MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter ( Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 21055: Technology transfer in a linear city with symmetric locations

- Fehmi Bouguezzi
- 21054: Commerce in Braudel and the Marxists

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 21053: Defining extreme volatility events at the S&P 500 Index

- Ronny Suarez
- 21051: The productivity of the public sector in OECD countries: eGovernment as driver of efficiency and efficacy

- Marcella Corsi and Carlo D'Ippoliti
- 21049: Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the U.S. Video Game Industry

- Ricard Gil and Frédéric Warzynski
- 21047: Were Canadian Exports to the U.S. Curtailed by the Post-9/11 Thickening of the U.S. Border?

- Patrick Grady
- 21045: Stars War in French Gastronomy: Prestige of Restaurants and Chefs’ Careers

- Olivier Gergaud, Valérie Smeets and Frédéric Warzynski
- 21042: Сектор жилищно-коммунальных услуг:как его реформировать (Utilities Sector:How to Reform It?)

- Elmira Erzinkian
- 21041: Explaining high unemployment among low-skilled workers: Evidence from 21 European and Anglo-Saxon countries, 1991-2006

- Daniel Oesch
- 21040: Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990-2008

- Daniel Oesch and Jorge Rodriguez Menes
- 21037: Faktorgehalt und internationaler Handel (Factor content and international trade)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21036: Die Globalisierungsfalle: Gibt es sie wirklich? (The globalization pitfall: Does it really exist?)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21033: Firmeninterner Handel (Intra-Firm Trade)

- Bernard Gilroy
- 21031: A Difference-differential Analogue of the Burgers Equation and Some Models of Economic Development

- Victor Polterovich and Gennadi Henkin
- 21030: New Monetarist Economics: Models

- Stephen Williamson and Randall Wright
- 21029: La dissémination de la recherche en sciences économiques: les « cahiers de recherche » (Dissemination Research in Economics: the "Working Papers")

- Christian Zimmermann
- 21028: A Forecast Comparison of Financial Volatility Models: GARCH (1,1) is not Enough

- Dennis Mapa
- 21027: Causality between Export and Growth: Evidence from South Asian Countries

- M Abu Eusuf and Mansur Ahmed
- 21026: Cointegration, Error Correction and the Demand for Money in Bangladesh

- Mansur Ahmed
- 21023: The Solaria Syndrome: Social Capital in a Growing Hyper-technological Economy

- Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
- 21022: Does FDI intensify Economic Growth? Empirics from Bangladesh

- Mazbahul Ahamad, Fahian Tanin and Zahir Uddin Ahmed
- 21020: Two-sided Intergenerational Transfer Policy and Economic Development: A Politico-economic Approach

- Katsuyuki Naito
- 21012: The empirical relevance of Goodwin’s business cycle model for the US economy

- Artur Tarassow
- 21009: The Dynamics of Knowledge Diversity and Economic Growth

- Marcus Berliant and Masahisa Fujita
- 21005: International production, technology diffusion, and trade

- Serge Shikher
- 20999: Die Arbeitslosenversicherung in Deutschland – Beitrag zur Bekämpfung oder Ursache von Arbeitslosigkeit (The unemployment insurance in Germany - does it cause or does it help to overcome unemployment?)

- Torsten Breiding
- 20997: Rapid loan growth in Russia: A lending boom or a permanent financial deepening?

- Olena Havrylchyk
- 20995: A Micro Data Analisys Of Italy’s Brain Drain

- Simona Monteleone and Benedetto Torrisi
- 20989: Динамика интеграционных процессов в Центральной Азии (The Dynamics of Integration Processes in Central Asia)

- Evgeny Vinokurov, Alexander Libman and Natalya Maqsimchook
- 20988: Система индикаторов евразийской интеграции: основные выводы (The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration: Main Conclusions)

- Evgeny Vinokurov and Alexander Libman
- 20987: What about local climate governance? A review of promise and problems

- Maike Sippel and Till Jenssen
- 20986: Does Global Climate Policy Promote Low-Carbon Cities? Lessons Learnt From The CDM

- Maike Sippel and Axel Michaelowa
- 20983: I piani formativi settoriale e di filiera: lo sviluppo del capitale intellettuale e del capitale sociale nell’Appennino bolognese (The sectoral training plans: the development of intellectual capital and social capital in Bolognese Apennines)

- Filippo Ferrari
- 20980: Time use during the life course in the USA, Norway, and the Netherlands: a HAPC-analysis

- Maroesjka Versantvoort
- 20978: The impact of economic crisis on the fiscal revenues

- Eugenia Mara, Adrian Inceu, Ionuţ Cuceu and Monica Achim
- 20976: Marx on absolute and relative wages

- Enrico Levrero
- 20975: Optimal Risk Management Before, During and After the 2008-09 Financial Crisis

- Michael McAleer, Juan Jimenez-Martin and Teodosio Perez Amaral
- 20973: Fibonacci Hierarchies for Decision Making

- Mustafa Yücel and Emre Tokel
- 20972: Energy R&D in private and state-owned utilities: an analysis of the major world electric companies

- Alessandro Sterlacchini
- 20971: Survey of BPL Families in Aonla Tehsil: Preliminary Findings

- Alok Pandey
- 20970: Effects of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Prices in Malaysia: An Approach of Error Correction Model

- Mohamed Asmy, Wisam Rohilina, Aris Hassama and Md. Fouad
- 20964: Do soccer players play the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium?

- Ofer Azar and Michael Bar-Eli
- 20962: Do consumers make too much effort to save on cheap items and too little to save on expensive items? experimental results and implications for business strategy

- Ofer Azar
- 20958: Corruption Factors

- Victor Polterovich
- 20957: Housing Markets and Current Account Dynamics

- Pedro Gete
- 20955: Compensations in the Shapley value and the compensation solutions for graph games

- Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 20952: An analytical framework toward the use of emission taxes: The Study case of Cotonou (Rep of Benin)

- Alastaire Alinsato
- 20951: R&D strategy of small and medium enterprises in India: Trends and determinants

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 20939: L’enclave russe de Kaliningrad: spécificité territoriale et intégration à l’économie mondiale (The Russian Enclave of Kaliningrad: Territorial Specificity and Integration with the World Economy)

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20938: Nuclear Energy Complexes: Prospects for Development and Cooperation

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20937: Kaliningrad: Enclaves and Economic Integration

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20936: A Theory of Enclaves

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20928: Options for Income-Enhancing Diversification in Burkina Faso

- Vandana Chandra and Israel Osorio Rodarte
- 20926: Labour Market, Obesity and Public Policy Considerations

- Konstantinos Eleftheriou and George Athanasiou
- 20924: A Best evidence synthesis on the link between budgetary participation and managerial performance

- Adrien Bonache, Jonathan Maurice and Karen Moris
- 20923: A Discrete Choice Model for Web Site Work Results

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 20922: An Efficiency Analysis of European Countries' Railways

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 20921: Statistical Analysis of the Relationship between Public Transport Accessibility and Flat Prices in Riga

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 20919: Empirical probability distribution of journal impact factor and over-the-samples stability in its estimated parameters

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 20917: EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2009

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20916: Optimisation of Central Asian and Eurasian Inter-Continental Land Transport Corridors

- Michael Emerson and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20915: Loss avoidance in nominal frames and fairness in downward nominal wage rigidity and disinflation

- André Lunardelli
- 20914: Systema Indikatorov Evraziyskoy Integracii (The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration)

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20913: Teoriya anklavov (A Theory of Enclaves)

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20910: The CIS Common Electric Power Market

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20908: The EurAsEC Transport Corridors

- Evgeny Vinokurov, Murat Dzhadraliyev and Yuriy Shcherbanin
- 20907: EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2008

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 20905: Risk heterogeneity and credit supply: evidence from the mortgage market

- Timothy Bealey, Neil Meads and Paolo Surico
- 20904: Trade, Growth and Povety: A Case of Pakistan

- Rana Khan and Rashid Sattar
- 20902: Economic impacts of SEZs: Theoretical approaches and analysis of newly notified SEZs in India

- Aradhna Aggarwal
- 20901: Are Islamic banks in Malaysia really ‘Islamic’?

- Ezry Fahmy
- 20899: Satisficing and structured individuation: A study of women workers in Calcutta's IT sector

- Mousumi Dutta and Zakir Husain
- 20895: AIDing Contraception: HIV and Recent Trends in Abortion Rates

- Andrew Hussey, Alex Nikolsko-Rzhevskyy and Jay Walker
- 20892: Una aproximación antropométrica a la medición de la pobreza crónica: réplica y notas sobre pobreza multidimensional (An anthropometric approach to the measurement of chronic poverty: reply and notes on multidimensional poverty)

- Rodrigo Lopez-Pablos
- 20891: Naughty or nice? Punishment and the interaction of formal and informal incentives in long-term contractual relationships

- Jack Schieffer and Steven Wu
- 20887: Ist Chinas Honigmond mit dem Dollar vorbei? (Is China's Honeymood over with the Dollar?)

- Faxin Teng
- 20884: Race and self-employment: The role of training programs, self-employment background, and access to financing

- Marios Michaelides
- 20883: Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE

- Marios Michaelides and Jacob Benus
- 20880: Are self-employment training programs effective? Evidence from Project GATE

- Marios Michaelides and Jacob Benus
- 20878: Program evaluation of agricultural input subsidies in Malawi using treatment effects: Methods and practicability based on propensity scores

- Themba Chirwa
- 20870: The myth of decoupling

- Sébastien Wälti
- 20869: No decoupling, more interdependence: business cycle comovements between advanced and emerging economies

- Sébastien Wälti
- 20868: Seasonality, Forecast Extensions and Business Cycle Uncertainty

- Tommaso Proietti
- 20867: Structural Change and Growth in India

- Nirvikar Singh and Orcan Çörtük
- 20864: Pure Saddle Points and Symmetric Relative Payoff Games

- Peter Duersch, Jörg Oechssler and Burkhard C Schipper
- 20863: Nicaragua: el desafío pendiente de superación de la pobreza (Nicaragua: a pending challenge to overcome poverty)

- Mauricio Gallardo
- 20861: Knowledge-based organizations – the intelligent players of informational society

- Denisa Elena Parpandel and Diana Codreanu
- 20859: The relationship among economy, organization and management within new economies

- Denisa Elena Parpandel, Nicoleta Belu, Alina Voiculet and Ionela Carmen Rizea
- 20857: When Bad Things Happen to Good Sovereign Debt Contracts: The Case of Ecuador

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 20856: Unbeatable Imitation

- Peter Duersch, Jörg Oechssler and Burkhard C Schipper
- 20853: Stochastic simulation of a DSGE model for Brazil

- Hui Lok Sin and Wagner Gaglianone
- 20852: European Union on the international stage

- Isabela Cristina Sima, Camelia Marin and Denisa Elena Parpandel
- 20846: The Role of Central Banks in Sustaining Economic Recovery and in Achieving Financial Stability

- Reza Siregar and Vincent Lim
- 20841: The Grunfeld Data at 50

- Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis
- 20840: Um ensaio sobre expectativas da taxa de câmbio no Brasil (An essay on the foreign exchange rate expectations in Brazil)

- Wagner Gaglianone and Ana Luiza Louzada Pereira
- 20839: سياسات تنمية الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى الدول العربية (Policies develop small and medium industries in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 20838: Tragedy of the common canal

- Charles Holt, Cathleen Johnson, Courtney Mallow and Sean P. Sullivan
- 20835: The Inequality Process vs. The Saved Wealth Model. Two Particle Systems of Income Distribution; Which Does Better Empirically?

- John Angle
- 20834: Hedging Greeks for a portfolio of options using linear and quadratic programming

- Pankaj Sinha and Archit Johar
- 20832: Teste de Modelos Estatísticos para a Estrutura a Termo no Brasil (Test of Term Structure Models for Brazil)

- Gyorgy Varga
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