MPRA Paper
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- 36657: Theory of rational expectations hypothesis: banks and other financial institutions in Malaysia

- Lucy Chong, Chin-Hong Puah and Abu Hassan Md Isa
- 36656: The case for higher frequency inflation expectations

- Giselle Guzman
- 36655: От теории предприятия к теории стратегического управления (From Theory of the Firm to the Strategic Management Theory)

- George Kleiner
- 36653: Using sentiment surveys to predict GDP growth and stock returns

- Giselle Guzman
- 36651: Cointegration growth, poverty and inequality in Sudan

- Hisham Mohamed Hassan
- 36650: Are CEO's paid their marginal product? An empirical analysis of executive compensation and corporate performance

- Mark Klinedinst
- 36649: Forecasting malaysian business cycle movement: empirical evidence from composite leading indicator

- Shirly Wong, Shazali Abu Mansor, Chin-Hong Puah and Venus Liew
- 36648: Moneyball: a Message for Managers

- J. Armstrong
- 36646: Italy and development policies from the golden age to the current crisis: the role of the “nuovo meridionalismo”

- Amedeo Lepore
- 36644: Revisiting Mutual Fund Performance Evaluation

- Timotheos Angelidis, Daniel Giamouridis and Nikolaos Tessaromatis
- 36643: Statul de drept din perspectivă economică (Rule of law from economic perspective)

- Nicolae Argesanu
- 36642: Business history in Italy and the new digital frontiers: archives and IT sources

- Amedeo Lepore
- 36640: Aspecte teoretice ale pieței muncii (Theoretical aspects of labor market)

- Juravle, Daniel/DD
- 36632: Asset Price Bubbles in the Kiyotaki-Moore Model

- Tomohiro Hirano and Masaru Inaba
- 36630: Consumer protection in the shadow of the global financial crisis - a study on the way forward of consumer protection in European Union, Republic of Moldova and P.R. of China -

- Sergiu Gojinetchi
- 36628: Information Technology and Bilateral FDI: Theory and Evidence

- Bang Jeon, Linghui Tang and Lei Zhu
- 36626: On the existence of pure strategy equilibria in large generalized games with atomic players

- Alvaro Riascos and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 36625: Essential stability for large generalized games

- Sofia Correa and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 36624: Incomplete financial participation: exclusive markets, investment clubs and credit risk

- Víctor Pérez Fernández and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 36622: A currency union or an exchange rate union: evidence from Northeast Asia

- Bang Jeon and Hongfang Zhang
- 36621: Progress and prospects of regional financial arrangements and cooperation in East Asia: a critical survey

- Bang Jeon
- 36620: Dynamic interactions of bank assets in two foreign currency constrained economies

- Tarron Khemraj and R. Brian Langrin
- 36610: Supplement to ``Martingale properties of self-enforcing debt''

- Florin Bidian and Camelia Bejan
- 36609: Martingale properties of self-enforcing debt

- Florin Bidian and Camelia Bejan
- 36607: El turismo como motor de crecimiento económico: impacto de las preferencias intertemporales de los agentes (The tourism as economic growth engine: the impact of the agents time preferences)

- Juan Brida, Silvia London and Mara Rojas
- 36606: Factors Affecting the Magnitude of Poor Families Across the Philippines: A Cross Section Data Analysis

- Roperto Deluna
- 36603: Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Emmision in Asia: Effect of Population, Affluence and Energy Effeciency

- Roperto Deluna
- 36601: On the Private Provision of Fiat Currency

- Aleksander Berentsen
- 36600: The Conditions for a Balanced Growth in a Model with Public Finance: an Analytic Solution

- Oliviero Carboni and Paolo Russu
- 36599: On the Optimality of Limit Cycles in Nature Based-Tourism

- Paolo Russu
- 36598: Controlling complex dynamics in a protected-area discrete-time model

- Paolo Russu
- 36597: Environmental protection mechanisms and technological dynamics

- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi and Paolo Russu
- 36596: A New Theory of Economic Systems and Its Application to Economic Police Studies

- George Kleiner
- 36595: Globalization and poverty: what is the evidence?

- Emma Aisbett, Ann Harrison and Alix Zwane
- 36594: Determinants and effects of direct foreign investment in Cote d'Ivoire, Morocco, and Venezuela

- Ann Harrison
- 36593: Labor markets, foregin investment and trade policy reform

- Ann Harrison and Ana Revenga
- 36590: Наноэкономика (Nanoeconomic)

- George Kleiner
- 36589: Ranking the ‘Diamond Core’ economic journals: A note

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 36586: Non-linearities in the dynamics of oil prices

- Khalid Kisswani and Salah Nusair
- 36584: Intellectual property related development aid: is supply aligned with demand?

- Roya Ghafele and Jakob Engel
- 36581: Exports as an engine for the economic growth: the case of Romania

- Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
- 36579: Strategic decisions for the Romanian exporters

- Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu and Costel Nistor
- 36578: Evolution of the Romanian exports and imports in the context of the European integration

- Razvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu and Costel Nistor
- 36577: Motivations for the Romanian exporters

- Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
- 36574: When elders rule: is gerontocracy harmful for growth?

- Vincenzo Atella and Lorenzo Carbonari
- 36572: Unemployment Insurance Schemes, Liquidity Constraints and Re-employment: a three Country Comparison

- Lorenzo Corsini
- 36570: A noncooperative model of network formation with decreasing productivity

- Banchongsan Charoensook
- 36569: Lead Poisoning and The Bell Curve

- Rick Nevin
- 36568: Determinants of foreign direct investment in Turkey: a panel study approach

- Bulent Esiyok
- 36566: Turn - of - the - month effect on the Bucharest stock exchange

- Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 36563: Impactul investitiilor straine directe asupra exporturilor din Romania (Impact of the foreign direct investment on Romanian exports)

- Răzvan Stefanescu, Ramona Dumitriu and Costel Nistor
- 36562: Analysis of within – month effects on the Bucharest stock exchange

- Ramona Dumitriu, Razvan Stefanescu and Costel Nistor
- 36560: Shocks on the Romanian foreign exchange market before and after the global crisis

- Ramona Dumitriu and Razvan Stefanescu
- 36554: Tax incentives and household investment in complementary pension insurance: some recent evidence from the Italian experience

- Immacolata Marino, Filippo Maria Pericoli and Luigi Ventura
- 36552: The Impact of Health Insurance for Children: Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen Viet
- 36551: Moody’s credit ratings and the stock market performance of Portuguese rated firms

- Luis Pacheco
- 36550: Die Institutionalisierung von Wissensbeständen in Österreich. Die Diskrepanz zwischen wirtschaftlicher Realität und Politik (The Institutionalization of Knowledge in Austria. Briding the Gap between Economic Reality and Policy)

- Roya Ghafele
- 36545: On the effect of foreign aid on corruption

- Simplice Asongu
- 36543: The political economy of development assistance: peril to government quality dynamics in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 36542: Reversed Economics and Inhumanity of Development Assistance in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 36541: Globalization and Africa: implications for human development

- Simplice Asongu
- 36540: Impact of economic growth on climate Change: An Environmentally Extended Social Accounting Matrix (ESAM) based approach for India

- Barundeb Pal, Sanjib Pohit and Joyashree Roy
- 36539: Optimal risk sharing and borrowing constraints in a continuous-time model with limited commitment

- Borys Grochulskiy and Yuzhe Zhang
- 36537: Shared Rights and Technological Progress

- Matthew Mitchell and Yuzhe Zhang
- 36535: Analyzing the Kuznets Relationship using Nonparametric and Semiparametric Methods

- Kui-Wai Li
- 36533: The Male-Female Gap in Post-Baccalaureate School Quality

- Adam Stevenson
- 36532: The Labor Supply and Tax Revenue Consequences of Federal Same-Sex Marriage Legalization

- Adam Stevenson
- 36529: NAFTA and its Impact on Mexico

- Edouard Aghion
- 36528: Currency Crises During the Great Recession: Is This Time Different?

- Tiziano Arduini, Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Carlo Leone Del Bello
- 36527: Occupazione e disoccupazione in Italia e in Europa negli anni novanta (Employment and unemployment in Italy and Europe in the nineties)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 36526: Do consumers prefer offers that are easy to compare? An experimental investigation

- Paolo Crosetto and Alexia Gaudeul
- 36523: Estimation de l'emploi sectoriel par zone d'emploi du 31.12.1989 au 31.12.2010 – Compléments à la série 1998–2007 de l'INSEE (Estimation of the Sectoral Employment by Employment Areas from the 31th december 1989 to the 31th december 2010 - Supplement to the INSEE Time Series from 1998 to 2007)

- Rodolphe Buda
- 36522: A model of waste control and abatement capital: Permanent versus temporary environmental policies

- Giuseppe Travaglini and Enrico Saltari
- 36520: Relevance of an accuracy control module - implementation into an economic modelling software

- Rodolphe Buda
- 36519: Essential Data, Budget Sets and Rationalization

- Francoise Forges and Vincent Iehlé
- 36516: Smoking behavior in Vietnam: demographic and socioeconomic determinants

- Cuong Nguyen
- 36513: Time-varying parameters in the almost ideal demand system and the Rotterdam model: will the best specification please stand up?

- William Barnett and Isaac Kanyama
- 36511: An inflation expectations horserace

- Giselle Guzman
- 36509: Income differentiation of households in the CR

- Jana Stávková, Ladislav Stejskal and Ludmila Nagyová
- 36508: Structure and determinants of consumer expenditures

- Ladislav Stejskal and Jana Stávková
- 36507: Productivity growth in Latin American manufacturing: what role for international trade intensities?

- Sebastian Faundez M, Nanno Mulder and Nicole Carpentier
- 36505: Using sentiment to predict GDP growth and stock returns

- Giselle Guzman
- 36504: Towards an analytical framework of regional integration in Western Balkans

- Pantelis Sklias and Maria Tsampra
- 36502: Are equity market daily price indices and returns in the major european markets european markets cointegrated? Tests and evidence

- Krishna Kasibhatla, David Stewart, Swapan Sen and John Malindretos
- 36501: Hub and Spoke Trade Agreements under Oligopoly with Asymmetric Costs

- Halis Yildiz
- 36499: An introduction to the 1998-99 Pakistan socioeconomic survey (PSES)

- Ghulam Arif, Syed Ali, Zafar Nasir and Nabeela Arshad
- 36498: ‘One hen’ or ‘a basket of bangles’: women development and micro-credit in Tamil Nadu

- B. P. Asalatha and Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 36494: Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for pricing pension plans allowing early retirement

- Maria del Carmen Calvo-Garrido, Andrea Pascucci and Carlos Vázquez Cendón
- 36491: Latent separability and price variation in the estimation of demand System

- Olfa Cherif and Mohamed Ayadi
- 36487: Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Salwa Hanim and Zahari Taha
- 36486: Effects of welfare reform and the state children’s health insurance program on medicaid and total health expenditures

- Anusua Datta and Donald Vandegrift
- 36481: El cobro por una factibilidad sostenible del agua y el crecimiento urbano disperso en el norte de México (Payment for urban water feasibility and the urban dispersed growth in Northern Mexico (a proposal))

- Ismael Aguilar-Benitez
- 36477: Oil prices and emerging market exchange rates

- Erk Hacihasanoglu, Ibrahim Turhan and Ugur Soytas
- 36475: Global Imbalances, Current Account Rebalancing and Exchange Rate Adjustments

- Ibrahim Turhan, Yavuz Arslan and Mustafa Kilinc
- 36474: Soundness and unsoundness of banking sector in Nigeria: a discriminant analytical approach

- Godwin Okpara
- 36473: Natural resource dependence in rural Mexico

- Alejandro Lopez-Feldman, J. Edward Taylor and Antonio Yúnez-Naude
- 36471: A global perspective on the changing perceptions of the role of the external auditor and the significance of audit developments

- Marianne Ojo
- 36470: An overview over the worldwide development of e-government

- Codrin Teiu
- 36469: From the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis to the 2008-09 global economic crisis: lessons from Korea’s experience

- Bang Jeon
- 36465: Going green: does it depend on education, gender, or income?

- Dakshina De Silva and Rachel Pownall
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