MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 48372: The irresistible charm of the Microfoundations, or the overwhelming force of the discipline's Hard Core?

- Thanos Skouras and Yiannis Kitromilides
- 48371: Portfolio Management and Disposition Effect Empirical Evidence From Pakistan

- Muhammad Raza
- 48367: Real cost reduction and productivity increase in an individual industry: a price-accounting approach in theory and practice

- Martina Bisello and Arrigo Opocher
- 48366: Nitrogen Fertilizer Demand from Danish Crop Farms - Regulatory Implications of Farm Heterogeneity

- Lars Gårn Hansen
- 48363: Explaining Demand for Organic Foods

- Mette Wier, Lars Gårn Hansen and Sinne Smed
- 48361: Looming Power Crisis in Andhra Pradesh

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri and Sridhar Bhagavatula
- 48357: Productivity dispersion and the roles of quality of labour input and competition: A case of Vietnamese manufacturing sector

- Tinh Doan and Ha Nguyen
- 48356: The hallmarks of crisis. A new center-periphery perspective on long cycles

- Arno Tausch
- 48353: Marketing European cities in the new internationalized environment: The course of Prague after 1989

- Theodore Metaxas
- 48352: When formal institutions fail in fostering economic growth: the case of post-communist countries

- Larysa Tamilina and Natalya Tamilina
- 48350: Economic Evaluation of Road Traffic Safety Measures

- Ejaz Gul
- 48345: Export performance and macro-linkages: A look at the competitiveness and determinants of cocoa exports, production and prices for Ghana

- David Boansi
- 48344: URMI and its Integration into a framework for Ethics in Economics

- Ejaz Gul
- 48343: Hierarchical Needs, Income Comparisons and Happiness Levels

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 48342: Dynamics of obesity in Finland

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 48336: A Proposed Estimator for Dynamic Probit Models

- Wei Gao, Qiwei Yao and Wicher Bergsman
- 48335: Online Citizens, Missing Persons and the Police: Three Case Studies

- Stan Weeber
- 48333: Rebuttal of Dr. Usamah Uthman's Review in Global Finance Journal No 22 (2011) pp 80–81☆ 1

- Mohamed Ramady
- 48326: Demographic Transition in Andhra Pradesh: Dividend or Burden?

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 48324: Pluralistic Agricultural Extension System in India: Innovations and Constraints

- M.S. Meena, K.M. Singh and B.E. Swanson
- 48317: Demanda por moeda nos estados brasileiros: uma análise pós- -keynesiana em painel (Demand for money in Brazilian states: a post keynesian panel analysis)

- Natallya Almeida Levino, André Lages and Marco Antonio Jorge
- 48316: Exchange rate volatility and exchange rate uncertainty in Nigeria: a financial econometric analysis (1970- 2012)

- Kelechi Nnamdi and Ebele Ifionu
- 48312: An Analysis of Korea-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Relation

- Thanh Hoan Phan and Ji Young Jeong
- 48310: The Dissemination of Management Innovations through Consultancy in the Postwar Period

- Marek Ćwiklicki and Alain Alcouffe
- 48307: Determinants of debt capital in Indian corporate sector: a quantile regression analysis

- Raveesh Krishnankutty and Kiran Shankar Chakraborty
- 48306: Capital's Pons Asinorum: the Rate of Turnover in Karl Marx's Analysis of Capitalist Valorisation

- Marco Veronese Passarella and Hervé Baron
- 48305: The importance of business support institutions for implementing innovations in SMEs

- Anna Korzeniowska and Wojciech Misterek
- 48300: Spatial Analysis of Income Growth in the Philippines: Evidence from Intra-Country Data (1988 to 2009)

- Dennis Mapa, Manuel Leonard Albis, Dorcas Mae Comandante, Josephine Cura and Ma. Maureen Ladao
- 48295: The Choice of Technology and Rural-Urban Migration in Economic Development

- Haiwen Zhou
- 48294: Natural implementation with partially honest agents in economic environments

- Michele Lombardi and Naoki Yoshihara
- 48292: An empirical investigation into the determinants and persistence of different types of subjective well-being

- Pawel Chrostek
- 48287: Energy Consumption, Financial development and CO2 emissions in Pakistan

- Muhammad Javid and Sharif Ghulam Fatima
- 48283: Economic Evaluation of Project Site Using Cardinal Numbers Approach

- Ejaz Gul
- 48282: Female Labour Supply and intergenerational preference formation: Evidence for Mexico

- Raymundo Campos-Vazquez and Roberto Velez Grajales
- 48280: The Role of Emotions on Risk Aversion: A prospect theory experiment

- Raymundo Campos-Vazquez and Emilio Cuilty
- 48278: Institutional Cognitive Economics: some recent developments

- Anna Gigante
- 48277: Regional characteristics, opportunity perception and entrepreneurial activities

- Michael Stuetzer, Martin Obschonka, Udo Brixy, Rolf Sternberg and Uwe Cantner
- 48274: Where do entrepreneurial skills come from?

- Michael Stuetzer, Martin Obschonka, Per Davidsson and Eva Schmitt-Rodermund
- 48272: From the Bank Panic of 1907 to the Great Depression of 1929 and the Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s: Lessons for the future

- Georgia Trompatzi and Theodore Metaxas
- 48271: Do Remittances Alter Labor Market Participation? A Study of Albania

- Ermira Kalaj
- 48268: The effects of national and international interaction on innovation: evidence from the Irish CIS: 2004-6

- Justin Doran, Declan Jordan and Eoin O'Leary
- 48267: The effects of the frequency of spatially proximate and distant interaction on innovation by Irish SMEs

- Justin Doran, Declan Jordan and Eoin O'Leary
- 48266: An analysis of the interdependence of demographic factors, labour effort and economic growth in Ireland

- Justin Doran
- 48264: The Real Effects of the Uninsured on Premia

- Constantine Yannelis and Stephen Teng Sun
- 48250: Risk Premium, Interest Rate Differential, and Subsidized Lending in Pakistan

- Safia Shabbir, Javed Iqbal and Saima Hameed
- 48249: Bulgaria - EU: Dynamics of Approximation in Export Specialization

- Dimitar Hadjinikolov
- 48247: Eficiencia en la prestación de agua y saneamiento y su vinculación con regiones, propiedad e independencia de los prestadores en Brasil (Efficiency in water and sanitation providers and its links with regions, property, and independence in Brazil)

- Gustavo Ferro, Emilio J. Lentini, Augusto Mercadier and Carlos Romero
- 48246: A New Boost to Transatlantic Ties: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the EU-Turkey Customs Union

- Eray Akdağ
- 48243: Panel data evidence on effects of fiscal impulses in the EU New Member States

- Paweł Borys, Piotr Ciżkowicz and Andrzej Rzońca
- 48242: Distrust in the ECB – product of failed crisis prevention or of inappropriate cure?

- Maciej Albinowski, Piotr Ciżkowicz and Andrzej Rzońca
- 48234: Partially Honest Nash Implementation: A Full Characterization

- Michele Lombardi and Naoki Yoshihara
- 48233: Testing for state dependence in binary panel data with individual covariates

- Francesco Bartolucci, Valentina Nigro and Claudia Pigini
- 48229: Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Mathematical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate

- Edsel Beja
- 48228: Do bailouts buy votes? Evidence from a panel of Hessian municipalities

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 48227: Psychophysiological correlates of the disposition effect

- Marco Goulart, Newton Da Costa , Andre Santos, Emilio Takase and Sergio Da Silva
- 48226: Hidden power law patterns in the top European football leagues

- Sergio Da Silva, Matsushita Raul and Silveira Eliza
- 48225: Empire-building and Price competition

- Antoine Pietri, Tarik Tazdaït and Mehrdad Vahabi
- 48224: Dispersion and Distortions in the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

- John Dalton and Tin Cheuk Leung
- 48223: A Theory of Just-in-Time and the Growth in Manufacturing Trade

- John Dalton
- 48222: The Evolution of Taxes and Hours Worked in Austria, 1970-2005

- John Dalton
- 48221: Economic Risk Exposure of Selected Projects and Risk Attitude of Investors; Evidence from Liberia

- Ejaz Gul
- 48219: Identity, Authority and Evolution of Order: the trajectory of dueling simulated

- Behrooz Behrooz Hassani-Mahmooei and Mehrdad Vahabi
- 48214: Financial contagion reloaded: the case of Cyprus

- Iulia Oehler-Şincai
- 48204: Algorithm of construction of Optimum Portfolio of stocks using Genetic Algorithm

- Pankaj Sinha, Abhishek Chandwani and Tanmay Sinha
- 48203: Universal Insurance and the Prospect Theory

- Mwenya Mwenya
- 48197: Did Greenspan Open Pandora's Box? Testing the Taylor Hypothesis and Beyond

- Nuno Palma
- 48192: Перераспределительные конфликты и факторы культуры в новой политической экономии (Redistributive Conflicts and Culture in the New Political Economy)

- Alexander Libman
- 48187: An Easy Way to Teach First-order Linear Differential and Difference Equations with a Constant Term and a Constant Coefficient

- Tamara Todorova
- 48186: Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Tribes (STs) in Andhra Pradesh: A Situation Assessment Analysis

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 48180: Macedonia’s exports and the gravity model

- Dushko Josheski and Mico Apostolov
- 48179: Causal relationship between wages and prices in R. Macedonia: VECM analysis

- Dushko Josheski and Snezana Bardarova
- 48177: Does Asset Quality Persist on Bank Lending Behaviour? Empirical Evidence from Ghana

- Abdul Latif Alhassan, Freeman Owusu Brobbey and Michael Effah Asamoah
- 48176: Ефекти от политиките, финансирани от европейските фондове: оценяване на въздействието на инвестициите в образование и наука в България (Effects of EU Funded Policies: Net Impact Assessment of Investments in Education and Science in Bulgaria)

- Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva and Kaloyan Ganev
- 48175: Моделиране на възвращаемостта от образование и реализация на притежателите на докторски степени на пазара на труда в България (Modeling returns to education and labour market outcomes of doctoral degree holders in Bulgaria)

- Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva, Nataliya Panayotova and Kaloyan Ganev
- 48173: Comparative historical institutional analysis of German, English and American economics

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 48172: Changing development prospects for the Central and Eastern European EU member states

- Beáta Farkas
- 48170: Psychologiczne skutki aktywacji idei pieniędzy a obdarowywanie bliskich (The psychological consequences of mere exposure to money and gift-giving)

- Agata Gąsiorowska
- 48169: Skrócona wersja Skali Postaw Wobec Pieniędzy SPP-25. Dobór pozycji i walidacja narzędzia (Short version of Money Attitudes Questionnaire. Items selection and scale validation)

- Agata Gąsiorowska
- 48166: Hvorfor er økonomisk vekst geografisk ujevnt fordelt? (Why is economic growth unevenly distributed geographically?)

- Erik Reinert
- 48165: The effects of capital requirements on real economy: a cointegrated VAR approach for US commercial banks

- Maria Grazia Miele
- 48160: Stability and trembles in extensive-form games

- Yuval Heller
- 48159: The financial crisis and the credit rating agencies: the failure of reputation

- Maria Grazia Miele
- 48157: A Schumpeterian theory of underdevelopment – a contradiction in terms?

- Erik Reinert
- 48156: Recent trends in economic theory – implications for development geography

- Erik Reinert and Vemund Riiser
- 48155: Competitiveness and its predecessors - a 500-year cross-national perspective

- Erik Reinert
- 48153: Tjenestesektoren i det økonomiske helhetsbildet (The Service Sector and the Economy as a Whole)

- Erik Reinert
- 48152: Reinkjøtt: Natur, Politikk, Makt og Marked (Reindeer Meat: Nature, Politics, Power, and Markets)

- Erik Reinert
- 48151: Regionale strategier i kunnskapssamfunnet (Regional strategies in the knowledge-based society)

- Erik Reinert and Egbert van de Schootbrugge
- 48150: Det tekno-økonomiske paradigmeskiftet. Konsekvenser for norske distrikts- og ressurbaserte næringer (The Techno-Economic Paradigm Shift: Consequences for Norwegian regional and resource-based industries)

- Erik Reinert
- 48149: IT-Fornebu – næringspolitikk og skiftende virkelighetsforståelse (IT-Fornebu – Industrial policy and shifting conceptions of reality)

- Erik Reinert
- 48147: How rich nations got rich. Essays in the history of economic policy

- Erik Reinert
- 48145: ¿Convergen los ciclos económicos de los estados de la zona euro?: evidencia empírica (Do Economic Cycles Converge In The Euro Zone?: Empirical Evidence)

- Ignacio Escañuela Romana
- 48144: Education and Literacy in Andhra Pradesh (Pre-School, School, Higher and Technical Education and Adult Literacy and Skills)

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 48143: 最优货币政策和最优金融稳定政策的一般均衡分析 (General equilibrium analysis of the optimal monetary policy and the optimal financial stability policy)

- Min Guo and Jizhi Zhao
- 48131: Practical Aspects of Log File Analysis for E-Commerce

- Grzegorz Chodak and Grażyna Suchacka
- 48129: Introduccion a la teoría del consumidor (Introduction to Consumer Theory)

- Jhon Mora Rodriguez
- 48118: Branding Stockholm

- Eleni Paschou and Theodore Metaxas
- 48117: Periodic strategies and rationalizability in perfect information 2-Player strategic form games

- Vasilis Oikonomou and J Jost
- 48116: The Credit-worthiness of a borrower and the selection process in Micro-finance: A case study from the urban slums of India

- Sohini Paul
- 48115: Escaping a Liquidity Trap: Keynes’ Prescription Is Right But His Reasoning Is Wrong

- Taiji Harashima
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