MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 20330: The role of the IASB and auditing standards in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Financial Crisis

- Marianne Ojo
- 20328: Consumer myopia, compatibility and aftermarket monopolization

- Chun-Hui Miao
- 20324: Retornos a escala en agua y saneamiento: estimaciones para América Latina (Returns to scale in water and sanitation: estimates for Latin Amercia)

- Gustavo Ferro, Emilio Lentini, Augusto Mercadier and Carlos Romero
- 20323: Profit Maximization and the Threshold Price

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 20321: Romanian higher education: present and perspectives

- Monica Roman
- 20320: What is the Source of Profit and Interest? A Classical Conundrum Reconsidered

- Gunnar Tomasson and Dirk Bezemer
- 20319: Does currency substitution affect exchange rate uncertainty? the case of Turkey

- Levent Korap
- 20317: Organized versus Unorganized Manufacturing Performance in India in the Post-Reform Period

- Vinish Kathuria, Rajesh Raj and Kunal Sen
- 20316: Rain, Rain, Go Away? The Investment Climate, State Business Relations and Firm Performance in India

- Kathuria Vinish, Rajesh Raj and Kunal Sen
- 20314: State business relations and manufacturing productivity growth in India

- Vinish Kathuria, Rajesh Raj and Kunal Sen
- 20308: Underground economy estimates for non-OECD countries using currency demand method, 1984-2005

- Abel Embaye
- 20306: The partnership between the state and the church against trafficking in persons

- Zizi Goschin, Daniela Constantin and Monica Roman
- 20304: Tipping motivations and behavior in the US and Israel

- Ofer Azar
- 20303: New methods of estimating stochastic volatility and the stock return

- Moawia Alghalith
- 20294: Money and Sustainability

- Jamal Othman
- 20289: Thesis of religion: normative basis of Islamic economics

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 20287: Venture capital and the financial crisis: an empirical study across industries and countries

- Joern Block, Philipp Sandner and Geertjan De Vries
- 20281: Collusion, reputation damage and interest in code of conduct: The case of a Dutch construction company

- Johan Graafland
- 20280: Conceptions of God, normative convictions and socially responsible business conduct: An explorative study among executives

- Johan Graafland, M. Kaptein and C Mazereeuw
- 20279: Islam and socially responsible business conduct: An empirical research among Dutch entrepreneurs

- Johan Graafland, C. Mazereeuw and A. Yahia
- 20278: Strategic and moral motivation for corporate social responsibility

- B. Ven van de and Johan Graafland
- 20277: Concepts of price fairness: Empirical research into the Dutch coffee market

- R. Gielessen and Johan Graafland
- 20276: Market operation and distributive justice: An evaluation of the ACCRA confession

- Johan Graafland
- 20275: Perceptions of price fairness: An empirical research

- R. Gielissen, C.E. Dutilh and Johan Graafland
- 20274: Exploration of an agenda for transparency in the construction industry

- A. Nijhof, Johan Graafland and O. Kuijer de
- 20273: Underpricing and distance: an empirical analysis

- Luca Pennacchio, Alfredo Del Monte and Antonio Acconcia
- 20269: The Geographic Space in International Trade: from Gravity to New Economic Geography

- Gianluca Cafiso
- 20268: Eco-label Adoption in an Interdependent World

- Jose-Antonio Monteiro
- 20266: Türkiye ekonomisinde enflasyon ve reel milli gelir arasındaki çevrimsellik ilişkisi üzerine bir inceleme (An investigation upon the cyclical relationship between inflation and real income in the Turkish economy)

- Levent Korap
- 20265: Long-run relations between money, prices and output: the case of Turkey

- Levent Korap
- 20264: Framework for Analysis of Agrarian Contracts

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 20263: The Export Performance of the Euro Area countries in the period 1996-2007

- Gianluca Cafiso
- 20262: The Uses and Misuses of Commodity Murabaha: Islamic Economic Perspective

- Nidal Alsayyed
- 20261: Audit the Federal Reserve?

- William Barnett
- 20260: Aplikácia log-lineárnej analýzy v marketingovom výskume (Application of log-linear analysis in marketing research)

- Eva Litavcová and Ivana Butoracová Šindleryová
- 20256: On a random number of disorders

- Krzysztof Szajowski
- 20249: On the sustainability of collusion in Bertrand supergames with discrete pricing and nonlinear demand

- Paul Zimmerman
- 20248: The competitive impact of hypermarket retailers on gasoline prices

- Paul Zimmerman
- 20243: Trusted operational scenarios - Trust building mechanisms and strategies for electronic marketplaces

- Radoslav Delina, Viliam Vajda and Peter Bednár
- 20241: The convergence of fictitious play in games with strategic complementarities: A Comment

- Ulrich Berger
- 20238: Investor protection and foreign stakeholders

- Giofré, Maela/M.
- 20237: Suvremeni kovinski novac i njemu slični kovinski objekti (Contemporary Coins and Similar Metal Objects)

- Branko Matić
- 20236: Determinants of, and the Relationship between FDI and Economic Growth in Bangladesh

- Mazbahul Golam Ahamad and Fahian Tanin
- 20233: A strategic shift of automobile manufacturing firms in Turkey

- Guner Gursoy
- 20228: Wolfgang Mühlpfordt and the ‘transformation problem’: some remarks on articles by Howard and King and Gilibert

- Friedrun Quaas
- 20226: Price informativeness and predictability: how liquidity can help

- William Lin, Shih-Chuan Tsai and David Sun
- 20225: The Allocation of Decision-Making Authority when Principal has Reputation Concerns

- Yasunari Tamada and Tsung-Sheng Tsai
- 20221: Fertility-related pensions and cyclical instability

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 20219: PAYG pensions, tax-cum-subsidy and optimality

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 20218: Job Satisfaction for Employees: Evidence from Karachi Electric Supply Corporation

- Nousjheen Frukh, Gobind M. Herani, Muhammad Mahmud and Tariq Mohammad
- 20217: What Causes Herding:Information Cascade or Search Cost ?

- William Lin, Shih-Chuan Tsai and David Sun
- 20215: Коррупция в высшем образовании: США, Россия, Великобритания (Corruption in Higher Education: US, Russia, UK)

- Ararat Osipian
- 20214: Towards an Administration without Frontiers. An analysis on the instruments and mechanisms of cooperation in the field of migration from Romanian view

- Ani Matei and Madalina Cocosatu
- 20211: Un impulso al mercado de rentas vitalicias en España (Promoting the annuities market in Spain)

- Gustavo Ferro
- 20209: On annuities: an overview of the issues

- Gustavo Ferro
- 20207: The recessive attitude of EMU policies: reflections on the italian experience, 1998–2008

- Rosaria Rita Canale and Oreste Napolitano
- 20205: The Timing of Endogenous Wage Setting under Bertrand Competition in a Unionized Mixed Duopoly

- Kangsik Choi
- 20204: Shari’ah Board, The Task of Fatwa, and Ijtihad in Islamic Economics, and Finance

- Nidal Alsayyed
- 20199: Trade Liberalization and Welfare Inequality: a Demand-Based Approach

- Alexander Tarasov
- 20197: An Evolutionary Theory of Household Consumption Behavior

- Richard Nelson and Davide Consoli
- 20195: Do U.S. Multinationals Engage In Sequential Choice?: Evidence from New Manufacturing Operations in Europe

- Raymond Mataloni
- 20194: Diversity and multiculturalism as a strategy for strengthening Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the global market

- Koshy Perumal
- 20188: The effects of the social norm on cigarette consumption: evidence from Japan using panel data

- Eiji Yamamura
- 20187: Risk-sharing policies in the context of the French Flood Prevention Action Programmes

- Katrin Erdlenbruch, Sophie Thoyer, Frédéric Grelot, Robert Kast and Geoffroy Enjolras
- 20186: Environmental tax competition among jurisdictions

- Koen Caminada
- 20184: Distributional effects of a flat tax: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20183: Social policy and income distribution: An empirical analysis for the Netherlands

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20181: International trends in income inequality and social policy

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20179: Are public and private social expenditures complementary?

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20178: The redistributive impact of public and private social expenditure

- Kees Goudswaard and Koen Caminada
- 20177: Patterns of welfare state indicators in the EU: Is there convergence?

- Koen Caminada, Kees Goudswaard and Olaf Vliet
- 20175: Stopping High Inflation: An Analytical Overview

- Carlos Vegh
- 20174: On behavioral Arrow Pratt risk process with applications to risk pricing, stochastic cash flows, and risk control

- Godfrey Cadogan
- 20173: Estimation of Technical and Allocative Inefficiencies in a Cost System: An Exact Maximum Likelihood Approach

- Mike Tsionas and Subal Kumbhakar
- 20172: Estado mínimo, agencias de protección y control territorial (Minimum State, control agencies and Territorial protection)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20171: Szeparábilitási koncepciók és a reprezentációs tétel Nachbin-féle megközelítése (Urishon-Nachbin approach to utility representation theorem)

- Gyula Magyarkuti
- 20167: Effectiveness of poverty reduction in the EU: A descriptive analysis

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20164: A complementary approach to transitive rationalizability

- Gyula Magyarkuti
- 20161: Los mercados de opinión pública (The markets of public opinion)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20159: Modelling the Currency in Circulation for the State of Qatar

- Faruk Balli and Elsayed Elsamadisy
- 20158: Información y persuasión en los mercados financieros (Information and persuasion in financial markets)

- Fernando Estrada
- 20154: Türkiye için reaksiyon fonksiyonunun doğrusal olmayan modelle tahmin edilmesi (A nonlinear estimation of monetary policy reaction function for Turkey)

- Tolga Omay and Mubariz Hasanov
- 20152: GMM estimation of Spatial Panels with Fixed Effects

- Francesco Moscone and Elisa Tosetti
- 20151: Towards the Theory of Privatization

- Victor Polterovich
- 20145: The pattern of Euronext volatility in the crisis period: an intrinsic volatility analysis

- Bogdan Dima, Aurora Murgea and Stefana Cristea
- 20142: Social Security System in India: An International Comparative Analysis

- Rupak Kumar Jha and Surajit Bhattacharyya
- 20139: Welfare reform in the United States. A descriptive policy analysis

- Megan Martin and Koen Caminada
- 20138: Social expenditure and poverty reduction in the EU15 and other OECD countries

- Koen Caminada and Kees Goudswaard
- 20135: Have more strictly regulated banking systems fared better during the recent financial crisis?

- Rudiger Ahrend, Jens Arnold and Fabrice Murtin
- 20134: Goodness of fit in optimizing consumer's model

- José Alcantud, Daniel L. Matos and Carlos R. Palmero
- 20133: Evaluations of infinite utility streams: Pareto-efficient and egalitarian axiomatics

- José Alcantud and María D. García-Sanz
- 20132: Interest rates and bank risk-taking

- Manthos Delis and Georgios Kouretas
- 20131: The Demand for Money in Cote d’Ivoire: Evidence from the Cointegration Test

- Bedi Guy Herve Drama and Shen Yao
- 20129: The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Rankings

- Ron Berman and Zsolt Katona
- 20128: The Guide to Islamic Economics, Banking, and Finance

- Nidal Alsayyed
- 20127: Competition and Economic Growth: an Empirical Analysis for a Panel of 20 OECD Countries

- Alessandro Diego Scopelliti
- 20126: Institutional Traps and Transition

- Victor Polterovich
- 20125: Bayesian Multivariate Time Series Methods for Empirical Macroeconomics

- Gary Koop and Dimitris Korobilis
- 20120: Self-esteem and Individual Wealth

- Swarnankur Chatterjee, Michael Finke and Nathaniel Harness
- 20118: The competition-of-capitals doctrine and the wage-profit relationship

- Ferdinando Meacci
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