MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 32161: Niche products, generic products, and consumer search

- Nathan Larson
- 32157: Long-haul flights and tourist arrivals

- Sigbjorn Tveteras and Kristin Roll
- 32155: Measurement of consensus with a reference

- José Alcantud, de Andrés Rocío and Cascón José Manuel
- 32153: Foreign markets entry mode decision for SMEs. Key factors and role of industrial districts

- Fabio Musso and Barbara Francioni
- 32150: Regulation, enforcement and informality: an analysis based on selected countries

- Punarjit Roychowdhury
- 32149: The Reserve Equation and The Analytics of Pakistan's Monetary Policy

- Rubina Hassan and Muhammad Shahzad Mirza
- 32147: Firm relocations in the Netherlands: Why do firms move, and where do they go?

- Kristin Kronenberg
- 32145: Beyond Gaps and Imbalances: Re-Structuring the Debate on Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations

- Chanchal Kumar Sharma
- 32143: Inertia in social learning from a summary statistic

- Nathan Larson
- 32142: Corporate competition: A self-organized network

- Dan Braha, Blake Stacey and Yaneer Bar-Yam
- 32137: Integrated approach to solid waste management in Pune city

- Sanjay Rode
- 32136: Systemy emerytalne w Europie – Estonia (Pension Systems in Europe - Estonia)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 32135: Okun’s law revisited. Is there structural unemployment in developed countries?

- Ivan Kitov
- 32134: Structure, agency and change in the car regime: A review of the literature

- Gerardo Marletto
- 32132: Revenue and Expenditure Nexus: A Case Study of Romania

- Qazi Muhammad Adnan Hye and M Anwar Jalil
- 32131: Inovarea. Stat si Corporatii

- Paul Clipa
- 32130: Factors Affecting job satisfaction of employees in Pakistani banking sector

- Hunjra Ahmed Imran, Muhammad Chani, Aslam Sher, Azam Muhammad and Rehman Kashif-Ur
- 32127: Innovativeness and intangibles in transition: the case of Slovenia

- Miroslav Verbič and Sašo Polanec
- 32123: Small and medium enterprises and the enjoinment of economic human rights:evidence from Egypt

- Hussien Alasrag
- 32117: A Poisson Regression Examination of the Relationship between Website Traffic and Search Engine Queries

- Heather Tierney and Bing Pan
- 32116: Municipal Non-Residential Real Property Valuation Forecast Accuracy

- K. Nicole Arnold Cote, Wm. Doyle Smith and Thomas Fullerton
- 32115: Boosting cycles and Stabilization effects of Fiscal Rules

- Daney Valdivia and Montegro Marcelo
- 32114: Bolivia’s fiscal rules: dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model approach

- Daney Valdivia and Montenegro Marcelo
- 32113: Employee voice and intent to leave: an empirical evidence of Pakistani banking sector

- Hunjra Ahmed Imran, Ali Muhammad Asghar, Muhammad Chani, Khan Hashim and Rehman Kashif Ur
- 32112: Quel rôle pour les scénarios Facteur 4 dans la construction de la décision publique ? (What role for Factor 4 scenarios in public policy-making ?)

- Sandrine Mathy, Meike Fink and Ruben Bibas
- 32110: Socio-economic drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in the brazilian Amazon: new evidence from Santarem, Para

- Ariaster B. Chimeli, Joaquim Guilhoto and Luciana Gatti
- 32108: Cultural economy and the creative field of the city

- Allen J. Scott
- 32102: Exploring the effect of countries’ economic prosperity on their biodiversity performance

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 32099: An Algorithm for payoff space in C1 parametric games

- David Carfì, Angela Ricciardello and Santa Agreste
- 32098: A model of coopetitive games and the Greek crisis

- David Carfì and Daniele Schiliro'
- 32095: Macroeconomic analysis of trade in some CEE countries

- Dushko Josheski and Darko Lazarov
- 32094: Been there done that: the political economy of Déjà Vu

- Peter Boettke, Daniel Smith and Nicholas Snow
- 32093: Institutions first

- Peter Boettke and Alexander Fink
- 32092: Robust political economy and the Federal Reserve

- Peter Boettke and Daniel Smith
- 32091: The debt-inflation cycle and the global financial crisis

- Peter Boettke and Christopher Coyne
- 32089: Institutional transition and the problem of credible commitment

- Peter Boettke
- 32088: The genius of Mises and the brilliance of Kirzner

- Peter Boettke and Frederic Sautet
- 32087: Explaining the saving-investment relationship with threshold effects

- Ryan W. Herzog
- 32083: A note on the choice of Malmquist productivity index and Malmquist total factor productivity index

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 32082: Examining the relationship between firm internationalization and firm performance: A nonparametric analysis

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 32079: Determinants of Public Debt for middle income and high income group countries using Panel Data regression

- Pankaj Sinha, Varun Arora and Vishakha Bansal
- 32078: Competition for procurement shares

- Jose Alcalde and Matthias Dahm
- 32077: Comment la dernière crise financière a relancé le débat relatif à l'arrimage du fcfa à l'euro (How the recent financial crisis have revived the debate on the parity between fcfa and euro)

- Oscar Kuikeu
- 32074: Application of various count models: Sahiwal demand from Naivasha

- Stephen Mailu, Barasa Lukibisi and Michael Waithaka
- 32073: R&D in Indian public enterprises: An assessment

- Saibal Ghosh
- 32072: Does Financial Outreach Engender Economic Growth? Evidence from Indian States

- Saibal Ghosh
- 32071: Disinvestment, lending relationships and executive compensation: Evidence from the Indian experience

- Saibal Ghosh
- 32070: Does activity mix and funding strategy vary across ownership? Evidence from Indian banks

- Saibal Ghosh
- 32069: Institution, economic development, and impact of natural disasters

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32064: Differences in the effect of social capital on health status between workers and non-workers

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32063: Analysis of the optimal size of the government consumption

- Dushko Josheski, Lazarov Darko and Koteski Cane
- 32062: Effectiveness of foreign aid in Small Island Developing States

- El-hadj Bah and Jeremy Ward
- 32061: The Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey 1950-1980

- Devrim Dumludag
- 32060: An analysis of the determinants of foreign direct investment in Turkey: the role of the institutional context

- Devrim Dumludag
- 32059: Household's access to and affordability of Electrcity during Reforms: A comparative study of Orissa and West Bengal

- Md Zakaria Siddiqui
- 32058: Algorithms for merging tick data and data analysis for Indian financial market

- Pankaj Sinha, Gopalakrishna Sharma, Akash Shah and Abhijeet Singh
- 32057: A global view on demographic pressure and labour market participation

- Loek Groot and Marga Peeters
- 32055: Saving, growth, and age dependency for OECD countries

- Ryan W. Herzog
- 32050: Economics and Theoretical Physics

- Siize Punabantu
- 32049: In the mood for redistribution. An empirical analysis of individual preferences for redistribution in Italy

- Giuseppe Lucio Gaeta
- 32048: Some Issues in the National Income Accounts of Pakistan (Rebasing, Quarterly and Provincial Accounts and Growth Accounting)

- Muhammad Arby
- 32047: New trade theory, non-price competitiveness and export performance

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou and Ioanna Bardaka
- 32045: A Note on Within-group Cooperation and Between-group Interaction in the Private Provision of Public Goods

- Keisuke Hattori
- 32044: We are living on the cost of our children

- Muhammad Waqas, Masood Awan and Muhammad Aslam
- 32043: Valuation of Latin-American stock prices with alternative versions of the Ohlson model: An investigation of cointegration relationships with time-series and panel-data

- Rocio Duran-Vazquez, Arturo Lorenzo-Valdes and Antonio Ruiz-Porras
- 32040: The HAMP NPV model: development and early performance

- Steve Holden, Austin Kelly, Doug McManus, Therese Scharlemann, Ryan Singer and John Worth
- 32039: Coopetitive games and sustainability in project financing

- David Carfì, Giusy Patané and Samantha Pellegrino
- 32038: Modelo de Unión Público-Privado: una aproximación desde la Teoría de Contratos (Public Private-Partnership: an approach from contract theory)

- Carlos Barreto Nieto
- 32036: A non-linear coopetitive game for global green economy

- David Carfì and Alessandra Trunfio
- 32035: Coopetitive games and global green economy

- David Carfì and Daniele Schiliro'
- 32034: The role of product variety and quality and of domestic supply in foreign trade

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou
- 32033: The two-price model revisited. A Minskian-Kaleckian reading of the process of 'financialization'

- Marco Veronese Passarella
- 32030: Exchange rate in transition

- Evžen Kočenda
- 32027: Credible evidence on complex change processes: key challenges in impact evaluation on agricultural value chains

- Giel Ton, Sietze Vellema and Marieke DeRuyterDeWildt
- 32026: Bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou, Sophocles Brissimis and Manthos Delis
- 32025: Impacto de la ayuda financiera en la matrícula técnica y universitaria (Impact of financial aid in higher education enrollment in Chile)

- Christian Blanco and Francisco Meneses
- 32023: Analysis of Purchasing power parity with data for Macedonia

- Dushko Josheski and Cane Koteski
- 32022: La Teoría de los Sentimientos Morales y Una investigación sobre la naturaleza y causas de la Riqueza de las Naciones: tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra (Theory of Moral Sentiments and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: to trip over the same stone twice)

- Analía Calero
- 32021: Nascent entrepreneurship and the developing individual: Early entrepreneurial competence in adolescence and venture creation success during the career

- Martin Obschonka, Rainer K. Silbereisen, Eva Schmitt-Rodermund and Michael Stuetzer
- 32019: Monetary policy trade-offs in a portfolio model with endogenous asset supply

- Stefan Schüder
- 32018: La influencia de las instituciones en la racionalidad del individuo a partir de Adam Smith (The influence of institutions on individuals rationality from Adam Smith)

- Analía Calero
- 32017: A conceptual analysis of brand evaluation

- Ovidiu Moisescu
- 32016: Aspects regarding rebranding strategies - A conceptual and practical approach

- Ovidiu Moisescu
- 32015: Some aspects regarding brand extension

- Ovidiu Moisescu
- 32014: Taxes, Transfers and the Distribution of Employment in Mexico

- Jorge Alonso Ortiz and Julio Leal Ordóñez
- 32013: The concept of brand equity - A comparative approach

- Ovidiu Moisescu
- 32012: Public sector corruption and the probability of technological disasters

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32011: Effect of free media on views regarding the safety of nuclear energy after the 2011 disasters in Japan: evidence using cross-country data

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32010: Could dishonest banks be disciplined ?

- Mahmoud Nabi and Souraya Ben Souissi
- 32005: “Modelo Dinámico para Análisis y Pronóstico del Producto Interno Bruto”: Un Enfoque Fiscal Aplicando un Modelo SVAR (Dynamic Model for Analysis and Forecast of Gross Domestic Product': A Fiscal Approach Applying A Model SVAR)

- Paul A. Carrillo
- 32004: A bridge too far; the strive to establish a financial service regulatory authority (OJK) in Indonesia

- Rimawan Pradiptyo, Rofikoh Rokhim, Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, Maria Ulpah, Banoon Sasmitasiwi and Iaa Faradynawati
- 32003: Holding together or falling apart:Results of gravity equation of the CIS trade

- Elvira Kurmanalieva and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 32002: Bank capital and risk in the South Eastern European region

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou
- 32001: مقترح لتعزيز الأداء التصديرى للمشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مصر (Proposal to enhance the exports of SMEs in Egypt)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 31997: Export performance, competitiveness and commodity composition

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou, Constantina Backinezos and Evangelia Georgiou
- 31996: Assessing output and productivity growth in the banking industry

- Panayiotis Athanasoglou, Evangelia Georgiou and Christos Staikouras
- 31995: DEA数据标准化方法及其在方向距离函数模型中的应用 (Data normalization for data envelopment analysis and its application to directional distance function)

- Gang Cheng and Zhenhua Qian
- 31994: Revisiting the merger and acquisition performance of European banks

- Ioannis Asimakopoulos and Panayiotis Athanasoglou
- 31992: The SADC region and EPA/EBAI – trade balance analysis

- Mphumuzi Sukati
- 31991: Overcoming the infeasibility of super-efficiency DEA model: a model with generalized orientation

- Gang Cheng, Zhenhua Qian and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
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