MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 17671: The effects of upcoding, cream skimming and readmissions on the Italian hospitals efficiency: a population–based investigation

- P Berta, G Callea, Gianmaria Martini and Giorgio Vittadini
- 17670: Multi-Tasking vs. Screening: A Model of Academic Tenure

- Zonglai Kou and Min Zhou
- 17665: External scale economies in manufacturing sector of Pakistan: a comparison of large scale manufacturing sector of Sindh and Punjab

- Sohail Zafar and Vaqar Ahmed
- 17664: Translation invariance when utility streams are infinite and unbounded

- Mohamed Mabrouk
- 17660: Asymmetry of the exchange rate pass-through: An exercise on the Polish data

- Jan Przystupa and Ewa Wróbel
- 17658: Pros and Cons of Backing Winners in Innovation Policy

- Seung-Gyu Jo and Frank Den Butter
- 17656: Financial Reforms, Patent Protection and Knowledge Accumulation in India

- James Ang
- 17655: Ageing and Export Dependency

- Claus Vistesen
- 17651: La contrainte budgétaire lâche et la théorie économique (Soft Budget Constraint and Economic Theory)

- Mehrdad Vahabi
- 17649: The Soft Budget Constraint: An Institutionalist Approach

- Mehrdad Vahabi
- 17648: Protection costs, transaction costs,and economic theory

- Mehrdad Vahabi
- 17647: The hot stove effect in repeated-play decision making under ambiguity

- Takemi Fujikawa
- 17645: Is the East African Community an Optimum Currency Area?

- N Kishor and John Ssozi
- 17643: The Instability in the Monetary Policy Reaction Function and the Estimation of Monetary Policy Shocks

- N Kishor and Monique Newiak
- 17640: Enhancing the efficiency of local government in the context of reducing the administrative expenditures

- Ani Matei and Carmen Savulescu
- 17639: Corruption in the public organizations. Towards a model of cost-benefit analysis for the anticorruption strategies

- Lucica Matei and Ani Matei
- 17637: Firing Tax vs. Severance Payment - An Unequal Comparison

- Dennis Wesselbaum
- 17634: An Extended Macro-Finance Model with Financial Factors

- Hans Dewachter and Leonardo Iania
- 17630: From famine to food crisis. What history can teach us about local and global subsistence crises

- Eric Vanhaute
- 17622: Nová ekonomika mění požadavky na vzdělávání na vysokých školách (New Economy Change Requirements to Education at Universities)

- Jindřich Vaněk and Petr Suchánek
- 17620: A Time-Series Analysis of U.S. Kidney Transplantation and the Waiting List: Donor Substitution Effects and "Dirty Altruism"

- Thomas Beard, John Jackson, David Kaserman and Hyeongwoo Kim
- 17619: Modul de determinare a costului unitar de producţie pentru metrul cub de masă lemnoasă pe picior

- Cristina Tenovici and Albici Mihaela
- 17618: The epistemic value of rationality

- Alexandru W. A. Popp
- 17617: Uncertainty aversion and equilibrium existence in games with incomplete information

- Yaron Azrieli and Roee Teper
- 17613: Estimates of Trade-Related Adjustment Costs in Syria

- Jamus Lim and Christian Saborowski
- 17612: Estimating the intensity of price and non-price competition in banking

- Santiago Carbo Valverde, Juan Fernández de Guevara y Rodoselovics, David Humphrey and Joaquin Maudos
- 17611: Decizii economice in conditii de risc

- Nicoleta Belu and Albici Mihaela
- 17606: Transparency, complementarity and holdout

- Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Kunal Sengupta
- 17605: Endogenous income taxes and indeterminacy in dynamic models: When Diamond meets Ramsey again

- Yan Zhang and Yan Chen
- 17604: Trends in High Incomes and Behavioral Responses to Taxation: Evidence from Executive Compensation and Statistics of Income Data

- Eissa Nada and Seth Giertz
- 17603: The Elasticity of Taxable Income During the 1990s: A Sensitivity Analysis

- Seth Giertz
- 17602: Taxable Income Responses to 1990s Tax Acts: Further Explorations

- Seth Giertz
- 17601: A Sensitivity Analysis of the Elasticity of Taxable Income

- Seth Giertz
- 17600: Panel Data Techniques and the Elasticity of Taxable Income

- Seth Giertz
- 17599: Does Poverty Alleviation Increase Migration? Evidence from Mexico

- Oliver Azuara
- 17596: Student Placement in Egyptian Colleges

- Tarek Selim and Sherif Salem
- 17592: Globalization and the gains from variety: size and openness of countries and the extensive margin

- Lukas Mohler
- 17589: The gains from variety in the European Union

- Lukas Mohler and Michael Seitz
- 17587: Do risk attitudes differ within the group of entrepreneurs?

- Joern Block, Philipp Sandner and Frank Spiegel
- 17585: Formal Employment, Informal Employment and Income Differentials in Urban China

- Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 17584: Explaining TFP Growth rates: Dissimilar effect of openness between different income groups of countries

- Germán González and Sebastián Constantín
- 17583: ¿Cuántos somos?. Una excursión por las estadísticas demográficas del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) (How many are we? The Demographic Statistics of the Spanish national Statistics Institute (INE))

- Francisco Goerlich Gisbert
- 17582: Capital humano y patrón de crecimiento sectorial y territorial: España (1964-1998) (Human Capital and Sectorial and Territorial Growth Patterns: Spain (1964-1998))

- Francisco Perez and Lorenzo Serrano
- 17578: Quali percorsi per la finanza pubblica italiana? Primi elementi di discussione (Perspective developments of public finance in Italy: a primer)

- Luigi Bernardi
- 17575: What triggers multiple job holding? An experimental investigation

- Heather Dickey, Verity Watson and Alexandros Zangelidis
- 17571: The Mexican Defined Contribution Pension System: Perspective for Low Income Workers

- Oliver Azuara
- 17569: Partnerships for Women's Health - Striving for Best Practice within the UN Global Compact / United Nations University Research Brief 1/2009 (

- Martina Timmermann and Monika Kruesmann
- 17567: Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

- Marcus Berliant and Fan-chin Kung
- 17566: "State capture" versus "administrative corruption". A comparative study for the public health service in Romania

- Ani Matei and Florin Popa
- 17562: Welfare effects of preferential trade agreements under optimal tariffs

- Kamal Saggi and Halis Yildiz
- 17561: Bilateral trade agreements and the feasibility of multilateral free trade

- Kamal Saggi and Halis Yildiz
- 17558: Bilateralism, multilateralism, and the quest for global free trade

- Kamal Saggi and Halis Yildiz
- 17553: Firm entry and monetary policy transmission under credit rationing

- Teruyoshi Kobayashi
- 17547: I did it my way

- Alida Paunic
- 17544: The One Savior Paradigm

- Dainis Zeps
- 17543: Can Second-Generation Endogenous Growth Models Explain The Productivity Trends and Knowledge Production In the Asian Miracle Economies?

- James Ang and Jakob Madsen
- 17537: Microfinance and Inequality

- Kai Hisako and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 17536: The dynamics of delinking in industrial emissions: The role of productivity, trade and R&D

- Giovanni Marin and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- 17535: Globalization and Protection of Employment

- Justina A. V. Fischer and Frank Somogyi
- 17530: Introducing taxation policy of profit for companies in Romania and other european union member states

- Felicia Maria Chirculescu and Gabriela Dobrota
- 17529: Impact of tax policy in Romania on budget revenues

- Gabriela Dobrota and Felicia Maria Chirculescu
- 17528: Presentation of fiscal measures taken in present in Romania for economic and number of jobs growth

- Felicia Maria Chirculescu and Gabriela Dobrota
- 17527: Long term financing decision at the level of companies

- Gabriela Dobrota and Felicia Maria Chirculescu
- 17522: Fear of depression - Asymmetric monetary policy with respect to asset markets

- Andreas Hoffmann
- 17521: Recovery Rates and Macroeconomic Conditions: The Role of Loan Covenants

- Zhipeng Zhang
- 17518: Monetary Business Cycle Accounting

- Roman Sustek
- 17512: Yes, we need a central bank

- Muhammad Nadim Hanif
- 17510: Models of market integration in Central Asia – comparative performance

- Alexander Libman
- 17502: Pricing of Double Barrier Options by Spectral Theory

- M.D. Dell'Era Mario
- 17500: Determinants of Gender Productivity among Small- Holder Cocoyam Farmers’ in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State, Nigeria

- B.c Okoye, A.c Okoye, G.n Asumugha, M.u Dimelu, A.e Agwu and C.c Agbaeze
- 17498: Modeling Complex Systems

- Anastasios Xepapadeas
- 17497: Culture matters: America’s African Diaspora and labor market outcomes

- Patrick Mason
- 17496: Identity matters: inter- and intra-racial disparity and labor market outcomes

- Patrick Mason
- 17495: Private capital, public credit and the decline of American railways in the mid-20th century

- Jim Cohen
- 17494: What Types of Small and Medium-sized Businesses Are Utilizing New Financial Products?

- Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 17492: Growth and the pollution convergence hypothesis: A nonparametric approach

- Carlos Ordás Criado, Simone Valente and Thanasis Stengos
- 17491: Credit rating and bank behavior in India: Possible implications of the new Basel accord

- D M Nachane and Saibal Ghosh
- 17489: Optimal Monetary Policy and Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in Frictional Labor Markets

- Salem Abo-Zaid
- 17488: A Century of Purchasing Power Parity Confirmed: The Role of Nonlinearity

- Hyeongwoo Kim and Young-Kyu Moh
- 17487: Trade Sustainability in the Forestry Domain: Evidence from Malaysia using Johansen and Bound Test Method

- F.A. Emmy, A.H. Baharom, Alias Radam and Mohd Yacob
- 17486: Nonconvex Margins of Output Adjustment and Aggregate Fluctuations

- Roman Sustek
- 17483: Money demand in the euro area: new insights from disaggregated data

- Ralph Setzer and Guntram Wolff
- 17482: Improving Modeling of Extreme Events using Generalized Extreme Value Distribution or Generalized Pareto Distribution with Mixing Unconditional Disturbances

- Ronny Suarez
- 17480: Estimates of the level and growth effects of human capital in India

- B. Rao and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
- 17479: Water use options for regional development. Potentials of new water technologies in Central Northern Namibia

- Alexandra Lux and Cedric Janowicz
- 17478: Children Versus Ideas: an “Influential” Theory of Demographic Transition

- Roman Zakharenko
- 17475: A new measure of fiscal shocks based on budget forecasts and its implications

- Manuel Pereira
- 17474: Empirical evidence on the stabilizing role of fiscal and monetary policies in the US

- Manuel Pereira
- 17470: Can Denmark’s Flexicurity System Be Replicated In Developing Countries? The Case Of Turkey

- Naci Gundogan
- 17469: Asymmetric Information, Auditing Commitment and Economic Growth

- Wai-Hong Ho and Yong Wang
- 17467: Production structure and technical efficiency analysis of sericulture in Pakistani Punjab

- Munir Ahmad and Tanvir Khaliq Shami
- 17464: Technical Progress and Long-Run Growth

- Alberto Chilosi and Stanislaw Gomulka
- 17463: Technical Efficiency of Small-Holder Cocoyam Farmers in Anambra State, Nigeria: Implications for Agricultural Extension Policy

- B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and A.e Agwu
- 17462: Microcredit, labour, and poverty impacts in urban Mexico

- Miguel Niño-Zarazúa and Paul Mosley
- 17460: Econometric Assessment of the Trend in Cocoyam Production in Nigeria, 1960/61-2003/2006

- B.c Okoye, G.n Asumugha, C.a Okezie, L Tanko and C.e Onyenweaku
- 17459: An Analysis of the Supply for Seed Yams in Nigeria

- G.n Asumugha, M.e Njoku, B.c Okoye, O.c Aniedu, M.c Ogbonna, H.n Anyaegbunam, A.o Akinpelu and O.o Ibeagi
- 17457: Comparative Economic Evaluation of Adopters and Non-Adopters of Some Selected Technologies in Abia State

- H.n Anyaegbunam, M.c Ogbonna and B.c Okoye
- 17456: Disaggregated Credit Flows and Growth in Central Europe

- Dirk Bezemer and Richard Werner
- 17455: Weighted Component Fairness for Forest Games

- Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 17454: Bank supervisory arrangements: International evidence and Indian perspective

- Aditya Narain and Saibal Ghosh
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