MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 54924: Pension reform, the stock market, capital formation and economic growth: a critical commentary on the World Bank's proposals

- Ajit Singh
- 54923: The role of employment and work in poverty eradication and empowerment and advancement of women

- Ajit Singh
- 54922: Globalisation, employment and sustainable economic growth: Europe and the Mediterranean region

- Ajit Singh
- 54921: La profitabilité des secteurs de l’économie sénégalaise (Profitability of economic sectors in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Serigne Moustapha Sène
- 54920: The seasonal KPSS Test: some extensions and further results

- Ghassen El Montasser
- 54918: A Longitudinal Parametric Approach to Estimate Local Government Efficiency

- Francisca Pacheco, Rafael Sanchez and Mauricio Villena
- 54915: Exploring the optimality of cyclical emission rates

- George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
- 54914: Multiple Chronic Diseases and Their Linkages with Functional health and Subjective Wellbeing among adults in the low-middle income countries: An Analysis of SAGE Wave1 Data, 2007/10

- Perianayagam Arokiasamy, Uttamacharya Uttamacharya and Kshipra Jain
- 54913: Academic Performance and the Great Recession

- Effrosyni Adamopoulou and Giulia M. Tanzi
- 54912: Socioeconomic and age gradients of health of Indian adults: an assessment of self-reported and performance-based measures of health

- Perianayagam Arokiasamy, Uttamacharya Uttamacharya and Paul Kowal
- 54911: Exploring Operational problems of the goods supply chain in the Greek islands: Towards a reengineering of the system

- Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
- 54909: Elite Influence? Religion, Economics, and the Rise of the Nazis

- Jörg Spenkuch and Philipp Tillmann
- 54908: Industrial Development, Polarisation, and Fiscal Policy in an Underemployment Economy

- Tetsuya Nakajima
- 54907: On uniqueness of moving average representations of heavy-tailed stationary processes

- Christian Gourieroux and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 54901: Money Demand and Inflation: A Cointegration Analysis for Canada

- Federico Lubello
- 54900: Investment Evaluation of a Suburban Coastal Transport System

- Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
- 54893: Dependent and Independent social enterprises: a comparative study of organizations in international perspective

- Oleg A. Oberemko, Alexandra A. Moskovskaya and Marina V. Chernyshova
- 54887: Modelling a Latent Daily Tourism Financial Conditions Index

- Chia-Lin Chang
- 54886: A note on risk sharing against idiosyncratic shocks and geographic mobility in Japan

- Tomoaki Yamada
- 54885: Macroprudential Regulation and the Role of Monetary Policy

- William Tayler and Roy Zilberman
- 54881: Okun's Law and Jobless Growth

- Tarron Khemraj, Jeff Madrick and Willi Semmler
- 54880: La spéculation contribue- t- elle à expliquer la dynamique des prix des produits alimentaires au Sénégal ? (Does speculation explain food prices movements in Senegal?)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Alsim Fall
- 54872: What is the role of female labour in Sikkim farming sector?

- Nidhi Dwivedy
- 54867: Fiscalité et secteur informel au Sénégal (Informal sector and tax compliance in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Kalidou Thiaw
- 54866: Impact Des Transferts Des Migrants Sur La Pauvreté Au Sénégal (Impact of international workers' remittances on poverty in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Fatou Diane
- 54864: Economic Development and Endogenous Terms-of-Trade Determination: Review and Reinterpretation of the Prebisch-Singer Thesis

- Thomas Ziesemer
- 54853: Kalecki's Theory of Income Determination and Modern Macroeconomics

- Alberto Chilosi
- 54849: Riesgo operacional: Un enfoque Bayesiano (Operational Risk: A Bayesian Approach)

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 54848: Entendiendo los mercados de swaps: Un enfoque de equilibrio general (Understanding Swaps Markets: A General Equilibrium Approach)

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 54847: Caracterización del Precio de un Bono Cupón Cero en un Modelo de Equilibrio General (Characterization of the Price of a Zero-Coupon Bond in a General Equilibrium Model)

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 54845: Análisis comparativo de modelos para estimar la distribución de la volatilidad de series financieras de rendimientos (A Comparative Analysis of Models for Estimating the Volatility Distribution of Financial Returns Series)

- Carlos Alexander Grajales Correa, Fredy Ocaris Pérez Ramírez and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 54841: Stochastic conditonal range, a latent variable model for financial volatility

- Fausto Galli
- 54840: Pricing of retail deposits in Croatia: including the premium for country default

- Neven Vidaković
- 54836: Trade, Economic and Welfare impacts of the CARICOM-Canada Free Trade Agreement

- Jeetendra Khadan and Roger Hosein
- 54835: Biophysical Limits of Monetary Systems Behavior

- Stephen Ternyik
- 54829: Matchingtools und Matchingprozesse im Kontext von Junior und Senior Entrepreneuren (Matching Tools and Processes in the Context of Junior and Senior Entrepreneurship)

- Henrik Egbert, Thomas Neumann and Anke Rasmus
- 54827: Exploring the Causality and Co-integration Relationship between FDI, GDP and Employment: A Case of Czech Republic

- Arshad Hayat Yousafzai
- 54826: More than Words and Good Intentions: The Political Agenda-Setting Power Behind Foreign Aid Mechanisms

- Juan Riano
- 54823: Structural changes in Brazil's industrial economy, 1960-80

- Werner Baer, Manuel A. R. da Fonseca and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54820: Governance Matters: Universal Access to Water

- Andrea Anillo, Frédéric Boehm and José Polo-Otero
- 54817: Corruption and Informality: Complements or Substitutes? Qualitative Evidence from Barranquilla, Colombia

- Maxie-Lina Mehling and Frédéric Boehm
- 54816: رؤية نظرية حول استراتيجية تطوير القطاع الخاص في النشاط الإقتصادي (A theoretical vision about the development strategy of the private sector in economic activity)

- Karim Boudekhdekh and Messaoud Boudekhdekh
- 54814: The Impact of Arab Spring on Stock Market Performance

- Hisham Abdelbaki
- 54811: Institutional Reform Design: А New Chapter of Economics

- Victor Polterovich
- 54809: Impact des infrastructures publiques sur la productivité des entreprises au Sénégal (Impact of public infrastructures on firms productivity in Senegal)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Alsim Fall
- 54808: The Foley Liquidity / Profit-Rate Cycle Model Reconsidered

- Helmar Moreira, Ricardo Araujo and Peter Flaschel
- 54807: Quelles solutions à la hausse continue de la facture publique pétrolière: maintien des appuis à la consommation ou libre fixation des prix par le marché ? (Impact of energy subsidies withdrawal on senegalese households)

- Youssoupha Diagne and Mouhamadou M Diop
- 54806: Probabilistic Opinion Pooling

- Franz Dietrich and Christian List
- 54801: The Arab spring: do we need a new theory?

- Hisham Abdelbaki
- 54800: Profit for Marxists

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 54799: Residual exports and domestic demand: an empirical analysis

- Jesús A. Muñoz Sepúlveda
- 54785: An Odd Couple: Monotone Instrumental Variables and Binary Treatments

- Jeremiah Richey
- 54784: Disclosure of environmental information and investments of firms

- Hiroki Iwata
- 54782: A recursive method for solving a climate-economy model: value function iterations with logarithmic approximations

- In Chang Hwang
- 54781: Discounting Cashflows from Illiquid Assets on Bank Balance Sheets

- Bert-Jan Nauta
- 54777: Multiple Solutions in Systems of Functional Differential Equations

- Hippolyte d'Albis, Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron and Herman Jan Hupkes
- 54772: Global Environmental Emissions Estimate: Application of Multiple Imputation

- Eriko Miyama and Shunsuke Managi
- 54768: A numerical model of Philippine population growth: child policy, quantitative insights and challenges

- Dylan Antonio Talabis, Erick Justine Manay, Ariel Babierra, Jabez Joshua Flores and Jomar Rabajante
- 54766: Okun's law: evidence for the Brazilian economy

- Guilherme Tombolo and Marcos Minoru Hasegawa
- 54764: Del concepto de crecimiento económico al de desarrollo y bienestar de las naciones: Una aplicación a la Unión Europea (From economic growth to development and welfare of nations: An application to the European Union)

- Albino Prada Blanco and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 54761: Key sectors and structural change in the Brazilian economy: a comparsion of alternative approaches and their policy implications

- Geoffrey J.D. Hewings, Miguel A. Fonseca, Joaquim Guilhoto and Michael Sonis
- 54760: Estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira, 1960-1985 (Productive structure of the Brazilian economy, 1960-198)

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54759: Índices de ligações e setores chave na economia brasileira: 1959-1980 (Linkages and key-sectors in the Brazilian economy: 1959-180)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Michael Sonis, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Eduardo B. Martins
- 54758: The impact of Informal Credit on Poverty and Inequality: The Case of Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet and Marrit Van den Berg
- 54757: A Note on Oil and Gas Production from Shale and Long-Run U.S. Economic Growth

- Vipin Arora
- 54756: The Asian economy: trade structure interpreted by feedback loop analysis

- Michael Sonis, Joaquim Guilhoto and Geoffrey J.D. Hewings
- 54755: PAPA: An economy-wide general purpose computable general equilibrium model for the Brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54754: Linkages, key sectors and structural change: some new perspectives

- Michael Sonis, Joaquim Guilhoto, Geoffrey J.D. Hewings and Eduardo B. Martins
- 54750: Um panorama das indústrias do açúcar e o álcool em 1980: Minas Gerais e Brasil comparados (An overview of the sugar and alcohol industries in 1980: Minas Gerais and Brazil compared)

- Pery Francisco Assis Shikida and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54749: Estruturas de produção, consumo, e distribuição de renda na economia brasileira: 1975 e 1980 comparados (Production, consumption and income distribution structures in Brazilian economy: 1975 and 1980 compared)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Pedro H.Z. da Conceição and Francisco C. Crocomo
- 54748: Innovation in State-owned Enterprises: Reconsidering the Conventional Wisdom

- Filippo Belloc
- 54747: Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Polish and Ukrainian Cases

- Dmytro Lukianenko, Viktor Chuzhykov, Michał Gabriel Woźniak, Larysa Antoniuk, Teresa Bal-Woźniak, Ryszarda Bolonek, Mieczysław Dobija, Natalia Fedirko, Oleksandr Fedirko, Dariusz Firszt, Andrii Honcharuk, Denys Ilnytskyi, Łukasz Jabłoński, Iryna Kaleniuk, Ewa Kaliszuk, Jerzy Kleer, Anna Olefir, Yevhen Panchenko, Anatolii Poruchnyk, Volodymyr Satsyk, Volodymyr Savchuk, Kinga Stępień, Yaroslava Stolyarchuk, Nataliya Tatarenko, Tomasz Tokarski and Tetiana Tsyhankova
- 54742: Uwarunkowania tworzenia innowacji organizacyjnych (Prerequisites for Creating Organisational Innovations)

- Marek Ćwiklicki and Janusz Czekaj
- 54741: Costs and Benefits of the EU Enlargement: The Impact on the EU and SEE Countries

- Elif Nuroğlu and Haris Kurtagic
- 54739: Spatial and scenario analyses of long distance coach transport in Italy

- Paolo Beria, Raffaele Grimaldi, Andrea Debernardi, Emanuele Ferrara and Antonio Laurino
- 54737: Determinants of Inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Pakistan

- Tehseen Ahmed and Saif Ullah
- 54734: Determinants of Currency Depreciation in Pakistan

- Saif Ullah
- 54733: Customer Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality and Mediating Role of Perceived Value

- Saif Ullah
- 54732: Estimating and Testing Threshold Regression Models with Multiple Threshold Variables

- Terence Tai Leung Chong and Isabel K. Yan
- 54731: Sophisticated gambler’s ruin and survival chances

- Salil Mehta
- 54730: Estimating the economic benefits of a Wetland restoration program in New Zealand: A contingent valuation approach

- Tom Ndebele, Vicky Forgie and Huong Vu
- 54725: What is the relationship between unemployment and rape? Evidence from a panel of European regions

- Raul Caruso
- 54722: Asymmetrically Dominated Choice Problems, the Isolation Hypothesis and Random Incentive Mechanisms

- James Cox, Vjollca Sadiraj and Ulrich Schmidt
- 54721: Political environment a ground for public sector corruption? Evidence from a cross-country analysis

- Ajantha Kumara and Wasana Sampath Handapangoda
- 54719: Differentiated Annuities in a Pooling Equilibrium

- Eytan Sheshinski
- 54717: Optimum Commodity Taxation in Pooling Equilibria

- Eytan Sheshinski
- 54716: Demand function and its role in a business simulator

- Dominik Vymetal and Filip Ježek
- 54710: L’agriculture de subsistance et les exploitations agricoles commerciales en Russie: la coexistence pacifique ou la guerre ? (Subsistence agriculture and commercial farms in Russia: peaceful coexistence or war?)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54709: Multi-Product Firms, Product Scope, and the Policy of Export Tax Rebate

- Jianyu Han, Yeqing Ma and Yong Tan
- 54708: Studying the Validity of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) in the Egyptian Exchange (EGX) after the 25th of January Revolution

- Mona Kamal
- 54705: Interest Rates Rigidities and the Fisher Equation

- Gilles Bélanger
- 54704: Enseignement et recherche pragmatistes en économie et gestion (Pragmatist teaching and research in economics and management)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54703: A Panel Data Study of the Effects of Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, and Taxation on the Growth Rate of Per Capita Real GDP

- Richard Cebula and Maggie Foley
- 54698: Structures sociales en Russie, cellules et réseaux (Social structures in Russia: cells and networks)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 54697: Assisting female farmers in exploiting the alternate gainful areas

- Nidhi Dwivedy
- 54696: A two-year revision: cross comparison and modeling of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Franklin Resources

- Ivan Kitov
- 54691: How does Commuting Behavior Change Due to Incentives? An Empirical Study of the Beijing Subway System

- Zheng Zhang, Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 54686: Uma análise dos impactos da abertura comercial sobre a estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira: 1990 a 1995 (An analysis of the impacts of the commercial opening on the productive structure of the Brazilian economy: 1990 to 1995)

- Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54682: Uma análise do impacto do Mercosul sobre o comércio de grãos e seus reflexos no setor agroindustrial e na economia brasileira (An analysis of the Mercosul impact on the grain commerce and its reflexes on the agroindustrial sector and in the Brazilian economy)

- Marco Antônio Montoya, José Luiz Parré and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54681: From Monetary Theory of Production to Culture-Nature Life Process:Feminist-Institutional Elaborations of Social Provisioning

- Zdravka Todorova
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