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41191: Preferences and Increased Risk Aversion under a General Framework of Stochastic Dominance Downloads
Donald Rudow
41190: Networking cities in Greece: the tri-pole Kavala, Drama, Xanthi in brief Downloads
Konstantinos Lalenis and Theodore Metaxas
41185: Finding out of the Determinants of Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Evidence from Panel Data Downloads
Teguh Dartanto and Nurkholis Nurkholis
41184: Free Business Intelligence – An Easy and Reliable Alternative Downloads
Diana Târnăveanu and Mihaela Muntean
41182: Multiutility representations for incomplete difference preorders Downloads
Marcus Pivato
41179: Nonlinear mechanism of the exchange rate pass-through: Does business cycle matter? Downloads
Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
41177: Prevalence and Longitudinal Trends of Early Internationalisation Patterns among Canadian SMEs Downloads
Sui Sui, Zhihao Yu and Matthias Baum
41176: The Pattern of Foreign Market Entry of Canadian Exporters Downloads
Sui Sui and Zhihao Yu
41174: Macroeconomic Policies for Poverty Reduction in Cambodia Downloads
Montague Lord
41173: Modeling ASEAN Global Linkages Downloads
Montague Lord
41172: Jordan and the WTO Government Procurement Agreement: An Economic Impact Assessment Downloads
Montague Lord
41171: Modeling the Macro-Economy of Bangladesh Downloads
Montague Lord
41169: Trade-Related Policies and Practices in Honduras Downloads
Montague Lord
41168: Economic Impact and Implications for Jordan of the U.S.–Jordan Free Trade Agreement Downloads
Montague Lord
41167: Furniture Industry Assessment: Trade Policy and Market Opportunities Downloads
Montague Lord
41166: The Elasticities Approach to Egypt’s Balance of Payments and Equilibrium Exchange Rate Downloads
Montague Lord
41165: The Machinery Industry In Kazakhstan: Economic Conditions and Policies Downloads
Montague Lord
41164: Modeling the Open Macro-Economy of Vietnam Downloads
Montague Lord
41163: The Economic Analysis of Tariff Reform in Egypt Downloads
Montague Lord
41162: A Macroeconomic Model for Romania's Flexible Exchange Rate System Downloads
Montague Lord
41161: A Macroeconomic Simulation Model for Uzbekistan: Technical Guide to Macroeconomic Applications Downloads
Montague Lord
41158: Viet Nam: Small Scale Technical assistance for Capacity Building of Ministry of Finance to Support Tariff, Industry and Subsidy Analysis for the WTO Accession Downloads
Montague Lord
41157: Prospects for Decoupling in Asia’s Growth Model Downloads
Montague Lord
41156: Testing the Lucas critique for the Turkish money demand function Downloads
Metin Yıldırım and Levent Korap
41154: Moving towards a Common External Tariff Regime in ASEAN Downloads
Montague Lord
41153: Impact of the EWEC on Development in Border Provinces: Case Study of Savannakhet Province in Lao PDR Downloads
Montague Lord
41152: Multi-task Incentive Contract and Performance Measurement with Multidimensional Types Downloads
Guoqiang Tian and Dawen Meng
41151: Implications of WTO Accession for Selected Domestic Industries of Laos Downloads
Montague Lord
41150: Implications of WTO Accession for Insurance Sector of Laos Downloads
Montague Lord
41149: Survival prediction based on compound covariate under cox proportional hazard models Downloads
Takeshi Emura, Yi-Hau Chen and Hsuan-Yu Chen
41148: Azerbaijan’s WTO Accession Process and Its Potential Impact on Vulnerable Non-Competitive Segments of the Economy Downloads
Montague Lord and Vugar Ahmadov
41147: East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC)Strategy and Action Plan Downloads
Montague Lord
41145: Mapping the Organic Vegetable Value Chain along the East West Economic Corridor Downloads
Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
41144: Indonesia’s Trade Access to the European Union: Opportunities and Challenges Downloads
Montague Lord
41141: QR Codes Usage Approach In The Virtualized Consumption Downloads
Mihaela Muntean, Gabriela Mircea and Sandra Bazavan
41139: Business Intelligence Approaches Downloads
Mihaela Muntean
41138: Introducción a la econometría espacial: Una aplicación al estudio de la fecundidad en la Argentina usando R (Introduction to Spatial Econometrics: An application to the study of fertility in Argentina using R) Downloads
Marcos Herrera Gómez, Juan Carlos Cid and Jorge Paz
41136: Discursive norms in blogging Downloads
Ruxandra Boicu
41135: The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises Downloads
Marianne Ojo
41131: Teaching Islamic finance in madaris – need, difficulties and solutions Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
Bohdana Stepanenko-Lypovyk
Bohdana Stepanenko
41128: Фінансовий механізм розвитку зеленого бізнесу в Європі (Financial mechanism of green business development in Europe) Downloads
Bohdana Stepanenko
Bohdana Stepanenko
41126: Зелений бізнес в Україні: становлення та фінансування (Green business in Ukraine: establishment and financing) Downloads
Bohdana Stepanenko
41125: Фінансування зеленого бізнесу у контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку (Green business financing in the context of securing of sustainable development) Downloads
Bohdana Stepanenko
41122: Medium size cities economic development and regional competitiveness: the case of Larissa – Volos dipole in Thessaly region of Greece Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Dimitris Kallioras
41117: КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПОНЯТТЯ "ЗЕЛЕНИЙ БІЗНЕС" (Methodology features and problems of definition of the term «green business») Downloads
Bohdana Stepanenko
41115: ІНТЕРНАЦІОНАЛІЗАЦІЯ БАНКІВСЬКОГО СЕКТОРУ УКРАЇНИ: ЦІНА Й МЕТОДИ ЗЛИТТЯ ТА ПОГЛИНАНЬ (Internationalization of Ukrainian banking sector: prices and M&A methods) Downloads
Stepanenko Bohdana
41114: Глобальні зміни клімату: ризики, можливості та адаптація фінансового сектору (Global climate change: risks, opportunities and adaptation of finance sector) Downloads
Bohdana Stepanenko
41111: Assessment of investment projects on the basis of production efficiency Downloads
Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
41110: The phased approach to time value of money in economic analysis of investment projects Downloads
Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
41108: О мере и формах государственного участия (The measure and form of government participation in economics) Downloads
Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
41105: Job design and innovative work behavior enabling innovation through active or low-strain jobs? Downloads
Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Sem Vandekerckhove and Geert Van Hootegem
41103: Механизм договорных цен (Mekhanizm dogovornykh tsen) (The Mechanism of Negotiated Prices) Downloads
Victor Polterovich, Mark Levin and Iosif Lakhman
41093: Market expectations of the short rate and the term structure of interest rates: a new perspective from the classic model Downloads
Xiaoxia Ye
41091: Respuesta del retorno accionario a la politica monetaria: Evidencia para el mercado chileno (Stock return response to monetary policy: Evidence from the Chilean market) Downloads
Andrés Acuña-Duarte and Cristian F. Pinto
41090: The paradox of “preferences”: regional trade agreements and trade costs in services Downloads
Sébastien Miroudot and Ben Shepherd
41089: Hierarchical modeling approach for relief logistics nework Design Downloads
Ratih Kusumastuti, Sigit Wibowo and Rizqiah Insanita
41088: Elements of novelty, known mechanisms, and the fundamental causes of the recent crisis Downloads
Alberto Russo
41087: El desafio de ser Keynesiano con vacas flacas (Tne challenge of being Keynesian in troubel times) Downloads
Victor Peirone
41083: Patents versus R&D subsidies in a Schumpeterian growth model with endogenous market structure Downloads
Angus Chu and Yuichi Furukawa
41082: Is there a producer quality wage premium similar to the exporter wage premium? Downloads
Pedro Hernández
41079: The city and its canal: producing a place marketing pilot plan for Chester Downloads
Alex Deffner and Theodore Metaxas
41078: Too smart to be selfish? Measures of cognitive ability, social preferences, and consistency Downloads
Chia-Ching Chen, I-Ming Chiu, John Smith and Tetsuji Yamada
41076: Deconstructing Growth - A Business Cycle Accounting Approach with application to BRICs Downloads
Suparna Chakraborty and Keisuke Otsu
41075: The price of morals: an empirical investigation of industry sectors and perceptions of moral satisfaction--do business economists pay for morally satisfying employment? Downloads
Mary Ellen Benedict and McClough David
41074: Sovereign Defaults and Banking Crises Downloads
Cesar Sosa-Padilla
41073: Financing Health Care Expenditure in the OECD Countries: Evidence from a Heterogeneous, Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Downloads
Felipa De Mello-Sampayo and Sofia de Sousa-Vale
41071: Macro Models: un APP for Macroeconomic Models. User Manual 1.0 Downloads
Gianluigi Coppola and Natalia Marsilia
41070: Cykle na rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych i komercyjnych, ryzyko dla inwestora oraz potrzeba adekwatnej i ostrożnej wyceny (Cycles on the housing and commercial real estate market, risks and the need for appropriate and prudent valuation) Downloads
Hanna Augustyniak, Jacek Łaszek, Krzysztof Olszewski and Joanna Waszczuk
41069: Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности (Privatizatsiya i ratsional’naya struktura sobstvennosti) (Privatization and the Rational Ownership Structure) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
41059: The impact of commercial real estate on the financial sector, its tracking by central banks and some recommendations for the macro-financial stability policy of central banks Downloads
Krzysztof Olszewski
41056: Capital Adequacy and the Bank Lending Channel: Macroeconomic Implications Downloads
Ming-fu Shaw, Juin-jen Chang and Hung-Ju Chen
41055: Appendix for the PPP hypothesis and structural breaks: the case of Mexico Downloads
Manuel Gómez-Zaldívar, Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària and Frederick Wallace
41054: India: The use of temporary trade barriers Downloads
Patricia Tovar
41051: Two Equations on the Pareto-Efficient Sharing of Real GDP Risk Downloads
David Eagle and Lars Christensen
41050: Economic segregation and urban growth Downloads
Jing Li
41047: In Search of an Optimal Strategy for Yuan’s Real Revaluation Downloads
Meixing Dai
41046: On International Spillovers Downloads
Dominique Bianco and Abdou-Aziz Niang
41044: Variance Ratio Testing for Fractional Cointegration in Presence of Trends and Trend Breaks Downloads
Andreas Dechert
41043: Проектирование реформ: как искать промежуточные институты (Proektirovanie reform: kak iskat' promezhutochnye instituty) (Reform Design: How to Search for Interim Institutions) Downloads
Victor Polterovich
41042: Impact on firms of the use of knowledge providers: a systematic review of the literature Downloads
Carlos Vivas-Augier and Andrés Barge-Gil
41038: A note on Corporate Governance in Public Sector Undertakings in India Downloads
Pankaj Sinha and Anushree Singhal
41036: The US monetary performance prior to the 2008 crisis Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
41035: Unacknowledged Urbanisation: The New Census Towns of India Downloads
Kanhu Pradhan
41034: An Analysis on Technical Efficiency in Post-reform China Downloads
Xianbo Zhou, Kui-Wai Li and Qin Li
41033: A study on the volatility forecast of the US housing market in the 2008 crisis Downloads
Kui-Wai Li
41032: Methodological mistakes and econometric consequences Downloads
Asad Zaman
41027: Monetary policy and endogenous market structure in a schumpeterian economy Downloads
Angus Chu and Ji Lei
41024: Planning, managing and implementing place/city marketing effectively: review and discussion of the last 25 years Downloads
Theodore Metaxas
41023: Investment images in Southern Europe: an appreciation of firms in four Southern European cities Downloads
Theodore Metaxas
41022: A comparative content analysis of CSR strategies oriented to environmental issues between Greek and European CSR practices Downloads
Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
41018: Introduction to contingent valuation using Stata Downloads
Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
41016: Dynamic market selection in EU business services Downloads
Henk Kox and George Leeuwen
41012: Corporate taxation and exports Downloads
Daniela Federici and Valentino Parisi
41009: Economic Ideas of Rifa`ah al-Tahtawi Downloads
Abdul Azim Islahi
41007: Is Direct FDI in Healthcare Desirable in a Developing Economy? Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay
41006: Poverty and employment impact of trade liberalization in Nigeria: empirical evidence and policy implications Downloads
Emmanuel Balogun and Risikat Dauda
41005: Optimal pricing policy of continental transit route: a study of Kolkata-Agartala transit route Downloads
S. K. Sen, I Mukhopadhyay and S Gupta
Page updated 2025-03-26
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