MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 16601: A selection of maximal elements under non-transitive indifferences

- José Alcantud, Gianni Bosi and Magalì Zuanon
- 16599: The endogenous nature of social preferences

- John Smith
- 16598: (In)Efficiency of Matching - The Case of A Post-transition Economy

- Tomasz Jeruzalski and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 16597: Commitment devices, opportunity windows, and institution building in Central Asia

- Christian Danne
- 16596: Influence Of Labour Migration On Latvia’s Labour Market

- Valerijs Skribans
- 16595: Growth Effects of Globalization in the Low Income African Countries: A Systems GMM Panel Data Approach

- B. Rao and Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
- 16594: Another characterization of quasisupermodularity

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 16590: The economic impacts of air transport liberalization

- Martin Grancay
- 16589: Intellectual capital communication: evidence from social and sustainability reporting

- Emilio Passetti, Andrea Tenucci, Lino Cinquini and Marco Frey
- 16587: The stability of the inflation rate in the Euro area: the role of Globalization and labour market

- Antonio Forte
- 16583: Reconsidérer la fonction de PDR: problème urgent au niveau de la zone euro (Rethinking the LOLR function: a new challenge for eurozone)

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 16582: Central banks and asset prices: the role of the interest rate in volatility correction in the Romanian case

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 16581: Assessing Romanian financial sector stability: the importance of the international economic climate

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 16580: Exchange Rates Predictability in Developing Countries

- Tamat Sarmidi
- 16578: The Role of USAID in Development in Egypt

- Sayed Attia
- 16574: The Impact of Taxes on Employment and Economic Growth in Industrialized Countries

- Thomas Seward
- 16570: The Role of USAID in Development in Egypt

- Sayed Moawad Attia
- 16569: Social Security and Labour Supply: the Italian 1992 Reform as a Natural Experiment

- Marco Ranzani
- 16567: Institutional Reform:Improving the Effectiveness of Policy Delivery

- Carlos Icaza Lara, Mario Pezzini, Roberto Villarreal, José Enrique Garcilazo and Andrew Davies
- 16564: E-Government Partnerships Across Levels of Government

- Claire Charbit and Varinia Michalun
- 16563: Reunión Comisión de Descentralización y Autonomía Local Congreso FLACMA (Reunion Committee on Decentralization and Local Autonomy)

- Mar de Plata
- 16561: Viešojo valdymo sistemos decentralizacija: turinys, pranašumai ir trūkumai (The decentralization of public management systems)

- Jurate Baltusnikiene
- 16560: A Nonparametric Test of Strategic Behavior in the Cournot Model

- Rahul Deb and James Fenske
- 16559: How External Misfortunes Shaped Higher Education

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16558: Investment in Human Capital: Vocational vs. Academic Education

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16557: Fonction de reaction de la banque centrale et credibilite de la politique monétaire: Cas de la BEAC (Central Bank reaction fonction and monetary policy credibility: The case of BEAC)

- Severin Kamgna, Christian Nguenang, Hervé Talabong and Isselmou Ould
- 16556: Competitive advantage of informational technologies and communications sector for the Romanian west 5 region

- Dana-Codruta Duda-Daianu
- 16555: Propositions d'indicateurs macroprudentiels pour le systeme bancaire de la CEMAC (Macroprudentials indicators for CEMAC banking system)

- Severin Kamgna, Nzesseu Jules Tinang and Kinfak Christian Tsombou
- 16553: The Philippines on debt row

- Beja, Jr., Edsel
- 16552: Things are different when you open up: Economic openness, domestic economy, and income

- Edsel Beja
- 16547: Organized crime and regional development. A review of the Italian case

- Vittorio Daniele
- 16546: La tarification des retraits aux distributeurs automatiques bancaires, une revue de la littérature (ATM withdrawal pricing, a survey of the literature)

- Jocelyn Donze and Isabelle Dubec
- 16541: Aspects regarding the Romania’s position in the global competition of knowledge-based economy

- Daniela Harangus and Dana-Codruta Duda-Daianu
- 16540: New solutions in the crediting process of agriculture

- Daniela Harangus
- 16539: An Agent Based Cournot Simulation with Innovation: Identifying the Determinants of Market Concentration

- Tim Kochanski
- 16538: Global inequality recalculated: The effect of new 2005 PPP estimates on global inequality

- Branko Milanovic
- 16535: Global inequality and global inequality extraction ratio: The story of the last two centuries

- Branko Milanovic
- 16534: On the Truly Noncooperative Game of Life on Earth: In Search of the Unity of Nature & Evolutionary Stable Strategy

- Matt Funk
- 16533: Aspects regarding the contribution of research and technical progress at GDP’s growth

- Dana-Codruta Duda-Daianu and Daniela Harangus
- 16528: Bayes reliability measures of Lognormal and inverse Gaussian distributions under ML-II ε-contaminated class of prior distributions

- Pankaj Sinha and Prabha Jayaraman
- 16527: The pass-through effect: a twofold analysis

- Antonio Forte
- 16526: Understanding forecast failure of ESTAR models of real exchange rates

- Daniel Buncic
- 16523: Sorting with shame in the laboratory

- David Ong
- 16516: On Mental Transformations

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 16515: Research in Cosmetic Dermatology: Reconciling medicine with business

- Bell R Eapen
- 16506: Employment effects of offshoring. An application to Japanese industries, 1980-2005

- Pablo Agnese
- 16505: Japan and her dealings with offshoring: An empirical analysis with aggregate data

- Pablo Agnese
- 16503: Offshoring: Facts and numbers at the country level

- Pablo Agnese and Ricart Joan Enric
- 16501: The fading 1990s in Japan: Driving forces behind the unemployment upsurge

- Pablo Agnese and Hector Sala
- 16500: The privatization of public banks: will it always turn out to be satisfactory?

- Sudi Apak, Ahmet Atakisi, Levent Ozkan and Caner Ekizceleroğlu
- 16499: Estimación de la Curva de Rendimiento (Estimating the Yield Curve)

- Rodrigo Alfaro
- 16497: Socialism without liberation: Land Reclamation Projects in Guinea-Bissau

- Dirk Kohnert
- 16496: Evaluarea pe baza de active: analiza critica (Evaluation based on assets: critical anaysis)

- Daniel Goagara and Laura Giurca Vasilescu
- 16495: Regulations, competition and bank risk-taking in transition countries

- Maria-Eleni Agoraki, Manthos Delis and Fotios Pasiouras
- 16494: Bank competition, institutional strength and financial reforms in Central and Eastern Europe and the EU

- Manthos Delis and George Pagoulatos
- 16493: Public sector efficiency: Leveling the playing field between OECD countries

- Antonis Adam, Manthos Delis and Pantelis Kammas
- 16490: Equilibrium price dispersion with heterogeneous searchers

- Yongmin Chen and Tianle Zhang
- 16489: Hypotekarna a financna kriza 2008: Priciny, opatrenia, dosledky (The mortgage and financial crisis of 2008: Causes, measures taken, impacts)

- Martin Grancay
- 16488: Evaluating competitiveness of airports - Airport competitiveness index

- Martin Grancay

- David Hirshleifer, Siew Hong Teoh and Jeff Jiewei Yu
- 16486: Causal Ordering Between Inflation and Productivity of Labor and Capital: An Empirical Approach for Pakistan

- Karrar Hussain
- 16485: A Case of Mimetic Isomorphism: A Short-Cut to Increasing Loyalty to Academia

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16483: Risk Management Framework for Hedge Funds: Role of Funding and Redemption Options on Leverage

- John Dai and Suresh Sundaresan
- 16482: Country Size and Labor Market Flexibility in the European Monetary Union: Why Small Countries Have more Flexible Labor Markets

- Holger Zemanek
- 16480: Debt-deficit dynamics in India and macroeconomic effects: A structural approach

- R Kannan and Bhupal Singh
- 16479: Determinants of tourist arrivals in Africa: a panel data regression analysis

- Wim Naudé and Andrea Saayman
- 16478: Understanding Economic Growth in Indian States

- N R Bhanumurthy
- 16475: The dynamics of knowledge diversity and economic growth

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita

- Alexander Mikhailovich Libman
- 16472: A Simple Model of Robust Portfolio Selection

- Marco Taboga
- 16471: Testing Linearity in Term Structures

- Chiara Peroni
- 16470: Does sex-ratio indicate the extent of male preference?: A quest for better indicator

- Indervir Singh and Sarbjit Singh
- 16468: Boon or bane- role of FDI in the economic growth of Pakistan

- Mazhar Mughal
- 16464: Comparing the Private Cost of Education at Public, Private, and Faith-Based Schools in Cameroon

- Prospere Backiny-Yetna and Quentin Wodon
- 16463: Comparing the Performance of Faith-Based and Government Schools in the Democratic Republic of Congo

- Prospere Backiny-Yetna and Quentin Wodon
- 16462: Literacy and Numeracy in Faith-Based and Government Schools in Sierra Leone

- Quentin Wodon and Yvonne Ying
- 16461: Predicting Elections from Biographical Information about Candidates

- J. Armstrong and Andreas Graefe
- 16459: The Internal Politics of Journal Editing

- William Barnett
- 16456: Resource curse and institutional quality in oil countries

- Mohsen Mohsen Mehrara, Sadegh Alhosseini and Duman Bahramirad
- 16452: Normality Testing- A New Direction

- Tanweer Islam
- 16451: External financing, growth and capital structure

- Ioannis Asimakopoulos, Panayiotis Athanasoglou and Konstantinos Siriopoulos
- 16450: The effect of M&A announcement on Greek bank stock returns

- Ioannis Asimakopoulos, Panayiotis Athanasoglou and Evangelia Georgiou
- 16449: The effect of M&A on bank efficiency in Greece

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou and Sophocles Brissimis
- 16447: Irrational Bias in Inflation Forecasts

- Insu Kim and Minsoo Kim
- 16446: R/S analysis and DFA: finite sample properties and confidence intervals

- Ladislav Krištoufek
- 16440: Labour Market Racial Discrimination in South Africa Revisited

- Szelewicki Maciej and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 16439: International Mobility of Romanian Students in Europe: From Statistical Evidence to Policy Measures

- Monica Roman and Christina Suciu
- 16437: Federalism, Party Competition and Budget Outcome: Empirical Findings on Regional Health Expenditure in Italy

- Emilio Giardina, Marina Cavalieri, Calogero Guccio and Isidoro Mazza
- 16436: Indian G-Sec Market: How the Term Structure Reacts to Monetary Policy

- Rituparna Das
- 16435: Procesy s dlouhou pamětí a jejich vývoj ve výnosech indexu PX v letech 1999 – 2009 (Long-term memory and its evolution in returns of PX between 1999 and 2009)

- Ladislav Krištoufek
- 16434: La quantificazione dei risultati dei sondaggi congiunturali: un confronto tra procedure (Quantifying the results of tendency surveys: a comparison among different procedures)

- Enrico D'Elia
- 16429: ELG hypothesis is valid for India: An Evidence from Structural Causality

- Zahid Asghar
- 16425: Actual factors to determine cross-currency basis swaps: An empirical study on US dollar/Japanese yen basis swap rates from the late 1990s

- Naoki Shinada
- 16424: Distinguishing between short and long range dependence: Finite sample properties of rescaled range and modified rescaled range

- Ladislav Krištoufek
- 16423: Dryland Agriculture: Dynamics, Challenges and Priorities

- McS Bantilan, P Anand Babu, Gv Anupama, H Deepthi and R Padmaja
- 16422: Role thinking: Standing in other people’s shoes to forecast decisions in conflicts

- Kesten Green and J. Armstrong
- 16421: International Graduate Student Life: Building Grounded Theory

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16420: In Disputatione Nascitur Veritas

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16417: Higher Education Funding Issues: U.S. / UK Comparison

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 16416: Modeling Alternatives to Exponential Discounting

- Andrew Musau
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