non-Muslim writers

- Azmat Hayat and Muhammad Hakimi Muhammad Shafiai
- 94150: Structural changes in economic growth and well-being. The case of Italy's parabola

- Maurizio Pugno and Francesco Sarracino
- 94149: Parameter variation in the "log t" convergence test

- Paul Johnson
- 94148: Promise, Trust and Betrayal: Costs of Breaching an Implicit Contract

- Daniel Levy and Andrew Young
- 94147: The Perception of Entrepreneurial Climate in the Republic of Croatia

- Igor Pureta and Tanja Pureta
- 94146: Demand adjusted capital input and potential output in the context of U.S. economic growth

- George Bitros
- 94145: Нарушенията на трудовото законодателство – основание за отстраняване от обществена поръчка (The violations of the labor legislation – a ground for exlusion from public procurement)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Diana Dimitrova
- 94142: How does quality of governance influence occurrence of crime? A longitudinal analysis of Asian countries

- Muhammad Waqar Saleemi and Rafi Amir-ud-Din
- 94141: Potential output, capital input and U.S. economic growth

- George Bitros
- 94140: Inequality and education choice

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 94135: Bilateral Defaultable Financial Derivatives Pricing and Credit Valuation Adjustment

- Tim Xiao
- 94132: Effect of Disasters and Climate Change on Poverty and Inequality in India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 94131: Determinants of FDI inflows to developing countries: a panel data analysis

- Ab Quyoom Khachoo
- 94127: Province Government Spending and Forest Management in Indonesia

- Riatu Qibthiyyah
- 94125: Determinants of global capital volatility in the BRICS grouping

- Michael Melis and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 94121: Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Rural Economy: Evidence from China and India

- M. Shahe Emran, Francisco Ferreira, Yajing Jiang and Yan Sun
- 94119: Using Local Public Goods to Attract and Retain the Creative Class: A Tale of Two Cities

- Amitrajeet Batabyal, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp
- 94116: Export structure and economic growth in a developing country: case of Cote d’Ivoire

- Romaric Coulibaly and Sosthène Alban Akia
- 94109: Assessment of the integration relationships between science and education at the doctoral

- Adalat Muradov, Yadulla Hasanli and Nazim Hajiyev
- 94108: The Assessment of Impact of Competitiveness to Economic Development

- Adalat Muradov, Yadulla Hasanli and Nazim Hajiyev
- 94102: A simple characterization for sustained growth

- Thai Ha-Huy and Nhat-Thien Tran
- 94100: A Theory of Inflation: The Law of Motion for Inflation under the MDC-based Procedure

- Taiji Harashima
- 94096: Emotions of Altruism, Envy and Guilt: Experimental Evidence

- Alejandro Moreno, Lari Viianto and Daniel García
- 94095: On Trust Dynamics of Economic Growth

- Syed Sibghatullah Shah
- 94093: The Unfinished Business of State-owned Enterprise Reform in the People’s Republic of China

- Carsten A. Holz
- 94092: Determinants of Banking Stability in Nigeria

- Peterson Ozili
- 94090: Drivers of eco-innovation in the Spanish hospitality industry

- Marta Magadán-Díaz, Marios Sotiriadis and Jesús Rivas-García
- 94089: Estimation of the education influence on the population income

- Adalat Muradov, Yadulla Hasanli and Fargana Musayeva
- 94088: Real consequences of open market operations: the role of limited commitment

- Francesco Carli and Pedro Gomis Porqueras
- 94081: Billionaires, millionaires, inequality, and happiness

- Vladimir Popov
- 94080: Simplified mathematical model of long-term investment values

- Alexei Krouglov
- 94079: A simple characterization for sustained growth

- Thai Ha-Huy and Nhat-Thien Tran
- 94075: E-learning as a marketing tool for Tour Operators. The ‘Go Academy’ case study

- Valerio Temperini, Gian Luca Gregori and Lucia Pizzichini
- 94072: Being in the Right Place: A Natural Field Experiment on the Causes of Position Effects in Individual Choice

- Mark Harris, Marco Novarese and Chris Wilson
- 94070: Nota metodológica para la estimación del índice de exclusión social en localidades indígenas de Veracruz México (Methodological note for the estimation of the index of social exclusion in indigenous localities of Veracruz Mexico)

- Carlos Medel-Ramírez and Hilario Medel-López
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