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78033: Innovations and Bulgarian business Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
78031: Трансакционные издержки на аграрном рынке: измерение, регулирование, оптимизация (Transaction costs in the agrarian market: measurement, regulation, optimization) Downloads
Victor Stukach, Ekaterina Astashova and Oksana Shumakova
78029: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Waterloo Campaign and Some Comments on the Analytic Narrative Project Downloads
Philippe Mongin
78026: Does optimization imply rationality? Downloads
Philippe Mongin
78020: Determinants of India’s Bilateral Intra-Industry Trade over 2001-15: Empirical Results Downloads
Sakshi Aggarwal and Debashis Chakraborty
78016: Extrapolative Expectations and Capital Flows during Convergence Downloads
Guido Cozzi and Margaret Davenport
78015: Preparation and disclosure of non-financial statement based on the new Bulgarian accountancy act Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
78013: Analysing the Effect of Oil Price Shocks on Asset Prices: evidence from UK firms Downloads
Fatema Alaali
78011: A Segmented Markets Model to Teach Analysis of Monetary Policy Shocks in Developing Economies Downloads
Parag Waknis
78006: Mobile banking in Sub-Saharan Africa: setting the way towards financial development Downloads
Marybeth Rouse and Grietjie Verhoef
78005: El uso de efectivo y las tendencias de los pagos con tarjetas de débito y crédito en Colombia (Cash usage and trends in credit and debit card payments in Colombia) Downloads
José Eduardo Gómez González, Juliana Jaramillo Echeverri y and A Meisel
78004: El nacimiento de la tarjeta de credito bancaria an Mexico y Espana, 1966-1975 (The emergence of the bank credit card in Mexico and Spain, 1966-1975) Downloads
Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Gustavo Del Angel
78003: EL CHEQUE EN FRANCIA: EL LENTO ASCENSO DE UN MEDIO DE PAGO DE MASAS (1918-1975) (The history of cheque in France: slow emerging of a retail payment media (1918-1975)) Downloads
Sabine Effosse
78001: Formalization of Chilean banking activity in the second half of the 19th century (Formalization of Chilean banking activity in the second half of the 19th century) Downloads
Cesar Ross
78000: The tragedy of modern economic growth: A call to business to radically change its purpose and practices Downloads
Thomas Johnson
77998: What determines misallocation in innovation? A study of regional innovation in China Downloads
Hao-Ching Li, Wen-Chieh Lee and Bo-Ting Ko
77997: Household’s Welfare Impact of Fuel Subsidy Removal Downloads
Tri Widodo
77994: Políticas públicas para abordar las desigualdades regionales en Quintana Roo. Una propuesta a partir del desarrollo regional de Othón P. Blanco (Public policy to address inequalities in Quintana Roo. A proposal based on the regional development of Othón P. Blanco) Downloads
Crucita Ken
77992: Modified Grubel-Lloyd Index: Intra-industry Trade and Intra-regional Trade in East Asia Downloads
Tri Widodo
77990: Inter- and Intra-ASEAN Regional Trade Downloads
Tri Widodo
77989: Rebranding Syngrou: Changing the image of Syngrou Avenue, in Greece Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Alexandros Liapis
77982: Микрокластер сельского поселения: ведение хозяйства, отношения партнеров в составе микрокластера, кооперация на рынке (Microcluster of a rural settlement: farm management, partner relations within a micro-cluster, market cooperation) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Lubov Zinich
77978: Synthetic data. A proposed method for applied risk management Downloads
Carolina Carbajal De Nova
77974: Transportation Infrastructure and Economic Growth in a Dissolving Country: (Ir)relevance of Railroads in the Ottoman Empire Downloads
Avni Önder Hanedar
77972: Leisure and effort at work: incorporating self-employment into urban markets Downloads
Giménez-Nadal J. Ignacio, José Alberto Molina and Jorge Velilla
77969: Productivity change of Ethiopian banks: A malmquist productivity index approach Downloads
Tadesse Zenebe Lema
77964: Differences between self-employed and employed mothers in balancing family and work responsibilities: Evidence from Latin American countries Downloads
Juan Campaña, Giménez-Nadal J. Ignacio and José Alberto Molina
77963: Is growth pro-poor in Benin? evidence using a multidimensional measure of poverty Downloads
Djossou Gbetoton Nadege, Gilles Quentin Kane and Jacob Novignon
77962: Risk Management Committee and Disclosure of Hedging Activities Information among Malaysian Listed Companies Downloads
Azrul Abdullah, Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail and Norshamshina Mat Isa
77961: Violations of Uniform Partner Ranking Condition in Two-way Flow Strict Nash Networks Downloads
Banchongsan Charoensook
77960: The Effectiveness of Risk Management Committee and Hedge Accounting Practices in Malaysia Downloads
Azrul Abdullah and Ku Nor Izah Ku Ismail
77956: FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMENGARUHI KETIMPANGAN PENDAPATAN DI JAWA TENGAH (Inequality Determination in Central Java, Indonesia) Downloads
Rusli Abdulah
77955: Public R&D support in Italy. Evidence from a new firm-level patent data set Downloads
Francesco Aiello, Giuseppe Albanese and Paolo Piselli
77954: Yabancı İştirakli Firmaların İhracat Yöneliminin Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımlarının Dikey Yayılmaları Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye İmalat Sanayi Örneği (Effect of Firm’s Export-Orienteation on Vertical Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment: Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industry) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei and Arzu Akkoyunlu Wigley
77953: Молочное скотоводство сельской территории: преимущества кластерного взаимодействия организаций и домашних хозяйств в производстве, переработке, маркетинге (Dairy cattle farming in rural areas: advantages of cluster interaction of organizations and households in production, processing, marketing) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Elena Judina
77950: Efficiency-wage competition: What happens as the number of players increases? Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
77946: Foreign direct investment and economic growth nexus in Zimbabwe: A cointegration approach Downloads
Musharavati Munyanyi
77936: Testing the Presence of the Dutch Disease in Kazakhstan Downloads
Almaz Akhmetov
77932: Bank capital and portfolio risk among Islamic banks Downloads
Basher Syed Abul, Kessler Lawrence M. and Munkin Murat K.
77931: Multi winner Approval Voting: An Apportionment Approach Downloads
Steven Brams, D. Marc Kilgour and Richard F. Potthoff
77927: Ο ρόλος του Κράτους στις εργασιακές σχέσεις (The role of State in Industrial Relations) Downloads
Theodore Koutroukis
77926: Льноводство Сибири: региональный кластер, глубокая переработка, экспортный потенциал (Siberian flax breeding: regional cluster, deep processing, export potential) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Alecsandr Redkin
77925: Drivers of Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions: International Evidence Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77924: Sensitivity Of Stock Prices To Money Supply Dynamics Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77923: The Impossible Trinity and Financial Markets – An Examination of Inflation Volatility Spillovers Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77922: On Exports and Economic Growth-Multifarious Economies Perspective Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77921: The Fisher Effect Using Differences in The Deterministic Term Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77920: The Impact of Money Supply Volatility on the Fisher Effect –A Botswana Empirical Perspective Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng and Simangaliso Biza-Khupe
77919: Exports Multiplicity and The Dutch Disease Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77918: Приусадебное хозяйство сельских жителей: производство продовольствия, обслуживающая инфраструктура, мониторинг, кооперация, государственное регулирование (Household plots of rural residents: food production, servicing infrastructure, monitoring, cooperation, state regulation) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Marina Yakubenko
77917: The Export-Led Growth Hypothesis: New Evidence and Implications Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77916: On The Fisher Effect: A Review Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77915: Payoffs of Education Expenditure In Botswana: Long Run Economic Growth Implications Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77914: How Relevant Are Academic Degrees In The Workplace? Downloads
Mpho Bosupeng
77908: مديريت عوامل موثر بر سرمايه گذاري بخش خصوصي در ايران (Management of Determinant Factors on Private Investment in Iran) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
77905: Une perspective macroprudentielle pour la stabilité financière (A macroprudential perspective on financial stability) Downloads
Christian Pinshi
77900: بررسی تأثیر مخارج مصرفی و سرمایه ای دولت بر سرمایه گذاری بخش خصوصی در ایران (Effects of Government Consumption and Investment Expenditures on Private Investment in Iran: 1971-2005) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
77896: Türkiye’de Kamu Yatırım Harcamalarının Özel Sektör Yatırım Üzerindeki Etkisi (The Effec of Public Investment Expenditure on Private Investment in Turkey) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
77893: Yabancı İştirakli Firmaların İhracat Yöneliminin Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımlarının Dikey Yayılmaları Üzerindeki Etkileri: Türkiye İmalat Sanayi Örneği (Effect of Firm’s Export-Orienteation on Vertical Spillovers of Foreign Direct Investment: Case of Turkish Manufacturing Industry) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
77892: Para ve Maliye Politikasının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi: Türkiye için Ekonometrik bir Analiz (Comparative Analysis of Monetary and Fiscal Policy: An Econometric Case Study of Turkey) Downloads
Felor Ebghaei
77873: Crises and mortality: Does the level of unemployment matter? Downloads
Ioannis Laliotis and Charitini Stavropoulou
77869: Ethnic Inventors: A Critical Survey of the Contribution of People of Middle Eastern Ethnic Backgrounds to the US Innovation System Downloads
Sami Mahroum, Georg Zahradnik and Bernhard Dachs
77868: Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market Performance in Emerging Economies: Some Evidence using FAVAR Models Downloads
Hanan Naser and Abdul Rashid Ahmed
77863: Молодежный рынок аграрного труда: потенциал региона, институты адаптации, партнерства (Youth market of agricultural labor: the potential of the region, the in-stitutions of adaptation, partnerships) Downloads
Victor Stukach, Larisa Sichevskay and Alla Zinich
77862: Event dan festival di Cirebon: Review bauran pemasaran syari’ah (Event and festival in Cirebon: Review of shariah marketing mix) Downloads
Aan Jaelani
77861: Elements for a Conceptual Model of Fragility Downloads
Nadia Piffaretti
77852: Reengineering knowledge for e-tourism and hospitality curricula Downloads
Jing Fu and Soultana Kapiki
77850: Decomposing the Marginal Excess Burden of Australia’s Goods and Services Tax Downloads
George Verikios, Jodie Patron and Reza Gharibnavaz
77848: The strong Porter hypothesis in an endogenous growth model with satisficing managers Downloads
Dominique Bianco and Evens Salies
77845: Человеческий капитал в сельском хозяйстве: формирование и развитие в животноводческих фермах Сибири (Human Capital in Agriculture: Formation and Development in Livestock Farms in Siberia) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Elena Lalova
77844: Loss Functions for Detecting Outliers in Panel Data: An Introduction Downloads
Charles Coleman
77841: Nonparametric Tests For Bias In Estimates And Forecasts Downloads
Charles Coleman
77839: Positional Preferences: Efficiency and Distortions under Welfarist- and Paternalistic Governments Downloads
Ron Wendner and Sugata Ghosh
77838: Togo - 2013: Politics, economy and society in 2013 Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
77837: The Relationship Between Growth and Economic Complexity: Evidence from Southeastern and Central Europe Downloads
Viktor Stojkoski and Ljupco Kocarev
77832: Puzzle contribution of traditional alcoholic drinks to the wellbeing of rural populations Downloads
Gildas Tiwang, Florence Fonteh, Djiala Merline Tsowa and Fourier Prevost Fotso Koyeu
77830: The Economic Status of Rural America in the Trump Era Downloads
Stephen Goetz, Mark Partridge and Heather Stephens
77829: Stated preference models of contact decision behaviour in academia Downloads
Manfred Fischer, Rico Maggi and Christian Rammer
77828: Togo - 2014: Politics, economy and society in 2014 Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
77827: Telecommunication Media Choice Behaviour in Academia. An Austrian-Swiss Comparison Downloads
Manfred Fischer, Rico Maggi and Christian Rammer
77826: Telephone Communication Patterns in Austria A Comparison of the IPFP based Graph-Theoretic and the Intramax Approaches Downloads
Manfred Fischer, Jürgen Essletzbichler, Helmut Gassler and Gerhard Trichtl
77824: An Exploration into the Determinants of Patent Activities. Some Empirical Evidence for Austria Downloads
Manfred Fischer, Josef Fröhlich and Helmut Gassler
77822: Artificial Neural Networks. A New Approach to Modelling Interregional Telecommunication Flows Downloads
Manfred Fischer and Sucharita Gopal
77818: Expert Systems and Artificial Neural Networks for Spatial Analysis and Modelling. Essential Components for Knowledge-Based Geographical Information Systems Downloads
Manfred Fischer
77817: From Conventional to Knowledge Based Geographical Information Systems Downloads
Manfred Fischer
77816: Togo - 2015: domestic policy, foreing affairs, and socio-economic development Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
77815: Combining Semi-Endogenous and Fully Endogenous Growth: a Generalization Downloads
Guido Cozzi
77814: A Framework for Research on Spatial Analysis Relevant to Geo-Statistical Informations Systems in Europe Downloads
Manfred Fischer and Stan Openshaw
77812: Opening Up International Trade in Eastern European Countries. Consequences for Aggregate Trade Flows in the Rhine-Main-Danube Area Downloads
Manfred Fischer and Börje Johannson
77811: Evaluation of Neural Pattern Classifiers for a Remote Sensing Application Downloads
Manfred Fischer, Sucharita Gopal, Petra Staufer and Klaus Steinnocher
77810: Optimization in an Error Backpropagation Neural Network Environment with a Performance Test on a Pattern Classification Problem Downloads
Manfred Fischer and Petra Staufer
77809: Testing for Non-Linear Dependence in Univariate Time Series An Empirical Investigation of the Austrian Unemployment Rate Downloads
Wolfgang Koller and Manfred Fischer
77808: Technological Innovation and Interfirm Cooperation. An exploratory analysis using survey data from manufacturing firms in the metropolitan region of Vienna Downloads
Manfred Fischer and Attila Varga
77806: Higher Return for Savers and a Path toward Higher Investment Downloads
Victor Xing
77805: Культура как ресурс в модернизации аграрной экономики: измерение параметров, механизмы влияния на процессы преобразований (Culture as resource in modernization of agrarian economy: measurement of parameters, mechanisms of influence on transformation processes) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Nadejda Anicina
77804: What was Behind the Chinese Miracle? Downloads
Yinghao Luo
77803: The evolution of inequality in Latin America in the 21st century: Patterns, drivers and causal hypotheses Downloads
Francesco Bogliacino and Daniel Rojas Lozano
77800: Balance de la economía gallega en el año 2016 (Balance of the Galician economy in the year 2016) Downloads
Fernando González Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina, Patricio Sánchez-Fernández and Santiago Lago Peñas
77799: Togo - 2016: domestic policy, foreing affairs, and socio-economic development Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
77796: Depreciation: a Dangerous Affair Downloads
Guido Cozzi
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