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45949: Understanding "The Problem of Social Cost" Downloads
Enrico Baffi
45948: Dashboard, Tool for Monitoring and Measuring the Performances of Entities within Mining Extractive Downloads
Sorinel Capusneanu, Boca (Rakos), Ileana Sorina and Cristian Marian Barbu
45947: Homilies as knowledge transfer platform for Filipino migrant workers in Taiwan Downloads
Francis Raymond Calbay
45938: Macro-Institutional Instability and the Incentive to Innovate Downloads
Serena Masino
45931: Interaction entre politique monétaire et politique budgétaire:Cas de la Grèce (Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions: The Greece Case) Downloads
Hounaida Daly and Mounir Smida
45929: Banking services in terms of changing environment: the case of Macedonia Downloads
Tome Nenovski, Evica Delova Jolevska and Ilija Andovski
45928: Macedonian economy before and after the global economic crises Downloads
Tome Nenovski and Ivica Smilkovski
45914: Playing the Fertility Game at Work: An Equilibrium Model of Peer Effects Downloads
Federico Ciliberto, Amalia Miller, Helena Nielsen and Marianne Simonsen
45913: Modal verbs and politeness strategies in political discourse Downloads
Ruxandra Boicu
45903: Macroculture, Athletics and Democracy in ancient Greece Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
45887: Research and Science Today No. 1(5)/2013 Downloads
Elena Adam, Floarea Elena Trișcaș, Raluca-Maria Nicoară, Ruben Ioan Ivan, Paul Duță, Ion Panait, Viorella Manolache, Alin Andronache, Andreea Trandafir, Anda Taropa-Iacob, Andreea Emilia Duță, Costel Iordan, Oana Alexandra Alexa, Mihaela Andreea Ciorei, Flavius-Cristian Marcau, Isabella Cristiana Sima, Mihaela Mateiu, Elena Nisipeanu, Alexandra Călin, Katalin Harangus, Filip Vladimir Edu, Aurelia Camelia Marin, Nica Aşer, Laura Bogdan, Monika Moga, Dana Vulpașu, Elena-Alis Costescu, Cristina-Elena Ciuntuc, Caleb Otniel Traian Nechifor, Cosmina Cristescu and Cristina Pipoş
45878: India-Pakistan Trade Liberalization: A CGE Modelling Apporach Downloads
Sanjib Pohit
45876: Constructing Trade Barrier Index for Selected countries of South Asia Downloads
Sanjib Pohit and Dripto Mukhopadhyay
45875: Globalization of the Indian Economy: Effects on Sectoral/Regional/Employment Realignments Downloads
Sanjib Pohit
45874: Overview of India-Nepal Trade: Trends, Trade Logistics and Impediments Downloads
Sanjib Pohit
45871: Stock Market Linkages in Emerging Asia-Pacific Markets Downloads
Srinivasan P and Kalaivani M.
45870: Was there a "Greenspan conundrum" in the Euro area ? Downloads
Gildas Lame
45868: Theoretical Perspective of Local Government - Literature Review Downloads
Adnan ul Haqu
45867: The Transition from the Neoclassical Growth Model to Ecology Downloads
Michael Schlauch and Gaia Palmisano
45866: Complementarity and Potentials of High Technology Trade, Technology and Skills Transfers between India-Russia Downloads
Sanjib Pohit
45862: Estimating Diffusion Rates for Telecommunications: Evidence from European Union Downloads
Christos Agiakloglou and Sotiris Karkalakos
45860: Financial Time Series Forecasting by Developing a Hybrid Intelligent System Downloads
Abbas Ali Abounoori, Esmaeil Naderi, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Ashkan Amiri
45852: How does the stock market value bank diversification? Empirical evidence from Japanese banks Downloads
Michiru Sawada
45850: Proximate Determinants of School Dropout: A study on Rural West Bengal Downloads
Koushik Kumar Hati and Rajarshi Majumder
45849: Health for Development: A District Level Study in West Bengal Downloads
Koushik Kumar Hati and Rajarshi Majumder
45848: Governor’s term and information disclosure: Evidence from Japan Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
45845: Impact of Alternative & Innovative Education Programmes: A Study of Bridge Course Centres in Bardhaman District Downloads
Koushik Kumar Hati and Rajarshi Majumder
45844: International monetary transmission to the Euro area: Evidence from the U.S., Japan and China Downloads
Joaquin Vespignani and Ronald Ratti
45842: The efect on firms' Productivity of accessibility. The Spanish manufacturung sector Downloads
David Martín-Barroso, Nuñez Juan Andres and Francisco J. Velazquez
45839: The Hedging Effectiveness of Currency Futures Markets Downloads
Charles Dale
45838: Pragmatic identity and alterity in political discourse Downloads
Ruxandra Boicu
45835: Confirming Information Flows in Networks Downloads
Pascal Billand, Christophe Bravard, Jurjen Kamphorst and Sudipta Sarangi
45832: Where do Kampala’s poor “go”? - Urban sanitation conditions in Kampala’s low-income areas Downloads
Isabel Günther, Alexandra Horst, Christoph Lüthi, Hans-Joachim Mosler, Charles B. Niwagaba and Innocent K. Tumwebaze
45830: When is shared sanitation improved sanitation? - The correlation between number of users and toilet hygiene Downloads
Isabel Günther, Charles B. Niwagaba, Christoph Lüthi, Alexandra Horst, Hans-Joachim Mosler and Innocent K. Tumwebaze
45823: Portugal Ought Not Restructure Its Debt Downloads
Pedro Rodrigues
45818: Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Natural Resource Management Downloads
M.S.. Meena and K.M. Singh
45816: Modeling exchange rate dynamics in India using stock market indices and macroeconomic variables Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Deepti Kohli
45814: The Impact of Corporate Board Meetings on Corporate Performance in South Africa Downloads
Collins Ntim
45812: The King Reports, Independent Non-Executive Directors and Firm Valuation on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange Downloads
Collins Ntim
45810: Socio-religious Disparity in Educational Achievements: A District Level study in West Bengal Downloads
Koushik Kumar Hati
45808: Director Shareownership and Corporate Performance in South Africa Downloads
Collins Ntim
45806: Why African Stock Markets Should Formally Harmonise and Integrate their Operations Downloads
Collins Ntim
45805: An Integrated Corporate Governance Framework and Financial Performance in South African Listed Corporations Downloads
Collins Ntim
45804: Corporate Governance, Affirmative Action and Firm Value in Post-Apartheid South Africa: A Simultaneous Equation Approach Downloads
Collins Ntim
45801: Does Modernization Improve Performance: Evidence from Indian Police Downloads
Surender Kumar and Sudesh Kumar
45788: Estimating Diffusion Rates for Telecommunications: Evidence from European Union Downloads
Christos Agiakloglou and Sotiris Karkalakos
45786: Natural resources royalties and local development in Colombia Downloads
Carlos Barreto Nieto, Jose Linares and Rosa María Armenta
45772: Music Piracy: Bad for Record Sales but Good for the iPod? Downloads
Tin Cheuk Leung
45770: اخلاقیات در چاپ پول (Moral Foundations of Money Production) Downloads
Peyman Firouzi Naeim
45762: Does Distance matter for Institutional Delivery in Rural India? An Instrumental Variable Approach Downloads
Santosh Kumar, Emily Dansereau and Chris Murray
45759: Money as gold versus money as water Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
45756: Globalization, female employment, and regional differences in OECD countries Downloads
Justina A. V. Fischer
45755: Mobility of human capital and its effect on regional economic development. Review of theory and empirical literature Downloads
Mikolaj Herbst and Jakub Rok
45754: Usefulness of Treasury Bill Futures as Hedging Instruments Downloads
Paul Cicchetti, Charles Dale and Anthony Vignola
45750: The Performance of Plants Inserted in Global Supply Chains: A Look at Vertically-Linked Affiliates Downloads
Juan Blyde and Julieth Santamaria
45749: Logistics Infrastructure and the International Location of Fragmented Production Downloads
Juan Blyde and Danielken Molina
45746: The Forward Premium Puzzle And The Euro Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
45743: Productivity As If Space Mattered: An Application to Factor Markets Across China Downloads
Wenya Cheng, John Morrow and Kitjawat Tacharoen
45738: Poverty Dynamics: The Structurally and Stochastically Poor in Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
45737: Poverty of Ethnic Minorities in the Poorest Areas of Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen Viet
45733: Sources of economic growth and regional convergences in Morocco (Sources of economic growth and regional convergences in Morocco) Downloads
Mohamed Karim
45732: Cambodia - Laos - Vietnam Development Triangle: A Viewpoint from Vietnam Downloads
Binh Giang Nguyen
45731: Strategic real options with stochastic volatility in a duopoly model Downloads
Bing Huang, Jiling Cao and Hyuck Chung
45727: Cheap talk with simultaneous versus sequential messages Downloads
Mehmet Gurdal, Ayca Ozdogan and Ismail Saglam
45722: Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (III) Downloads
Marianne Ojo and Felix Ayadi
45721: The impact of human capital accounting on the efficiency of English professional football clubs Downloads
Anna Goshunova
45717: Does final demand for energy in Portugal exhibit long memory? Downloads
José Belbute
45715: Exploring the determinants of the productivity of microfinance institutions in India Downloads
Koire Twaha and Abdul Rashid
45714: The Demand for Bolivian Tin Downloads
Antonio Bojanic and Steven B Caudill
45703: Space and Time Downloads
John Linus O'Sullivan
45693: An Assessment of Technology Transfer System in Afghanistan: The Case of Balkh and Nangarhar provinces Downloads
K.M. Singh
45692: A Strategy for Improving the Technology Transfer System in Afghanistan through ATMA Model using Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Approach Downloads
K.M. Singh and Ajay Kumar
45691: Modelling Volatility Size Effects for Firm Performance: The Impact of Chinese Tourists to Taiwan Downloads
Chia-Lin Chang and Hui-Kuang Hsu
45690: Protecting Against Disaster with Contracts Downloads
Hideki Sato
45688: Raising Wages as a Strategy to Reduce Corruption Downloads
Hideki Sato
45684: Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (II) Downloads
Felix Ayadi and Marianne Ojo
45679: Central bank independence: monetary policies in selected jurisdictions (I) Downloads
Ayadi Felix and Marianne Ojo
45678: Book review: “The Challenge of Financial Stability: A New Model and its Applications” by Goodhart C.A.E. and Tsomocos D.P Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain
45675: On Size and Power of Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Tests Downloads
David Preinerstorfer and Benedikt Pötscher
45674: Estimation of the Contribution of the Biosector to Ireland’s Net Foreign Earnings: Methodology and Results Downloads
Edward Riordan
45673: Nowe ujęcie funkcji zarządzania informacjami (A New Classification Of Management Information Functions) Downloads
Marek Ćwiklicki
45670: The Predictive Role of Stock Market Return for Real Activity in Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
45668: To what extent are financial crises comparable and thus predictable? Downloads
John Diamondopoulos
45660: Time to abandon group thinking in economics Downloads
Sergio Da Silva
45659: Factors behind international relocation and changes in production geography in the European automobile components industry Downloads
Jesús Lampón and Santiago Lago-Peñas
45656: Identification and Estimation of a Discrete Game by Observing its Correlated Equilibria Downloads
Yafeng Wang and Brett Graham
45654: Are Thai Manufacturing Exports and Imports of Capital Goods Related? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
45652: The Cyprus crisis in the mirror: the ‘small deposit tax’ as historical faux-pas Downloads
Justina A. V. Fischer
45641: Should Policy in a Monetary Union be based on Union Aggregates? Downloads
Christian Jensen
45640: Military Expenditure, Endogeneity and Economic Growth Downloads
Giorgio d'Agostino, John Dunne and Luca Pieroni
45633: Institutional Barrier and the World Income Distribution Downloads
Celso Costa Junior
45631: Global dynamic timelines for IPRs harmonization against software piracy Downloads
Antonio R Andrés and Simplice Asongu
45630: On smoothing macroeconomic time series using HP and modified HP filter Downloads
Ali Choudhary, Nadim Hanif and Javed Iqbal
45627: E' solo la punta dell'iceberg! Costi e ricavi del crocierismo a Venezia (The top of the iceberg! Cost and turnover of cruising in Venice) Downloads
Giuseppe Tattara
45626: Strukturelle Hemmnisse für den Ausbau der Kindertagesbetreuung in Deutschland (Structural impediments to the enlargement and improvement of early childhood education and care services in Germany) Downloads
Henrik Egbert and Hildenbrand Andreas
45623: Impact of natural disasters on income inequality: Analysis using panel data during the period 1965 to 2004 Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
45622: Taxation of agricultural sector in Morocco. An Analysis using a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model (Taxation of agricultural sector in Morocco. An Analysis using a Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model) Downloads
Mohamed Karim
45615: Financial Time Series Forecasting by Developing a Hybrid Intelligent System Downloads
Abbas Ali Abounoori, Esmaeil Naderi, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Ashkan Amiri
45605: Long Memory Analysis: An Empirical Investigation Downloads
Rafik Nazarian, Esmaeil Naderi, Nadiya Gandali Alikhani and Ashkan Amiri
45593: Comparative Economics Of Users and Nonusers Of Dharabi Dam Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Aamir Khan, Bilal Mansoor and Aftab Hanif
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