MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 52697: Mergers and acquisitions transactions strategies in diffusion - type financial systems in highly volatile global capital markets with nonlinearities

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 52691: Industry policy, technological change, and the state

- Smita Srinivas
- 52690: Cost, risk, and labor markets: the state and sticky institutions in global production networks

- Smita Srinivas
- 52689: Co-evolutionary policy processes: Understanding innovative economies and future resilience

- Markku Sotarauta and Smita Srinivas
- 52688: Análisis de los efectos explotativos en integraciones empresariales a partir del modelo de Cournot: el caso de mercados con bienes homogéneos (Analysis of the exploitative effects of a merger based on a Cournot’s model: a case of homogeneous good markets)

- Juan Pablo Herrera Saavedra and Dennis Sánchez Navarro
- 52686: The Love Aspects of Human Capital and the Economic Activity of Countries

- Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
- 52685: The reform of the Public Administration in Singapore: a model to follow in Italy?

- Ballatore Benedetto Francesco
- 52684: Culture, Labour, and Resources: Principles of a Practical Alternative Growth Path

- Alan Freeman
- 52681: The Road out of Crisis and the Policy Choices Facing Russia

- Alan Freeman
- 52680: The digital complexity in destination branding: the case of Portugal as tourism destination

- Eduardo Oliveira
- 52679: Investment, security of supply and sustainability in the aftermath of three decades of power sector reform

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 52677: The Road to Market Serfdom: Why Economics is Not a Science and How to Fix it

- Alan Freeman
- 52673: Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in the cfa franc zone after the cfa franc devaluation of January 1994

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 52669: Government Intervention in Postsecondary Education in Bulgaria

- Pavlin Bonev
- 52667: Gender Segregation on the Labour Market: Roots, Implications and Policy Responses in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52666: Flexible Working Time Arrangements in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52665: Effects of Transition on Gender Equality and Female Employment in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52664: Dependent Elderly and Gender Equality in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52663: Crisis and Recovery in Bulgaria: Labour market impact on men and women

- Iskra Beleva
- 52662: The Provision of Childcare Services in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52661: The Provision of Out-of-School Care in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva
- 52660: ОСНОВЫ ПРАВОВОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ СИТУАЦИОННЫХ СОЦИАЛЬНО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКИХ ЦЕНТРОВ (Bases of Legal Support of Activity of the Situational Social and Economic Centers)

- Teymur Zulfugarzade
- 52659: Lifelong Learning and New Skills in Bulgaria: a Gender Perspective

- Iskra Beleva
- 52658: The Bulgarian Anti-Crisis Measures and Their Effectiveness

- Iskra Beleva
- 52651: Industrial welfare and the state: nation and city reconsidered

- Smita Srinivas
- 52650: Renewable Energy for Newfoundland and Labrador: Policy Formulation and Decision Making

- F. I. M. Muktadir Boksh
- 52635: Perceptions of international trade barriers: Empirical study of small apparel firms

- Subhajit Chakrabarty and Biswajit Nag
- 52629: What Causes Booms?

- Alan Freeman
- 52627: London’s Creative Sector: 2007 Update

- Alan Freeman
- 52626: London’s Creative Sector: 2004 Update

- Alan Freeman
- 52625: The Profit Rate in the Presence of Financial Markets: a Necessary Correction

- Alan Freeman
- 52621: How Accurate Are Commercial Real Estate Appraisals? Evidence from 25 Years of NCREIF Sales Data

- Cannon Susanne and Rebel Cole
- 52619: Agency Conflicts, Expropriation and Firm Value: Evidence from Securities-Market Regulation in China

- Berkman Henk, Rebel Cole and Lawrence Fu
- 52614: La Spesa sanitaria Ssn in Italia e nella Regione Emilia Romagna - Ricostruzione e benchmarking con la metodologia Ecofin-Ocse (Public Health Care Expenditure in Italy and in the Region Emilia Romagna - Reconstruction and Benchmarking with the Ecofin-Oecd methodology,1990-today)

- Nicola Carmine Salerno
- 52611: Estimation of Keynesian Exchange Rate Model of Pakistan by Considering Critical Events and Multiple Cointegrating Vectors

- Hafsa Hina and Abdul Qayyum
- 52605: Discussion of "Change at the Checkout: Tracing the Impact of a Process Innovation" by Emek Basker

- Daniel Levy
- 52601: Economic Convergence with Divergence in Environmental Quality? Desertification Risk and the Economic Structure of a Mediterranean Country (1960-2010)

- Piero Esposito, Fabrizio Patriarca, Luigi Perini and Luca Salvati
- 52597: Hierarchy of Agricultural Functions: A Study of Production and Marketed Output in Purnia (North Bihar, India)

- Mahmood Ansari Mahmood Ansari
- 52591: Control Workplace Stress with Systematic Approach

- Zeeshan Rehman Rehman, Asim Nasar and Saleem Mugheri
- 52581: Stock Returns Predictability and the Adaptive Market Hypothesis: Evidence from India

- Gourishankar S Hiremath and Jyoti Kumari
- 52578: Employment Status, Income Equality, and Poverty in Egypt

- Hoda Ali
- 52577: Rising Food Prices and Their Implications for Education in Africa

- Hoda Abd El Hamid
- 52575: Does Chinese Investment Contribute to The US Economy? An Analysis of Selected US States’ Growth, Employment and Exports

- Syed Hasanat Shah and Jun Jiang Li
- 52574: The Rise of China and India---remaking of the New World Order

- Syed Hasanat Shah, Jun Jiang Li and Wang Li
- 52572: A multivariate analysis of the causal flow between renewable energy consumption and GDP in Tunisia

- Ousama Ben Salha and Maamar Sebri
- 52571: A R&D Based Real Business Cycle Model

- Ka Wai Terence Fung, Chi Keung Lau and Kwok Ho Chan
- 52568: The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Value at Risk (VaR): A Case Study of China Eastern Airline

- Ka Wai Terence Fung and Wilson Wan
- 52567: Financial Development, Econmic Growth and R&D Cyclical Movement

- Ka Wai Terence Fung and Chi Keung Lau
- 52560: The impact of Oil Price and Oil Price Fluctuation on Growth Exports and Inflation in Pakistan

- Syed Hasanat Shah, Jun Jiang Li and Hafsa Hasanat
- 52558: Role of regulation in micro finance: application of the Micro Savings Requirement Scheme in informal sectors

- Marianne Ojo
- 52557: Tolerance and economic growth revisited: A note

- Eduard Bomhoff and Grace Lee
- 52556: Is East Asia an optimum currency area?

- Grace Lee and M Azali
- 52555: The Upshot of External Debt on Economic Growth in West African Countries: A Panel Data Approach

- Sesan Adeniji
- 52551: Investigating the Relationship between Currency Substitution, Exchange Rate and Inflation in Nigeria: An Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach

- Sesan Adeniji
- 52550: Say’s Law: A Rigorous Restatement

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 52549: Gravity Model by Panel Data Approach: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria

- Shehu Aliyu and Sani Bawa
- 52548: Creativity: London's Core Business

- Alan Freeman
- 52546: Trade Openness, Financial Development Energy Use and Economic Growth in Australia:Evidence on Long Run Relation with Structural Breaks

- Faridul Islam, Muhammad Shahbaz and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman
- 52545: Audits, audit quality and signalling mechanisms: concentrated ownership structures

- Marianne Ojo
- 52544: Scope of Raychaudhuri equation in cosmological gravitational focusing and space-time singularities

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 52543: World Empire - or a world of Empires?

- Alan Freeman and Boris Kagarlitsky
- 52542: London's cultural and creative industries – 2010 update

- Alan Freeman
- 52540: 9/56 Year Cycle: Financial Panics

- David McMinn
- 52538: Crisis, Marxism, and Economic Laws: A Response to Gary Mongiovi

- Alan Freeman
- 52537: Does Monetary Policy cause Randomness or Chaos? A Case Study from the European Central Bank

- Rohnn Sanderson
- 52535: On the causal dynamics between economic growth, renewable energy consumption, CO2 emissions and trade openness: Fresh evidence from BRICS countries

- Maamar Sebri and Ousama Ben Salha
- 52533: Do savings promote or hamper economic growth? The Euro area example

- Kees De Koning
- 52532: Does a change of occupation lead to higher earnings?

- Barbara Liberda and Marek Pęczkowski
- 52531: Households' saving mobility in Poland

- Barbara Liberda and Marek Pęczkowski
- 52529: How do we value our income from which we save?

- Barbara Liberda, Marek Pęczkowski and Ewa Gucwa-Lesny
- 52528: Differentiated Integration - from Theory to Practice. Determiners in the Integration Process of the Western Balkans: Ethnicity

- Daniela Blaga and Mircea Brie
- 52527: Le Processus d’Investissement En Présence Du Risque: Quel Enchainement Suivre ? (The Investment Process In The Presence On Risk: Choosing A Sequence)

- Faycal Chiny
- 52524: Statistics and Economics, Stress on Construction

- Alida Paunic
- 52520: SPACs in Shipping

- Yochanan Shachmurove and Milos Vulanovic
- 52519: The contribution of Coastal Shipping in the Regional Development of the Greek Islands. The Case of the Southern Aegean Region

- Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos
- 52518: Impact of Property Rights in Human Capital on Regional Factors Proportions

- Lowell Gallaway and Richard Cebula
- 52516: Brand and Quantity Choice Dynamics Under Price Uncertainty

- Tulin Erdem, Susumu Imai and Michael Keane
- 52515: Current Issues in Discrete Choice Modeling

- Michael Keane
- 52508: Centra handlowe wobec miejskiej przestrzeni publicznej – nie tylko imitacja (Shopping centres and urban public space - not only imitation)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
- 52507: Structural Equation Model of Successful Territorial Cooperation

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz, Katarzyna Zawalińska and Łukasz Widła-Domaradzki
- 52506: Zmiany sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej obszaru wsparcia Programu Sąsiedztwa Polska-Białoruś-Ukraina INTERREG IIIA/TACIS CBC 2004-2006 w latach 2004-2008/2009 (Changes in the socio-economic situation of the support area of the Neighbourhood Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine INTERREG IIIA/TACIS CBC 2004-2006 in 2004-2008/2009)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz, Mikołaj Herbst, Adam Ploszaj and Maciej Smętkowski
- 52505: Rozmieszczenie placówek bankowych w Warszawie (The Location of Banks in Warsaw)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
- 52504: Ocena wpływu polityki spójności 2004–2006 na przeciwdziałanie negatywnym skutkom suburbanizacji (Evaluation of the impact of Cohesion Policy 2004-2006 on counteracting the negative effects of suburbanization processes)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
- 52502: Druga młodość czy upadek? Warszawskie osiedle Służew nad Dolinką w okresie transformacji (Second youth or decline? Warsaw large-scale housing estate Sluzew nad Dolinka during socio-economic transformation)

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz
- 52497: On the demand pressure hypothesis in option markets: the case of a redundant option

- Khaled Bennour
- 52493: Are Real Options “Real”? Isolating Uncertainty from Risk in Real Options Analysis

- Leh-chyan So
- 52491: New insights into India’s single stock futures markets

- Mao-Wei Hung and Leh-Chyan So
- 52490: Macroeconomic Determinants of Stock Market Capitalization in Pakistan:Fresh Evidence from Cointegration with unknown Structural breaks

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Ijaz Ur Rehman and Rozaimah Zainudin
- 52488: Growth is (really) good for the (really) rich

- Raymundo Campos-Vazquez, Emmanuel Chavez and Gerardo Esquivel
- 52482: Knowledge and innovative entrepreneurship - social capital and individual capacities

- Uwe Cantner and Michael Stuetzer
- 52481: Asymmetric fuel price responses under heterogeneity

- Jacint Balaguer and Jordi Ripollés
- 52477: The impact of the exports of BRIC countries plus Turkey on the exports of Pakistan

- Aadil Nakhoda
- 52475: External debt management in Romania

- Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
- 52474: MOY effects in returns and in volatilities of the Romanian capital market

- Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 52473: Efecte Gone Fishin’ la Bursa de Valori din Bucureşti (Gone Fishin’ Effects on the Bucharest Stock Exchange)

- Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
- 52472: Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Achieving regional competitiveness

- Drago Cvijanović, Jonel Subić and Jean Vasile Andrei
- 52471: Влияние Центрального Банка на замедление экономики России (The role of the Central Bank in the economic slow-down in Russia)

- Sergey Blinov
- 52469: The Conditional CAPM, Cross-Section Returns and Stochastic Volatility

- Ka Wai Terence Fung, Chi Keung Lau and Kwok Ho Chan
- 52468: Foreign capital and exchange rate movement in developing economies: a theoretical note

- Anindya Biswas, Biswajit Mandal and Nitesh Saha
- 52463: Predicting Instability

- Weshah Razzak
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