MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 99641: Estimating the Economic Impact of COVID-19: A Case Study of Namibia

- Julius Evelina, Samuel Nuugulu and Julius Lukas Homateni
- 99636: Monopsony with nominal rigidities: An inverted Phillips Curve

- Charles Dennery
- 99631: Opt-Out Forced Choice Effect in Combined Revealed and Stated Preference Discrete Choice Models: A Gender Perspective

- Musharaf Talpur, Roy Brouwer and Mark Koetse
- 99626: Analisis SWOT Untuk Strategi Pengembangan Home Industry Kue Gapit Sampurna Jaya Kabupaten Cirebon (SWOT Analysis for Gapit Cake Home Industry Development Strategy Sampurna Jaya Cirebon Regency)

- Syaeful Bakhri, Abdul Aziz and Ummi Khulsum Fatimah
- 99625: On treatment of interests, profits and equilibrium non-existence in general equilibrium models

- William Icefield
- 99617: COVID-19 in Africa: socioeconomic impact, policy response and opportunities

- Peterson Ozili
- 99616: Framework for assessing sustainability levels in Belgium agricultural systems - SAFE

- Xavier Sauvenier, Jan Valckx, Nora Van Cauwenbergh, Erwin Wauters, Hrabrin Bachev, K. Biala, Charles Bielders, Veronique Brouckaert, V. Garcia-Cidad, S. Goyens, Martin Hermy, Erik Mathijs, Bart Muys, M. Vanclooster and Alain Peeters
- 99615: Economic and environmental impact assessment of proposed bark-free requirements for wood pallets in international trade

- Charles Ray, John Janowiak, Judd Michael and Hrabrin Bachev
- 99614: Structural change within the services sector, Baumol's cost disease, and cross-country productivity differences

- Ali Sen
- 99611: Виртуальное богатство растет (Virtual wealth is growing)

- Pete Yashin
- 99610: Virtual wealth is growing

- Pete Yashin
- 99608: Islamic vs Conventional Canadian stock markets: what difference ?

- Malika Neifar
- 99607: Factors influencing access to basic handwashing facilities in developing countries

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 99604: Gender and the beauty contest game

- Botao Qin
- 99603: Commuting and internet traffic congestion

- Marcus Berliant
- 99601: State, efficiency and factors for development of AKIS in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 99600: Choice Between IEO and ICO: Speed vs. Liquidity vs. Risk

- Anton Miglo
- 99598: ICO vs. Equity Financing Under Imperfect, Complex and Asymmetric Information

- Anton Miglo
- 99597: Assessing the extent of exchange rate risk pricing in equity markets: emerging versus developed economies

- Salifya Mpoha and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 99595: Lead-lag and relationship between money growth and inflation in Turkey: New evidence from a wavelet analysis

- Turgut Türsoy and Muhammad Mar'i
- 99594: Instability of Defection in the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Best Experienced Payoff Dynamics Analysis

- Srinivas Arigapudi, Yuval Heller and Igal Milchtaich
- 99591: Boltzmann Entropy in Cryptocurrencies: A Statistical Ensemble Based Approach

- Luca Grilli and Domenico Santoro
- 99590: How Women Are Faring in Bangladeshi Labour Market?: Evidences from Labour Force Survey Data

- Sayema Haque Bidisha, Avinno Faruk and Tanveer Mahmood
- 99589: Ouverture intra-régionale et dynamique de la croissance extravertie (Intraregional openness and dynamics of outgoing growth)

- Hénock Katuala
- 99583: Do socio-economic indicators associate with COVID-2019 cases? Findings from a Philippine study

- Mark Alipio
- 99582: Endogenous lifetime, intergenerational mobility and economic development

- Hiroki Aso
- 99580: Impacts of long-lasting civil conflicts on education: Evidence from the 2014 Census of Myanmar

- Hiroyuki Yamada and Midori Matsushima
- 99577: A Regime Switching Analysis of the Income-Pollution Path with time Varying- Elasticities in a Heterogeneous Panel of Countries

- Sanday Amos and Zakaria Zoundi
- 99575: About the organisation of agrarian innovations

- Hrabrin Bachev and Michel Labonne
- 99568: On the Link between Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: Panel Data Evidence from Private Firms in Ghana

- Mabel Akosua Hoedoafia
- 99559: Classifying Economics for the Common Good: Connecting Sustainable Development Goals to JEL Codes

- Jussi Heikkilä
- 99557: An alternative wallet for the European citizens during and after the pandemic crisis, without the issuance of new money or the increase of public debt

- Vasileios Drymouras
- 99548: Understanding helicopter money

- Manthos Delis
- 99546: Tecnologías de Big data y biopolítica: mecanismos relacionales de procesamiento de datos en época de pandemia mundial viral (Big data technologies and biopolitics: relational mechanisms of data processing in times of global viral pandemic)

- Pablo Matías Herrera and Javier Garcia Fronti
- 99541: Establishing value chains for agricultural development; Uzbekistan. A case study

- Henry Matthews and Farhod Ahrorov
- 99538: Tantangan Ekonomi di Era Digital (Economic Challenges in the Digital Era)

- Tri Achya Ngasuko
- 99537: Mengejar Ketertinggalan Indonesia di Era Digital (Pursuing Indonesia's Limitation in the Digital Era)

- Tri Achya Ngasuko
- 99535: Determinants of Export and Import Functions in the EU Member Countries

- Rajmund Mirdala, Jozefína Semančíková and Anna Ruščáková

- Robert McGee
- 99523: The impact of credit for house price overvaluations in the euro area: Evidence from threshold models

- Christian Dreger, Dieter Gerdesmeier and Barbara Roffia
- 99520: The Role of International Collaborations in Securing the Patent Grant

- Kyriakos Drivas and Ioannis Kaplanis
- 99519: Zimbabwe: Bestandsaufnahme der Förderpolitik und -praxis der evangelischen Hilfswerke EZE/BfdW (Zimbabwe: Survey of funding policy and practice of the German Protestant relief organizations EZE and BfdW, 1980 -1993 [in German])

- Dirk Kohnert
- 99514: Intra-regional spillovers from Nigeria and South Africa to the rest of Africa: New evidence from a FAVAR model

- Oyeyinka Omoshoro-Jones and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 99509: Competition for Context-Sensitive Consumers

- Arno Apffelstaedt and Lydia Mechtenberg
- 99503: Endogenous timing game with R&D decisions and output subsidies

- Jiaqi Chen and Sang-Ho Lee
- 99499: Organisation of agrarian transactions in transitional economies

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 99497: The Conditional Risk and Return Trade-Off on Currency Portfolios

- Joseph Byrne and Ryuta Sakemoto
- 99496: Организация на снабдяването със труд в българските ферми (Governing of labour supply in Bulgarian farms)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Dimitar Terziev
- 99495: Организация на снабдяването със земя в българските ферми (Governing of land supply in Bulgarian farms)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Dimitar Terziev
- 99483: Strategic complements in two stage, 2x2 games

- Yue Feng and Tarun Sabarwal
- 99479: Dynamics of the Shapovalov Mid-Size Firm Model

- Tatyana A. Alexeeva, William Barnett, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov and Timur N. Mokaev
- 99473: Impacts of enterprise zones on local households in Vietnam

- Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
- 99470: The role of women on boards in corporate environmental strategy and financial performance: A global outlook

- Jun Xie, Wataru Nozawa and Shunsuke Managi
- 99466: Banking Union, Fiscal Union and Political Union as Pathways to Complete and Sustainable Monetary Integration of Africa

- Peter Mogaji
- 99464: Tax Revenue, Infrastructural Development and Economic Growth In Nigeria

- Oluwasegun David Ayeni and Olarewaju Joseph Afolabi
- 99463: A Simple Model of Competitive Testing

- Boris Ginzburg
- 99462: Oil Price Shocks, Exchange Rate Volatility and Investment in Nigeria

- Oluwasegun David Ayeni
- 99459: Rebuilding the U.S. economy after the corona virus pandemic: a new Home Equity Release Method (HERM)

- Kees De Koning
- 99457: Устойчивост на земеделските стопанства в България (Sustainability of agricultural farms in Bulgaria)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 99456: A Rational Theory of Producer’s Equilibrium in Fifteen Principles

- Paul Jael
- 99455: Political Economy of Taxation, Debt Ceilings, and Growth

- Yuki Uchida and Tetsuo Ono
- 99446: Revisiting the Glick-Rogoff Current Account Model: An Application to the Current Accounts of BRICS Countries

- Weiyang Zhai and Yushi Yoshida
- 99445: Macroprudential Policies and Current Account Balance

- Mehmet Ekinci
- 99441: Income inequality of destination countries and trade patterns: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data

- Zhuang Miao, Yifan Li and Sisong Duan
- 99434: Сравнителен анализ на аграрната политика на България и Виетнам (Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Policy of Bulgaria and Vietnam)

- Hrabrin Bachev, Bojidar Ivanov, Teodor Radev, Nguen Dung, Maria Atanasova, Yanka Slavova and Dessislava Toteva
- 99432: Reconstructing the Past: The New Expenditure-Side and Composition-Of-Investment Estimates for Italy, 1861–1913

- Stefano Fenoaltea
- 99429: Differential Fertility, Intergenerational Mobility and the Process of Economic Development

- Hiroki Aso
- 99427: How the banking system is creating a two-way inflation in an economy

- Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
- 99426: Impact of Negative Interest Rate Policy on Emerging Asian markets: An Empirical Investigation

- Abhishek Anand and Lekha Chakraborty
- 99425: Public Spending and Economic Welfare in ECOWAS Countries: Does Level of Development Matter?

- R. Alimi
- 99424: Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis: The Nigerian experience and structural causes

- Peterson Ozili
- 99422: Long-Term Vision and Economic Development

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
- 99421: A Structural Model of Organizational Commitment among Higher Education Economics Educators

- Mark Alipio
- 99420: Are interest rates unit root in Ghana? An Empirical Assessment

- Samuel Yeboah
- 99417: An economist and a psychologist form a line: What can imperfect perception of length tell us about stochastic choice?

- Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 99414: Revenue Administration in the Philippines: Significant Collection Reforms, TRAIN Law, Fiscal Incentives, Excise Tax, and Rice Tariffication Law

- Mark Alipio
- 99409: The mediating effect of environmental policy on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in the hotel industry

- Efstathios D. Dimitiradis, Irene Kamenidou, Spyridon Mamalis and Evangelia - Zoi Bara
- 99407: Environmental Management in Bulgarian Agriculture – Risks, Modes, Major Challenges

- Hrabrin Bachev and Teruaki Nanseki
- 99406: Организация на снабдяването с услуги в българските ферми (Governing of service supply in Bulgarian farms)

- Hrabrin Bachev and Dimitar Terziev
- 99405: Организация на снабдяването с материални активи в българските ферми (Governing of inputs supply of Bulgarian farms)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 99404: Is Race to the bottom is modeled as Prisoner's dilemma?

- Dmytro Sokolovskyi
- 99403: Measuring the effects of U.S. uncertainty and monetary conditions on EMEs' macroeconomic dynamics

- Giulia Rivolta and Carmine Trecroci
- 99402: Theoretically proposed policy instrument to resolve the negative effect of inflation flow into a positive macroeconomic growth: the case of Sierra Leone economy

- Emmanuel Senzu
- 99399: Real Estate trifft auf Blockchain: Chancen und Herausforderungen der Tokenisierung von illiquiden Vermögenswerten (Real Estate meets Blockchain Opportunities and Challenges of tokenization of illiquid Assets)

- Aleksander Berentsen and Marina Markheim
- 99397: Political Budget Cycles: Evidence from Swiss Cantons

- Guido Baldi and Stephan Forster
- 99395: Modelling the effect of exchange rate on inflation in Ghana

- Samuel Yeboah
- 99394: Is purchasing power parity hypothesis valid in Ghana? An empirical assessment

- Samuel Yeboah
- 99391: Adopting the Euro: a synthetic control approach

- Ricardo Duque Gabriel and Ana Sofia Pessoa
- 99390: The Persistence of Stock Market Returns during the Presidential elections in Nigeria

- Olaoluwa Yaya, Oluwasegun Adekoya and Femi Adesiyan
- 99389: Determinantes del emprendimiento en Cataluña: un análisis con datos GEM (Determinants of entrepreneurship in Cataluña: an analysis with GEM data)

- Cristian Liarte Blasco
- 99388: Household Health Expenditure in Greece and the Impact of Financial Crisis

- Stavroula Zikidou and Stamatina Hadjidema
- 99386: La actividad emprendedora: Análisis transversal en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra (Entrepreneurship activity: Cross-sectional analysis in the Region of Navarra)

- Patricia Gascón Salillas
- 99381: Multivariate Unobserved Component Model for an Oil-exporting Economy: The Case of Russia

- Andrey Polbin
- 99376: The impact of Israeli Geopolitical Risks on the Lebanese Financial Market: A Destabilizer Multiplier

- Layal Mansour-Ichrakieh
- 99371: Taking Benefit of Economies of Scale in Producing Vaccine in Natural Setup of Human Body: Coronavirus Pandemic

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 99370: Correlated Equilibrium Under Costly Disobedience

- Ayca Ozdogan and Ismail Saglam
- 99369: A systematic review of contract farming and it's impacts on broiler producers in Lebanon

- Rodrique Kozhaya
- 99368: The Effect of Leader’s Visits on Foreign Aid

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
- 99367: Tourism destination branding through advertising strategies

- John Longman and Timothy Williams
- 99365: Efectul Turn-of-the-Year pe piaţa valutară din România (The Turn-of-the-Year Effect in the Romanian foreign exchange market)

- Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
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