MPRA Paper
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- 5330: Moment Methods for Exotic Volatility Derivatives

- Claudio Albanese and Adel Osseiran
- 5325: Consumption efficiency hypothesis and the HOS model: Some counterintuitive results

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Dibyendu Banerjee
- 5324: Formation of SEZ, Agricultural Productivity and Urban Unemployment

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Shigemi Yabuuchi
- 5323: Die Finanzierung von Sportarenen – Optionen für große und mittelgroße Projekte (Financing sports arenas - options for large and middle-size projects)

- Luca Rebeggiani and Sebastian Witte
- 5319: Forecasting volatility: Evidence from the Macedonian stock exchange

- Zlatko Kovačić
- 5314: Poverty risk and consumption smoothing abilities in Russia

- Geranda Notten and Denis de Crombrugghe
- 5313: Relative or absolute poverty in the US and EU? The battle of the rates

- Geranda Notten and Chris de Neubourg
- 5308: A predictive model for e-commerce consumer expenditure in EC countries

- Zlatko Kovačić
- 5307: Determinants of interregional migration in Italy:A panel data analysis

- Ivan Etzo
- 5306: Constant returns to scale and economic theories of value

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 5305: Croissance Economique et Marché du Travail au Cameroun (Economic Growth and Labour Market in Cameroon)

- Thierry Yogo
- 5304: Institutions: Theory, History and Context-Specific Analysis

- N. Emrah Aydinonat
- 5303: Martingales, the efficient market hypothesis, and spurious stylized facts

- Joseph L. McCauley, Kevin E. Bassler and Gemunu h. Gunaratne
- 5301: Forecasting elections using expert surveys: an application to U.S. presidential elections

- Randall J. Jones, J. Armstrong and Alfred G. Cuzan
- 5300: Investor Psychology and Asset Pricing

- David Hirshleifer
- 5291: Product Configuration Systems: State of the Art, Conceptualization and Extensions

- Thorsten Blecker, Nizar Abdelkafi, Gerold Kreutler and Gerhard Friedrich
- 5290: Mass Customization vs. Complexity: A Gordian Knot?

- Thorsten Blecker, Nizar Abdelkafi, Bernd Kaluza and Gerold Kreutler
- 5289: A Framework for Understanding the Interdependencies between Mass Customization and Complexity

- Thorsten Blecker, Nizar Abdelkafi, Bernd Kaluza and Gerold Kreutler
- 5288: Efficient Order and Resource Coordination in Mass Customization

- Thorsten Blecker and Guenter Graf
- 5287: A Multi-Agent based Configuration Process for Mass Customization

- Thorsten Blecker, Nizar Abdelkafi and Gerold Kreutler
- 5286: Modularity and Delayed Product Differentiation in Assemble-to-order Systems: Analysis and Extensions from a Complexity Perspective

- Thorsten Blecker and Nizar Abdelkafi
- 5284: Development of an Approach for Analyzing Supply Chain Complexity

- Thorsten Blecker, Wolfgang Kersten and Christian Meyer
- 5283: Explaining the logic of pure preference in a neurodynamic structure

- C-Rene Dominique
- 5282: The demand side of Industrial Policies: Evidence and Methodology for Italian firms

- Raffaele Brancati and Davide Ciferri
- 5281: Central Banks and Payment Instruments: a Serious Case of Schizophrenia

- Leo van Hove
- 5280: Financial integration within the European Union: Towards a single market for insurance

- Rainer Beckmann, Carsten Eppendorfer and Markus Neimke
- 5279: Informal payments in developing countries' public health sector

- Ting Liu and Jiayin Sun
- 5278: Financial Integration in Emerging Market Economies

- Gurnain Pasricha
- 5277: Non-Keynesian effects of Government Spending: Some implications for the Stability and Growth Pact

- Maria Neicheva
- 5274: The US dollar, the euro, and the yen: An evaluation of their present and future status as international currencies

- Rainer Beckmann, Jürgen Born and Wim Kösters
- 5273: Market Access Strategies in the EU Banking Sector - Obstacles and Benefits towards an integrated European Retail Market

- Rainer Beckmann, Carsten Eppendorfer and Markus Neimke
- 5272: Deepening European Financial Integration: Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Evaluation of Growth and Employment Benefits

- Rainer Beckmann, Carsten Eppendorfer and Markus Neimke
- 5271: Optimal Monetary Policy in the Sticky Information Model of Price Adjustment: Inflation Targeting or Price-Level Targeting?

- Mesut Arslan
- 5270: Stock Returns Volatility in an Emerging Market: The Pakistani Evidence

- Fazal Husain and Jamshed Uppal
- 5269: Dynamics of Sticky Information and Sticky Price Models in a New Keynesian DSGE Framework

- Mesut Arslan
- 5268: The Day of the Week Effect in the Pakistani Equity Market: An Investigation

- Fazal Husain
- 5263: The effects of a greater central bank credibility on interest rates level and volatility response to news in the U.K

- Sukriye Tuysuz
- 5262: Predictable or Not? Forecasting Office Markets with a Simultaneous Equation Approach

- Franz Fuerst
- 5258: Cooperation through Imitation and Exclusion in Networks

- Friederike Mengel and Constanza Fosco
- 5257: Einflussfaktoren von Forschung und Entwicklung in der Schweizer Industrie: Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Expertenbefragung (Factors Affecting Research and Development - Results of a Survey in Swiss Industry)

- Najib Harabi
- 5255: Interactions between interest rates and the transmission of monetary and economic news: the cases of US and UK

- Sukriye Tuysuz and Yves Kuhry
- 5254: A Brief History of Production Functions

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 5253: Agrarpolitik Marokkos (1956-1980)-Analyse aus entwicklungspolitischer Sicht (Agricultural Policy in Morocco (1956-1980) - An Analysis from the Perspective of Development Economics)

- Najib Harabi
- 5252: Changes in Operations Management due to Internet based Production Concepts — An Institution Economical Perspective

- Thorsten Blecker
- 5251: Variety Steering Concept for Mass Customization

- Thorsten Blecker, Nizar Abdelkafi, Bernd Kaluza and Gerhard Friedrich
- 5250: Variety Management in Assemble-to-Order Supply Chains

- Thorsten Blecker and Nizar Abdelkafi
- 5249: National Finance Commission Awards in Pakistan: A Historical Perspective

- Iftikhar Ahmad, Usman Mustafa and Mahmood Khalid

- Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles

- Claudio Albanese
- 5245: A Numerical Method for Pricing Electricity Derivatives for Jump-Diffusion Processes Based on Continuous Time Lattices

- Claudio Albanese, Harry Lo and Stathis Tompaidis

- Claudio Albanese and Aleksandar Mijatovic
- 5243: R&D, Competition and Growth with Human Capital Accumulation: A Comment

- Dominique Bianco
- 5236: The Effect of Information on the Bidding and Survival of Entrants in Procurement Auctions

- Dakshina De Silva, Georgia Kosmopoulou and Carlos Lamarche
- 5233: Solving Daniel Bernoulli's St Petersburg Paradox: The Paradox which is not and never was

- Robert Vivian
- 5232: Considering the Pasadena "Paradox"

- Robert Vivian

- Claudio Albanese
- 5228: Hedging Strategies in Forest Management

- Marielle Brunette, Stéphane Couture and Eric Langlais

- Claudio Albanese and Alicia Vidler
- 5224: Tax Systems and tax reforms in Latin America, Part I: country studies, Colombia

- Luigi Bernardi, Elena Fumagalli and Laura Fumagalli
- 5223: Tax systems and tax reforms in Latin America: country studies

- Luigi Bernardi, Alberto Barreix, Anna Marenzi and Paola Profeta
- 5220: FDI-trade nexus: empirical analysis on ASEAN-5

- Jerome Kueh, Chin-Hong Puah, Evan Lau and Shazali Abu Mansor

- Chin-Hong Puah, Jerome Swee-Hui Kueh and Evan Lau
- 5217: Central Bank transparency and the U.S. interest rates level and volatility response to U.S. news

- Sukriye Tuysuz
- 5216: What Determines the Entrepreneurial Innovative Capability of Portuguese Industrial Firms?

- Maria José Silva and João Leitão
- 5215: Cooperation in Innovation Practices among Portuguese Firms: Do Universities Interface Innovative Advances?

- Maria José Silva and João Leitão
- 5214: First Derivatives of the log-L for the multivariate probit model

- Martin Barrenechea
- 5212: North American Integration and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment

- Ayça Tekin-Koru and Andreas Waldkirch
- 5211: Impact of Land Certification on Land Rental Market Participation in Tigray Region, Northern Ethiopia

- Stein T. Holden, Klaus Deininger and Hosaena Ghebru
- 5210: Taxas cambiais do mil-réis(1795-1913) (Exchange rates of the mil-reis (1795-1913))

- Heitor Moura Filho
- 5209: Demografia da escravidão: um micromodelo dos efeitos do tráfico (Demography of slavery: a micromodel of the effects of the traffic)

- Heitor Moura Filho
- 5208: Pioneering multilateralism: the sugar agreements 1864 – 1914

- Heitor Moura Filho
- 5207: Togo: Failed election and misguided aid at the roots of economic misery

- Dirk Kohnert
- 5201: Monetary Policy, Vagabonding Liquidity and Bursting Bubbles in New and Emerging Markets - An Overinvestment View

- Gunther Schnabl and Andreas Hoffmann
- 5199: Time series properties of ARCH processes with persistent covariates

- Heejoon Han and Joon Park
- 5198: Disclosure to a Credulous Audience: The Role of Limited Attention

- David Hirshleifer, Sonya Lim and Siew Hong Teoh
- 5197: Accruals and Aggregate Stock Market Returns

- David Hirshleifer, Kewei Hou and Siew Hong Teoh
- 5194: Price of recreational products and the exchange rate: an empirical investigation on US data

- Roberto Cellini and Alessandro Paolino
- 5193: Information externality in the arts and the public intervention: a brief note

- Roberto Cellini and Tiziana Cuccia
- 5192: Workers' enterprises in the case of arts production

- Tiziana Cuccia and Roberto Cellini
- 5186: Herd Behavior and Cascading in Capital Markets: A Review and Synthesis

- David Hirshleifer and Siew Hong Teoh

- Pawel Strawinski
- 5177: La libéralisation des échanges a-t-elle un impact sur la croissance? Les expériences de l'Inde et de la Corée (Is there any impact of trade liberalisation on growth? Experiences of India and Korea)

- Prabirjit Sarkar
- 5176: Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Growth? Panel Data and Time Series Evidence from Less Developed Countries, 1970-2002

- Prabirjit Sarkar
- 5175: Predicting the Profit Potential of a Microeconomic Process: An Information Theoretic/Thermodynamic Approach

- Michael George
- 5173: The Accrual Anomaly: Risk or Mispricing?

- Kewei Hou, David Hirshleifer and Siew Hong Teoh
- 5172: A Functional Imaging Study of Cooperation in Two-Person reciprocal Exchange

- Kevin McCabe, Daniel Houser, Lee Ryan, Vernon Smith and Ted Trouard
- 5168: A Note on Why Quarter of Birth is Not a Valid Instrument for Educational Attainment

- Dionissi Aliprantis
- 5162: Derivation and Estimation of a Phillips Curve with Sticky Prices and Sticky Information

- Mesut Arslan
- 5160: Uma Avaliação do Canal de Crédito no Brasil (An Assessment of the Credit Channel in Brazil)

- Nelson Souza-Sobrinho
- 5159: Polytechnic graduate placement in Finnish manufacturing

- Petri Böckerman
- 5158: The New Information Age & the Stock Market Growth Puzzle

- Manoj Kamat and Manasvi Kamat
- 5156: Playful Dragon: Messing and missing trade

- Edsel Beja
- 5151: The Welfare Economics of an Excise-Tax Exemption for Biofuels

- Harry de Gorter and David Just
- 5148: Farmers and Capitalism

- Richard Carney
- 5147: Partisanship at the Origins of Modern Capitalist Institutions

- Richard Carney
- 5145: Deducing Varieties of Capitalism

- Richard Carney
- 5143: Comment on "Productive Public Expenditure and Imperfect Competition with Endogenous Price Markup"

- Luis Costa and Nuno Palma
- 5138: Evolutionary Concept, Genetic Algorithm and Exhibition Contract in Movie Industry

- Ch'ng Kean Siang
- 5137: Agglomeration Economies and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Romania

- Christian Hilber and Ioan Voicu
- 5136: Explaining the Black-White Homeownership Gap: The Role of Own Wealth, Parental Externalities and Locational Preferences

- Christian Hilber and Yingchun Liu
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