MPRA Paper
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- 109797: Employment quality, economic performance and wages in Europe. Exploring the virtuous circle

- Mario Pianta and Jelena Reljic
- 109795: The turning point of global value chain's Position: The case of emerging East Asian economies

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 109790: Impact of Agricultural Factors on Carbon Footprints for GHG Emission Policies in Asia

- Sujith Jayasooriya
- 109783: Efficiency and factors for agricultural use of sludge in the circular Bulgarian economy

- Hrabrin Bachev and Bozhidar Ivanov
- 109780: Monetary Policy in a Schumpeterian Growth Model with Two R&D Sectors

- Chien-Yu Huang, Youchang Wu, Yibai Yang and Zhijie Zheng

- Keonbeom Lee, Mike Peng and Keun Lee
- 109777: Emerging Digital Technology as a Window of Opportunity and Technological Leapfrogging: Catch-up in Digital TV by the Korean Firms

- Keun Lee, Chaisung Lim and W Song
- 109776: Making a Technological Catch-up: Barriers and Opportunities

- Keun Lee
- 109775: How Can Korea be a Role Model for Catch-up Development? A ‘Capability-based View’

- Keun Lee
- 109774: Capability Failure and Industrial Policy to Move beyond the Middle-Income Trap: From Trade-based to Technology-based Specialization

- Keun Lee
- 109772: Bi-Demographic and Current Account Dynamics using SVAR Model: Evidence from Saudi Arabia

- Hassan Ghassan, Hassan R. Alhajhoj and Faruk Balli
- 109770: Construction of Control Systems of Flow Parameters of the Smart Conveyor using a Neural Network

- Oleh Pihnastyi and Anastasiya Sytnikova
- 109768: Public and Private Divide in Health Care Spending in India: What Factors Explains the Gap?

- Harchand Ram
- 109766: On the underestimation of risk in hedge fund performance persistence: geolocation and investment strategy effects

- William Klubinski and Thanos Verousis
- 109757: How Substitutable Are Workers? Evidence from Worker Deaths

- Simon Jäger and Jörg Heining
- 109755: How Risk Aversion and Financial Literacy Shape Young Adults’ Investment Preferences

- Andreea Stoian, Nicoleta Vintilă, Filip Iorgulescu, Cosmin Octavian Cepoi and Aurora Dina Manolache
- 109749: Human Resources in Europe. Estimation, Clusterization, Machine Learning and Prediction

- Angelo Leogrande and Alberto Costantiello
- 109741: Pareto Improvement in Monopoly Regulation Using Pre-Donation

- Ismail Saglam
- 109739: Entrepreneurship and the Shadow (Informal) Economy

- Can Akbal
- 109738: The Impact of Body Mass Index on Growth, Schooling, Productivity, and Savings: A Cross-Country Study

- Aysıt Tansel, Ceyhan Öztürk and Erkan Erdil
- 109736: Broadcasting revenue sharing after cancelling sports competitions

- Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Moreno-Ternero
- 109735: How to Measure Securitization: A Structural Equation Approach

- Mark T. van der Plaat
- 109726: An empirical analysis on the weak form market efficiency in the Bangladeshi pharmaceutical industry- A case study of Renata Ltd

- Zaeem-Al Ehsan
- 109723: Подход за оценка на ефектите, ефективността и факторите на оползотворяване на утайки в селското стопанство на България (A framework for assessing the effects, efficiency, and factors of sludge utilization in Bulgarian agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Bozhidar Ivanov
- 109720: More than ten years of Blockchain creation: How did we use the technology and which direction is the research heading?

- Khalid Ahmed Al-Ansari and Ahmet Aysan
- 109718: Birthplace favoritism and quality of education

- Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
- 109716: Optimización de la estructura docente universitaria. El caso de la Facultad de Agronomía (UBA) (Optimization of the University Staff Structure. The case of the Faculty of Agronomy (UBA))

- Luis Frank
- 109712: A Bibliometric Analysis of Fintech and Blockchain in Islamic Finance

- Ahmet Aysan and Ibrahim Musa Unal
- 109704: Cash Holdings and Firm-Level Exposure to Epidemic Diseases

- Daniel Tut
- 109703: The effect of fertility and education on female labour force participation in Ghana

- William Baah-Boateng, Richard Frempong and Edward Nketiah-Amponsah
- 109702: Determinants of moonlighting in Ghana: an empirical investigation

- William Baah-Boateng, Prince Adjei and Abena Oduro
- 109701: Measuring the Extent of Gender Segregation in the Labour Market: Evidence from Ghana

- William Baah-Boateng
- 109696: Remittances, Natural Resource Rent and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Pamela Ofori and Daryna Grechyna
- 109694: Per un turismo sostenibile: il turismo di ritorno. Aspetti socio-economici e politiche turistico-territoriali (For sustainable tourism: the return tourism. Socio-economic aspects and tourism-territorial policies)

- Daniele Schiliro' and Filippo Grasso
- 109692: Human Capital Development: The Case of Education as a Vehicle for Africa's Economic Transformation

- William Baah-Boateng
- 109691: The Effect of Search Effort on the transition from Unemployment to Work: Evidence from a Cross Section of Ghanaian Formal Sector Workers

- Christopher Opoku Nyarko, William Baah-Boateng and Edward Nketiah-Amponsah
- 109690: Non-Pecuniary Determinants of Occupational Choice in the Entertainment and Sports Industry: A Ghana Study

- Forster Shiti Junior, William Baah-Boateng and Amoah Baah-Nuakoh
- 109688: “Whom you know” and labour market outcomes: An empirical investigation in Ghana

- William Baah-Boateng, Eric Twum and Priscilla Twumasi Baffour
- 109687: The Ghanian economy: and Overview

- Imhotep Alagidede, William Baah-Boateng and Edward Nketiah-Amponsah
- 109680: To “ECO” or not to “ECO”? Evidence for the single currency agenda of ECOWAS

- Idris Adediran, Afees Salisu and Ahamuefula Ogbonna
- 109679: Stakeholder's perceptions of the innovation trends in the Slovak forestry and forest based sectors

- Erika Loučanová, Hubert Paluš, Klára Báliková, Michal Dzian, Nikola Slašťanova and Jaroslav Šálka
- 109675: Testing role of green financing on climate change mitigation: Evidences from G7 and E7 countries

- Xueying Wu, Muhammad Sadiq, Fengsheng Chien, Thanh Ngo, Anh-Tuan Nguyen and The-Truyen Trinh
- 109674: How do environmental regulations affect carbon emission and energy efficiency patterns? A provincial-level analysis of Chinese energy-intensive industries

- Thanh Ngo
- 109673: The impact of institutional pressures and top management regulations on firm performance

- Dinh Cong Khai and Thanh Ngo
- 109672: Vertical financial disparity, energy prices and emission reduction: Empirical insights from Pakistan

- Weiqing Li, Fengsheng Chien, Thanh Ngo, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Sajid Iqbal and Ahmad Raza Bilal
- 109671: Evaluating green innovation and performance of financial development: mediating concerns of environmental regulation

- Ching-Chi Hsu, Thanh Ngo, FengSheng Chien, Li Li and Muhammad Mohsin
- 109670: Economic linkages, technology transfers, and firm heterogeneity: The case of manufacturing firms in the Southern Key Economic Zone of Vietnam

- Chi-Hai Nguyen, Thanh Ngo, My-Duyen Pham, Anh-Tuan Nguyen and Ngoc-Chuong Huynh
- 109669: Medium- and High-Tech Export and Renewable Energy Consumption: Non-Linear Evidence from the ASEAN Countries

- Cong Khai Dinh, Thanh Ngo and Trung Thanh Nguyen
- 109668: Assessing the mechanism of barriers towards green finance and public spending in small and medium enterprises from developed countries

- Fengsheng Chien, Thanh Ngo, Ching-Chi Hsu, Ka Yin Chau and Robina Iram
- 109667: Assessing the capacity of renewable power production for green energy system: a way forward towards zero carbon electrification

- FengSheng Chien, Thanh Ngo, Ching-Chi Hsu, Ka Yin Chau and Muhammad Mohsin
- 109664: The effects of green growth, environmental-related tax, and eco-innovation towards carbon neutrality target in the US economy

- Fengsheng Chien, Mohammed Ananzeh, Farhan Mirza, Abou Bakar, Hieu Minh Vu and Thanh Ngo
- 109663: Conducting Descriptive Epidemiology Following A Disaster: A Case Study of the West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion

- David Zane, Kahler Stone, Hammad Akram, Stephanie Alvey, Bonnie Morehead, Sandi Arnold and Tracy Haywood
- 109657: The Strong Consistency of Neutral and Monotonic Binary Social Decision Rules

- Satish Jain
- 109654: Chinese Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth of Bangladesh: A VECM Analysis

- Mohammad Nazmus Sakib, Saikat Pande, Rimon Kumar and Dr. Kazi mostafa Arif
- 109653: Lack of Food Access and Double Catastrophe in Early Life: Lessons from the 1974–1975 Bangladesh Famine

- Nourin Shabnam, Cahit Guven and Mehmet Ulubasoglu
- 109652: Evaluating Wildfire Exposure: Using Wellbeing Data to Estimate and Value the Impacts of Wildfire

- David Johnston, Yasin Onder, Habibur Rahman and Mehmet Ulubasoglu
- 109651: Gravity of Covid-19

- Amjad Masood, Junaid Ahmed and Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
- 109647: Come cambia la cooperazione allo sviluppo. L’evoluzione della solidarietà internazionale nella società civile italiana, 1960-2020 (How development cooperation is changing. The evolution of international solidarity in Italian civil society, 1960-2020)

- Fiorenzo Polito
- 109645: The effect of design protection on price and price dispersion: Evidence from automotive spare parts

- Benedikt Herz and Malwina Mejer
- 109637: Research trends in the field of Islamic Social Finance

- Jamila Abubakar and Ahmet Aysan
- 109635: Different policy effects of Ramsey and overlapping generations models

- Minoru Watanabe and Masaya Yasuoka
- 109634: Troll Farms and Voter Disinformation

- Philipp Denter and Boris Ginzburg
- 109633: Identifying Phases of Ebullience in EFTA Stock Markets

- Irfan Ullah and Mumtaz Ahmed
- 109632: Computational aspects of sustainability: Conceptual review and analytical framework

- George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 109613: The nexus between urbanization, renewable energy consumption, financial development, and CO2 emissions: evidence from selected Asian countries

- Ahsan Anwar, Avik Sinha, Arshian Sharif, Muhammad Siddique, Shoaib Irshad, Waseem Anwar and Summaira Malik
- 109612: Using Extended Model of Theory of Planned Behavior to Predict Purchase Intention of Energy Efficient Home Appliances in Pakistan

- Idrees Waris and Irfan Hameed
- 109611: Impact of Proactive Personality on Career Adaptability and Their Intentions for Expatriate

- Irfan Hameed, Sanam Brohi and Atif Shahab
- 109610: Immigrants, Legal Status, and Illegal Trade

- Brett McCully
- 109609: The possibility of a decentralized economy in China and the USA

- Antonia Tong
- 109607: Testing for explosivity in US-Pak Exchange Rate via Sequential ADF Procedures

- Mumtaz Ahmed, Uzma Bashir and Irfan Ullah
- 109606: Оползотворяване на утайки в селското стопанство на България (Utilization of sludge in Bulgarian agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Bojidar Ivanov
- 109604: Penetapan Harga Menurut Yahya Bin Umar dan Relevansinya Terhadap Undang-Undang Penetapan Harga Di Indonesia (Pricing According to Yahya Bin Umar and its Relevance to the Law on Pricing in Indonesia)

- Jamaludin Mr
- 109597: Pandemics and cryptocurrencies

- Afees Salisu, Ahamuefula Ogbonna and Tirimisiyu Oloko
- 109594: Ubiquitous multimodality in mixed causal-noncausal processes

- Igor Kindop
- 109592: Pollution, partial privatization and the effect of ambient charges

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 109588: Cournot-Bertrand equilibria under two-part tariff contract

- Debasmita Basak
- 109585: Government Expenditures and Economic Growth: A Cointegration Analysis for Thailand under the Floating Exchange Rate Regime

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 109567: Measuring the Tax Buoyancy: Empirics from South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

- Marc Audi, Amjad Ali and Yannick Roussel
- 109562: Potential demographic dividend for India, 2001 to 2061: A macro-simulation projection using the spectrum model

- Neha Jain and Srinivas Goli
- 109561: Demographic Change and Private Savings in India

- Neha Jain and Srinivas Goli
- 109560: Demographic Change and Economic Growth in India

- Neha Jain and Srinivas Goli
- 109557: Наукастинг темпов роста стоимостных объемов экспорта и импорта по товарным группам (Nowcasting the growth rates of the export and import by commodity groups)

- Ksenia Maiorova and Nikita Fokin
- 109556: Помогают ли высокочастотные данные в прогнозировании российской инфляции? (Does the high-frequency data is helpful for forecasting Russian inflation?)

- Dmitriy Tretyakov and Nikita Fokin
- 109555: Wages and inflation in Mexican manufacturing. A two-period comparison: 1994-2003 and 2007-2016

- Carolina Carbajal-De-Nova
- 109552: Impact of e-money on money supply: Estimation and policy implication for Bangladesh

- Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
- 109550: Manufacturing and Information Society in Serbia: Current Status and Prospects

- Rajko Bukvić and Dragan Petrović
- 109549: COVID-19 related uncertainty, investor sentiment and stock returns in India

- Sreelakshmi R, Apra Sinha and Sabuj Kumar Mandal
- 109548: Optimal Taxation in the Endogenous Growth Framework with the Private Information

- Lu Guo and Chong Yan
- 109547: Intensive and Extensive Margin Labor Supply Responses to Kinks in Disability Insurance Programs

- Andreas Myhre
- 109546: The Baran Ratio, Investment, and British Economic Growth and Investment

- Thomas Lambert
- 109544: The Illiquidity of Water Markets

- Javier Donna and Jose-A. Espin-Sanchez
- 109530: Social Capital, Performance of SMEs, and COVID-19 Pandemic

- Psk Rajapakshe, Skn Gamage, Rpir Prasanna, Jmsb Jayasundara, Ems Ekanayake, Jmhm Upulwehera, Waid Wijerathna and Gaknj Abeyrathne
- 109526: What Determines Computer literacy across Indian Household? A State-level Analysis

- Bibhunandini Das
- 109520: Public Finance for Children: The case of Indian State of Karnataka

- Jannet Farida Jacob and Lekha S Chakraborty
- 109519: An Economic Analysis on The Social Cost of Illegal Immigration

- Germinal Van and Jose Orellana
- 109516: Predictive model building for driver-based budgeting using machine learning

- Naveen Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan
- 109515: Artificial Intelligence and human collaboration in financial planning

- Naveen Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan
- 109513: Rethinking budgeting process in times of uncertainty

- Naveen Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan
- 109511: Multi-Player War of Attrition with Asymmetric Incomplete Information

- Hongcheng Li
- 109510: Driver-based model- trends factors affecting its adoption

- Naveen Kunnathuvalappil Hariharan
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