MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 77794: A Methodology for Neural Spatial Interaction Modeling

- Manfred Fischer and Martin Reismann
- 77791: Terminology and Methodology for Benchmarking Foresight Programmes

- Attila Havas
- 77790: Evaluating Neural Spatial Interaction Modelling by Bootstrapping

- Manfred Fischer and Martin Reismann
- 77788: Learning in Neural Spatial Interaction Models: A Statistical Perspective

- Manfred Fischer
- 77786: The Geography of Knowledge Spillovers between High-Technology Firms in Europe. Evidence from a Spatial Interaction Modelling Perspective

- Manfred Fischer, Thomas Scherngell and Eva Jansenberger
- 77784: Regional Income Convergence in Europe, 1995-2000: A Spatial Econometric Perspective

- Manfred Fischer and Claudia Stirböck
- 77782: Standing on the shoulder of giants: The aspect of free-riding in RePEc rankings

- Klaus Wohlrabe and Justus Meyer
- 77778: Türkiye'de Yüksek Öğretim ve Ekonomik Büyüme (Higher Education and Economic Growth in Turkey)

- Güngör Turan
- 77776: Neural Networks. A General Framework for Non-Linear Function Approximation

- Manfred Fischer
- 77775: Endogenous Growth, Semi-endogenous Growth... or Both? A Simple Hybrid Model

- Guido Cozzi
- 77774: Analysis of technical efficiency of rice production in fogera district of Ethiopia: A stochastic frontier approach

- Tadesse Zenebe Lema, Solomon Amare Tessema and Fentahun Addis Abebe
- 77773: Türkiye'de Büyüme ve İşsizlik (Growth and Unemployment in Turkey)

- Güngör Turan
- 77772: Market-preserving fiscal federalism in the European Monetary Union

- Ad van Riet
- 77771: How much Keynes and how much Schumpeter? An Estimated Macromodel of the US Economy

- Guido Cozzi, Beatrice Pataracchia, Marco Ratto and Philipp Pfeiffer
- 77767: A rough set approach for the discovery of classification rules in interval-valued information systems

- Yee Leung, Manfred Fischer, Wei-Zhi Wu and Ju-Sheng Mi
- 77766: An Empirical Analysis on the Long-term Relation Between Unemployment and Higher Education in Turkey

- Güngör Turan
- 77764: When Vultures Bring Blessings: Employment Growth in Japanese Businesses under Private Equity Ownership

- Georg Blind and Stefania Lottanti von Mandach
- 77762: Knowledge spillovers and total factor productivity. Evidence using a spatial panel data model

- Manfred Fischer, Thomas Scherngell and Martin Reismann
- 77761: Modeling the „Visitors to Rome“ effect: Reputation Building in Anglo-Saxon Buyout Funds in Japan

- Georg Blind and Lottanti von Mandach Stefania
- 77760: Конфликт интересов региона и глобальных торговых систем: от конфронтации к сотрудничеству (Conflict of interests of the region and global trading systems: from confrontation to cooperation)

- Victor Stukach
- 77758: Choice of the Group Increases Intra-Cooperation

- Tatiana Babkina, Mikhail Myagkov, Evgeniya Lukinova, Anastasiya Peshkovskaya, Olga Menshikova and Elliot T. Berkman
- 77754: Macroeconomic Imbalances in euro- and non-euro area member states

- Daniela Bobeva and Atanas Atanasov
- 77753: Welfare Cost of Inflation: The Role of Price Markups and Increasing Returns to Production Specialization

- Juin-jen Chang, Ching-chong Lai and Chih-Hsing Liao
- 77749: Ultra-accommodative Monetary Policy and Unintentional Drags on Consumer Spending

- Victor Xing
- 77745: The Relevance of Age Categories in explaining Internet Banking Adoption Rates and Customers' Attitudes towards the Service

- Silvio Camilleri and Grech Gail
- 77744: Younger Customers' Outlooks when Selecting and Changing a Financial Services Provider: The Case of Maltese Students

- Silvio Camilleri and Denise Ellul
- 77743: The dynamics of poverty in Mexico: A multinomial logistic regression analysis

- Jorge Garza-Rodriguez, Jennifer Fernández-Ramos, Ana K. Garcia-Guerra and Gabriela Morales-Ramirez
- 77742: Exploring Factors that Influence Domestic Tourists’ Satisfaction with Budget Hotel Services in Egypt

- Samy Hossam
- 77740: Um panorama da matriz produtiva de celulose no Cone Sul: caracterização, configuração e produção (An overview of the pulp production matrix in the Southern Cone: characterization, configuration and production)

- Fernanda Sperotto
- 77733: Deception and Reception: The Behavior of Information Providers and Users

- Roman Sheremeta and Timothy Shields
- 77730: Применение почвозащитных технологий в регионах, подверженных ветровой эрозии: механизмы мотивации собственников земли (Application of soil protection technologies in regions prone to wind erosion: mechanisms for motivating landowners)

- Victor Stukach
- 77728: Gender Discrimination, Gender Disparities in Obesity and Human Development

- Fabrizio Ferretti and Michele Mariani
- 77720: Negative Shocks and Mass Persecutions: Evidence from the Black Death

- Remi Jebwab, Noel Johnson and Mark Koyama
- 77718: Traitement et Analyse de Données avec le Langage R (Data Processing and Analysis with R Language)

- Moussa Keita
- 77716: Sequential order as an extraneous factor in editorial decision

- Sultan Orazbayev
- 77713: Social Communication between Traditional and the New Mass-Media

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu and Catalin I. Vrabie
- 77712: Education 2.0: E-Learning Methods

- Andreea Tirziu and Catalin Vrabie
- 77711: PROTECȚIA ȘI SECURITATEA INFORMAȚIILOR LA NIVELUL AUTORITĂȚILOR PUBLICE NAȚIONALE DIN ROMÂNIA (Protection and security of information at the level of national public authorities from Romania)

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 77710: Foreign language learning using e-communication technologies in the educational sector

- Andreea Tirziu and Catalin I. Vrabie
- 77708: NET Generation. Thinking outside the box by using online learning methods

- Andreea Tirziu and Catalin I. Vrabie
- 77707: E-participation – a Key Factor in Developing Smart Cities

- Catalin I. Vrabie and Andreea Tirziu
- 77706: Social innovation in the Romanian context – case study on the country’s city halls

- Andreea Tirziu, Luminita Iordache and Catalin Vrabie
- 77705: Inovarea socială – o viziune benefică asupra sectorului public. Studiu de caz: inovarea socială în universităڏile publice din Italia (Social innovation – a beneficial vision on the public sector. Case study: social innovation in the public universities from Italy)

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 77703: The technology legal framework issues and challenges in Romania

- Catalin Vrabie and Andreea Tirziu
- 77701: Boosting social change through social innovation labs

- Andreea Tirziu
- 77700: Comparing Welfare and Profit in Quantity and Price Competition within Stackelberg Mixed Duopolies

- Kosuke Hirose and Toshihiro Matsumura
- 77699: Viitorul administrației publice în contextul dezvoltării tehnologiilor de comunicare digitale (The future of public administration in the context of digital communication technologies’ development)

- Andreea-Maria Tirziu
- 77698: Współpraca badawczo-rozwojowa przedsiębiorstw: przegląd prac empirycznych (R&D Cooperation of Firms: Empirical literature review)

- Adam Karbowski
- 77687: متطلبات إرساء حكومة إلكترونية ناجحة: نماذج وتجارب عالمية وعربية (Requirements of Developing a Successful E-Government: international and Arab experiences)

- Leila Metali
- 77681: Seven Basic Tools of Quality Control: An Appropriate Tools for Solving Quality Problems in the Organizations

- Behnam Neyestani

- Azwar Iskandar and Achmat Subekan
- 77675: اتجاهات المستهلكين الجزائريين نحو التسوق عبر الانترنت: دراسة ميدانية (The Attitude of the Algerian Consumers Toward Internet Shopping: An Empirical Study)

- Leila Metali
- 77674: Examining the Changes in Health Investment Behavior After Retirement: A Harmonized Analysis

- Hiroyuki Motegi, Yoshinori Nishimura and Masato Oikawa
- 77671: Абстрактный характер подготовки специалиста и реальные проблемы модернизации экономики: потенциал деловой игры в профессиональном становлении менеджера (The abstract nature of the training and the modernization of the real problems of the economy: the potential of the business game in the professional development manager)

- Victor Stukach, Ekaterina Astashova and Flla Zinich
- 77668: Linkage Effects, Oligopolistic Competition, and Core-Periphery

- Haiwen Zhou
- 77667: Oligopolistic Competition, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Impact of International Trade

- Haiwen Zhou
- 77665: Inteligentne miasta przyjazne starzeniu się - przykłady z krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej (Smart, Age-friendly Cities: Examples in the Countries of the Visegrad Group (V4))

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Łukasz Tomczyk
- 77655: Stabilizing unstable outcomes in prediction games

- Steven Brams and Marc Kilgour
- 77654: Tourism multipliers in the Mexican economy

- Antonio Kido-Cruz
- 77651: A SAS® Macro for the Generalized RAS Algorithm

- Charles Coleman
- 77650: SAS® Macros for Constraining Arrays of Numbers

- Charles Coleman
- 77648: Инвестирование денежных средств в условиях экономического кризиса в 2017 году

- Yana Egorova
- 77641: Does the More Educated Utilize More Health Care Services? Evidence from Vietnam Using a Regression Discontinuity Design

- Thang Dang
- 77638: Органическое земледелие на малопригодных почвах - ресурс для внутренней продовольственной помощи населению (Organic agriculture on soils of little use is the resource for internal food aid to the Population)

- Victor Stukach
- 77637: Decomposing culture: An analysis of gender, language, and labor supply in the household

- Victor Gay, Daniel L. Hicks, Estefania Santacreu-Vasut and Amir Shoham
- 77635: Reduction of future disaster damages by learning from disaster experiences

- Hiroki Onuma, Kong Joo Shin and Shunsuke Managi
- 77634: Household preparedness for natural disasters:Impact of disaster experience and implications for future disaster risks in Japan

- Hiroki Onuma, Kong Joo Shin and Shunsuke Managi
- 77632: Multiple time-xcales analysis of global stock markets spillovers effects in African stock markets

- Grakolet Arnold Zamereith Gourène, Pierre Mendy and Gilbert Marie Ake N'gbo
- 77631: Candidates' Uncertainty and Error Distribution Models in Electoral Competitions

- Adib Bagh
- 77630: On the Optimal Use of Revenues from a CO2 Tax and the Importance of Labor Market Conditions

- Alfredo Pereira and Rui Pereira
- 77626: Egyetemi kontextusú globális-lokális paradoxon a tanuló régiók keretfeltételei között: a „negyedik generációs” egyetemek irányába (Global-local Paradox in the Context of Universities within the Framework of Learning Regions: Towards the “Fourth Generation” Universities)

- Gabriella Molnár and Bence Zuti
- 77625: The Two-Moment Decision Model with Additive Risks

- Xu Guo, Andreas Wagener, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu

- Palakiyem Kpemoua
- 77623: Remain single or live together: Does culture matter?

- Miriam Marcén and Marina Morales
- 77622: A „negyedik generációs” egyetemek szerepe a tudáshasznosításban (The Role of „Fourth Generation” Universities in Knowledge Management)

- Miklós Lukovics and Bence Zuti
- 77621: Successful universities towards the improvement of regional competitiveness: „Fourth Generation” universities

- Miklós Lukovics and Bence Zuti
- 77620: Heritability of time preference: Evidence from German twin data

- Philipp Hübler
- 77618: Long-run expectations in a Learning-to-Forecast-Experiment: a simulation approach

- Annarita Colasante, Simone Alfarano, Eva Camacho Cuena and Mauro Gallegati
- 77616: The performance of four possible rules for selecting the Prime Minister after the Dutch Parliamentary elections of March 2017

- Thomas Colignatus
- 77615: Yeniliklerin Dış Ticarete Etkileri Üzerine Mekansal Ekonometrik Bir Analiz: 2002-2009 Türkiye Örneği (A Spatial Econometric Analysis on the Effects of Innovations on Foreign Trade: 2002-2009 Turkey Case)

- Caner Demir, Begüm Yurteri and Burcu Türkcan
- 77614: Contaminación Ambiental por Basura ¿Cómo Eliminan los Hogares Nicaragüenses la Basura que Generan? (Environmental Pollution by Garbage How Do Nicaraguan Homes Eliminate the Garbage They Generate?)

- Jeferson Ricardo Ruiz Pérez
- 77612: The dynamics of the real purchasing power of Algeria's oil revenues

- Imène Laourari and Farid Gasmi
- 77608: Federal Reserve Private Information and the Stock Market

- Aeimit Lakdawala and Matthew Schaffer
- 77604: What is a Fair Value of Your Recommendation List?

- Vladimir Bobrikov, Elena Nenova and Dmitry Ignatov
- 77603: Gift Ratios in Laboratory Experiments

- Rustam Tagiew and Dmitry Ignatov
- 77597: Unhealthy Behaviours: An International Comparison (Unhealthy Behaviours: An International Comparison)

- Fabrizio Ferretti
- 77596: Fiscal Decentralization and Inflation in Central and Eastern Europe

- Suzana Makreshanska and Goran Petrevski
- 77595: Effects of co-creation in a tourism destination brand image through twitter

- Mercedes Revilla Hernández, Agustín Santana Talavera and Eduardo Parra López
- 77594: On the Effect of an Increase in the VAT on Electricity in Portugal

- Alfredo Pereira and Rui Pereira
- 77592: Analysis of Volatility transmission across South African Financial Markets

- Toddy Jaramba and Gideon Fadiran
- 77590: The impact of real oil revenues fluctuations on economic growth in Algeria: evidence from 1960-2015 data

- Imène Laourari and Farid Gasmi
- 77581: Management and Resolution methods of Non-performing loans: A Review of the Literature

- Dimitris Anastasiou
- 77579: New Functions of Universities in Century XXI Towards “Fourth Generation” Universities

- Miklós Lukovics and Bence Zuti
- 77577: Modern-day Universities and Regional Development

- Bence Zuti
- 77576: Automatic Exchange of Information as the new global standard: the end of (offshore tax evasion) history?

- Markus Meinzer
- 77573: How to Measure the Local Economic Impact of the Universities’ Third Mission Activities?

- Bence Zuti and Miklós Lukovics
- 77572: Egyetemek a régiók versenyképességének javításáért: „negyedik generációs” egyetemek? (Universities enhancing regional competitiveness: “fourth generation” universities?)

- Miklós Lukovics and Bence Zuti
- 77570: Совершенствование администрирования государственных программ в Республике Казахстан (Perfection of the administration of state programs in the Republic of Kazakhstan)

- Aziz Iskakov
- 77567: Unlikely Democrats: Economic Elite Uncertainty Under Dictatorship and Support for Democratization

- Victor Gay and Michael Albertus
- 77566: Migration as a Window into the Coevolution between Language and Behavior

- Victor Gay, Daniel L. Hicks and Estefania Santacreu-Vasut
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