MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 56767: The spatial distribution of workplace accidents in Spain: assessing the role of workplace inspections

- Roberto Bande and Elva López-Mourelo
- 56765: Modeling an Immigration Shock

- Michele Boldrin and Ana Montes
- 56764: An Extension of the Rational Voter Model

- Richard Cebula and Gordon Tullock
- 56763: An Empirical Analysis of Determinants of Commercial and Industrial Electricity Consumption

- Richard Cebula and Nate Herder
- 56756: Aspects of Consumers’ Rights Protection for the Centralised Urban Heating Services

- Sabin Ioan Irimie, Dan Codrut Petrilean and Constantin Dan Dumirescu
- 56750: Russian policies in support of innovation: elusive quest for efficiency

- Yuri Simachev, Mikhail Kuzyk and Vera Feygina
- 56749: Towards Full Employment Through Applied Algebra and Counter-Intuitive Behavior

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 56747: Market Potential and the curse of distance in European regions

- Fernando Bruna, Andrés Faíña and Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez
- 56744: Методи за статистическо извличане на данни за транзакционните операции на микро ниво (Methods for Data Collection on Transaction Tasks: A Micro-level Analysis)

- George Chobanov, Henrik Egbert and Teodor Sedlarski
- 56741: Recent Evidence on Residential Electricity Consumption Determinants: A Panel Two-Stage Least Squares Analysis, 2001-2005

- Richard Cebula and Nate Herder
- 56739: Do Budget Deficits Reduce Household Taxpayer Compliance? Preliminary Evidence Using the Feige Data

- Richard Cebula and Michael Toma
- 56738: Market Interdependence and Third-Degree Price Discrimination: Comment

- Richard Cebula
- 56737: Zero lower bound, unconventional monetary policy and indicator properties of interest rate spreads

- Jari Hännikäinen
- 56730: The problem with government interventions: The wrong banks, inadequate strategies, or ineffective measures?

- Aneta Hryckiewicz
- 56727: Do export price elasticities support tensions in currency markets? Evidence from China and six OECD countries

- Francesco Aiello, Graziella Bonanno and Alessia Via
- 56726: A Note on the Link between Firm Size and Exports

- Pedro J. Hernandez
- 56722: The Small Firms Hypothesis and the Percent of U.S. Society without Health Insurance: An Investigation Using Alternative Means Tests

- Richard Cebula and Anthony Bopp
- 56719: Does a Lack of Health Insurance Elicit an Increase in the Rate of Voluntary Military Enlistment in the U.S.? The "Military Health Care Magnet Hypothesis," 1974-2007

- Richard Cebula, Usha Nair-Reichert and Kyle Taylor
- 56718: International R&D Spillovers and Unobserved Common Shocks

- Diego-Ivan Ruge-Leiva
- 56716: Presidential Approval Determinants

- Richard Cebula
- 56714: Territorial Pact in context of Europe 2020

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56713: Macrodynamics of debt-financed investment-led growth with interest rate rules

- Soumya Datta
- 56710: Impact of strengthening Intellectual Property Rights Regime on income inequality: An econometric analysis

- Swati Saini and Meeta Mehra
- 56709: Planning Technique for Complex Economic Object’s Synergy at Mergers and Acquisitions

- Stanislav Levitskiy and Igor Frunze
- 56707: Tariffs that may fail to protect: A model of trade and public goods

- Rajit Biswas
- 56706: Stagnant Structure of Workforce among Scheduled Tribes (STs) in Andhra Pradesh: A Macro View

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 56704: Forecasting conditional volatility on the RIN market using MS GARCH model

- Ekaterina Kakorina
- 56702: Economic Growth, Economic Freedom, and Governance

- Richard Cebula and Marcus Ekstrom
- 56701: Recent changes in wage inequality in Argentina. The role of labor formalization and other factors

- Beccaria Luis, Roxana Maurizio and Gustavo Vazquez
- 56696: Професор Георги Данаилов – предвестник на институционализма в България (Professor Georgi Danailov – a forerunner of institutionalism in Bulgaria)

- Teodor Sedlarski
- 56694: Монетаристко развитие на теорията на търсенето на пари (Monetarist development of the money demand theory)

- Teodor Sedlarski
- 56693: Bank Capital, Securitization and Credit Risk: an Empirical Evidence

- Georges Dionne and Tarek Harchaoui
- 56690: A Sequential Allocation Problem: The Asymptotic Distribution of Resources

- Antonio Osorio
- 56689: Emotional Balances in Experimental Consumer Choice

- George Mengov, Henrik Egbert, Stefan Pulov and Kalin Georgiev
- 56688: Exploring Impact: Negative Effects of Social Networks

- Henrik Egbert and Teodor Sedlarski
- 56685: Предложения за измерване на „Транзакционния сектор“ от официалната статистика (Suggestions for Measuring the Transaction Sector by the Official Statistics)

- George Chobanov, Henrik Egbert and Albena Gyuredzheklieva
- 56684: Entrepreneurial Advantages and Disadvantages of Belonging

- Henrik Egbert
- 56678: Testing Spatial Causality in Cross-section Data

- Marcos Herrera Gómez, Manuel Ruiz Marin and Jesus Mur
- 56673: Evaluating italian university teaching efficiency convergence: a non-parametric frontier approach

- Calogero Guccio, Marco Ferdinando Martorana and Luisa Monaco
- 56670: Implementarea Programului Operaţional Regional în condiţiile actuale de instabilitate economică (regional Operational Programme implementation in actual context of economic instability)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56669: Do Credit Associations Compete with Each Other in Japanese Regional Lending Markets?

- Kazumine Kondo
- 56666: The Impacts of Firms' Technology Choice on the Gender Differences in Wage and Time Allocation: A Cross-Country Analysis

- Daichi Shirai, Kohei Nagamachi and Naotaka Eguchi
- 56664: The conditional dependence structure between precious metals: a copula-GARCH approach

- Stanisław Wanat, Monika Papież and Sławomir Śmiech
- 56663: The impact of the Euro area macroeconomy on energy and non-energy global commodity prices

- Monika Papież, Sławomir Śmiech and Marek Dąbrowski
- 56659: An Analysis of Omitted Shareholder Proposals

- Robert Boylan, Richard Cebula, Maggie Foley and Xiaowei Liu
- 56657: Survey of Microfinance Controversies and Challenges

- Karel Janda and Pavel Zetek
- 56656: University dropouts: supply-side issues in Italy

- Lara Gitto, Leo Fulvio Minervini and Luisa Monaco
- 56654: The regional dimension of the SME Sector in Romania

- Daniela Antonescu and Victor Platon
- 56653: Dezvoltarea durabila a agro-turismului in Uniunea European si in Romania (Sustainable development of agro-tourism in European Union and Romania)

- Daniela Antonescu and Raluca-Mirela Antonescu
- 56652: Pathway from nutrition intake to wage among elementary workers in India

- Kaushalendra Kumar Kaushal
- 56651: Rationality and Beyond: A Critique of the Nature and Task of Economics

- Cheng Li
- 56644: Core and Coalitional Fairness: The Case of Information Sharing Rule

- Anuj Bhowmik
- 56643: From Custom to Law – Hayek revisited

- Guido Rossi and Salvatore Spagano
- 56639: Türkiye'nin Gayrisafi Yurtiçi Hasılası 2002-2012'de Ne Kadar Büyüdü? (How much has Turkey's GDP grown between 2002 and 2012?)

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 56638: Deconstructing the Gains from Trade: Selection of Industries vs. Reallocation of Workers

- Stefano Bolatto and Massimo Sbracia
- 56637: Liberalization and Agricultural Exports of India

- Deepak Shah
- 56636: Trade Performance of India in Livestock Products under WTO Regime

- Deepak Shah
- 56634: Pre-and Post Harvest Losses of Pigeon pea in Maharashtra

- Deepak Shah

- Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56630: Brain Drain or Brain Gain? The case of Moroccan Students in France

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Amal Miftah and Refk Selmi
- 56629: Crowding Out: An Empirical Note: Reply

- Richard Cebula
- 56628: The Mechanics of Real Undervaluation and Growth

- Juan Wlasiuk
- 56627: Was kostet uns die Kriminalität? … und welche Kosten sind durch Kriminalitätsbekämpfung vermeidbar? (What are the costs of crime?... and what part of it can be avoided by fighting crime?)

- Horst Entorf
- 56626: Anmerkungen zur Herleitung eines schadensgewichteten Index der Kriminalitätsentwicklung (On the construction of a severity-based index of crime)

- Horst Entorf
- 56624: Massenkonsum oder Unterentwicklung in der "Dritten Welt"? Randbemerkungen zu den polit-ökonomischen Thesen von Hartmut Elsenhans (Mass consumption and underdevelopment in the „Third World“? Some remarks about the political economic theses of Hartmut Elsenhans)

- Georg Quaas
- 56623: Model-based pricing for financial derivatives

- Ke Zhu and Shiqing Ling
- 56621: Does Democracy Impact Economic Growth? Exploring the Case of Bangladesh – A Cointegrated VAR Approach

- Shouro Dasgupta, Debapriya Bhattacharya and Dwitiya Jawher Neethi
- 56618: Exit from Catastrophic Health Payments: A Method and an Application to Malawi

- Richard Mussa
- 56616: Küresel Ekonomi ve Türkiye Açısından G20'nin Bugünü ve Geleceği (The Present and Future of the G20 from the Perspective of the Global Economy and Turkey)

- Aykut Kibritçioğlu
- 56613: Justifiable thrift or feverish animal spirits: What stirred the corporate credit crunch in Poland?

- Marcin Senderski
- 56611: Eski ve Yeni Bölgeselleşme Olguları: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz (Old and New Regionalism: A Comparative Analysis)

- Ozgur Caliskan
- 56610: Assessing the strictness of portfolio-related regulation of pension funds: Rethinking the definition of prudent

- Marcin Senderski
- 56605: Impact of Economic Freedom, Regulatory Quality, and Taxation on the Per Capita Real Income: An Analysis for OECD Nations and Non-G8 OECD Nations

- Richard Cebula and Jeff Clark
- 56603: Regional development policy in context of Europe 2020 Strategy

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56600: Stability and Determinacy Conditions for Mixed-type Functional Differential Equations

- Hippolyte d'Albis, Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron and Herman Jan Hupkes
- 56598: Efficient Microlending without Joint Liability

- Ahmet Altinok and Can Sever
- 56597: Does the composition of the board matter? On the relationship between corporate governance and value creation

- Elena Rivo-López, Mónica Villanueva-Villar and Santiago Lago-Peñas
- 56596: Revealed time-preference

- Pawel Dziewulski
- 56591: Lizbon Antlaşması Sonrası Avrupa Birliği'nin Yeni Kurumsal Yapısı (The New Institutional Structure of EU after the Lisbon Treaty)

- Ozgur Caliskan
- 56588: Impact of the Stock Market Capitalization and the Banking Spread in Growth and Development in Latin American: A Panel Data Estimation with System GMM

- Alí Aali-Bujari, Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Gilberto Pérez-Lechuga
- 56587: An algorithm for the proportional division of indivisible items

- Steven Brams, D. Marc Kilgour and Christian Klamler
- 56582: Voting power in the Electoral College: The noncompetitive states count, too

- Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
- 56580: Honey production systems (Apis mellifera L.) in Kaffa, Sheka and Bench-Maji zones of Ethiopia

- Awraris Getachew Shenkute, Yemisrach Getachew, Dejen Assefa, Nuru Adgaba, Gebeyehu Ganga and Workneh Abebe
- 56579: On Market Economies: How Controllable Constructs Become Complex

- C-Rene Dominique
- 56576: Measuring de facto versus de iure political institutions in the long-run: a multivariate statistical approach

- Péter Földvári
- 56575: Liberalization and Agricultural Exports of India: A Paradigm Shift towards Non-Traditional Commodities

- Deepak Shah
- 56567: 国际贸易新格局下的自由贸易协定研究 ——基于新政治经济学的视角 (Research on Free Trade Agreement in The New Situation of International Trade)

- ZhenHua Gu
- 56566: Dependence patterns across Gulf Arab stock markets: a copula approach

- Basher Syed Abul, Salem Nechi and Zhu Hui
- 56564: Price volatility and the political economy of resource-rich nations

- Mahmud Ahmed Saber and Basher Syed Abul
- 56560: Fear itself: The effects of distressing economic news on birth outcomes

- Kyle Carlson
- 56550: Asymmetric Information and IPO Size

- Anton Miglo and Congsheng Wu
- 56547: Timing of Earnings and Capital Structure

- Anton Miglo
- 56546: Co-movement of commodity prices – results from dynamic time warping classification

- Sławomir Śmiech
- 56542: International division of labour and countries’ competitiveness: the case of Italy and Germany

- Nadia Garbellini
- 56541: Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania (Quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding housing in the European Union and Romania)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56540: A dynamic analysis of causality between prices of corn, crude oil and ethanol

- Monika Papież
- 56539: Inefficient but robust public leadership

- Toshihiro Matsumura and Akira Ogawa
- 56537: Public and Private Investment in Saudi Economy: Evidence from Weak Exogeneity and Bound Cointegration Tests

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56536: The mountain regions in context of 2020 Strategy

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56528: The environmental Kuznets curve in a public spending model of economic growth

- Ibrahima Diallo
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