MPRA Paper
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- 47885: Seigniorage Revenue and Inflation Tax: Testing Optimal Seigniorage Theory for Turkish Economy

- Bulent Dogru
- 47883: Cybersecurity in the perspective of Internet traffic growth

- Henk Kox
- 47880: A Critical Assessment of the Index of Industrial Production Data in India

- Raj Rajesh and Naveen Kumar
- 47878: The Role of Fiscal Policy Components in Private Consumption: a Re-examination of the Effects of Military and Civilian Spending

- Luca Pieroni and Marco Lorusso
- 47877: Recent findings regarding the shift from direct to indirect taxation in the EA-17

- Luigi Bernardi
- 47875: Instituciones fiscales, prestamistas y desarrollo local: Un análisis de la deuda de los municipios de Jalisco (Fiscal institutions, lenders and local development: An analysis of the debt of the municipalities in Jalisco)

- Antonio Ruiz-Porras and Nancy Garcia-Vazquez
- 47873: Corruption and Economic Growth: The Transmission Channels

- Mohamed Dridi
- 47872: Why Fracking Won't Bring Back the Factories (Yet)

- Chad Bown, Michele Denevers and Ann Harrison
- 47871: Dynamic modeling of pulse fishing: A game theoretic approach

- George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
- 47869: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Log Periodic Power Laws for Bubble Modelling but Were Afraid to Ask

- Dean Fantazzini and Petr Geraskin
- 47867: Personal vs. Corporate Goals: Why do Insurance Companies Manage Loss Reserves?

- Franco Fiordelisi, Antonio Meles, Stefano Monferrà and Maria Grazia Starita
- 47865: Review of "Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation"

- Ann Harrison
- 47864: Price, Return and Volatility Linkages of Base Metal Futures traded in India

- Pankaj Sinha and Kritika Mathur
- 47863: An Anatomy of Trade in the 2008-09 Crisis

- Mona Haddad, Ann Harrison and Catherine Hausman
- 47862: A note on NIG-Levy process in asset price modeling: case of Estonian companies

- Dean Teneng
- 47861: Response of rice output to price and non-price factors in Ghana

- David Boansi
- 47859: The impacts of the global food and financial crises on household food security and economic well-being: evidence from Bangladesh

- Sonia Akter and Basher Syed Abul
- 47856: Vector Autoregression with Mixed Frequency Data

- Hang Qian
- 47855: Modeling and forecasting foreign exchange daily closing prices with normal inverse Gaussian

- Dean Teneng
- 47852: NIG-Levy process in asset price modeling: case of Estonian companies

- Dean Teneng
- 47851: Outperforming the naïve Random Walk forecast of foreign exchange daily closing prices using Variance Gamma and normal inverse Gaussian Levy processes

- Dean Teneng
- 47850: Oceanic Travel Conditions and American Immigration, 1890-1914

- Drew Keeling
- 47848: Rewarding Stakeholders: The Perspective of Strategic Entrepreneurship

- Srinath Dissanayake
- 47846: Foreign Aid, Legal Origin, Economic Growth and Africa’s Least Developed Countries

- Evelyn Wamboye and Abel Adekola
- 47843: Background Study on Labour Market and Employment in Bulgaria

- Iskra Beleva, Vasil Tzanov, Teodora Noncheva and Irena Zareva
- 47832: The Return Motivations of Legal Permanent Migrants: Evidence from Exchange Rate Shocks and Immigrants in Australia

- Paolo Abarcar
- 47829: Market Oriented Advisory Services through Women Advisory Service Providers in Punjab, India: The Case of value addition through food processing

- M.S. Meena and K.M. Singh
- 47821: The Governance Model of the Portuguese Maritime Ports: What Future?

- Paulo Moreira
- 47820: Selective Hedging in Hydro-Based Electricity Companies

- Eirik Tandberg Olsen, Gaute Egeland Sanda and Stein-Erik Fleten
- 47819: SAVINGS and economic growth: a historical analysis of the relationship between savings and economic growth in the CAPE Colony economy, 1850-1909

- Grietjie Verhoef, Lorraine Greyling and John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba
- 47815: Remittances and microfinance in India: Opportunities and challenges for development finance

- Milly Sil and Samapti Guha
- 47812: Конкуренция саморегулируемых организаций и эффективность рынков (Self-regulatory organizations competition and the market efficiency)

- Mikhail Bendikov and Georgiy Kolesnik
- 47811: Physics Laws of Social Science

- James Wayne
- 47810: The State, Industrialization and Competition: A reassessment of India's Leading Business Enterprises under Dirigisme

- Surajit Mazumdar
- 47805: Modelling Nonlinear Behavior of Labor Force Participation Rate by STAR: An Application for Turkey

- Sibel Cengiz and Afsin Sahin
- 47804: Investment Timing and Vertical Relationships

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur, Richard Ruble and Bruno Versaevel
- 47801: The ‘Knowledge Economy’-finance nexus in SSA and MENA countries

- Simplice Asongu

- Nicolae Argesanu
- 47799: On application of multi-criteria decision making with ordinal information in elementary education

- Jiri Mazurek

- Nicolae Argesanu
- 47795: FDI in Multi-brand Retail Trade and the Safeguards

- S Chalapati Rao K and Biswajit Dhar
- 47793: Europe’s capital cities and the happiness penalty: an investigation using the European Social Survey

- Alan Piper
- 47791: Is the Magnitude of Household Debt in Barbados a Concern?

- Justin Carter, Winston Moore and Mahalia Jackman
- 47787: Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change

- John Foster, William Bell, Phillip Wild, Deepak Sharma, Suwin Sandu, Craig Froome, Liam Wagner, Suchi Misra and Ravindra Bagia
- 47785: The Impact of Residential Density on Vehicle Usage and Fuel Consumption: Evidence from National Samples

- Jinwon Kim and David Brownstone
- 47783: Anatomy of the Credit Score

- Shweta Arya, Catherine Eckel and Wichman Colin
- 47782: Human capital investment by the poor: Informing policy with laboratory experiments

- Catherine Eckel, Cathleen Johnson and Claude Montmarquette
- 47781: Quesnay and the analysis of the surplus in an agrarian capitalist economy

- Franklin Serrano and Numa Mazat
- 47776: Fulfillment of Maqasid al-Shariah via Takaful

- Ahmad Faizal Abdul Aziz and Shaifulfazlee Mohamad
- 47774: Does One Size Fits All? - Applying Conventional Credit Risk Mitigation to Islamic Financial Institutions

- Ahmad Faizal Abdul Aziz and Shaifulfazlee Mohamad
- 47772: Shariah Governance: Challenges Ahead

- Ahmad Faizal Abdul Aziz
- 47771: Labour Market Dynamics in Australia

- Dennis Wesselbaum
- 47769: Islamic Finance within Trading Framework: The Way to Legitimate Profit

- Ahmad Faizal Abdul Aziz
- 47768: Uncertainty in optimal pollution levels: Modeling the benefit area

- George Halkos
- 47767: Combustible renewables and waste consumption, exports and economic growth: Evidence from panel for selected MENA countries

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 47766: Economic growth and combustible renewables and waste consumption nexus in MENA countries

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 47765: Economic growth, combustible renewables and waste consumption and emissions in North Africa

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 47760: Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia: An ADRL Approach and Multivariate Granger Causality

- Mohammed Moosa Ageli
- 47757: Gestión de la propiedad intelectual en las organizaciones. Una revisión de la literatura reciente (Intellectual Property Management in Organizations. A Review of Recent Literature)

- Jenny Lis-Gutiérrez
- 47750: Innovation activity and nancing constraints: evidence from Italy during the crises

- Emanuele Brancati
- 47749: Nain's Hierarchy of Needs: An Alternative to Maslow's & ERG's Hierarchy of Needs

- Bhavya Nain
- 47747: Wprowadzenie do koncepcji wartości publicznej (Introduction to Public Value)

- Marek Ćwiklicki
- 47746: Women migration in India: an overview

- Milly Sil
- 47736: Un estudio acerca de los determinantes de la productividad y la ineficiencia técnica en la industria colombiana, 1992-2007 (Determinants of productivity and technical inefficiency in Colombia’s manufacturing, 1992-2007)

- Osmar Loaiza Quintero and Liliana Yaned Franco Vásquez
- 47735: Un estudio sobre las disparidades regionales en Colombia a través del análisis exploratorio y confirmatorio de datos espaciales, 1985 – 2010 (A study of regional gaps in Colombia through exploratory and confirmatory spatial data analysis: 1985-2010)

- Osmar Loaiza Quintero and Jhonny Moncada Mesa
- 47728: The Struggle to Survive in the R&D Sector: Implications for Innovation and Growth

- Yuichi Furukawa
- 47723: Interest rate paradox

- Sergei Ivanov
- 47721: Wholesale Milk Markets: A Study of Market Integration in Indian Markets

- A.K. Jha, K.M. Singh and R.K.P. Singh
- 47719: The port of Sines:contribution for the emergence of a regional cluster

- Paulo Moreira
- 47715: Economic crisis and the firms´ innovation process

- Sérgio Nunes and Raul Lopes
- 47708: To the problem of evaluation of market risk of global equity index portfolio in global capital markets

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 47703: Climate Change and Economic Growth: An Intertemporal General Equilibrium Analysis for Egypt

- Abeer Elshennawy, Sherman Robinson and Dirk Willenbockel
- 47701: The role of geography in the success of the balearic tourism industry

- Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
- 47699: Detección de caídas en mercados financieros mediante análisis multifractal (exponentes locales y puntuales de Hölder): Índice accionario IPC y tipo de cambio USD/MXN (Stock crack detection using multifractal analysis (local and pointwise Hölder exponents): Stock Index of Mexico IPC and FX USD/MXN)

- Stephanie Rendón
- 47694: A ANÁLISE DE SINES COMO ATIVO GEOESTRATÉGICO NACIONAL: UM CLUSTER SUPORTADO NAS REDES MARÍTIMAS MUNDIAIS (The Analysis of Sines as a Geostrategic Asset: A Cluster Supported in the Maritime Chain)

- Paulo Moreira
- 47686: Lessons for Procurement and Contract Management Practice in the Public Sector: Evidence from a Quantitative Study

- Glyn Watson, Chris Lonsdale, Fei Peng and Joe Sanderson
- 47685: An Expository Analysis on Environmental Compliance of Indian Leather Industry

- Chandan Roy
- 47684: Reverse causality in the R&D – patents relationship: an interpretation of the innovation persistence

- Anna Laura Baraldi, Claudia Cantabene and Giulio Perani
- 47682: Causality of Residential Properties Price Movements in Malaysia

- Ahmad Faizal Abdul Aziz
- 47681: El financiamiento informal en el Perú: lecciones desde tres sectores (Informal Finance in Peru: Lessons from Three Sectors)

- Javier Alvarado, Felipe Portocarrero M., Carolina Trivelli, Efrain Gonzales de Olarte, Francisco Galarza and Hildegardi Venero
- 47680: Математическая модель экономической системы с распределенными правами собственности (A Mathematical Model of the Economic System with Distributed Property Rights)

- Georgiy Kolesnik
- 47679: Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting

- Thierry Roncalli
- 47676: The growth effects on degrowth: what remains of the center-periphery model?

- Fakhri Issaoui, Talel Boufateh and Mourad Guesmi
- 47673: To the Problem of Financial Safety Estimation: the Index of Financial Safety of Turkey

- Roman Matkovskyy
- 47664: Power Sector in Andhra Pradesh: Trends and Prospects

- Ravi Chaganti and Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 47659: Achieving Education for All Goals: Does Corruption Matter?

- Mohamed Dridi
- 47658: Euro Zone Debt Crisis: Implications for Indian Banking Sector

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 47657: 年底发表的文章会遭受“影响力陷阱”? (Does Paper Published at Year-End Suffer “Influential Trap”?)

- Chao Ma
- 47655: 我国医疗保健的城乡分割问题研究 (Urban-Rural Disparities in Health Care)

- Chao Ma, Hai Gu and Jiajia Li
- 47653: Structural Breaks, Price and Income Elasticity, and Forecast of the Monthly Italian Electricity Demand

- Claudio Dicembrino and Giovanni Trovato
- 47649: The Fibonacci Strategy Revisited: Can You Really Make Money by Betting on Soccer Draws?

- Jiří Lahvička
- 47648: Economic Growth and Human Development; A Link Mechanism: An Empirical Approach

- Ntogwa Bundala
- 47645: Towards Understanding the Normalization in Structural VAR Models

- Andrzej Kocięcki
- 47633: Do the Spanish regions converge? A unit root analysis for the HDI of the Spanish regions

- Antonio Montañés and Lorena Olmos
- 47631: Interregional migration and thresholds: evidence in Spain

- Jesus Clemente Lopez, Gemma Larramona and Lorena Olmos
- 47629: Why Do Members of Congress Support Agricultural Protection?

- Marc Bellemare and Nicholas Carnes
- 47628: All in the Family: Explaining the Persistence of Female Genital Cutting in the Gambia

- Marc Bellemare and Tara L. Steinmetz
- 47627: Introduction to the Research Tools Mind Map

- Nader Ale Ebrahim
- 47626: Do Economic Growth, Human Development and Political Stability favour sovereign Creditworthiness of a Country? A Cross Country Survey on Developed and Developing Countries

- Ntogwa Bundala
- 47625: The managerial culture and its impact on economic development of Kosovo

- Arbiana Govori
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