MPRA Paper
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- 63148: Effects of fiscal shocks in new EU members estimated from a SVARX model with debt feedback

- Nadja Stanova
- 63147: The effect of ex post risks on post-M&A performance efficiency

- Eduard Dzhagityan
- 63139: Gouvernance et croissance économique: Application au cas des pays de l’UEMOA (Governance and Economic Growth Application to the case of WAEMU Countries)

- Azza Ziadi
- 63135: Supply and Demand Is Not a Neoclassical Concern

- Gerson P. Lima
- 63132: Entropy, competitiveness and UEFA football ranking

- Paulo Ferreira
- 63131: Technical Efficiency of Shipping Banks: A DEA Approach

- Evangelos Sambracos or Samprakos and Marina Maniati
- 63051: The impact of the action of public power on economic development: Application to the education sector in the MENA region (The impact of the action of public power on economic development: Application to the education sector in the MENA region)

- Abderraouf Mtiraoui
- 63046: Inovação aberta e políticas públicas na União Europeia (Open innovation and public policy in the E.U)

- Antonio Bob Santos
- 63039: Are short Economics teaching videos liked? Analysis of features driving “Likes” in Youtube

- Angel Meseguer-Martinez, Alejandro Ros-Galvez and Alfonso Rosa-García
- 63038: Analytical and Methodological Framework of Research in European and/or EU Studies Curriculum

- Mariana Buda and Ioan Horga
- 63037: European and/or EU Interdisciplinary Studies–a new Curriculum

- Mariana Buda
- 63036: L'application du multilinguisme dans l'Union Europeenne - un probleme sans issue? (The Application of Multilingualism in the European Union – Rhetoric Question?)

- Mariana Buda
- 63035: Maintenance costs of public roads: Do empirical data confirm the superiority of concrete over asphalt?

- Marcin Senderski
- 63034: Europe of languages. Between the power of languages and the languages of power

- Mariana Buda
- 63033: EU Studies in the South Caucasus

- Mariana Buda and Maka Khvedelidze
- 63032: European Studies – Different Developments at the Region Borders

- Mariana Buda
- 63031: Programmes d’études européennes dans l’enseignement universitaire en Europe (European Studies Programs in the University Education in Europe)

- Mariana Buda
- 63029: Congestion in the bathtub

- Mogens Fosgerau
- 63028: Speculative Bubbles - An introduction and application of the Speculation Elicitation Task (SET)

- Dirk-Jan Janssen, Utz Weitzel and Sascha Füllbrunn
- 63025: A Way Out of the Euro Crisis: Fiscal Transfers Are Indispensable for Sustainability in a Union with Heterogeneous Members

- Taiji Harashima
- 63024: Are investments in islamic REITs susceptible to forex uncertainty: wavelet analysis

- Maznita Mokhtar and Abul Masih
- 63022: Housing finance and financial stability: evidence from Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore

- Mohamed Hisham Hanifa and Abul Masih
- 63021: Les déterminants des exportations du Maroc: une investigation empirique sur données de panel (The determinants of Morocco's exports: An empirical investigation using panel data)

- Karim El Aynaoui and Aomar Ibourk
- 63020: O Plano Tecnológico - avaliação (The Technological Plan - evaluation)

- Antonio Bob Santos
- 63018: Tenure-Track Contract Helps Self-Selection

- Sergey Popov
- 63017: The poverty and inequality nexus in Ghana: a decomposition analysis of household expenditure components

- Jacob Novignon, Justice Nonvignon and Richard Mussa
- 63015: Fiscal space for health in Sub-Saharan African countries: an efficiency approach

- Jacob Novignon and Justice Nonvignon
- 63013: Stable Observable Behavior

- Yuval Heller and Erik Mohlin
- 63003: Methodology Does Matter: About Implicit Assumptions in Applied Formal Modelling. The case of Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Models vs Agent-Based Models

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch
- 63002: Debt concentration of European Firms

- Caterina Giannetti
- 63000: Relative profit maximization and the choice of strategic variables in duopoly

- Atsuhiro Satoh and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 62999: Non-wave Solutions of the Maxwell-Einstein Equations

- Yuriy Zayko
- 62994: Identifying structural breaks in stochastic mortality models

- Colin O'Hare and Youwei Li
- 62991: Size and Volatility: new evidence from an application of wavelet approach to the emerging Islamic mutual funds’ industry

- Alaa Alaabed and Abul Masih
- 62990: Finance-growth nexus: insights from an application of threshold regression model to Malaysia’s dual financial system

- Alaa Alaaabed and Abul Masih
- 62988: The Greek democratic federations and the European Union’s integration

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
- 62987: Athenian fiscal expansionary policy and peace versus war strategy

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
- 62984: Prices in Networks

- Hi-Lin Tan
- 62978: Political Stability and Democratic Governance. A Panel Data Analysis

- Militiades N. Georgiou, Nicholas Kyriazis and Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou
- 62974: The Aetolians, the Europeans and the Pakistanis: Lessons for modern federations

- Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Nicholas Kyriazis
- 62973: Forecasting U.S. Recessions with a Large Set of Predictors

- Paolo Fornaro
- 62972: Efficiency of electricity use and productivity change of electricity in China: A nonparametric approach

- Nikolai Sheung-Chi Chow, Xu Wenjing and Wu Xiaoyang
- 62971: The role of universities from the north–western Romania in the development of regional knowledge–based economies

- Florentina Chirodea
- 62967: Transitions into Stable Employment: The Effect of Relative Group Size for the Immigrant Second Generation in France

- Oliver Winkler
- 62962: Regional issues in environmental management

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 62961: Power Plant Waste Heat Recovery for Household Heating Using Heat Pumps

- Ion Dosa
- 62960: A two-sided market model of optimal price structure for instant messenger

- Jun Xu
- 62958: Gender Disparity in Economic Returns to Higher Education: Evidence from Private Formal Sector of Bahawalpur (Pakistan)

- Muhammad Abrar ul haq, Nadia Mehtab and Tasneem Khan
- 62953: Curricula de Studii europene din Romania. Aplicabilitate pe piața muncii (European Studies Curricula applied on the Labour Market)

- Mariana Buda and Ioan Horga
- 62951: Political Economy of the Debate on Industrial Growth and Stagnation in India: A Review

- Sourish Dutta
- 62942: Predicting the direction of US stock markets using industry returns

- Harri Pönkä
- 62941: The Economic Necessity of Basic Income

- Geoff Crocker
- 62940: Математическое моделирование и всеобщая компьютеризация или имитационные модели (Mathematical modeling and computerization or simulation models)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62939: Drives, Performance, Creativity and Introversion in the Workplace

- John Morningstar
- 62938: Mean-median compromise method as an innovating voting rule in social choice theory

- Ruffin-Benoît Ngoie and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
- 62935: Равновесные экономические модели в управлении экономикой (Balance economic models to manage the economy)

- Natalya Burmistrova, Pavel Urlapov and Natalia Thoy
- 62934: Методические особенности обучения математике бакалавров экономических направлений в условиях реализации ФГОС (Methodological features of teaching mathematics bachelors economic in the context of the federal state educational standards)

- Natalya Burmistrova, Natalia Aleksenko and Nadezhda Il'ina
- 62932: The effectiveness of index futures hedging in emerging markets during the crisis period of 2008-2010: Evidence from South Africa

- Lumengo Bonga-Bonga and Ekerete Umoetok
- 62927: Hotelling competition and teaching efficiency of Italian university faculties. A semi-parametric analysis

- Angela Bergantino, Claudia Capozza and Francesco Porcelli
- 62925: Роль и значение математического моделирования в подготовке будущих специалистов для сферы экономики и финансов (The role and importance of mathematical modeling in the training of future specialists for the Economy and Finance)

- Natalya Burmistrova and Nadezhda Il'ina
- 62923: A monotonic and merge-proof rule in minimum cost spanning tree situations

- María Gómez-Rúa and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 62920: Multidimensional structural transformation index: a new measure of development

- Zerihun Getachew Kelbore
- 62915: Improving the Access to Higher Education for the Poor: Lessons from a Special Admission Program in Chile

- Sandro Díez-Amigo
- 62914: Using "Cheat Sheets" to Distinguish Ability from Knowledge: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile

- Sandro Díez-Amigo
- 62913: The Impact of College Peers on Academic Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Chile

- Sandro Díez-Amigo
- 62909: Skill Acquisition in the Informal Economy and Schooling Decisions: Evidence from Emerging Economies

- Semih Tumen
- 62908: Collateral Optimization: Liquidity & Funding Value Adjustments, - Best Practices -

- Benoit Genest, David Rego and Helene Freon
- 62907: Optimization of Post-Scoring Classification and Impact on Regulatory Capital for Low Default Portfolios

- Benoit Genest and Ziad Fares
- 62906: Value-at-Risk in turbulence time

- Benoit Genest and Zhili Cao
- 62905: Dynamic Stress Test Diffusion Model Considering the Credit Score Performance

- Benoit Genest, Ziad Fares and Arnault Gombert
- 62903: Climate Events and Insurance Demand - The effect of potentially catastrophic events on insurance demand in Italy

- Gianluca Rosso, Andrea Ricca and Alessandro Chieppa
- 62899: Závislost cen akcií ropných společností na ceně ropy (The dependence of oil company's stock price on oil price)

- Oldřich Šoba, Martin Sirucek and Tomáš Havíř
- 62898: Considering household size in contingent valuation studies

- Michael Ahlheim and Friedrich Schneider
- 62897: Chinese urbanites and the preservation of rare species in remote parts of the country: the example of eaglewood

- Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Gerhard Langenberger and Sonna Pelz
- 62889: Low Versus High Leverage (LVH)

- Arkadiusz Bebel
- 62885: The aftermarket pricing performance of initial public offers: Insights from India

- K. Srinivasa Reddy
- 62883: Синтезирующая роль математического моделирования в исследовании экономических процессов (Synthesizing the role of mathematical modeling in investigation economic processes)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62878: Компетентностный подход к обучению математике в реализации положений Болонской декларации (Competence approach to teaching mathematics in implementation of the Bologna Declaration)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62876: Характеристика основных этапов моделирования экономических процессов при обучении математике будущих специалистов финансово-кредитной сферы (Description the main stages of modeling of economic processes of teaching mathematics future specialists financial sphere)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62873: Имитационное моделирование для сферы экономики и финансов: Проблемы и перспективы (Simulation in economics and finance: Problems and Prospects)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62872: Психолого-дидактические особенности обучения студентов моделированию экономических процессов в курсе математики (Psycho-didactic teaching students especially the modeling of economic processes in the course of mathematics)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62870: Реализация интегративных связей математики, информатики и дисциплин финансово-экономического цикла средствами моделирования экономических процессов (The implementation of the integrative bonds mathematics, computer science disciplines and the financial and economic cycle modeling tools of economic processes)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62868: Начала математического моделирования экономических процессов (The start of mathematical modeling of economic processes)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62867: Математическое моделирование как творческий процесс (Mathematical modeling as a creative process)

- Natalya Burmistrova
- 62864: Trends of Rent-seeking Theory

- Andrey Latkov
- 62858: Global Financial Crises and Its Effect on India

- Ghazala Aziz
- 62857: The Dynamics of Fiscal Federalism in India and the Global Financial crises

- Ghazala Aziz and Mohd Saeed Khan
- 62856: Neoclassical Versus Keynesian Approach to Public Policy – The Need for Synthesis

- Mohd Saeed Khan and Ghazala Aziz
- 62854: Financing Human Development in India: Strategies and Options

- Ghazala Aziz
- 62853: Do bank loans and local amenities explain Chinese urban house prices?

- Daisy J. Huang, Charles Leung and Baozhi Qu
- 62848: Finance-Growth-Energy Nexus and the Role of Agriculture and Modern Sectors: Evidence from ARDL Bounds Test Approach to Cointegration in Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Faridul Islam and Muhammad Sabihuddin Butt
- 62847: Risk sharing versus risk transfer in islamic finance

- Zubair Hasan
- 62846: A Different Approach of Tax Progressivity Measurement

- Florije Govori
- 62844: A Comparative Study On Financial Performance Of Public Sector Banks In India: An Analysis On Camel Model

- Kishore Meghani Kishore Meghani, Hari Krishna Karri Hari Krishna Karri and Bharti Meghani Mishra Bharti Meghani Mishra
- 62843: The pressure of tourism on the Mediterranean coastline and beaches

- Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
- 62841: Designing an Health Insurance Scheme for Government Employees in Bangladesh: A Concept Paper

- Syed Abdul Hamid
- 62836: Global Concern for the Environment – Rhetoric or Real

- Ghazala Aziz
- 62833: Household-level Analysis ofWomen’s Power Practice in Old Dhaka City, Bangladesh

- Shahida Pervin, Md. Azam Khan and Md. Mahmud Hasan Shah
- 62832: Segmented Labor Markets and the Distributive Cycle: A Roadmap towards Inclusive Growth

- Matthieu Charpe, Peter Flaschel, Florian Hartmann and Christopher Malikane
- 62831: Strategy-Proof Fair School Placement

- Jose Alcalde and Antonio Romero-Medina