MPRA Paper
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- 4873: Changing Role of Women: A Study of Small Manufacturing Enterprises in India

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4872: Old-Age Pension Reform and Modernization Pathways: Lessons for China from Latin America

- Esteban Calvo and John B. Williamson
- 4871: Women's Education in India: Trends, Interlinkages and Policy Issues

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4869: Educational Attainment in India: Trends, Patterns and Policy Issues

- Dipa Mukherjee

- Santiago Capraro
- 4867: Productivity in the Small Manufacturing Enterprises: Determinants and Policy Issues

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4866: Informal Manufacturing Sector in India: Pre and Post Reform Growth Dynamics

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4865: The Changing World of Work and No-Work

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4862: GMM Estimation of the Number of Latent Factors

- M. Fabricio Perez and Seung Ahn
- 4861: Technological Upgradation in the Informal Manufacturing Sector: Possibilities and Problems

- Dipa Mukherjee and Ashok Mathur
- 4859: Productivity in the Informal Manufacturing Sector: Regional Patterns and Policy Issues

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4852: Problems and Prospects of Informal Manufacturing Sector: A Case Study of Durgapur City

- Dipa Mukherjee
- 4851: Wages and Employment in the Liberalised Regime: A Study of Indian Manufacturing Sector

- Rajarshi Majumder

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4848: Productivity Growth in Small Enterprises - Role of Inputs, Technological Progress and 'Learning By Doing'

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4846: Informational externalities and informational sharing in class action suits

- Bruno Deffains and Eric Langlais
- 4844: Attraction of Foreign Direct Investments as a Challenge in Accession Process to European Union

- Nenad Stanisic and Nenad Jankovic
- 4841: David and Goliath: small banks in an era of consolidation. Evidence from Italy

- Paola Bongini, Maria Luisa Di Battista and Emma Zavarrone
- 4837: Monetary Policy In Islamic Economic Framework: Case of Islamic Republic of Iran

- Hasan Kiaee
- 4834: Unchained Melody: Economic performance after the Asian crisis

- Edsel Beja
- 4833: Win or Lose, it’s the policy we choose: Comparative economic performance of the inflation targeters

- Edsel Beja
- 4830: Capital Flight and the Hollowing Out of the Philippine Economy in the Neoliberal Regime

- Edsel Beja
- 4828: Forensic Accounting: Hidden balance of payments of the Philippines

- Edsel Beja
- 4827: The Minnesota income tax compliance experiment: State tax results

- Stephen Coleman
- 4823: With or Without U? - The appropriate test for a U shaped relationship

- Jo Lind and Halvor Mehlum
- 4821: Human Development in India: Regional Pattern and Policy Issues

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4820: Infrastructure and Development Interlinkage in West Bengal: A VAR Analysis

- Rajarshi Majumder and Dipa Mukherjee
- 4819: Total Sanitation Campaign - Changing Face of Rural Burdwan

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4818: India’s Development Experience - A Regional Analysis: An essay in honour of Prof. Ashok Mathur

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4817: A two-dimensional non-equilibrium dynamic model

- Orlando Gomes
- 4816: Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach

- Michael George

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4813: Least squares estimation of joint production functions by the Differential Evolution method of global optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 4806: The Economics of "Private Politics": Corporate Social Responsibility

- Otto Brøns-Petersen
- 4805: Renégociation stratégique de la dette, risque comptable et risque juridique (Strategic Bankruptcy with accountable and judicial risks)

- Bertrand Chopard and Eric Langlais
- 4800: The DSU Review (1998-2004): Negotiations, Problems and Perspectives

- Thomas Zimmermann
- 4799: Equilibrium exchange rate and misalignment In selected MENA countries

- Lahcen Achy
- 4797: Inattentive Consumers and Product Quality

- Mark Armstrong and Yongmin Chen
- 4794: Poor Household Participation in Payments for Environmental Services: Lessons from the Silvopastoral Project in Quindío, Colombia

- Stefano Pagiola, Ana R. Rios and Agustin Arcenas
- 4792: The Impact of Climate Change on the Profitability of Site Specific Technologies

- Robert Finger and Claude N. Gerwig
- 4788: Risk-Based Pricing of High Loan-To-Value Mortgage

- Fan Wang
- 4787: Testing Globalization-Disinflation Hypothesis

- Mauricio Calani
- 4786: Toward a Bias Corrected Currency Equivalent Index

- Logan Kelly, William Barnett and John Keating
- 4785: Testing Schumpeterian growth theory: the role of income inequality as a determinant of research and development expenditures (developed economies) and successful technology transfers (developing economies)

- Antonio Marasco
- 4784: A Small Macroeconomic Model to Support Inflation Targeting in Israel

- Eyal Argov, Alon Binyamini, David Elkayam and Irit Rozenshtrom
- 4783: Terrorist murder, cycles of violence, and attacks index for the City of Philadelphia during the last two centuries

- Gustavo Gomez-Sorzano
- 4781: Prospects on Innovating Organizations

- Guy Benchimol
- 4780: Essential Interest-Bearing Money

- David Andolfatto
- 4779: Infrastructural Facilities in India: District Level Availability Index

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 4778: Variational optimization of probability measure spaces resolves the chain store paradox

- Michael Gagen and Kae Nemoto
- 4766: Free boundary and optimal stopping problems for American Asian options

- Andrea Pascucci
- 4762: Why Funds of Funds?

- Richard Lai
- 4761: A Catering Theory of Analyst Bias

- Richard Lai
- 4760: Inventory and the Stock Market

- Richard Lai
- 4759: Does Competition Kill Ties?

- Richard Lai
- 4758: Bullwhip in a Spanish Shop

- Richard Lai
- 4757: Executive Quirks in Operational Decisions

- Richard Lai
- 4756: Does Public Infrastructure Reduce Private Inventory?

- Richard Lai
- 4755: The Geography of Retail Inventory

- Richard Lai
- 4754: Inventory and the Shape of the Earth

- Richard Lai
- 4753: Inventory Signals

- Richard Lai
- 4752: Do Some Business Models Perform Better than Others?

- Thomas Malone, Peter Weill, Richard Lai, Victoria D'Urso, George Herman, Thomas Apel and Stephanie Woerner
- 4751: Do Some Business Models Perform Better than Others?

- Thomas Malone, Peter Weill, Richard Lai, Victoria D'Urso, George Herman, Thomas Apel and Stephanie Woerner
- 4748: How have employees fared? Recent UK trends

- Grant Fitzner
- 4747: New economic sociology and new institutional economics

- Rudolf Richter
- 4741: Governance, leadership and economic growth in Singapore

- Sudha Venu Menon
- 4740: The Application of Robust Regression to a Production Function Comparison – the Example of Swiss Corn

- Robert Finger and Werner Hediger
- 4737: Economic Integration and the Foreign Exchange

- Enzo Weber
- 4736: Sngapore economy:the way ahead

- Sudha Venu Menon
- 4734: El estado actual de las telecomunicaciones en México: la regulación que no llega (The state of the telecommunications sector in Mexico: when will be realized a new regulation?)

- José G. Aguilar-Barceló
- 4733: El papel de las tarifas de interconexión en las industrias en red (The role of interconnection charges in network industries)

- Iñigo Herguera-García and José G. Aguilar-Barceló
- 4731: Repercusiones de la definición de tamaño empresarial en los resultados empíricos sobre eficiencia y financiación (Repercussions of firm size definition on empirical results for firm efficiency and financing research)

- Alfonso Galindo Lucas
- 4726: Labor market policy evaluation with an agent-based model

- Michael Neugart
- 4718: Hábitos de Consumo de las Tecnologías de Información en los Estudiantes Universitarios de Tijuana (The use of information technologies in the university students: a survey for Tijuana)

- José G. Aguilar-Barceló and Natanael Ramírez-Angulo
- 4717: Do mergers create or destroy value? Evidence from unsuccessful mergers

- Rebel Cole, Ali Fatemi and Joseph Vu
- 4716: Banking consolidation and the availability of credit to small businesses

- Rebel Cole and Nick Walraven
- 4715: Availability of credit to small and minority-owned businesses: Evidence from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances

- Rebel Cole
- 4713: Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending: Evidence from emerging markets

- Rebel Cole and Rima Turk Ariss
- 4711: Outlier Treatment and Robust Approaches for Modeling Electricity Spot Prices

- Stefan Trueck, Rafał Weron and Rodney Wolff
- 4710: What can we learn from privately held firms about executive compensation?

- Rebel Cole and Hamid Mehran
- 4709: Monotone Comparative Statics for Games with Strategic Substitutes

- Sunanda Roy and Tarun Sabarwal
- 4706: Turismo no litoral versus turismo no interior Português. O destino turístico Serra da Estrela (Coastal tourism versus inland Portuguese tourism. The Serra da Estrela tourist destination)

- Margarida Vaz and Anabela Dinis
- 4705: A note on least squares fitting of signal waveforms

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 4704: The Information Content of Inflationary Expectations Derived from Bond Prices in Israel

- David Ilek and Alex Ilek
- 4703: A New Indicator of Competitiveness for Italy and the Main Industrial and Emerging Countries

- Andrea Finicelli, Alessandra Liccardi and Massimo Sbracia
- 4701: Perception of job instability in Europe

- Petri Böckerman
- 4694: Evolution paths on the equilibrium manifold

- Loi Andrea and Stefano Matta
- 4693: Price discrimination

- Mark Armstrong
- 4692: De keuze van de investeringsbank bij een IPO (The choice of the investment bank when going public)

- Geert Lemmens
- 4691: Internet & Capital raising: the perfect match?

- Geert Lemmens
- 4686: The Price Consideration Model of Brand Choice

- Andrew Ching, Tulin Erdem and Michael Keane
- 4681: Incentives and the Limits to Deflationary Policy

- David Andolfatto
- 4679: Growth in Switzerland: is the picture really that gloomy?

- Claudio Sfreddo
- 4675: Optimal growth with intermediate goods interdependence: A difference game approach

- Juan Larrosa
- 4674: Why is the foreclosure rate so high in Indiana?

- John Tatom
- 4670: Managing risks: what Russian households do to smooth consumption?

- Geranda Notten and Chris de Neubourg
- 4669: Poverty in Europe and the USA: Exchanging official measurement methods

- Geranda Notten and Chris de Neubourg
- 4668: The policy relevance of absolute and relative poverty headcounts: What's in a number?

- Geranda Notten and Chris de Neubourg
- 4667: Singapore economy:An overview

- Sudha Menon
- 4663: Methods to Elicit Forecasts from Groups: Delphi and Prediction Markets Compared

- Kesten Green, J. Armstrong and Andreas Graefe