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80203: Science, technology and innovation for economic competitiveness: the role of smart specialization in less-developed countries Downloads
Sorin M.S. Krammer
80202: Threshold cointegration and spatial price transmission when expectations matter Downloads
Sergio Lence, GianCarlo Moschini and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
80195: Size effect in transitional dynamics of the banking network Downloads
Alfredo Daniel Garcia and Martin Andres Szybisz
80194: Educational Investment Responses to Economic Opportunity: Evidence from Indian Road Construction Downloads
Anjali Adukia, Samuel Asher and Paul Novosad
80192: TTIP and the Environmental Kuznets Curve Downloads
Razvan Pascalau and Dhimitri Qirjo
80191: Evaluating the Impact of Outsourcing Strategy on Procurement Performance of Selected Technical Universities in Ghana Downloads
Kwadwo Prempeh and Evelyn Nsiah-Asare
80183: Optimal Policies for Sin Goods and Health Care: Tax or Subsidy? Downloads
Chu-Chuan Cheng and Hsun Chu
80181: Economic, Demographic, Deterrent Variables And Crime Rate In India Downloads
Manish Gupta and Payal Sachdeva
80179: How 'organizational factors' outclass 'personal factors' in retaining Female Employees in Indian IT SMEs Downloads
Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair, John Aston and Eugene Kozlovski
80173: Changes in the relationship between interest rates and housing prices in South Africa around the 2007 financial crisis Downloads
Nwabisa Kolisi and Andrew Phiri
80172: Impact of Organizational Culture on the Pakistani Hotels Workforce's Job Satisfaction: Qualitative Report Downloads
Marium Zahid, Taha Shaikh and Syeda Zufiesha Zehra
80171: The Dynamics of Knowledge in Portugal - The Role Played by Public Institutions Downloads
Margarida Lopes
80166: Cournot Oligopoly, Price Discrimination and Total Output Downloads
Iñaki Aguirre
80165: Change within organizational culture Downloads
Ion Alexandru Tanase
80164: Earnings Management to Avoid Losses and Earnings Declines in Croatia Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, George Giannopoulos, Salma Ibrahim and Ivana Rozic
80163: The one-trading-day-ahead forecast errors of intra-day realized volatility Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis
80161: Hedge Fund Returns under Crisis Scenarios: A Holistic Approach Downloads
Chrysostomos Stoforos, Stavros Degiannakis and Theodosios Palaskas
80156: OPEC and Its Role in Regulating Price of Petroleum Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
80155: Additional Evidence and Replication Code for Analyzing the Effects of Minimum Wage Increases Enacted During the Great Recession Downloads
Jeffrey Clemens and Michael Wither
80154: Pitfalls in the Development of Falsification Tests: An Illustration from the Recent Minimum Wage Literature Downloads
Jeffrey Clemens
80153: The Minimum Wage and the Great Recession: A Response to Zipperer and Recapitulation of the Evidence Downloads
Jeffrey Clemens
80152: The FDI-growth nexus in South Africa: A re-examination using quantile regression approach Downloads
Hlalefang Khobai, Nicolene Hamman, Thando Mkhombo, Simbarashe Mhaka, Nomahlubi Mavikela and Andrew Phiri
80151: Developing Islamic Economic Production Downloads
Muhammad Subandi
80150: Developing Islamic Economic Production Downloads
Muhammad Subandi
80149: The Legacy of Muhammad Hamidullah in Islamic Economics Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
80148: Mid-Sized Italian manufacturing firms: a panel data analysis on profitability Downloads
Carlo Migliardo and Daniele Schiliro'
80135: Проблемы продовольственного обеспечения нуждающихся слоев населения:концептуальные основы, инфраструктура, ресурсная база, земельные ресурсы для производства экологически чистого продовольствия, государственная поддержка в рамках норм ВТО (Problems of food security for needy strata of the population: conceptual framework, infrastructure, re-source provision; Land resources for the production of environmentally friendly food; State support within the WTO rules) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Nataliy Starovoytova
80132: Rice Trade in East Africa: Flows, Dynamics and Policy Downloads
Milton Ayoki
80128: Illicit Trade in East Africa: What Do We Really Know? Downloads
Milton Ayoki and Marios Obwona
80127: A Note on Schumpeterian Competition in the Creative Class and Innovation Policy Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Seung Jick Yoo
80124: Spatial assessment of construction waste generated by residential buildings in rural areas Downloads
Florin Mihai and Adrian Grozavu
80122: Al-Asadi and his work al-Taysir: A study of his socio-economic ideas Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
80121: A Situational Analysis Of Women Workers in Sericulture of West Bengal Downloads
Chandan Roy, Roy Mukherjee Sanchari and Ghosh Santanu
80118: La gestion du changement dans les organisations publiques algériennes (Managing Change in Algerian Public Organizations) Downloads
Madjid Chabani and Mohamed Boucetta
80116: A Spatial Analysis of Innovation in Europe Downloads
Antoine Tonnerre
80113: Qual a importância da Auditoria Operacional nas PME Portuguesas? (The importance of the operational audit of Portuguese SMEs) Downloads
Liliana Meira and Joao Paulo Peixoto
80112: Alleviating the Barriers to Domestic Investment in Addis Ababa: Underlying Causes and Proposed Solutions Downloads
Berihu Gebrehiwot, Mulu Gebre-eyesus and Firew Bekele
80108: Spécificités des déterminants des innovations environnementales: une approche appliquée aux PME (Specificities of determinants for environmental innovation: an approach applied to SMEs) Downloads
Amandine Pinget
80106: Long run Relationship between Trade in Goods and Trade in Services of India Downloads
Arunhari Panickers Villa
80103: A Very Brief Approximation to What Is the Capability Approach of Amartya Sen? Downloads
Dorian Fernando León Tamayo and Jose Luis Moreno
80102: Metodología Alkire y Foster en la medición de Pobreza Multidimensional: el caso colombiano (Alkire and Foster methodology in the measurement of Multidimensional Poverty: the Colombian case) Downloads
Dorian Leon
80101: Неокласическата парадигма и проблема за „фирмата“/ Neoclassical Paradigm and the Problem of Firm (Neoclassical Paradigm and the Problem of Firm) Downloads
Plamen Tchipev
80099: Sectoral Level Analysis of India’s Bilateral Trade over 2001-2015 Downloads
Sakshi Aggarwal
80097: Exploring the Influence of Colonial Railways on Java's Economic Geography Downloads
Aloysius Brata
80096: Consumption and Exchange Rate Uncertainty: Evidence from Selected Asian Countries Downloads
Sin-Yu Ho and Bernard Njindan Iyke
80095: Disentangling trust from risk-taking: Triadic approach Downloads
Doron Sonsino, Max Shifrin and Eyal Lahav
80094: Емпиричен анализ на стиловете на учене на студенти от счетоводните специалности в Международно висше бизнес училище (An empirical analys of learning styles of students from accounting majors in International business school) Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
80093: Energy efficiency programs in the context of increasing block tariffs: The case of residential electricity in Mexico Downloads
Pedro Hancevic and Javier Lopez-Aguilar
80091: Elasticities of Business Investment in the U.S. and their Policy Implications: A Disaggregate Approach to Modeling and Estimation Downloads
George Bitros and M. Ishaq Nadiri
80089: Géopolitique du régime monétaire. Expliquer la longévité du Currency Board de Djibouti (Geopolitics of Monetaray Regime. Expaning the longevity of Currency Board in Djibouti) Downloads
Moustapha Aman and Nikolay Nenovsky
80084: The Impact of Migration and Remittance on Household Welfare: Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Linh Vu
80083: Intra-generational and intergenerational mobility in Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Lam Nguyen
80079: An anatomy of the Spanish current account adjustment: the role of permanent and transitory factors Downloads
Enrique Moral-Benito and Francesca Viani
80078: The performance effects of gender diversity on bank boards Downloads
Ann Owen and Judit Temesvary
80077: Implications of Information Technology for Employment, Skills, and Wages: A Review of Recent Research Downloads
Michael J. Handel
80075: Distribution of power within the household and child health Downloads
Duncan Thomas, Dante Contreras and Elizabeth Frankerberg
80073: Public Firm in Mixed Oligopolistic Structure: A Theoretical Exposition Downloads
Susmita Chatterjee, Srobonti Chattopadhyay, Rittwik Chatterjee and Debabrata Dutta
80072: Promoting pro-social behavior with public statements of good intent Downloads
Ann-Kathrin Koessler, Lionel Page and Uwe Dulleck
80070: VaR Risk Measures versus Traditional Risk Measures: an Analysis and Survey Downloads
Guy Kaplanski and Yoram Kroll
80067: Empowerment translated to transition Downloads
Susmita Chatterjee
80062: A Note on the Solow Growth Model with a CES Production Function and Declining Population Downloads
Hiroaki Sasaki
80061: Enhancement of heat dissipation in an electronic chip cooling system using graphite fins Downloads
Dong Xue, Long Wu and Lian Xun
80060: Demand side management - electricity savings in Danish households reduce load variation, capacity requirements and associated emission Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen and Nina Juul
80058: Network preferences and the growth of the British cotton textile industry, c.1780-1914 Downloads
Steven Toms
80057: The Role of Precedents on Court Delay - Evidence from a civil law country Downloads
Michael Berlemann and Robin Christmann
80055: Does globalization worsen environmental quality in developed economies? Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Jawad Syed, Mantu Kumar and Shawkat Hammoudeh
80053: The Impact of Domestic Investment on Economic Growth: New Policy Analysis from Algeria Downloads
Sayef Bakari
80050: The gun-slave hypothesis and the 18th century British slave trade Downloads
Warren Whatley
80047: General Equilibrium Evaluation of Temporary Employment Downloads
Guanyi Yang
80046: Robustness, Low Risk-Free Rates, and Consumption Volatility in General Equilibrium Downloads
Yulei Luo, Jun Nie and Eric Young
80045: Rational Inattention and the Dynamics of Consumption and Wealth in General Equilibrium Downloads
Yulei Luo, Jun Nie, Gaowang Wang and Eric Young
80043: Une analyse cliometrique du régionalisme européen (A Cliometric Analysis of the European Regionalism) Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi
80040: Threats to Inclusive Growth in India: Unemployment and Informal Sector Downloads
Avnesh Gupta
80039: Flash Crashes: The Role of Information Processing Based Subordination and the Cauchy Distribution in Market Instability Downloads
Edgar Parker
80036: The Entropic Linkage between Equity and Bond Market Dynamics Downloads
Edgar Parker
80035: Industrial Policy for Inclusive Growth: An Analysis of Experiences of India and China Downloads
Avnesh Gupta
80034: Patterns of Rebellion: A Model with Three Challengers Downloads
Keisuke Nakao
80031: The Relationship between Female Representation at Strategic Level and Firm's Competitiveness: Evidences from Cargo Logistic Firms of Pakistan and Canada Downloads
Adnan ul Haque, Riffat Faizan and Antje Cockrill
80030: Trade Liberalisation and Its Impact on Employment: An Analysis of Indian Experiences (With Special References of Indian Manufacturing Industries) Downloads
Avnesh Gupta
80029: Inclusive Growth Policy: An Analysis of Performance of Indian Government During Eleventh Five Year Plan Downloads
Avnesh Gupta
80028: Dynamic Changes in Comparative Advantage of Indonesian Agricultural Products Downloads
Albertus Girik Allo, Ni Made Sukartini and Tri Widodo
80026: De l’économie de la pénurie à l’économie politique du communisme. Sur l’évolution récente de la pensée économique de Janos Kornai: 1980-1996 (Economics of Shortage and Political Economy of Communism Evolution of the Economic Thought of Janos Kornai ( 1980- 1996)) Downloads
Mehrdad Vahabi
80025: A kormányzás hatása a közvetlen külföldi tőkebefektetésekre Latin-Amerikában Downloads
Flóra Panna Biró, Ádám Márkus and László Erdey
80024: The Future of Economics in a Lakatos–Bourdieu Framework Downloads
Arne Heise
80023: Why has economics turned out this way?’ A socio-economic note on the explanation of monism in economics Downloads
Arne Heise
80022: The Short Rise and Long Fall of heterodox Economics in germany After the 1970s: Explorations in a Scientific Field of Power and Struggle Downloads
Arne Heise and Sebastian Thieme
80021: Consumption & Class in Evolutionary Macroeconomics Downloads
Bernhard Rengs and Manuel Scholz-Waeckerle
80018: Fiscal sustainability in Malaysia: a re-examination Downloads
Hon Chung Hui
80017: Social trust, workplace organization, and the comparative advantage of nations Downloads
André van Hoorn
80016: Trust and Organizational Design: Explaining Cross-National Differences in Work Autonomy Downloads
André van Hoorn
80014: Account receivable management across Industrial sectors in Ghana; analyzing the economic effectiveness and efficiency Downloads
Emmanuel Senzu and Haruna Ndebugri
80012: Benefit Sanctions: Detailed Methodology Downloads
Dimitris Pipinis, Sarah Taylor, Andrew Tuffin, Colin Ross and Max Tse
80011: The Use of Identity Primes to Explain Behavioral Differences Between Groups: A Methodological Note Downloads
André van Hoorn
80010: How much does job autonomy vary across countries and other extra-organizational contexts? Downloads
André van Hoorn
80009: Generational Shifts in Managerial Values and the Coming of a Unified Business Culture: A Cross-National Analysis Using European Social Survey Data Downloads
André van Hoorn
80007: The Cultural Roots of Human Capital Accumulation Downloads
André van Hoorn
80006: Penelitian Serat Alami Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Industri Textil di Indonesia Downloads
Muhammad Subandi
80003: Penelitian Serat Alami Untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Industri Textil di Indonesia Downloads
Muhammad Subandi
80002: Testing Proxy Means Tests in the Field: Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Duc Lo
79997: Feminization of entrepreneurship in developing countries? Evidence from GEM data Downloads
Jorge Velilla
Page updated 2025-03-25
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