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9394: Fair Wage Hypothesis, Foreign Capital Inflow and Skilled-unskilled Wage Inequality in the Presence of Agricultural Dualism Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri
9393: An International Perspective on Political Scandals Downloads
Stan Weeber
9387: Uses of National Accounts; History, International Standardization and Applications in the Netherlands Downloads
Frits Bos
9375: When Equality Trumps Reciprocity: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment Downloads
Erte Xiao and Cristina Bicchieri
9374: Human capital investment and growth: A dynamic education model Downloads
Mohamed Ben Mimoun and Raies Asma
9370: Reference Dependence and Market Competition Downloads
Jidong Zhou
9360: Education, innovation and economic growth in Cameroon Downloads
T. H. Jackson Ngwa Edielle
9358: Gründungshemmnisse in Marktmechanismen und Marktumfeld: Facetten empirischer Evidenz (Start-up Barriers in Germany: A Review of the Empirical Literature) Downloads
Joern Block, Heiner Brockmann, Heinz Klandt and Karsten Kohn
9357: Do macroeconomic variables play any role in the stock market movement in Ghana? Downloads
Anokye Adam and George Tweneboah
9353: A Deeper Look at Hyperbolic Discounting Downloads
Barry Sopher and Arnav Sheth
9352: Capital Investment as Real Options: A Note on Dixit-Pindyck Model Downloads
Ali Termos
9348: Seller Competition by Mechanism Design Downloads
Damian Damianov
9346: Disinflation and the NAIRU in a New-Keynesian New-Growth Model Downloads
Ansgar Rannenberg
9344: What is in it for the poor? Evidence from fiscal decentralization in Vietnam Downloads
Hoang-Phuong Nguyen
9339: A Study of Residential Housing Demand in India Downloads
Arindam Bandyopadhyay, S V Kuvalekar, Sanjay Basu, Shilpa Baid and Asish Saha
9331: Search Duration and Intermediate, Transitional Work Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss
9329: Sobre la Elección de Regímenes de Tipo de Cambio en Economías Emergentes (On Choosing an Exchange Rate Regimes in Emerging Economies) Downloads
Santiago Adamcik
9328: The impact of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games on employment and wages in Georgia Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert Moore and Stephanie M. Zobay
9327: Prompt corrective action provisions: are insurance companies and investment banks next? Downloads
John Tatom
9324: Employment impact of inner-city development projects: the case of Underground Atlanta Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss, David L. Sjoquist and Stephanie M. Zobay
9320: Export expansion and growth at different stages of development Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss, Robert Moore and Mark Rockel
Fang Fang and Cornelis Oosterlee
9316: Is the future of the ATM past? Downloads
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Claudia Reese
9315: Software Provision and the Impact of Market Integration: A Note Downloads
Kazumichi Iwasa and Toru Kikuchi
9314: Learning from physics education research: Lessons for economics education Downloads
Scott P. Simkins and Mark Maier
9310: A Systematic Assessment of Employer Equal Employment Opportunity Efforts as a Means of Reducing the Gender Earnings Gap Downloads
Mary E. Graham and Julie L. Hotchkiss
9308: Impacts of External Price Shocks on Malaysian Macro Economy-An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis Downloads
Abul Al-Amin, Chamhuri Siwar and Abdul hamid Jaafar
9307: CGE-Microsimulation Modelling: A Survey Downloads
Vaqar Ahmed and Cathal O' Donoghue
9306: Historia de un romance singular: encuentros y desencuentros de la partida doble en México (History of a very special romance: emergence and difussion of double entry book-keeping in Mexico) Downloads
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Julian Hernandez-Borreguero, J. Carles Maixé-Altés and Nu~ez-Torrado, Miriam
9305: Psychological and environmental determinants of myopic loss aversion Downloads
Astrid Hopfensitz and Tanja Wranik
9303: Fair Wage Hypothesis, International Factor Mobility and Skilled-Unskilled Wage Inequality in a Developing Economy Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Dibyendu Banerjee
9302: International Factor Mobility, Skills Formation and Welfare Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri
9301: Do macroeconomic variables play any role in the stock market movement in Ghana? Downloads
Anokye Adam and George Tweneboah
9300: The Inconsistency Puzzle Resolved: an Omitted Variable Downloads
Nikolay Arefiev
9299: The Empirics of Banking Regulation Downloads
Fulbert Tchana Tchana
9298: Regulation and Banking Stability: A Survey of Empirical Studies Downloads
Fulbert Tchana Tchana
9293: The Health Care Crisis in the United States: The Issues and Proposed Solutions by the 2008 Presidential Candidates Downloads
Marcos Pompeu Pareto
9292: State of Governance in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects Downloads
Sayed Ahmad
9291: Bottlenecks in the decentralisation of education funding in Poland Downloads
Mikolaj Herbst
9290: Challenges for Sustainable Development: Rapid Urbanization, Poverty and Capabilities in Bangladesh Downloads
Haider Khan
9287: History versus Expectations in Economic Geography Reconsidered Downloads
Daisuke Oyama
9284: Measuring Quality Change due to Technological Externality in Multi-Feature Service Bundles Downloads
Abhay Gupta
9283: The Use of Quality and Reputation Indicators by Consumers: The Case of Bordeaux Wine Downloads
Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
9281: Comparing Bank Lending Channel in India and Pakistan Downloads
Abhay Gupta
9267: Welfare impact of external balance in pakistan: CGE-microsimulation analysis Downloads
Vaqar Ahmed and Cathal O' Donoghue
9266: Parsimonious Lenders: Bank Concentration and Credit Availability to Small Businesses Downloads
Yongjin Park
9265: Banking Market Concentration and Credit Availability to Small Businesses Downloads
Yongjin Park
9260: Show me the code: Spatial analysis and open source Downloads
Sergio Rey
9257: Estimation of semiparametric stochastic frontiers under shape constraints with application to pollution generating technologies Downloads
Mika Kortelainen
9255: Corporate Governance for Banks in Pakistan: Recent Developments and Regional Comparisons Downloads
Ahmed Khalid and Muhammad N. Hanif
9252: The role of fairness motives and spatial considerations in explaining departures from Nash equilibrium: stationary and evolutionary lessons from 2x2 games Downloads
Alessandro Tavoni
9251: Inference regarding multiple structural changes in linear models estimated via two stage least squares Downloads
Alastair R. Hall, Sanggohn Han and Otilia Boldea
9250: Tax systems and tax reforms in Latin America: coubtry studies and general issues Downloads
Luigi Benardi, Paola Profeta, Anna Marenzi and Simona Scabrosetti
9248: Pricing Early-Exercise and Discrete Barrier Options by Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions Downloads
Fang Fang and Cornelis Oosterlee
Albert Christopher Dhas and Mary Jacqueline Helen
9243: The Causes and Consequences of Cross-Country Differences in Schooling Attainment Downloads
Todd Schoellman
9242: Efectos de la Globalizacion sobre la Inflacion y la politica Monetaria Domestica (Globalization Effect on both Inflation and Domestic Monetary Policy) Downloads
Santiago Adamcik
9239: Games of capacity allocation in many-to-one matching with an aftermarket Downloads
Ayşe Mumcu and Ismail Saglam
9235: Building institutions for growth and human developement: an economic perspective applied to transitional countries of Europe and CIS Downloads
Sylvain Zeghni and Nathalie Fabry
Paulo Ferreira and Andreia Dionisio
9233: Drivers of economic growth in Gujarat Downloads
Sudha Venu Menon
9232: On construction of robust composite indices by linear aggregation Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
9231: Developing an Islamic world view: An essential component of an Islamic education Downloads
Asad Zaman
9229: Economie, ordre et contrôle social: le cas maoïste (Economy, order and social control: the maoist case) Downloads
Ilyess El Karouni
9225: Land-use planning and public preferences: What can we learn from choice experiments method? Downloads
Tina Rambonilaza
9220: Mixed Duopoly with Price Competition Downloads
Prabal Roy Chowdhury
9175: Sociological and Economic Inequality and the Second Law Downloads
Oded Kafri
9174: Speed of Adjustment in Cointegrated Systems Downloads
Luca Fanelli and Paolo Paruolo
9173: Wer bezahlt die Steuern? Steuerbelastung und Einkommenssituation von Freien und anderen Berufen Downloads
Joachim Merz, Thorsten Quiel and Kshama Venkatarama
9172: Bertrand Competition with Non-rigid Capacity Constraints Downloads
Prabal Roy Chowdhury
9171: Building institutions for growth and human development: an economic perspective applied to the transitional countries of Europe and CIS Downloads
Sylvain Zeghni and Nathalie Fabry
9168: A useful case study on decision making related to financing methods: learning about finance by study case Downloads
Ionut Cristian Voicu, Vasilica Voicu and Andreea Raluca Voicu
9164: Thought and Behavior Contagion in Capital Markets Downloads
David Hirshleifer and Siew Hong Teoh
9161: How to chose innovation policies to foster SMEs growth. A region - industry - firm type approach Downloads
Andrea Bianchi, Silvia Grandi and Paolo Guglielmetti
9160: Distribution Costs, International Trade and Industrial Location Downloads
Toru Kikuchi
9157: Empirical Study Of Institutions Romania Downloads
Daniel Glaser-Segura and Laurentiu-Dan Anghel
9154: The Causal Relationship Between Government Revenue and Expenditure in Namibia Downloads
Joel Eita and Daisy Mbazima
9152: The Old Man and the SNI: A review of advance and adversity in Hueting's research in sustainable national income (SNI), economic growth and the new scarcity from the environment Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
9150: Predicting elections from politicians’ faces Downloads
J. Armstrong, Kesten Green, Randall J. Jones and Malcolm Wright
9148: Survey on Child Labour Statistics Downloads
Tommaso Reggiani
9146: A new Model for Stock Price Movements Downloads
Guido Venier
9145: Numerical Analysis in Econom(etr)ic Softwares: the Data-Memory Shortage Management Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
9143: Naked Exclusion: An Experimental Study of Contracts with Externalities Downloads
Claudia Landeo and Kathryn E. Spier
9142: Thought and Behavior Contagion in Capital Markets Downloads
David Hirshleifer and Siew Hong Teoh
9138: L'impresa mafiosa: i risultati economici della criminalità organizzata e il ruolo delle politiche pubbliche (Mafia Business: economic performances of the organised crime and the role of the public policies) Downloads
Alberto Suppa
9119: Voluntary and involuntary retirement decision: does real wage rigidity affects the effectiveness of pension reforms ? Downloads
Arnaud Cheron, Fouad Khaskhoussi, Tarek Khaskhoussi and Francois Langot
9112: Knowledge, understanding and the dynamics of medical innovation Downloads
Ronald Ramlogan and Davide Consoli
9111: Divisia Second Moments Downloads
William Barnett, Barry Jones and Travis Nesmith
9110: Information Trading in Social Networks Downloads
Andrei Karavaev
9106: An introductory overview of innovation studies Downloads
Federica Rossi
9105: Pattern Formation, Spatial Externalities and Regulation in Coupled Economic-Ecological Systems Downloads
William Brock and Anastasios Xepapadeas
9101: Agricultural sector and economic growth in Tunisia: Evidence from co-integration and error correction mechanism Downloads
Houssem Eddine Chebbi and Lassaad Lachaal
9100: Decade of dissent: explaining the dissent voting behavior of Bank of England MPC members Downloads
Mark Harris and Christopher Spencer
9098: Assessment of Economic Capital: An Equity Market approach Downloads
Arindam Bandyopadhyay and Asish Saha
9095: Transaction Costs, Information Technology and Development Downloads
Nirvikar Singh
9093: Türkiye'nin Ekonomi-Politiği ve Mali Krizler (Political Economy of Turkey and Financial Crises) Downloads
Metin Toprak
9092: Yükselen Piyasalarda Finansal Kriz (Financial Crises in Emerging Markets) Downloads
Metin Toprak
9090: Osmanlıdan Devreden Kriz Potansiyeli ve Tek Parti Dönemi Ekonomik Krizleri (Crisis Potential Inherited from Ottoman Empire and Economic Crises of Single Party Era) Downloads
Metin Toprak
9089: Wash Corporate Heads! Business Practice can be Changed via the Dispositions of Executives: Re-socialization towards Implicit Eco-sustainability Downloads
Timur Hrotko
9088: Türk Ekonomisinde Modernleşme Krizleri: Menderes Dönemi ve Planlı Dönem Ekonomik Krizleri (Modernization Crises in the Turkish Economy: Menderes and Planned Era Crises) Downloads
Metin Toprak
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