MPRA Paper
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- 73165: Industry Wage Differentials and Working Conditions in Turkey: A Brief Note

- Sezgin Polat
- 73164: La dynamique de la croissance est-elle pro-pauvres au Niger ? (Is the dynamics of growth pro-poor in Niger?)

- Youssoufou Hamadou Daouda
- 73163: Let the Data Speak: Revisiting the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Africa

- Ekpeno Effiong and Alex Oisaozoje
- 73162: Dynamiques de la pauvreté au Niger (Dynamics of poverty in Niger)

- Youssoufou Hamadou Daouda
- 73156: Inflation, Costs of Adjustment and the Real Price Amplitude: Am Empirical Study

- Eytan Sheshinski, Asher Tishler and Yoran Weiss
- 73154: Déterminants de la mortalité infantile et infanto-juvénile et la pauvreté au Niger (Determinants of infant and under-five mortality and poverty in Niger)

- Youssoufou Hamadou Daouda
- 73153: CSR and Sustainable Development: Multinationals are they Socially Responsible in Sub-Saharan Africa? The case of Areva in Niger

- Youssoufou Hamadou Daouda
- 73146: Sources of enterprise value

- Viorica Mădălina Ion
- 73145: Insurance and reinsurance risk management in Albania

- Jahollari Heralda
- 73143: Difficulties in international travelling for residents of areas with undefined political status. Case study: Crimea

- Ștefan Constantin
- 73142: The role of plants on the impact of cultural and historical monuments

- Emil Galev, Maria Gurkova and Nikolay Galev
- 73140: An Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Decision to Adopt Precision Methods of Farming in Tamil Nadu, India

- 73128: Health Care Quality, Income Transfer and International Trade: A Theoretical Analysis

- Tonmoy Chatterjee and Kausik Gupta
- 73126: Infrastructure Development vs Direct Cash Transfer: A General Equilibrium Comparison

- Sugata Marjit, Biswajit Mandal and Tonmoy Chatterjee
- 73118: University student perception regarding the tourism potential in the city of Lleida

- Alina-Cerasela Aluculesei
- 73113: Trade and Environment: Do Spatial Effects Matter?

- Sardor Azam
- 73110: Anti-Trade Agitation and Distribution-Neutral Tax Policy- An Elementary Framework

- Sugata Marjit
- 73107: Development and Adoption of Bt Cotton in India: Economic, Environmental and Health Issues

- Dr S Saravanan - and Dr V Mohanasundaram -
- 73099: The Impact of Self-Control on Investment Decisions

- Konstantin Lucks
- 73097: Why economics textbooks must, and how they can, be changed into a real-world and pluralist economics. The example of a fundamentally new complexity-economics micro-textbook

- Wolfram Elsner
- 73094: Is Globalization Coming to an End Due to Rise of Income Inequalities?

- Vladimir Popov
- 73092: The Mobile Phone in the Diffusion of Knowledge for Institutional Quality in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 73091: Mobile Phones in the Diffusion of Knowledge and Persistence in Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 73090: The Role of ICT in Reducing Information Asymmetry for Financial Access

- Simplice Asongu and Bertrand Moulin
- 73089: The Role of Governance in Mobile Phones for Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 73088: Fighting Software Piracy: Some Global Conditional Policy Instruments

- Simplice Asongu, Pritam Singh and Sara le Roux

- Виктор Стукач, Виталий Помогаев, Наталья Старовойтова and Алла Зинич

- Виктор Стукач, Виталий Помогаев, Наталья Старовойтова and Алла Зинич
- 73070: Impact of public-private-partnership programs on students’ learning outcomes: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment

- Fatima Hafeez, Adnan Haider and Naeem uz Zafar
- 73068: Random Expected Utility and Certainty Equivalents: Mimicry of Probability Weighting Functions

- Nathaniel Wilcox
- 73057: Влияние организационной культуры на уровень трансакционных издержек в аграрной экономике (Organizational culture influences the level of transaction costs in the agrarian economy)

- Стукач Виктор and Аникина Надежда
- 73048: Secret ballots and costly information gathering: the jury size problem revisited

- Brishti Guha
- 73010: Do Public Policy Dynamics Stimulate Anti-Incumbency Waves? Results from Indian States

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty
- 73009: Implicancias del DR-CAFTA sobre el comercio intraindustrial de la República Dominicana (Implications of DR-CAFTA on intra-industry trade of the Dominican Republic)

- Rosalía Calvo Clúa and Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 73007: A Delphi Approach to Boost an Open Innovation Policy

- Antonio Bob Santos and Sandro Mendonca
- 73005: An empirical assessment of exchange arrangements and inflation performance

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 73000: The Cyclicality of the Income Elasticity of Trade

- Alessandro Borin, Virginia Di Nino, Michele Mancini and Massimo Sbracia
- 72993: Development and Adoption of Bt Cotton in India: Economic, Environmental and Health Issues

- Dr S Saravanan - and Dr V Mohanasundaram -
- 72983: Inequality, Technical Change or Leverage?

- Amir Goren
- 72978: Azar, Determinismo e Indecidibilidad en la Teoría del Ciclo Económico (Randomness, Determinism and Undecidability in the Business Cycle Theory)

- Ignacio Escañuela Romana
- 72977: Origin and Destination Sectors of Indirect Domestic Value Added Embodied in Mexico's Manufacturing Exports

- Gerardo Gambero and Rosario Cervantes-Martínez
- 72974: Comparative Analysis of Theory X, Theory Y, Theory Z, and Theory A for Managing People and Performance

- Sreeramana Aithal and Suresh Kumar
- 72971: The Impact of the Food Price Crises on the demand for nutrients in Pakistan

- Nadia Shabnam, Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Antonio Seccia and Zahid Asghar
- 72969: Empirical Analysis of Developments in the Day Ahead Electricity Markets in India

- Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
- 72967: Linkages between Gold Futures Traded in Indian Commodity Futures Market and International Commodity Futures Market

- Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
- 72966: Impact of Global Financial Crisis and Implied Volatility in the Equity Market on Gold Futures Traded on Multi Commodity Exchange, India

- Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
- 72965: Continuous time, continuous decision space prisoner’s dilemma: A bridge between game theory and economic GCD-models

- Erhard Glötzl
- 72964: Intra-good trade in Germany: A first look at the evidence

- Joachim Wagner
- 72963: Trade costs shocks and lumpiness of imports: Evidence from the Fukushima disaster

- Joachim Wagner
- 72959: Распределение прав собственности и максимизация коллективного благосостояния (An ownership allocation and collective welfare maximization)

- Georgiy Kolesnik
- 72956: Macroeconomic Determinants of Migrants’ Remittances: Evidence from a Panel of Developing Countries

- Charaf Eddine Moussir and Safaa Tabit
- 72952: Bridging the Gap of Education and the Requirements of the Business

- Mihaela Muntean
- 72951: Jury Theorems

- Franz Dietrich and Kai Spiekermann
- 72949: Performance of mixed oligopoly model in the context of Indian telecom industry

- Susmita Chatterjee, Debabrata Datta and Ranjan Banerjee
- 72945: Remittances and Asset Accumulation of Household in Pakistan

- Kiran Fatima and Abdul Qayyum
- 72944: Livestock Farming in Cholistan Desert of Pakistan: Setting the Development Strategies

- Umar Farooq, Mhuhammad Iqbal and Munir Ahmad
- 72940: ¿Dónde estamos y hacia dónde vamos? Análisis de las fragilidades del sistema previsional argentino desde una comparación internacional. Hacia una mayor eficiencia del gasto en previsión social (Where are we and where are we going? Analysis of the weaknesses of the Argentine pension system from an international comparison. Towards greater efficiency in spending on social welfare)

- Alejandro Calabria and Camila Cunquero
- 72939: Latent Markov and growth mixture models for ordinal individual responses with covariates: a comparison

- Fulvia Pennoni and Isabella Romeo
- 72938: Institutional Change and Economic Growth in Pakistan

- Fizza Younis
- 72937: Poverty across the Agro-Ecological Zones in Rural Pakistan

- Ghulam Arif and Munir Ahmad
- 72934: Factor Substitution in Dairy Farming: A Comparison of Allen and Morishima Elasticities

- Munir Ahmad, Boris Bravo-Ureta and Rick Wackernagel
- 72933: Completing incomplete preferences

- Jianying Qiu
- 72932: Impact of Domestic Policies towards Agricultural Trade Liberalization and Market Reform on Food Security in Pakistan

- Munir Ahmad, Caesar Croraton, Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Iqbal and Paul Dorosh
- 72922: Bounds of Herfindahl-Hirschman index of banks in the European Union

- József Tóth
- 72921: Regional development in Spain 1989-2010: capital widening and productivity stagnation

- Paulino Montes-Solla, J. Andres Faiña Medín and Jesus Lopez-Rodriguez
- 72920: Determinants of Social Progress and its Scenarios under the role of Macroeconomic Instability: Empirics from Pakistan

- Amjad Ali and Chan Bibi
- 72919: Economic growth and the reform of the judicial system of Bulgaria in the period 2000-2015 (vision for a new measurement model)

- Shteryo Nozharov
- 72918: Competitiveness of manufacturing enterprises in North Cyprus: A firm level analysis

- Fatma Guven Lisaniler and Mustafa Tumer
- 72917: PLS Finance and Monetary Policy: A New Measure Mooted

- Zubair Hasan
- 72912: The Costs to Life Satisfaction of Impression Management: The Sense of Control and Loneliness as Mediators

- Wangshuai Wang, Jie Li, Gong Sun, Xin-an Zhang and Zhiming Cheng
- 72910: Regulation and Investment in Telecom Network Infrastructure Facilities: The Recent Developments and Debates

- Inès Ben Dkhil
- 72909: Competition in the Fixed Telecommunication Market Segment: Challenges and Theories

- Inès Ben Dkhil
- 72908: Energy consumption, CO2 emissions and economic growth nexus: Evidence from panel Granger causality test

- Mohamed Essaied Hamrita and Mejdi Mekdam
- 72907: A Spatial Production Economy Explains Zipf’s Law for Gross Metropolitan Product

- Axel Watanabe
- 72905: Building a New World: An Ecosystemic Approach for Global Change & Development Design

- André Pilon
- 72900: Socio-Economic Status and Life Expectancy in Lebanon: An Empirical Analysis

- Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
- 72899: Redesigning a Flexible Material Master Data Application with Language Dependency

- Mihaela Muntean and Cornelia Muntean
- 72898: PLS finance and monetary policy: a new measure mooted

- Zubair Hasan
- 72891: An Analysis of Institutional Credit, Agricultural Policy and Investment to Agriculture in India

- Saravanan Saravanan
- 72889: La internacionalización de la empresa gallega. Resultados 2015 de la Encuesta Ardán de empresa internacionalizada (The internationalization of the Galician companies. Results of the 2015 Ardan Survey in internationalized companies)

- Santiago Lago-Peñas and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 72888: Business Cycle Synchronization in EU Economies after the Recession of the Years 2007-2009

- Magdalena Osinska, Tadeusz Kufel, Marcin Błażejowski and Pawel Kufel
- 72884: Measuring resilience in electricity generation: An empirical analysis

- Lynette Molyneaux, Colin Brown, Liam Wagner and John Foster
- 72880: The predictability of asset returns in the BRICS countries: a nonparametric approach

- John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Daniel Webb
- 72879: Social participation and self-rated psychological health

- Damiano Fiorillo, Giuseppe Lubrano Lavadera and Nunzia Nappo
- 72876: On the Timing of Production Decisions in Monetary Economies

- Nejat Anbarci, Richard Dutu and Ching-jen Sun
- 72870: Choosing the variables to estimate singular DSGE models: Comment

- Nikolay Iskrev and Joao Ritto
- 72869: Does Unemployment Invariance Hypothesis Hold for Canada?

- Aysıt Tansel, Zeynel Ozdemir and Emre Aksoy
- 72868: Food Security and its Constraining Factors in South Asia: Challenges and Opportunities

- Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Iqbal and Umar Farooq
- 72867: Analysing the Impact of Climate Change on Cotton Productivity in Punjab and Sindh, Pakistan

- Amar Raza and Munir Ahmad
- 72866: Climate Change, Vulnerability, Food Security and Human Health in Rural Pakistan: A Gender Perspective

- Muhammad Iqbal, Munir Ahmad and Ghulam Mustafa
- 72865: Impact of Farm Households’ Adaptations to Climate Change on Food Security: Evidence from Different Agro-ecologies of Pakistan

- Munir Ahmad, Ghulam Mustafa and Muhammad Iqbal
- 72864: Achievement Goal and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Perception of Successful Agency and the Moderating Role of Emotion Reappraisal

- Wangshuai Wang, Jie Li, Gong Sun, Xin-an Zhang and Zhiming Cheng
- 72863: Impact of Farm Households’ Adaptation on Agricultural Productivity: Evidence from Different Agro-ecologies of Pakistan

- Muhammad Iqbal, Munir Ahmad and Ghulam Mustafa
- 72861: Analysing the Impact of Climate Change on Rice Productivity in Pakistan

- Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Nawaz, Muhammad Iqbal and Sajid Javed
- 72859: Impact of Climate Change on Wheat Productivity in Pakistan: A District Level Analysis

- Munir Ahmad, Hassan Siftain and Muhammad Iqbal
- 72857: Measuring the inadequacy of IRR in PFI schemes using profitability index and AIRR

- James R. Cuthbert and Carlo Alberto Magni
- 72856: Notas sobre Mecanismos de Transmissão da Política Monetária (Some Notes on the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanisms)

- Eduardo Strachman
- 72852: Income Rounding and Loan Performance in the Peer-to-Peer Market

- Nourhan Eid, Josephine Maltby and Oleksandr Talavera
- 72851: Does sector specific foreign aid matter for fertility? An empirical analysis form Pakistan

- Khalil Ahmad, Amjad Ali and Muhammad Chani
- 72850: Exploring stability and other fundamentals in a simple economy model

- Marcel R. de la Fonteijne
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