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46242: Test for Bandedness of High Dimensional Covariance Matrices with Bandwidth Estimation Downloads
Yumou Qiu and Songxi Chen
46239: Mann-Whitney Test with Adjustments to Pre-treatment Variables for Missing Values and Observational Study Downloads
Songxi Chen
46238: Efficiency performance of Malaysian Islamic banks Downloads
Rossazana Ab-Rahim, Norlina Kadri and Farhana Ismail
46237: Determinents of profitability – a comparative analysis of islamic banks and conventional banks in ASEAN countries Downloads
AHMAD Nazri Wahidudin, Ulaganathan Subramaniam and PENGIRAN. Abd Mutalib Pg. Kamaluddin
46234: Communitarianism, Oppositional Cultures, and Human Capital Contagion: Theory and Evidence from Formal versus Koranic Education Downloads
Pritha Dev, Blessing Mberu and Roland Pongou
46232: From Reluctant Privatization to Municipal Capitalism: an Overview on Ownership, Political Connections and Decentralization Downloads
Margherita Boggio
46231: Estimating investors' behavior and errorsin probabilistic forecasts by the Kolmogorov entropy and noise colors of multifractal attractors Downloads
C-Rene Dominique
46229: From Kondratieff to Chaos: Some Perspectives on Long-Term and Short-Term Business Cycles Downloads
Charles Dale
46226: The seasonal KPSS test when neglecting seasonal dummies: a Monte Carlo analysis Downloads
Ghassen El Montasser, Talel Boufateh and Fakhri Issaoui
46218: Rozmyte zbiory probabilistyczne jako narzędzie finansów behawioralnych (Fuzzy Probabilistic Sets as a Tool for Behavioural Finance) Downloads
Krzysztof Piasecki
46217: Management of Capital Flows in India: 1990-2011 Downloads
Abhijit Sen Gupta and Rajeswari Sengupta
46216: Estimation in semiparametric models with missing data Downloads
Songxi Chen
46214: Effectiveness of securities with fuzzy probabilistic return Downloads
Krzysztof Piasecki
46211: Sviluppo economico e occupazione (Economic development and employment) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
46209: A Shrinking Slice of the Pie: The Labour Income Share in Australia Downloads
Matt Cowgill
46205: Региональная диагностика и отраслевой анализ производительности труда (Regional diagnostics and branch analysis of labor productivity) Downloads
Alexander Zaytsev
46185: Empirical Analysis of The EKC Hypothesis for Sulfur Dioxide Emissions in Selected Middle East and North African Countries Downloads
Mohamed El Hedi Arouri, Adel Ben Youssef, Hatem M'Henni and Christophe Rault
46183: Are Technoparks High Tech Fantasies? Lessons from the Tunisian Experience Downloads
Hatem Mhenni, Adel Ben Youssef, N Elaheebocus and Ludovic Ragni
46182: Determinants of Innovation in Emerging Country: an empirical study at the Tunisian firm level Downloads
Foued Gabsi, Hatem Mhenni and Karim Koouba
46176: Isomorphic Strategy Spaces in Game Theory Downloads
Michael Gagen
46173: The Impact of Capital Structure on Firms’ Performance in Nigeria Downloads
Patrick Ogebe, Joseph Ogebe and Kemi Alewi
46168: Estimation of Inefficiency using a Firm-specific Frontier Model Downloads
Arabinda Das
46164: Government Spending and Consumer Attitudes Toward Risk, Time Preference, and Intertemporal Substitution: An Econometric Analysis Downloads
Dimitris Hatzinikolaou and Francis Ahking
46163: Entrepreneurs’ education and different variable pay schemes in Italian firms Downloads
Mirella Damiani and Andrea Ricci
46162: Univariate Unobserved-Component Model with Non-Random Walk Permanent Component Downloads
Zhiwei Xu
46158: The Effects of School Term Length on Education and Earnings: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Design Downloads
Rasyad Parinduri
46157: Inflationary Implication of Gold Price in Vietnam Downloads
Reza Siregar and Thi Kim Cuc Nguyen
46154: Local Nonparametric Estimation of Scalar Diffusions Downloads
Guillermo Moloche
46153: Inflation targeting and interest rates Downloads
Matteo Lanzafame and Reginaldo Nogueira
46151: The impact of economic policy shocks on the outcomes of the fiscal adjustment policies in Tanzania Downloads
Arnold Mathias Kihaule
46148: Income inequality and the tax structure: Evidence from developed and developing countries Downloads
Antonis Adam, Pantelis Kammas and Athanasios Lapatinas
46147: Loss Given Default Modelling: Comparative Analysis Downloads
Olga Yashkir and Yuriy Yashkir
46143: Education and Economic Growth: A Meta-Regression Analysis Downloads
Nikos Benos and Stefania Zotou
46141: The effects of information communication technology on the terms of trade between north-south countries: a structural economic dynamic approach Downloads
Ricardo Araujo, GianDemetrio Marangoni and Joanílio Rodolpho Teixeira
46132: Price Stability In Small Open Economies Downloads
Mikhail Dmitriev and Jonathan Hoddenbagh
46128: A Structural Macro-Econometric Model of the Maltese Economy Downloads
Aaron Grech, Owen Grech, Brian Micallef, Noel Rapa and William Gatt
46126: How best to measure pension adequacy Downloads
Aaron Grech
46118: Price Stability In Small Open Economies Downloads
Mikhail Dmitriev and Jonathan Hoddenbagh
46115: Le Cycle des affaires dans les pays MENA Une Application du Filtre Hodrick-Prescott (The Business Cycle in MENA Application of a Hodrick-Prescott Filter) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Aomar Ibourk
46114: Le retour des migrants marocains dans leur pays d’origine, quand ? Dans quelles circonstances ? (Why did Moroccan migrants decide to return to their country of birth? Who Returned? When and under which circumstances would they leave their host country?) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour
46101: The arc sine law and the treasury bill futures market Downloads
Charles Dale and Rosemarie Workman
46098: An income gap theory and its effects on unemployment and economic growth Downloads
Kees De Koning
46087: Regulación de las telecomunicaciones en Colombia: la telefonía a larga distancia y sus relaciones con las redes locales (Regulation of telecommunications in Colombia) Downloads
Mery Tamayo Plata, Diana Cardona and Gustavo Lopez Alvarez
46079: Investment Specific Technological Progress and Structural Change Downloads
Ricardo Araujo and Joanílio Teixeira
46078: Easy and flexible mixture distributions Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau and Stefan Mabit
46077: Services Trade Liberalisation in South Asia Downloads
Selim Raihan
46074: New technologies adoption and diffusion patterns in developing countries. An empirical study for the period 2000-2011 Downloads
Ewa Lechman
46070: The Relation between Government Expenditures and Economic Growth in Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
46069: Strategic Entry and the Relationship between Number of Independent and Non-Independent Candidates: A Study of Parliamentary Elections in India Downloads
Kaushik Bhattacharya
46068: The Link between Output Growth and Output Volatility in Five Crisis-Affected Asian Countries Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
46067: Does the price of oil interact with clean energy prices in the stock market? Downloads
Shunsuke Managi, Shunsuke Managi and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto
46065: The transformative effect of unscheduled generation by solar PV and wind generation on net electricity demand Downloads
William Bell, Phillip Wild and John Foster
46063: Transferts de fonds, éducation et travail des enfants au Maroc: Une analyse par score de propension (Remittances, Education and Child labor in Morocco: A propensity score matching approach) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour
46059: Demand Uncertainty and Capacity Utilization in Airlines Downloads
Diego Escobari and Jim Lee
46057: Market Risk Measurement: Key Rate Duration as an asset allocation instrument Downloads
David Zeballos
46056: Euler Equations for the Estimation of Dynamic Discrete Choice Structural Downloads
Victor Aguirregabiria and Arvind Magesan
46055: Crowd-sourcing with uncertain quality - an auction approach Downloads
Athanasios Papakonstantinou and Peter Bogetoft
46053: Compound Real Option Valuation with Phase-Specific Volatility: a Multi-phase Mobile Payments Case Study Downloads
Danny Cassimon, Peter-Jan Engelen and Vilimir Yordanov
46049: Assessing the Dynamics of Terms of Trade in a Model of Cumulative Causation and Structural Change Downloads
Ricardo Araujo
46048: Multi-Hole Waveguide Directional Couplers Downloads
Mahmoud Moghavvemi, Hossein Ameri Mahabadi and Farhang Alijani
46047: Electromagnetic Solutions for the Agricultural Problems Downloads
H Aliakbarian, A Enayati, Ma Soltani, Hossein Ameri Mahabadi and Mahmoud Moghavvemi
46043: Análisis de elasticidades en el mercado automotor colombiano (2009 - 2011) mediante un modelo logit anidado (ANALYSIS OF ELASTICITY IN COLOMBIAN AUTOMOTIVE MARKET (2009 - 2011) THROUGH A NESTED LOGIT MODEL) Downloads
Dennis Sánchez Navarro
46041: The impact of mobile phone penetration on African inequality Downloads
Simplice Asongu
46040: Shrinking Goods Downloads
Daniel Levy and Avichai Snir
46039: A Review of C.L.R. James and Marxism in the United States Downloads
Daren Conrad
46036: Variable marginal propensities to pirate and the diffusion of computer software Downloads
James Waters
46034: Comparing the Determinants of Mode Choice across Travel Purposes Downloads
Áine Driscoll, Sean Lyons, Edgar Morgenroth and Anne Nolan
46027: Continuous invertibility and stable QML estimation of the EGARCH(1,1) model Downloads
Olivier Wintenberger
46026: Two Sample Tests for High Dimensional Covariance Matrices Downloads
Song Chen
46024: Hyper-Plurality of Candidates, Effectiveness of Democratic Representation and Regulation of Candidate Entry in India Downloads
Kaushik Bhattacharya and Mitra Subrata K
46021: Dynamic Network Formation in Two-Sided Economies Downloads
Roland Pongou and Roberto Serrano
46019: A Policy-Based Rationalization of Collective Rules: Dimensionality, Specialized Houses, and Decentralized Authority Downloads
Juliette Guemmegne and Roland Pongou
46015: Mudança estrutural e a relação entre os setores em Cabo Verde (Structural change and the sectoral linkage in Cape Verde) Downloads
Gilson Pina
46014: The Political Economy of Reform and Development of the Washington Consensus Downloads
Nooh Alshyab
46012: The Power Performance of Fixed-T Panel Unit Root Tests allowing for Structural Breaks Downloads
Yiannis Karavias and Elias Tzavalis
46009: Incentive-Compatible Sukuk Musharakah for Private Sector Funding Downloads
Abdou Diaw, Obiyathulla Bacha and Ahcene Lahsasna
46008: Public Sector Funding and Debt Management: A Case for GDP-Linked Sukuk Downloads
Abdou Diaw, Obiyathulla Bacha and Ahcene Lahsasna
46007: The optimal design of a fiscal union Downloads
Mikhail Dmitriev and Jonathan Hoddenbagh
46006: Gender effect in explaining the mobility patterns in the labor market: a Case study from Turkey Downloads
Değer Eryar and Hasan Tekgüç
46003: Labour Market Segmentation, Clusters, Mobility and Unemployment Duration with Individual Microdata Downloads
Pablo Álvarez de Toledo, Fernando Núñez Hernández and Carlos Usabiaga
45999: Measuring the Real Exchange Rate: Annual Series for Turkey Downloads
Güzin Erlat and Ferhat Arslaner
45996: Measuring Annual Real Exchange Rates: Series for Turkey Downloads
Güzin Erlat and Ferhat Arslaner
45995: Mutual Altruism: Evidence from Alzheimer Patients and Their Spouse Caregivers Downloads
Markus König, Christian Pfarr and Peter Zweifel
45994: Portuguese Trade and European Union: The Gravity Model Downloads
Nuno Carlos Leitão and Sabyasachi Tripathi
45993: Impact of calendar effects in the volatility of vale shares Downloads
Lucas Godeiro
45992: Partenariat Euro-marocain et dynamique des investissements directs étrangers (Euro-Moroccan partnership and dynamic investment foreign direct) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour
45990: Housing finance, prices, and tenure in Switzerland Downloads
Steven Bourassa, Martin Hoesli and Donato Scognamiglio
45987: The economic borders in the age of globalization Downloads
Luminita Soproni
45986: The Impact of Capital Structure on Firms’ Performance in Nigeria Downloads
Ogebe Ojah Patrick, Ogebe Joseph Orinya and Alewi Kemi
45982: Re-examining the Effects of Switching Costs Downloads
Andrew Rhodes
45981: Deficit Financing and Inflation in Bangladesh: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis Downloads
Zebulun Kreiter and Tapas Paul
45977: Do Dynamic Neural Networks Stand a Better Chance in Fractionally Integrated Process Forecasting? Downloads
Majid Delavari, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Esmaeil Naderi
45975: The Long-run and Short-run Effects of Crude Oil Price on Methanol Market in Iran Downloads
Akbar Komijani, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Esmaeil Naderi
45968: Inflation Skewness and Price Indexation Downloads
Peyman Firouzi Naeim and Golnoush Rahimzadeh
45964: On the Eonomic Purpose of General Purpose Technologies: A Combined Classical and Evolutionary Framework Downloads
Rita Strohmaier and Andreas Rainer
45962: Similarity Of R&D Activities, Physical Proximity, and The Extent Of R&D Spillovers Downloads
George Deltas and Sotiris Karkalakos
45961: Behavior of Stock Market Index in the Stock Exchange of Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
45960: Software uncertainty in integrated environmental modelling: the role of semantics and open science Downloads
Daniele de Rigo
45957: Multinational Firms and Plant Divestiture Downloads
Pehr-Johan Norbäck, Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch
45955: Interdependence in Real Effective Exchange Rates: Evidence from the Dynamic Hierarchical Factor Model Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
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