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100706: Tourism branding and promotion: A critical approach Downloads
Catherine Johnson and James McLaughlin
100705: Oil price assumptions for macroeconomic policy Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
100703: The existence and uniqueness of the steady equilibrium in the endogenous economic growth model Downloads
Lu Guo and Wei Yang
100698: Does Religiosity Affect Liquidity in Financial Markets? Downloads
Benjamin Blau
100690: Atrial fibrillation detection method based on converting ECG to signal using both symptoms of AF Downloads
Shahrzad Mahdavi, Hossein Panamtash, Yaser Norouzi and Somayyeh Norouzi
100689: Relationship between crude oil prices and global sukuk (islamic bond) index: evidence from Dow Jones Citygroup sukuk index Downloads
Fatimatul Hassan and Abul Masih
100687: Конфликтът на интереси в частния сектор (The conflict of interests in the private sector) Downloads
Vladislav Krastev
100683: Exposure to economic inequality at the age of 8 enhances prosocial behaviour in adult life Downloads
Pablo Brañas-Garza, Pedro Caldentey, Antonio Espín, Teresa Garcia and Ana Hernández
100681: Causal linkages between the energy sector and islamic regional indexes: evidence from GCC, EU, US, emerging markets and Asia-pacific Downloads
Firoz Malayan and Abul Masih
100679: Tourism development through landscape theming: Exploring Art Nouveau experiences in Brussels Downloads
Kaat De Ridder and Dominique Vanneste
100678: Escape rooms as tourist attractions: Enhancing visitors’ experience through new technologies Downloads
Alexander Pakhalov and Natalia Rozhkova
100677: Social media for cultural communication: A critical investigation of museums’ Instagram practices Downloads
Dimitrios Amanatidis, Ifigeneia Mylona, Spyridon Mamalis and Kamenidou, Irene (Eirini)
100676: Of routes and corridors: Challenges and opportunities for Silk Road destinations in the southern Caucasus Downloads
Arne Schuhbert and Hannes Thees
100675: Turkey-Indonesia Tax Treaty Post-MLI Downloads
Rahmat Muttaqin and Emre Akın
100674: Active sport tourists: Millennials vs baby boomers Downloads
Ruth IJspeert and Gilda Hernandez-Maskivker
100673: Individuazione e implementazione di indicatori di benessere animale: aspetti tecnici e impatto economico (Identification and implementation of animal welfare indicators: technical aspects and economic impact) Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Marzia Albenzio, Maria Giovanna Ciliberti, Leonardo Di Gioia, Emilia Lamonaca, Marco Tappi and Mariangela Caroprese
100670: Co-creating high-value hospitality services in the tourism ecosystem: Towards a paradigm shift? Downloads
Antonios Giannopoulos, George Skourtis, Alexandra Kalliga, Dimitrios-Michail Dontas-Chrysis and Dimitrios Paschalidis
100662: COVID-19 Lockdown Intensity and Stock Market Returns: A Spatial Econometrics Approach Downloads
Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Patroklos Patsoulis
100656: Text-mining IMF country reports - an original dataset Downloads
David Mihalyi and Akos Mate
100654: Institutions, Infrastructure and East African Community Membership of Burundi and Rwanda on Trade Downloads
Stanley Abban
100653: Peso-Dollar Forward Market Analysis: Explaining Arbitrage Opportunities during the Financial Crisis Downloads
Juan R. Hernández
100652: Analyse de la non-linéarité entre la dette publique extérieure et croissance économique dans les pays de la Communauté des Économique États de l’Afrique Centrale « CEEAC » (Analysis of the non-linearity between external public debt and economic growth in the countries of the Community of Economic States of Central Africa "ECCAS") Downloads
Jean Christophe Ntita Ntita, Franck Kazadi Ntita and Jean de Dieu Ntanga Ntita
100647: Is there a Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson effect? New panel data evidence from 28 European countries Downloads
Črt Lenarčič and Igor Masten
100645: Calculation methodology of the effective exchange rate in Slovenia Downloads
Črt Lenarčič and Sowmya Gayathri Ganesh
100644: The impact of interest rate changes on islamic home financing: Malaysia as a case study Downloads
Norhaziah Hashim and Abul Masih
100636: Is the GCC islamic index independent of the conventional interest rates ? Downloads
Saad Bakkali and Abul Masih
100633: Primary-input intensities under alternative measures of rent content Downloads
Elio Londero
100631: An attempt to derive the Risk Weight Function for the bank Downloads
Van Phuong Nguyen
100628: Developing, Validating, and Monitoring a PD Model for Foundation IRB Approach Downloads
Van Phuong Nguyen
100625: Economics of Climate Change and its Vulnerability all over Nepal for Adaptation and Mitigation Downloads
Raghu Bista
100624: Push and Pull Factors of Urbanization in Nepal: Its impacts on Household Perspectives Downloads
Raghu Bista
100623: Industrial Waste and Urban Bio-diversity in Developing country: Mapping Aquatic Biodiversity in Nepal Downloads
Raghu Bista
100622: Household Production, Time Allocation Behavior and Climate Change: A case of Nepal Downloads
Raghu Bista
100621: To Test or Not to Test: The Case of COVID-19 in India Downloads
Nilanjan Banik
100619: Technology Transfer Strategy: A Neglected Approach in Tanzania Downloads
Edson Mwabukojo
100617: The problem of gross receipts taxes in Indonesia: Economic distortions and policy options Downloads
Heru Iswahyudi
100616: Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, and the Labour Market: Overeducation, Gender, Income and Life Satisfaction. Panel evidence from Korea Downloads
Amina Ahmed Lahsen, Alan Piper and Ida-Anna Thiele
100615: Spatial Analysis of Poverty: The case of Peru Downloads
Augusto Ricardo Delgado Narro
100613: The Labor Market Effects of Expanding Overtime Coverage Downloads
Simon Quach
100611: The Determinants of Agricultural Exports: Empirical Validation for the Case of Tunisia Downloads
Sayef Bakari, Sirine Khalfallah and Ahmed Zidi
100610: An Exploratory Study of the Causality between Internet Use, Innovation, and Economic Growth in Tunisia: An indispensable Case Analysis Downloads
Sayef Bakari, Sofien Tiba and Mohamed Mabrouki
100609: The Impact of Internet on Economic Growth in North Africa: New empirical and policy analysis Downloads
Sayef Bakari and Sofien Tiba
100604: Reglas de política monetaria para una economía abierta con fricciones financieras: Un enfoque Bayesiano (Monetary policy rules for an open economy with financial frictions: A Bayesian approach) Downloads
Augusto Aliaga
100595: Nexus of infrastructure investment, economic growth and domestic credit level: evidence from China based on nonlinear ARDL approach Downloads
Jin Zichu and Abul Masih
100591: Концентрация и конкуренция в современном банковском секторе Сербии: анализ индексов концентрации (Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
100590: Job Skill Requirements: Levels and Trends Downloads
Michael J. Handel
100587: The Effect of the Ebola Virus Disease on intra-regional trade in West Africa Downloads
Stanley Abban
100581: Концентрация и конкуренция в современном банковском секторе Сербии: анализ индексов концентрации (Concentration and Competition in Modern Serbian Banking Sector: Concentration Indices Analysis) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
100578: How Boltzmann Entropy Improves Prediction with LSTM Downloads
Luca Grilli and Domenico Santoro
100575: Diabolic dilemmas of COVID-19: An empirical study into Dutch society’s trade-offs between health impacts and other effects of the lockdown Downloads
Caspar Chorus, Erlend Dancke Sandorf and Niek Mouter
100574: Portfolio diversification between exchange rates and islamic stocks: evidence from the USA, Euro area, Japan and Malaysia Downloads
Mustafa Kabir and Abul Masih
100572: Effect of Agricultural Price Volatility and Investment on the Economic Growth Of Nigeria: A Case of Cocoa Production (1981-2013) Downloads
Samuel Olabode and Adedeji Ogunrinola
100570: Shedding Light on Maternal Education and Child Health in Developing Countries Downloads
Kien Le and My Nguyen
100561: The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Human Capital Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Evidence Downloads
Luke Chicoine, Emily Lyons and Alexia Sahue
100560: AIDS Mortality and its Effect on the Labor Market: Evidence from South Africa Downloads
Luke Chicoine
100554: Does the Higher Level of Health System Spending Speed Up the COVID-19 Detection Rate?: Evidence from South-East Asia Region Downloads
Deepak Behera
100551: Sustainable Development: Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability in Asian Economies Downloads
Fizza Younis and Muhammad Aslam Chaudhary
100550: Corporate Social Responsibility and Optimal Pigouvian Taxation Downloads
Mauricio Villena
100546: House prices and fertility in South Africa: A spatial econometric analysis Downloads
Beatrice Desiree Simo-Kengne and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
100542: Global health care system after coronavirus: Who has responsibility to protect Downloads
Vladimir Popov
100539: The spirit of capitalism and optimal capital taxation Downloads
Fanghui Li, Gaowang Wang and Heng-Fu Zou
100532: An economic analysis of electricity consumption in Kerala with special reference to Kalamassery Municipality Downloads
Siby K M
100530: Impact of COVID-19 on Rural Economy in India Downloads
Bhanu Pratap Singh
100528: Fear of Hazards in Commodity Futures Markets Downloads
Adrian Fernandez-Perez, Ana-Maria Fuertes, Marcos González-Fernández and Joelle Miffre
100525: Analyzing Island Province Policy on Poverty Alleviation in Maluku Province Downloads
Yayan Satyakti, Irlan Adiatma Rum, Eksa Pamungkas, Estro Dariatno Sihaloho and Jacobus Rijoly
100518: Global Trade and GDP Co-Movement Downloads
François de Soyres and Alexandre Gaillard
100514: The relationship between economic growth and carbon emissions in G-7 countries: evidence from time-varying parameters with a long history Downloads
Mehmet Destek, Muhammad Shahbaz, Okumus Ilyas, Hammoudeh Shawkat and Avik Sinha
100512: The prospect of the proposed Currency Union on intra-regional trade in East African Community Downloads
Stanley Abban
100511: Demand Risk and Diversification through Trade Downloads
Federico Esposito
100509: Improved Information in Search Markets Downloads
Jidong Zhou
100508: Structures for organisation of transactions in Japanese agriculture Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
100504: Towards digital globalization and the covid-19 challenge Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
100502: Atenuarea impactului COVID-19, în România, prin gestionarea corespunzătoare a deșeurilor medicale periculoase (Reducing the impact of COVID-19, in Romania, through the proper management of hazardous medical waste) Downloads
Victor Platon, Simona Frone, Andreea Constantinescu and Sorina Jurist
100501: COVID-19: Policy Interventions and Socio-economic Impact in Andhra Pradesh, India Downloads
Chandra Sekhar Bahinipati, Rahul A Sirohi, Dinamani Biswal, Gouthami K, Suresh G and Monalisa Singh
100500: El desarrollo económico, la competitividad y la globalización en los tiempos modernos (Economic development, competitiveness and globalization in modern times) Downloads
Yazmín Albarrán, Alexandra Guajardo, Adamaris Macías, Ana Consuelo Méndez and Stephanie Narro
100498: Análisis de los procesos de contratación pública en los principales municipios y departamentos de Colombia durante la vigencia fiscal 2016 (Analysis of public procurement processes in Colombia's main municipalities and departments during fiscal year 2016) Downloads
Álvaro Vargas Villamizar
100496: Introduction to sub-interval analysis. Estimations for the centers of gravity Downloads
Alexander Harin
100494: Frankfurt becomes the new city: impactos macro-financeiros do Brexit na Alemanha (Frankfurt becomes the new city: Brexit's macro-financial impacts on Germany) Downloads
Thais Palanca and João Ricardo Costa Filho
100485: How to Deal with a Coronavirus Economic Recession? Downloads
Vladimir Popov
100484: Effective Protection in the Presence of Joint Production Downloads
Elio Londero
100483: Economía de Galicia tras el COVID-19: prospectiva de escenarios (Economy of Galicia after COVID-covid-19: prospective forecastings) Downloads
Fernando González Laxe, Jose Maria Da Rocha Alvarez, José Francisco Armesto Pina, Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez and Santiago Lago-Peñas
100482: Alarm. The evolutionary jump of global political economy needed Downloads
Hardy Hanappi
100479: Human Development Dynamics across Districts of Indonesia: A Study of Regional Convergence and Spatial Approach Downloads
Ragdad Cani Miranti and Carlos Mendez-Guerra
100478: Determinants of firm investment: Evidence from Slovenian firm-level data Downloads
Črt Lenarčič and Georgios Papadopoulos
100477: The Berendsen (Elis)/Kings Laundry Merger: Three Into Two Won’t Go Downloads
Paul Gorecki
100473: Análisis de los elementos aplicados en el contexto de Negocios Internacionales (Analysis of the elements applied in the context of International Business) Downloads
Germán Garcia and Brisia Rodriguez
100469: Machine learning classification of entrepreneurs in British historical census data Downloads
Piero Montebruno, Robert Bennett, Harry Smith and Carry van Lieshout
Rodrigue Biloa
100466: The Distributional Short-Term Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Wages in the United States Downloads
Yonatan Berman
100464: Influential News and Policy-making Downloads
Federico Vaccari
100463: The Extended Holiday Effect on US capital market Downloads
Ramona Dumitriu and Răzvan Stefanescu
100461: Speed control of brushless DC motor by DC-DC boost and buck converters using GaN and SiC transistors for implementing the electric vehicles Downloads
Fatemeh Rahmani, David Quispe, Tanushree Agarwal and Mohammadreza Barzegaran
100459: Managerial ability, financial performance and goodwill impairment: A moderated mediation analysis Downloads
Qiubin Huang, Mengyuan Xiong and Ming Xiao
100457: How Do Financial Globalization, Institutions and Economic Growth Impact Financial Sector Development in European Countries? Downloads
Samia Nasreen, Mantu Mahalik, Muhammad Shahbaz and Qaisar Abbas
100454: Неприкосновеност на личния живот на работниците в контекста на дигитализацията (Privacy of workers in the context of digitalisation) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
100451: The Dynamic of COVID-19 New Infections under Different Stringent Policies Downloads
Weshah Razzak
100447: Cities and biodiversity: Spatial efficiency of land use Downloads
Jun Yoshida and Tatsuhito Kono
100446: Optimal Location-dependent Pricing Policies on Railways and Roads in a Continuous City Downloads
Keigo Joto, Joji Konagane, Tatsuhito Kono and Masao Kuwahara
100445: Max Headroom: Discretionary Capital Buffers and Bank Risk Downloads
Martien Lubberink
100433: Industry Heterogeneity in the Risk-Taking Channel Downloads
Manthos Delis, Maria Iosifidi and Nikolaos Mylonidis
Page updated 2025-03-25
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