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57178: Culture values and economic growth Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57177: Social structure bureaucracy and corruptionA Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57166: Financial Liberalisation And Determinants of Profitability of Commercial Banks in India Downloads
V.Nagarajan Naidu and Manju S Nair
57165: Impact of terrorism on FDI flows to Pakistan Downloads
Murtaza Haider and Amar Anwar
57164: Evaluating Tourism Service Quality Provided to the European Tourist “Applied on the British tourist" Downloads
Abd Elazim Basiony, Ghada Abd Alla and Alaa shaker El Sayed
57162: Trade, Innovation and Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis of Europe Downloads
Aranzazu Crespo
57161: Unemployment and Inheritance Linkage: A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Debojyoti Mazumder and Sattwik Santra
57160: The logic of the violence in the civil war: The armed conflict in Colombia Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57159: Możliwość i użyteczność moralna kodyfikacji norm etyki zawodowej. Przegląd stanowisk etycznych (Possibility and Moral Usefulness of Professional Ethics Standards Codification. Overview of Ethical Positions) Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk
57156: Leviatán débil, un concepto para explicar el estado desde las regiones (Weak Leviathan, a concept to explain the status regions) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57151: Social norms on rent seeking and preferences for redistribution Downloads
Fabio Sabatini, Francesco Sarracino and Eiji Yamamura
57150: Does one word fit all? The asymmetric effects of central banks' communication policy Downloads
Hamza Bennani
57149: R&D, spatial proximity and productivity at firm level: evidence from Italy Downloads
Paola Cardamone
57143: FDI Companies and the Indian Company Law: Regulations vs. Disclosures Downloads
Foreign Investments Study Team Isid
57140: Antinomias del capitalismo: Una reseña sobre El malestar en la globalización de Joseph Stiglitz (Contradictions of capitalism: A review for Globalization and Its Discontents by Joseph Stiglitz) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57137: Economía del desarrollo y calidad de vida: estudio regional para Santander, Colombia (Development economics and quality of life: regional study to Santander, Colombia) Downloads
Fernando Estrada, Gonzalo Patiño and Antonio Pulido
57136: Modelování optimální výše zápisného na české veřejné vysoké školy (Modeling the optimal level of the enrollment fee at Czech public universities) Downloads
Jiri Mazurek
57135: Poverty-growth-Inequality Triangle: The Case of Indonesia Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto and Indunil De Silva
57133: The recent turmoil and monetary policy in a dual financial system with Islamic perspective Downloads
Zubair Hasan Hasan
57132: Education Transfers, expenditures and child labour supply in Indonesia: An evaluationof impacts and flypaper effects Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto and Indunil De Silva
57131: Investigating potential output using the Hodrick-Prescott filter: an application for Malta Downloads
Aaron Grech
57130: An estimate of the possible impact of lower electricity and water tariffs on the Maltese economy Downloads
Aaron Grech
57126: Sir W. Arthur Lewis and the Africans: Overlooked Economic Growth Lessons Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
57123: Política tributaria y economía fiscal en los enfoques de Hayek y Brenann/Buchanan (Tax policy and fiscal economy approaches Hayek and Brennan / Buchanan) Downloads
Fernando Estrada and Jorge Iván González
57118: How Serious is Regional Economic Inequality in Jordan? Evidence from Two National Household Surveys Downloads
Mohammed Shahateet
57116: Capital structure, profitability and firm value: panel evidence of listed firms in Kenya Downloads
Odongo Kodongo, Thabang Mokoaleli-Mokoteli and Leonard Maina
57111: Induced Uncertainty, Market Price of Risk, and the Dynamics of Consumption and Wealth Downloads
Yulei Luo and Eric Young
57110: Inflation Dynamics in India: An Analysis Downloads
Manju S Nair
57108: Impacto de una reforma fiscal sobre el bienestar económico en un ambiente de incertidumbre (Impact of Tax Reform on Economic Welfare in an Uncertainty Environment) Downloads
Francisco Venegas-Martínez, Abigail Rodríguez-Nava and Alfredo Omar Palafox-Roca
57106: Structural Breakage and Long Term Cointegration Analysis for Economic Growth in G-7, BRICS and MATIK Countries (1962-2012) Downloads
Bilal Kargi
57105: رؤية لإنشاء بنك أوقاف (An Initiative to establish Waqf Bank) Downloads
Ibrahim Onour
57102: Bayesian modelling of skewness and kurtosis with two-piece scale and shape transformations Downloads
Francisco Javier Rubio and Mark Steel
57101: Detecting false positives in experimental auctions: A case study of projection bias in food consumption Downloads
Teresa Briz, Andreas Drichoutis and Rodolfo Nayga
57099: A condition for determinacy of optimal strategies in zero-sum convex polynomial games Downloads
Omar Fdo. Arias-R.
57098: Labor earnings and Psychological well-being: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Aikaterini Grimani
57096: Population Aging and the Aggregate Effects of Monetary Policy Downloads
Arlene Wong
57091: Hybridity, Multilevel Governance and Decentration: Supra versus Infra Downloads
Armando Aliu, Bekir Parlak and Dorian Aliu
57090: Stock Price, Real Riskless Interest Rate and Learning Downloads
Tongbin Zhang
57088: Improving legal protection of third country migrants and their access to legal redress Downloads
Ana Ionela Cristea
57086: Volatility Spillover Across GCC Stock Markets Downloads
Ibrahim Onour
57084: On the winning virtuous strategies for ultra high frequency electronic trading in foreign currencies exchange markets Downloads
Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
57082: Pricing the Cost of Deposit Insurance and Assessing Moral Hazard Effect: Evidence from Banking Sector in Sudan Downloads
Ibrahim Onour
57080: A Fiscal-Monetary Policy Scheme Against Greek Indebtedness and Impoverishment Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
57077: The Habit Persistence Hypothesis: Empirical Evidence from Jamaica Downloads
Oluwafemi Bamikole
57076: A Kaleckian Model with Intermediate Goods Downloads
Eric Kemp-Benedict
57075: Financial Services and Household Inequality in Mexico Downloads
Francisco Villarreal
57074: Monetary Policy and Inequality in Mexico Downloads
Francisco Villarreal
57070: Horse trading? EU-African Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
57066: Indivisibilities in the Ricardian model of trade Downloads
Kwok Tong Soo
57065: Trade in intermediate goods and the division of labor Downloads
Kwok Tong Soo
57064: Is the global leadership of the US financial market over other financial markets shaken by 2007-2009 financial crisis? Evidence from Wavelet Analysis Downloads
Buerhan Saiti, Obiyathulla Bacha and Abul Masih
57063: Equilibrium and Optimal Fertility with Increasing Returns to Population and Endogenous Fertility Downloads
David Cuberes and Robert Tamura
57062: The common pool problem of intergovernmental interactions Downloads
Cristian Barra, Giovanna Bimonte and Pietro Spennati
57061: The referral backfire effect: The identity-threatening nature of referral failure Downloads
Bart Claus, Kelly Geyskens, Kobe Millet and Siegfried Dewitte
57058: Incentive, status and thereafter: A critical survey Downloads
Oindrila Dey and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
57056: Dutch Disease in Latin American countries: De-industrialization, how it happens, crisis, and the role of China Downloads
Sara A. Wong and Marjan Petreski
57054: Southern Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Keishun Suzuki
57053: A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Seasonal Adjustment of the Chilean GDP 1986-2009 with X-12-ARIMA Downloads
Carlos A. Medel
57052: Les transferts de fonds réduisent-ils la pauvreté et les inégalités de revenus? Une vérification empirique à travers une enquête dans le milieu rural marocain (Remittances, Poverty and Income Inequality: What relations in rural Morocco?) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Amal Miftah
57051: Education, Genre et Transferts de fonds des migrants: Quelles interactions dans le Maroc rural ? (Education, Gender and Remittances: What interactions in rural Morocco?) Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Amal Miftah
57050: Corruption, efficiency wage and union leadership Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar
57046: Excess reserves, interbank markets and domestic money market intervention Downloads
Bryony Willmott
57045: The Macroeconomic Consequences of Asset Bubbles and Crashes Downloads
Lisi Shi and Richard M. H. Suen
57043: The art of central banks' forward guidance at the zero lower bound Downloads
Hamza Bennani
57034: Do firms benefit from university research? Evidence from Italy Downloads
Paola Cardamone, Valeria Pupo and Fernanda Ricotta
57032: Strategic Management in Times of Crisis Downloads
Maximilian Groh
57021: FDI and Economic Growth: The Role of Natural Resources Downloads
Arshad Hayat
57017: Modelização VAR da volatilidade dos preços do ouro e dos índices dos mercados financeiros (Modelling the volatility of gold prices and financial stock indexes: a VAR approach) Downloads
João Marques Antunes, José Alberto Fuinhas and António Marques
57015: Endividamento antes e após a introdução do euro: análise ARDL do caso português (Indebtedness before and after euro: an ARDL analysis of Portugal) Downloads
Catarina Gaspar, José Alberto Fuinhas and António Marques
57010: Dynamics of Business Cycles in Vietnam: A comparison with Indonesia and Philippines Downloads
Ha Le
57008: O nexus energia-crescimento e o nível da auto-suficiência na produção de petróleo: análise com macro painel (Energy-growth nexus and oil self-sufficiency: macro panel analysis) Downloads
Carlos Filipe Santos, José Alberto Fuinhas and António Marques
57007: Dynamic Integration of Domestic Equity Price, Foreign Equity Price and Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Sarkar Humayun Kabir and Abul Masih
57004: Contagion Effects of US Subprime Crisis on ASEAN-5 Stock Markets: Evidence from MGARCH-DCC Application Downloads
Ma Chunxiu and Abul Masih
56995: Significance of Internet Marketing in Promoting Consumer Goods in Subcontinent Downloads
Yasir Soomro, Irfan Hameed, Atif Butt and Rehan Shakoor
56994: A Time Series and Panel Analysis of Government Spending and National Income Downloads
R. Alimi
56993: Oil price shocks and GCC capital markets: who drives whom? Downloads
Syed Aun R. Rizvi and Abul Masih
56992: The Co-movement of Selective Conventional and Islamic Stock Markets in East Asia: Is there any Impact on Shariah Compliant Equity Investment in China? Downloads
Buerhan Saiti and Abul Masih
56991: A Note on "Crowding Out" in the United States Downloads
Richard Cebula and Barbara Cebula
56990: Are diversification benefits obtainable within the same asset class? New evidence from Malaysian Islamic REITS Downloads
Maznita Mokhtar and Abul Masih
56989: The Impact of Crude Oil Price on Islamic Stock Indices of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: A Comparative Analysis Downloads
Syahidah Hanis Meor Rithuan, Ahmad Monir Abdullah and Abul Masih
56988: Diversification in Crude Oil and Other Commodities: A Comparative Analysis Downloads
Ahmad Monir Abdullah, Buerhan Saiti and Abul Masih
56987: Causality between Stock Market Index and Macroeconomic Variables: A Case Study for Malaysia Downloads
Ahmad Monir Abdullah, Buerhan Saiti and Abul Masih
56986: Free Trade Agreements with cross-country fixed geo-political constraints Downloads
Genoveva Perju
56983: Happiness matters: the role of well-being in productivity Downloads
Charles-Henri DiMaria, Chiara Peroni and Francesco Sarracino
56982: The impact of national fiscal rules on the stabilisation function of fiscal policy Downloads
Agnese Sacchi and Simone Salotti
56980: Comovement and resiliency of Islamic equity market: Evidence from GCC Islamic equity index based on wavelet analysis Downloads
Ginanjar Dewandaru, Abdelkader Alaoui, Abul Masih and Syed Othman Alhabshi
56979: Correlation between Islamic stock and Commodity markets: An investigation into the impact of financial crisis and financialization of commodity markets Downloads
Aftab Khan and Abul Masih
56978: The Determinants of Inflation in Egypt: An Empirical Study (1991-2012) Downloads
Osama El Baz
56977: The Dynamic Linkages between Islamic Index and the Major Stock Markets: New Evidence from Wavelet time-scale decomposition Analysis Downloads
Norhidayah Abu Bakar and Abul Masih
56976: The Impact of Crude Oil Price on Macroeconomic Variables: New Evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Ahmad Monir Abdullah and Abul Masih
56975: Risk Taking Behavior and Capital Adequacy in a Mixed Banking System: New Evidence from Malaysia using Dynamic OLS and Two-step Dynamic System GMM Estimators Downloads
Hishamuddin Abdul Wahab, Saiful Azhar Rosly and Abul Masih
56968: On the Nominal Interest Rate Yield Response to Net Government Borrowing in the U.S.: An Empirical Analysis with Robustness Tests Downloads
Gigi Alexander and Maggie Foley
56967: Determinants of Migration, Revisited Downloads
Gigi Alexander and Maggie Foley
56965: Combining Momentum, Value, and Quality for the Islamic Equity Portfolio: Multi-style Rotation Strategies using Augmented Black Litterman Factor Model Downloads
Ginanjar Dewandaru, Rumi Masih, Obiyathulla Bacha and A. Mansur M. Masih
56961: Optimal organization of surrogacy contracts and underinvestment Downloads
Amrita Pramanick and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
56960: Линейки ссудо-сберегательных тарифных планов: обобщение идеи стройсберкасс (Lines of Savings and Loan Tariff Plans: a Generalization of the Bausparkasse Concept) Downloads
Victor Polterovich, Oleg Starkov and Dmitry Ilinskiy
56959: Economic Shocks in the Fisheries Sector and Maritime Piracy Downloads
Markus Ludwig and Matthias Flückiger
56957: The Impact of Crude Oil Price on Islamic Stock Indices of South East Asian (SEA) Countries: A Comparative Analysis Downloads
Ahmad Monir Abdullah, Buerhan Saiti and Abul Masih
56956: Does a held-to-maturity strategy impede effective portfolio diversification for Islamic bond (sukuk) portfolios? A multi-scale continuous wavelet correlation analysis Downloads
Syed Najeeb, Obiyathulla Bacha and Abul Masih
56955: Countervailing Conflict Interventions as a (Potentially Preventable) Prisoner’s Dilemma Outcome Downloads
Rajendra Dulal
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