MPRA Paper
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- 16872: Licensing probabilistic Patents and Liability Rules: The Duopoly case

- Martin Barrenechea
- 16869: Avantajele implementarii unui sistem de management al mediului la nivelul clusterelor industriale in economia bazata pe cunoastere (The advantages of implementing an environmental management system within industrial clusters in knowledge-based economy)

- Virginia Ciobotaru, Oana Ţăpurică and Florin Tache
- 16866: Does India attain self sufficiency in Food production

- Guruswamy SriSubramaniam and Subramaniam Sairavi
- 16862: Disease, Institutions and Underdevelopment

- Lubna Hasan
- 16859: The Inter-Related Dynamics of Dual Job Holding, Human Capital and Occupational Choice

- Konstantinos Pouliakas, Georgios Panos and Alexandros Zangelidis
- 16858: Worker Absenteeism and Incentives: Evidence from Italy

- Vincenzo Scoppa
- 16857: Energy quality

- David Stern
- 16856: Do unions protect injured workers from earnings losses?

- Christopher Woock
- 16854: Learning to Fail? Evidence from Frequent IPO Investors

- Yao-Min Chiang, David Hirshleifer, Yiming Qian and Ann Sherman
- 16853: How universal is happiness?

- Ruut Veenhoven
- 16850: Legitimacy to develop fair value measurement standards: The Case of the IVSC Discussion Paper – Determination of fair value of intangible assets for IFRS reporting purposes

- Adela Deaconu, Cristina Silvia Nistor and Crina Filip
- 16842: Child Labour and Schooling Responses to Access to Microcredit in Rural Bangladesh

- Asad Islam and Chongwoo Choe
- 16838: How Important is Technology? A Counterfactual Analysis

- Hakan Yilmazkuday
- 16836: On-site audits, sanctions, and bank risk-taking: An empirical overture towards a novel regulatory and supervisory philosophy

- Manthos Delis and Panagiotis Staikouras
- 16835: Where there is a will: Fertility behavior and sex bias in large families

- Tarun Jain
- 16834: Revisting Property Crime and Economic Conditions: An Exploratory Study to Identify Predictive Indicators beyond Unemployment Rates

- Douglas Yearwood and Gerry Koinis
- 16833: Click to download data: an event study of Internet access to economic statistics

- Emre Tokel and Mustafa Yücel
- 16831: Securitization and Bank Stability

- Antonio Di Cesare
- 16827: The Poverty of Statistics

- Alan Freeman
- 16824: Endogenous income taxes in OLG economies: A clarification

- Yan Chen and Yan Zhang
- 16823: Changing the Research Patenting Regime: Schumpeterian Explanation

- Guido Cozzi and Silvia Galli
- 16814: Cultural neuroeconomics of intertemporal choice

- Taiki Takahashi, Tarik Hadzibeganovic, Sergio Cannas, Takaki Makino, Hiroki Fukui and Shinobu Kitayama
- 16809: Global poverty reduction and Pareto-improving redistribution

- Angus Chu
- 16808: Root Causes of The Housing Bubble

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 16806: Identifying the key issues focusing on the costs and benefits of immigration in developed countries

- Alexandra Dobra
- 16805: Bourgeois dignity and liberty: Why economics can’t explain the modern world

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey

- Michel Ahohounkpanzon
- 16800: Public Opinion behind the Deterrence: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Study of the Israeli Policy towards Lebanon

- Shingo Hamanaka
- 16799: Un Marco de Consistencia Macroeconómica para la Economía Ecuatoriana: Un Regreso a los Fundamentos (Macroeconomic Consistency Framework for the Ecuadorian Economy: Getting Back to Fundamentals)

- Ivan Gachet, Diego Girjalva, Ana Rivadeneira and Carlos Uribe
- 16798: Inequality and Authoritarianism in the Developing Countries

- Shingo Hamanaka
- 16790: A New Paradigm: A Joint Test of Structural and Correlation Parameters in Instrumental Variables Regression When Perfect Exogeneity is Violated

- Mehmet Caner and Melinda Morrill
- 16785: The Visible Hand: Finger ratio (2D:4D) and competitive behavior

- Matthew Pearson and Burkhard C Schipper
- 16784: Menstrual cycle and competitive bidding

- Matthew Pearson and Burkhard C Schipper
- 16783: The Status of Information Communication and Technology in Financial Institutions in Nigeria

- Anthony Owojori
- 16781: Home market determinants of FDI outflows from developing and transition economies

- Saime Kayam
- 16780: Bias Correction and Out-of-Sample Forecast Accuracy

- Hyeongwoo Kim and Nazif Durmaz
- 16778: Neighbourhood social capital and individual mental health

- Gindo Tampubolon
- 16777: Trustworthiness and economic performance

- Janice Boucher Breuer and John McDermott
- 16775: Investīcijas kā Latvijas ekonomikas izaugsmes faktors (Investments as a Growth Factor of the Latvian Economy)

- Deniss Titarenko
- 16771: On the Truly Noncooperative Game of Island Life II: Evolutionary Stable Economic Development Strategy in Brief

- Matt Funk
- 16770: Inflation Targeting and Inflation Convergence within Turkey

- Hakan Yilmazkuday
- 16768: Post-Keynesian Theory of Business Enterprise and the Veblenian´s Approach: Are there commonalities?

- Jairo Parada
- 16767: Bank Competition and International Financial Integration: Evidence using a new Index

- Gurnain Pasricha
- 16765: Neural networks as a learning paradigm for general normal form games

- Leonidas Spiliopoulos
- 16760: Credit Market Development and Human Capital Accumulation

- Wai-Hong Ho
- 16758: Neighbourhood social capital improves individual health quality of life in a national sample from Wales

- Gindo Tampubolon
- 16756: Portfolio Analysis of Financial Market Risks by Random Set Tools

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev, Arcady A. Novosyolov, Konstantin V. Simonov and Andrew Fomin
- 16755: The Dynamic Effects of Subsidizing the Tourism Sector

- Stefan Franz Schubert and Juan Brida
- 16754: La dynamique de la stabilité du système financier roumain: une analyse en terme d’indice agrégé de stabilité (Romanian financial system dynamics: an aggregate stability index analysis)

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 16753: Trends and Patterns of Energy Consumption in India

- Santosh Sahu
- 16752: The responsive approach by the Basel Committee (on Banking Supervision) to regulation: Meta risk regulation, the Internal Ratings Based Approaches and the Advanced Measurement Approaches

- Marianne Ojo
- 16748: Multiple Reserve Requirements, Exchange Rates, Sudden Stops and Equilibrium Dynamics in a Small Open Economy

- Paula Hernandez-Verme and Grace Wang
- 16747: Democracy and trade: a gentle trade-off

- Mustafa Yücel
- 16746: Processing savings and work decisions through Shannon's channels

- Antonella Tutino
- 16744: The rigidity of choice: lifetime savings under information-processing constraints

- Antonella Tutino
- 16742: Capabilities measurement: an empirical investigation

- Hamid Hasan
- 16740: Forecasting credit growth rate in Romania: from credit boom to credit crunch?

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 16739: A Dynamic Oligopoly Game of the US Airline Industry: Estimation and Policy Experiments

- Victor Aguirregabiria and Chun-Yu Ho
- 16738: Dynamic Effects of Oil Price Shocks and their Impact on the Current Account

- Stefan Franz Schubert
- 16737: A Dynamic Model of Economic Growth in a Small Tourism Driven Economy

- Stefan Franz Schubert and Juan Brida
- 16736: Coping with Externalities in Tourism - A Dynamic Optimal Taxation Approach

- Stefan Franz Schubert
- 16733: Socio-Economic Differences in the Satisfaction of High-Pay and Low-Pay Jobs in Europe

- Konstantinos Pouliakas and Ioannis Theodossiou
- 16729: Strategic Vertical Separation

- Igor Sloev
- 16728: Measuring Weak Sustainability for the future: Calculating Genuine Saving with population change by an integrated assessment model

- Koji Tokimatsu, Takanobu Kosugi, Kurosawa Atsushi, Itsubo Norihiro and Sakagami Masaji
- 16726: What lessons from the 1930s?

- Cinzia Alcidi and Daniel Gros
- 16725: Seasonality in Government Expenditure Examined

- Anand M.R. Anand
- 16723: On the Computation of the Hausdorff Dimension of the Walrasian Economy:Further Notes

- C-Rene Dominique
- 16722: Life Cycle Pricing and the Measurement of Inflation

- Daniel Melser and Iqbal Syed
- 16721: Massively Parallel Computation Using Graphics Processors with Application to Optimal Experimentation in Dynamic Control

- Sudhanshu Mathur and Sergei Morozov
- 16712: Guia logistica de transportación de frutas y vegetales a Europa (Handbook of fresh produce transportation to Europe)

- Yari Borbon-Galvez
- 16710: Bank transactions: pathway to the single tax ideal A modern tax technology;the Brazilian experience with a bank transactions tax (1993-2007)

- Marcos Cintra
- 16707: Lending Competition and Relationship Banking: Evidence from Japan

- Yoshiaki Ogura and Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 16706: A Repeated Game Heterogeneous-Agent Wage-Posting Model

- Matej Steinbacher, Matjaz Steinbacher and Mitja Steinbacher
- 16705: Impact of Digital Revolution on the Structure of Nigerian Banks

- A. A. Agboola, Olalekan Yinusa and A.O. Ologunde
- 16700: Redistributive effect of personal income taxation in Pakistan

- Vaqar Ahmed and Cathal O'Donoghue
- 16699: Inflation, Growth and Exchange Rate Regimes in Small Open Economies

- Paula Hernandez-Verme
- 16694: Shirking and Employment Protection Legislation: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

- Vincenzo Scoppa
- 16693: Symmetry in farm-retail price transmission: pork in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng
- 16684: Comparing forecasts of Latvia's GDP using simple seasonal ARIMA models and direct versus indirect approach

- Ginters Buss
- 16683: When Do Large Buyers Pay Less? Experimental Evidence

- Bradley Ruffle
- 16673: Export and Import Cointegration in Forestry Domain: The Case of Malaysia

- F.A. Emmy, A.H. Baharom, Alias Radam and I. Illisriyani
- 16672: Testing the nullity of GARCH coefficients: correction of the standard tests and relative efficiency comparisons

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 16670: Competition and Growth in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding product Variety without Scale Effects Revisited

- Dominique Bianco
- 16669: Sup-tests for linearity in a general nonlinear AR(1) model when the supremum is taken over the full parameter space

- Christian Francq, Lajos Horvath and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 16663: Разрывы в шкале вероятностей. Расчет величин разрывов (Ruptures in the probability scale. Calculation of ruptures’ values)

- Alexander Harin
- 16662: Regulación Ambiental: Los Bosques Nativos, una Visión Económica (Environmental Regulation: The Native Forests, an Economic Vision)

- Salusso Marco Emilio
- 16659: Analyse und Vergleich verschiedener formaler Modelle zum Wahlverhalten (Analysis and Comparison of voting behavior models)

- Christian Seiler
- 16657: Long-Run Impacts of Inflation Tax with Endogenous Capital Depreciation

- Seiya Fujisaki and Kazuo Mino
- 16655: Innovation through Discrimination!? A Formal Analysis of the Net Neutrality Debate

- Jan Krämer and Lukas Wiewiorra
- 16640: A new distribution-based test of self-similarity

- Sergio Bianchi
- 16624: A Review of Kuhnian and Lakatosian “Explanations” in Economics

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Anastassios Karayiannis
- 16622: The Religious and Anthropological Perspectives of Development and Poverty

- Sayed Moawad Attia
- 16620: Взаимодействие стран СНГ с азиатскими интеграционными группировками (Interaction of the CIS countries with Asian integration projects)

- Alexander Libman
- 16619: Subjective Well-Being as Welfare Measure: Concepts and Methodology

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 16618: Agua, salud y análisis costo/beneficio social (Water, health and social cost/benefit analysis)

- Gustavo Ferro, Candelaria Logares and Mauricio Roitman
- 16610: Comparative analysis of economic transformation in Poland and selected central European countries

- Tadeusz Kowalski
- 16608: Efficient Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimation and Indirect Inference

- Richard Nickl and Benedikt Pötscher
- 16607: The usefulness of aggregate sustainability indicators for policy making: What do they say for Madagascar?

- Timothée Ollivier
- 16606: Determinants of Energy Intensity: A Preliminary Investigation of Indian Manufacturing

- Santosh Sahu and Krishnan Narayanan
- 16603: Is Mozambican Growth Sustainable? A Comprehensive Wealth Accounting Prospect

- Timothée Ollivier
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