MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 33964: On Australia’s foreign economic relations

- Arndt Kümpel
- 33962: Going forward financially: credit unions as an alternative to commercial banks

- Mark Klinedinst
- 33956: Knowledge Clusters and Knowledge Hubs: Designing Epistemic Landscapes for Development

- Hans-Dieter Evers, Solvay Gerke and Thomas Menkhoff
- 33955: Forecasting the role of public expenditure in economic growth Using DEA-neural network approach

- Arshia Amiri and Bruno Ventelou
- 33954: The economic impact of the invasion of Acacia saligna in Israel

- David Lehrer, Nir Becker and Pua Bar
- 33953: Foreign aid and economic growth in Ethiopia

- Tasew Tadesse
- 33950: Why do French civil-law countries have higher levels of financial efficiency?

- Simplice Simplice A.
- 33949: Financial determinants of human development in developing countries

- Simplice Asongu
- 33948: Free-Riding and Performance in Collaborative and Non-Collaborative Groups

- Tibor Besedes, Cary Deck, Sarah Quintanar, Sudipta Sarangi and Mikhael Shor
- 33944: Анализ факторов динамики обменного курса рубля (Perspective issues in the CBR`s exchange rate policy)

- Pavel Trunin, Dmitriy Knyazev and Ekaterina Kudykina
- 33943: Optimal acid rain abatement policy in Europe

- George Halkos
- 33941: The role of neighborhood characteristics in mortgage default risk: evidence from New York City

- Sewin Chan, Michael Gedal, Vicki Been and Andrew Haughwout
- 33937: The Political Economy of State Government Subsidy Adoption: The Case of Ethanol

- Skidmore Mark, Chad Cotti and James Alm
- 33936: Learning Strict Nash Equilibria through Reinforcement

- Antonella Ianni
- 33935: Information society: networks, collective action and the role of institutions

- Vincent Fitzsimons
- 33932: A troubled relationship: corruption and reform of the public sector in development

- Vincent Fitzsimons
- 33931: Stock Price Response to Earnings Announcements: Evidence from the Nigerian Stock Market

- Pyemo Afego
- 33927: Macroprudential stress testing of credit risk: A practical approach for policy makers

- Daniel Buncic and Martin Melecký
- 33924: Local spillovers and learning from neighbors: Evidence from durable adoptions in rural China

- Yao Feng
- 33921: A statistical exposition of the state of empowerment at older ages in India

- Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
- 33916: The wine maker’s business and the logical origin of interest

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 33915: Cultural persistence as behavior towards risk: evidence from the North Carolina Cherokees, 1850-1880

- Matthew Gregg
- 33912: Preliminary organizational culture scale focused on artifacts

- Tomas Bonavia
- 33909: Phénomènes financiers et mélange de lois: Une nouvelle méthode d’estimation des paramètres

- Constantin Chilarescu and Ioana Viaşu
- 33908: A Semigroups Approach to the Study of a Second Order Partial Differential Equation Applied in Economics

- Constantin Chilarescu and Ioana Viaşu
- 33904: The legal conditionality of performance bond in Malaysian construction contract

- Azizan Supardi, Hamimah Adnan and Jamaluddin Yaakob
- 33901: Globalization, financial allocation efficiency and regional economic dynamics: asymmetric panel evidence from Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 33900: Modeling healthcare quality: life expectancy SURS in the G7 countries and Korea

- Daniel J. Firl
- 33895: On the existence and the number of limit cycles in evolutionary games

- Helmar Moreira and Ricardo Araujo
- 33891: Corporate social responsibility, corporate reputation and employee engagement

- Imran Ali and Jawaria Fatima Ali
- 33889: Influence of corporate social responsibility on development of corporate reputation and customer purchase intentions

- Imran Ali
- 33887: Turkey’s trilemma trade-offs: is there a role for reserves?

- Orcan Çörtük and Nirvikar Singh
- 33883: Contractors’ Approaches to Risk Management at the Construction Phase in Malaysia

- Afzan Ahmad Zaini, Hamimah Adnan and Roziha Che Haron
- 33880: Contractors’ Strategic Approaches to Risk Assessment Techniques at Project Planning Stage

- Afzan Ahmad Zaini, Intan Rohani Endut and Roshana Takim
- 33877: Adopting Contractors’ Risk Management (CIRIM) Framework using Multi Dimensional Theories

- Afzan Ahmad Zaini, Intan Rohani Endut, Roshana Takim and Mohammad Fadhil Mohammad
- 33875: Directed search and job rotation

- Fei Li and Can Tian
- 33873: 西部地区发展政策的历史演变及评价 (The Historical Evolution and Evaluation of Development Policies for Western China)

- Zheng Lu and Xiang Deng
- 33869: Strategic information transmission: a mathematica tool for analysis

- John Dickhaut, Todd Kaplan and Arijit Mukherji
- 33868: Law, finance, economic growth and welfare: why does legal origin matter?

- Simplice Asongu
- 33867: Regional specialization: a measure method and the trends in China

- Zheng Lu, A.Tony Flegg and Xiang Deng
- 33866: Does Cooking Technology Matter? Fuelwood Use and Efficiency of Different Cooking Technologies in Lilongwe District, Malawi

- Memory Malakini and Assa Maganga
- 33863: Price dispersion in the housing market: the role of bargaining and search costs

- Gaetano Lisi
- 33861: Do production subsidies have a wage incidence in wind power?

- Dakshina De Silva, Robert P. McComb and Anita R. Schiller
- 33860: Fiscal policy, eurobonds and economic recovery: some heterodox policy recipes against financial instability and sovereign debt crisis

- Alberto Botta
- 33855: Geografía fractal de un gran destino turístico (Fractal Geography of a major tourist destination)

- Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
- 33852: Frequency of contact with foreigners in a homogeneous society: perceived consequences of foreigner increases

- Eiji Yamamura
- 33848: Productivity shocks and housing market inflations in new Keynesian models

- Jun-Hyung Ko
- 33847: Does high involvement management improve worker wellbeing?

- Petri Böckerman, Alex Bryson and Pekka Ilmakunnas
- 33842: Institutions and growth revisited: OLS, 2SLS, G2SLS random effects IV regression and panel fixed (within) IV regression with cross-country data

- Dushko Josheski, Risto Fotov, Darko Lazarov and Cane Koteski
- 33841: Divorce costs and marital dissolution in a one-to-one matching framework with nontransferable utilities

- Ismail Saglam
- 33840: Cost structures and the movement of the innovation locus: a derived network approach

- J Waters
- 33838: Multi-variate quickest detection of significant change process

- Krzysztof Szajowski
- 33832: Commercially-and-socially-oriented postal services

- Hernán Briceño Avalos
- 33831: Ndikimi i informacionit asimetrik në tregjet financiare (The Impact of Asymmetric Information in Financial Markets)

- Fadil Govori
- 33829: Market-dependent production set

- Henrik Egbert and Nadeem Naqvi
- 33828: Stability analysis in a Cournot duopoly with managerial sales delegation and bounded rationality

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 33827: A new method for approximating vector autoregressive processes by finite-state Markov chains

- Nikolay Gospodinov and Damba Lkhagvasuren
- 33825: Global oil risks in the early 21st century

- Dean Fantazzini, Mikael Hook and André Angelantoni
- 33823: The long-run macroeconomic impacts of fuel subsidies in an oil-importing developing country

- Michael Plante
- 33815: Nachträgliche Reduktion von Vorstandsbezügen: Eine ökonomische Analyse der Herabsetzungsmöglichkeit von Vorstandsbezügen nach dem VorstAG (Ex post Reduction of Executive Compensation: An economic review of the Ger-man VorstAG)

- Mihael Duran
- 33812: Pakistan: Breaking out of stagflation into sustained growth

- Rashid Amjad, Musleh-ud Din and Abdul Qayyum
- 33810: Games judges don't play: predatory pricing and strategic reasoning in US antitrust

- Nicola Giocoli
- 33809: Reaction curves

- Nicola Giocoli
- 33808: Three alternative (?) stories on the late 20th-century rise of game theory

- Nicola Giocoli
- 33807: Competition vs. property rights: American antitrust law, the Freiburg School and the early years of European competition policy

- Nicola Giocoli
- 33806: Mathematics as the role model for neoclassical economics (Blanqui Lecture)

- Nicola Giocoli
- 33803: Empirical testing of Balassa-Samuelson hypothesis with German and UK data

- Dushko Josheski, Cane Koteski and Darko Lazarov
- 33802: Monopolistic competition: Critical evaluation the theory of monopolistic competition with specific reference to the seminal 1977 paper by Dixit and Stiglitz

- Dushko Josheski, Cane Koteski and Darko Lazarov
- 33801: Tecnologia, heterogeneidad y crecimiento: una caja de herramientas estructuralista (Technology, heterogeneity and Growth: A Structuralist Toolbox)

- Mario Cimoli and Gabriel Porcile
- 33800: Technology, structural change and BOP constrained growth: A structuralist toolbox

- Mario Cimoli and Gabriel Porcile
- 33798: Modelling the linkage between tourism and multiple dimensions of poverty in Thailand

- Komsan Suriya
- 33796: The paths of coffee: A brief economic history of coffee in Colombia

- Fernando Estrada
- 33795: Equity in an educational boom: Lessons from the expansion and marketization of tertiary schooling in Poland

- Mikolaj Herbst and Jakub Rok
- 33791: A national accounts satellite for human capital and education

- Frits Bos
- 33789: Health, growth and welfare: a theoritical appraisal of the long run impact of medical R&D

- Stefano Bosi and Thierry Laurent
- 33785: Special Economic Zones and Agriculture with Increasing Returns

- Soumyatanu Mukherjee
- 33783: Non-monotonic utility functions for microeconomic analysis of sufficiency economy

- Komsan Suriya
- 33780: Welfare effects of subsidizing a dead-end network of less polluting vehicles

- Antje-Mareike Dietrich and Gernot Sieg
- 33779: Welfare effects of public service broadcasting in a free-to-air TV market

- Julia Rothbauer and Gernot Sieg
- 33778: Default probability estimation in small samples - with an application to sovereign bonds

- Walter Orth
- 33776: Flower farming and flower marketing in West Bengal: a study of efficiency and sustainability

- Debnarayan Sarker and Sanjukta Chakravorty
- 33775: Regulation, governance and informality: an empirical analysis of selected countries

- Punarjit Roychowdhury and Mousumi Dutta
- 33770: Fitness landscape and tax planning: NK model for fiscal federalism

- Marisa Faggini and Anna Parziale
- 33766: Business models as systemic instruments for the evolution of traditional districts?

- Andrea Cocchi
- 33765: Money and Long-run Growth

- Ge Zhou
- 33758: “Economic freedom” and economic growth: questioning the claim that freer markets make societies more prosperous

- Joseph Cohen
- 33754: Rational expectations in urban economics

- Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
- 33752: NDC v FDC: Pros, cons and replication

- David Blake
- 33749: Turning pension plans into pension planes: What investment strategy designers of defined contribution pension plans can learn from commercial aircraft designers

- David Blake, Andrew Cairns and Kevin Dowd
- 33748: Indian agriculture and food security: problem and prospects

- Haseen Dr shaukat and Khan Md rehan
- 33745: Conspicuous Consumption, Social Status and Measures of Poverty – An Example

- Sugata Marjit and Biswajit Mandal
- 33744: Reduce computation in profile empirical likelihood method

- Minqiang Li, Liang Peng and Yongcheng Qi
- 33743: Evolutionary Model of Non-Durable Markets

- Joachim Kaldasch
- 33742: Abuse of collective dominance under the competition law of the Russian Federation

- Svetlana Avdasheva, Nadezhda Goreyko and Russell Pittman
- 33736: Recessionary shock, capital mobility and the informal sector

- Biswajit Mandal, Sugata Marjit and Hamid Beladi
- 33735: A model based on the Rybczynski equation for Portugal. Another way

- Vítor Martinho
- 33734: A model based on the Rybczynski equation for Portugal

- Vítor Martinho
- 33733: Recessionary shock and factor return in an underemployed economy

- Hamid Beladi and Biswajit Mandal
- 33732: Inaccurate approximation in the modelling of hyperinflations

- Peter Moffatt and Evens Salies
- 33730: Status, Poverty and Trade

- Sugata Marjit and Punarjit Roychowdhury
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