MPRA Paper
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- 23479: Las reformas estructurales bolivianas y su impacto sobre inversiones (Bolivian structural reforms and their impact on investment)

- Gover Barja Daza
- 23478: Financial services in the euro-mediterranean partnership: banking

- Estelle Brack, Robert Elsen and Jean-François Pons
- 23476: Les banques étrangères dans les pays d’Europe Centrale et Orientale: source de vulnérabilité ou facteur de stabilisation (Foreign banks in Central and Eastern Europe: source of vulnerability or stabilization factor?)

- Monica Beuran and Estelle Brack
- 23474: An Experiment on Intercultural Tacit Coordination - Preliminary Report

- Pablo Abitbol
- 23472: Qu’attend-on de la finance mondiale après la crise ? Les quatre commandements oubliés (What do we expect form global finance after the crisis? The four forgotten Commandments)

- Estelle Brack and Dhafer Saidane
- 23471: The cost-efficiency of French banks

- Ramona Jimborean and Estelle Brack
- 23469: Garments Industry in India: Lessons from Two Clusters

- Satyaki Roy
- 23468: Footwear Cluster in Kolkata: A Case of Self-Exploitative Fragmentation

- Satyaki Roy
- 23467: Determinants of Banking Competitiveness at the Level of Resources, Skills and Abilities: An Empirical Study

- Joao Ferreira, Carla Marques and Carlos Azevedo
- 23466: Is the Triple Helix Model Suitable to Approach Low Density Regions Competitiveness? Insights from a Portuguese Case Study

- Joao Ferreira, Carla Marques, Alcino Couto and Deolinda Alberto
- 23464: Inversión y productividad en la industria boliviana de telecomunicaciones (Investment and productivity in the bolivian telecommunications industry)

- Gover Barja Daza
- 23461: Inversión y productividad en la industria boliviana de la electricidad (Investment and productivity in the bolivian electricity industry)

- Gover Barja Daza
- 23460: El estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto (Statement of changes in equity)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro and S Hernández Gañán
- 23455: Ghana's Economic Growth in perspective: A time series approach to Convergence and Growth Determinants

- Joseph Baafi Antwi
- 23454: Viêtnam: transformation du secteur bancaire et accession à l’OMC (Vietnam: banking sector transformation and OMC accession)

- Estelle Brack
- 23453: Déterminants du développement du porte-monnaie électronique: Analyse Théorique et empirique: l’exemple Moneo (Electronic wallet development determinants:Theoretical and empirical analysis: Moneo in France)

- Estelle Brack
- 23452: Convergence test in the presence of structural changes: an empirical procedure based on panel data with cross-sectional dependence

- Abdou-Aziz Niang, Marie-Claude Pichery and Marcellin Edjo
- 23441: Le tasse in Europa dagli anni novanta (Taxation in Europe since the Years 1990s)

- Luigi Bernardi
- 23438: Invasive species management in two-patch environments: Agricultural damage control in the raccoon (procyon lotor) problem, Hokkaido, Japan

- Koji Kotani, Hiromasa Ishii, Hiroyuki Matsuda and Ikeda Tohru
- 23436: Influence of body image in urbanized areas: Differences in long-term changes in teenage body mass index between boys and girls in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 23434: Solving nonlinear systems of equations and nonlinear systems of differential equations by the Monte Carlo method using queueing networks and games theory

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 23431: Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from Heterogeneous Panel Data of Low Income Countries

- Abdul Qayyum, Rehana Siddiqui and Muhammad Nadim Hanif
- 23430: Imitation and Efficient Contagion

- Tristan Boyer and Nicolas Jonard
- 23427: Modelling heterogeneity in response behaviour towards a sequence of discrete choice questions: a latent class approach

- Ben McNair, David A. Hensher and Jeffrey Bennett
- 23426: Canonical Representation Of Option Prices and Greeks with Implications for Market Timing

- Godfrey Cadogan
- 23420: Are educational mismatches responsible for the ‘inequality increasing effect’ of education?

- Santiago Budria Rodriguez
- 23418: Autoregressive multifactor APT model for U.S. Equity Markets

- Karan Malhotra
- 23416: Whither the Indian Federation? Regional Disparities and Economic Reforms

- Michele Alessandrini, Tullio Buccellato and Pasquale Scaramozzino
- 23415: "Rubber will not keep in this country": Failed development in Benin, 1897-1921

- James Fenske
- 23412: Selection of weak VARMA models by Akaïke's information criteria

- Yacouba Boubacar Mainassara
- 23410: El aporte de la ruralidad al desarrollo (The Rural Contribution to Development)

- Elena Pisani
- 23405: Individual Subsistence: On a Principle of Economy and Society

- Sebastian Thieme
- 23402: The Net Impact of the Female Secondary School Stipend Program in Bangladesh

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- 23401: A Note on the Analysis of Female Headed Households in Developing Countries

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- 23399: Trade Policy Developments in Tanzania: The Challenge of Global and Regional Integration

- Peter Walkenhorst
- 23394: Politics and Economics of Land Reform in the Philippines: a survey

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- 23392: Dadabhai Naoroji – from economic nationalism to political nationalism

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 23389: Regional Integration and Dynamic Adjustments: Evidence from a Gross National Product Function for Canada and the United States

- Guy Chapda Nana, Jean-Philippe Gervais and Bruno Larue
- 23384: State–society relations in a dynamic framework: The case of the Far East and Sub-Saharan Africa

- Istvan Benczes and Balázs Szent-Iványi
- 23381: The Drivers of Cross Market Arbitrage Opportunities: Theory and Evidence for the European Bond Market

- Marcelo Perlin, Alfonso Dufour and Chris Brooks
- 23380: A Microstructure Model for Spillover Effects in Price Discovery: A Study for the European Bond Market

- Marcelo Perlin, Alfonso Dufour and Chris Brooks
- 23379: The Direction of Causality between Health Spending and GDP: The Case of Pakistan

- Adnan Haider and M. Sabihuddin Butt
- 23378: Reliability and Heterogeneity of Real Estate Indexes and their Impact on the Predictability of Returns

- Gabriele Sampagnaro and Francesca Battaglia
- 23375: Post crisis blues

- Edsel Beja
- 23374: The effects of background music and sound in economic decision making: Evidence from a laboratory experiment

- Takemi Fujikawa and Yohei Kobayashi
- 23372: The rate of interest as a macroeconomic distribution parameter: Horizontalism and Post-Keynesian models of distribution of growth

- Eckhard Hein
- 23370: What if Achilles and the tortoise were to bargain? An argument against interim agreements

- Dov Samet
- 23369: Rhetoric of independece: bicentennial Colombia 1810 - 2010

- Fernando Estrada
- 23367: El estado de cambios en el patrimonio neto (Statement of changes in equity)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro and S Hernández Gañán
- 23365: Social conflict, growth and factor shares

- Christopher Tsoukis and Frederic Tournemaine
- 23364: Sovereign Risk Management in Recession: The Cases of Sweden and China

- Yuewen Zhang
- 23362: Role of Quality Management in Pharmaceutical Development: Evidence from Islamabad and Lahore

- Tariq Rana, M. Rashid Salaria, Gobind M. Herani and M.A. Qureshi
- 23361: Identifying Factors Playing Important Role in the Increasing Employees’ Turnover Rate: A Case of Telecom Industry in Pakistan

- Tariq Rana, M. Rashid Salaria, Gobind M. Herani and Mohammad Amin
- 23360: Water and energy in South Africa – managing scarcity

- Petrus H. Potgieter
- 23358: Tax Design in the OECD: A test of the Hines-Summers Hypothesis

- Davide Furceri and Georgios Karras
- 23357: Auction Design with Loss Averse Bidders: The Optimality of All Pay Mechanisms

- Roland Eisenhuth
- 23355: Stochastic simulation and dynamic properties of the new version of the Italian model

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari, Eugene M. Cleur, Guido Gambetta, Anna Stagni and Frederic Sterbenz
- 23354: Rethinking the Redistribution Effects of Trade Liberalization in Egypt: A Microsimulation Analysis

- Chahir Zaki and Rana Hendy
- 23353: Towards an explicit modeling of trade facilitation in CGE models: evidence from Egypt

- Chahir Zaki
- 23351: Uninsurable Risk and Financial Market Puzzles

- Parantap Basu, Andrei Semenov and Kenji Wada
- 23350: Trusting Only Whom You Know, Knowing Only Whom You Trust: The Joint Impact of Social Capital and Trust on Individuals' Economic Performance and Well-Being in CEE Countries

- Katarzyna Growiec and Jakub Growiec
- 23348: The job satisfaction-productivity nexus: A study using matched survey and register data

- Petri Böckerman and Pekka Ilmakunnas
- 23344: انعكاسات القطاع غير المنظم على الاقتصاد المصرى (The impacts of the informal sector On the Egyptian economy)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 23342: Perceived financial barriers and the start-up decision: An econometric analysis of gender differences using GEM data

- Stephen Roper and Scott Jonathan M.
- 23340: Has core inflation been doing a good job in Brazil?

- Tito Nícias da Silva Filho and Francisco Rodrigues Figueiredo
- 23337: Alternative estimates of the Klein-I model

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 23336: Reputation, social identity, and social conflict

- John Smith
- 23334: Crude Oil Prices and Stock Markets in Major Oil Exporting Countries: Evidence on Decoupling Feature

- Ibrahim Onour
- 23333: Relationship between Trade, Investment and Environment: A Review of Issues

- Debashis Chakraborty and Sacchidananda Mukherjee
- 23332: The Global Financial Crisis and Equity Markets in Middle East Oil Exporting Countries

- Ibrahim Onour
- 23331: O ‘Mercado’ do Ensino Superior em Portugal: um diagnóstico da situação actual (The Higher Education 'Market' in Portugal: a diagnosis of current situation)

- Maria Rego and António Caleiro
- 23324: When an inefficient firm makes higher profit than its efficient rival

- Debapriya Sen and Giorgos Stamatopoulos
- 23323: Welfare implications of country size in a monetary union

- Olena Mykhaylova
- 23322: Housing market dynamics and welfare

- Berrak Büyükkarabacak and Olena Mykhaylova
- 23321: Financial Aid and Higher Education Enrollment in Chile: A Government Policy Analysis

- Francisco Meneses and Christian Blanco
- 23320: Determinantes del desempeño universitario: ¿Importa la habilidad relativa? (University performance determinants: does relative ability matter?)

- Dante Contreras, Sebastian Gallegos and Francisco Meneses
- 23319: Theorem of existence of ruptures in probability scale. Preliminary short version

- Alexander Harin
- 23317: Modeling Electricity Markets as Two-Stage Capacity Constrained Price Competition Games under Uncertainty

- Kostis Sakellaris
- 23315: The Selection of Skills into Sectors: Evidence from the Market for Economists

- Michael J. Boehm and Martin Watzinger
- 23311: Incentive Compatibility and Efficiency in the contractual Insurer-Provider Relationship: Economic Theory and practical Implications: The Case of North Carolina

- Andreas Schmid
- 23310: I conti pubblici in Italia, 2000-2009: stabilità e crescita, una missione impossibile (Public Accounts in Italy, 2000-2009: stability and growth, a mission impossible)

- Luigi Bernardi and Fedele De Novellis
- 23304: La conjoncture économique dans la région Asie-Pacifique après la crise des subprime (The economic tendency in the Asia-Pacific area after the subprime crisis)

- Gael Lagadec and Catherine Ris
- 23302: Risk-bearing in a winner-take-all contest

- Dimitry Rtischev
- 23301: Cross-border Market Co-creation, Dynamic Capabilities and the Entrepreneurial Theory of the Multinational Enterprise

- Christos Pitelis and David Teece
- 23300: The Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Policy on Macroeconomic Aggregates: A Reappraisal

- Shafik Hebous
- 23298: The need for government and central bank intervention in financial regulation: Free banking and the challenges of information uncertainty

- Marianne Ojo
- 23296: Modeling electricity spot prices: Regime switching models with price-capped spike distributions

- Joanna Janczura and Rafał Weron
- 23293: The Fed's TRAP: A Taylor-type Rule with Asset Prices

- Christian Drescher, Alexander Erler and Damir Krizanac
- 23292: Moral and imoral in economical quantification

- Doina Maria Simion
- 23289: Post Reform Period Trends in Deposits and Credit Deployments of Regional Rural Banks in Karnataka

- Shivraj Swami Onkar, Senthil Kumar N. and Baruah Palash
- 23282: The endogenous nature of the measurement of social preferences

- John Smith
- 23278: Ethiopia: Diversifying the Rural Economy. An Assessment of the Investment Climate for Small and Informal Enterprises

- Josef Loening and Laketch Mikael Imru
- 23274: Econometric analysis and forecasting of Latvia's balance of payments

- Konstantins Benkovskis
- 23271: How Diverse is Entrepreneurship? Observations on the social heterogeneity of self-employment in Germany

- Dieter Bögenhold and Uwe Fachinger
- 23270: Prospects of liberalization for S&T policies in Russia: institutional analysis

- Svetlana Kirdina
- 23269: Ausgabenanalysen für Deutschland und Niedersachsen – Berechnungsergebnisse auf Basis der Einkommens‐ und Verbrauchsstichprobe 2003 (Analysis of expenditures for Germany and Lower Saxony - Empirical results on the Basis of the Income and Expenditure Survey 2003)

- Uwe Fachinger and Jürgen Faik
- 23266: International taxation in an integrated world

- Jacob Frenkel, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka
- 23261: Coarse thinking, implied volatility, and the valuation of call and put options

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 23259: Fundamentos en la toma de decisiones de deslocalización empresarial e inversión internacional (The decision-making process in offshoring and international investment)

- María de las Viñas Gallardo Ramiro
- 23246: Who works at older ages? the correlates of economic activity and temporal changes in their effects: evidences from India

- Sanjeev Bakshi and Prasanta Pathak
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