MPRA Paper
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- 41191: Preferences and Increased Risk Aversion under a General Framework of Stochastic Dominance

- Donald Rudow
- 41190: Networking cities in Greece: the tri-pole Kavala, Drama, Xanthi in brief

- Konstantinos Lalenis and Theodore Metaxas
- 41185: Finding out of the Determinants of Poverty Dynamics in Indonesia: Evidence from Panel Data

- Teguh Dartanto and Nurkholis Nurkholis
- 41184: Free Business Intelligence – An Easy and Reliable Alternative

- Diana Târnăveanu and Mihaela Muntean
- 41182: Multiutility representations for incomplete difference preorders

- Marcus Pivato
- 41179: Nonlinear mechanism of the exchange rate pass-through: Does business cycle matter?

- Nidhaleddine Ben Cheikh
- 41177: Prevalence and Longitudinal Trends of Early Internationalisation Patterns among Canadian SMEs

- Sui Sui, Zhihao Yu and Matthias Baum
- 41176: The Pattern of Foreign Market Entry of Canadian Exporters

- Sui Sui and Zhihao Yu
- 41174: Macroeconomic Policies for Poverty Reduction in Cambodia

- Montague Lord
- 41173: Modeling ASEAN Global Linkages

- Montague Lord
- 41172: Jordan and the WTO Government Procurement Agreement: An Economic Impact Assessment

- Montague Lord
- 41171: Modeling the Macro-Economy of Bangladesh

- Montague Lord
- 41169: Trade-Related Policies and Practices in Honduras

- Montague Lord
- 41168: Economic Impact and Implications for Jordan of the U.S.–Jordan Free Trade Agreement

- Montague Lord
- 41167: Furniture Industry Assessment: Trade Policy and Market Opportunities

- Montague Lord
- 41166: The Elasticities Approach to Egypt’s Balance of Payments and Equilibrium Exchange Rate

- Montague Lord
- 41165: The Machinery Industry In Kazakhstan: Economic Conditions and Policies

- Montague Lord
- 41164: Modeling the Open Macro-Economy of Vietnam

- Montague Lord
- 41163: The Economic Analysis of Tariff Reform in Egypt

- Montague Lord
- 41162: A Macroeconomic Model for Romania's Flexible Exchange Rate System

- Montague Lord
- 41161: A Macroeconomic Simulation Model for Uzbekistan: Technical Guide to Macroeconomic Applications

- Montague Lord
- 41158: Viet Nam: Small Scale Technical assistance for Capacity Building of Ministry of Finance to Support Tariff, Industry and Subsidy Analysis for the WTO Accession

- Montague Lord
- 41157: Prospects for Decoupling in Asia’s Growth Model

- Montague Lord
- 41156: Testing the Lucas critique for the Turkish money demand function

- Metin Yıldırım and Levent Korap
- 41154: Moving towards a Common External Tariff Regime in ASEAN

- Montague Lord
- 41153: Impact of the EWEC on Development in Border Provinces: Case Study of Savannakhet Province in Lao PDR

- Montague Lord
- 41152: Multi-task Incentive Contract and Performance Measurement with Multidimensional Types

- Guoqiang Tian and Dawen Meng
- 41151: Implications of WTO Accession for Selected Domestic Industries of Laos

- Montague Lord
- 41150: Implications of WTO Accession for Insurance Sector of Laos

- Montague Lord
- 41149: Survival prediction based on compound covariate under cox proportional hazard models

- Takeshi Emura, Yi-Hau Chen and Hsuan-Yu Chen
- 41148: Azerbaijan’s WTO Accession Process and Its Potential Impact on Vulnerable Non-Competitive Segments of the Economy

- Montague Lord and Vugar Ahmadov
- 41147: East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC)Strategy and Action Plan

- Montague Lord
- 41145: Mapping the Organic Vegetable Value Chain along the East West Economic Corridor

- Montague Lord and Pawat Tangtrongjita
- 41144: Indonesia’s Trade Access to the European Union: Opportunities and Challenges

- Montague Lord
- 41141: QR Codes Usage Approach In The Virtualized Consumption

- Mihaela Muntean, Gabriela Mircea and Sandra Bazavan
- 41139: Business Intelligence Approaches

- Mihaela Muntean
- 41138: Introducción a la econometría espacial: Una aplicación al estudio de la fecundidad en la Argentina usando R (Introduction to Spatial Econometrics: An application to the study of fertility in Argentina using R)

- Marcos Herrera Gómez, Juan Carlos Cid and Jorge Paz
- 41136: Discursive norms in blogging

- Ruxandra Boicu
- 41135: The need for global adoption and adaptation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): post Enron consequences and the restoration of confidence to capital markets following the 2008 financial and stock market crises

- Marianne Ojo
- 41131: Teaching Islamic finance in madaris – need, difficulties and solutions

- Abdul Azim Islahi

- Bohdana Stepanenko-Lypovyk

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41128: Фінансовий механізм розвитку зеленого бізнесу в Європі (Financial mechanism of green business development in Europe)

- Bohdana Stepanenko

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41126: Зелений бізнес в Україні: становлення та фінансування (Green business in Ukraine: establishment and financing)

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41125: Фінансування зеленого бізнесу у контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку (Green business financing in the context of securing of sustainable development)

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41122: Medium size cities economic development and regional competitiveness: the case of Larissa – Volos dipole in Thessaly region of Greece

- Theodore Metaxas and Dimitris Kallioras
- 41117: КОНЦЕПТУАЛЬНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ПОНЯТТЯ "ЗЕЛЕНИЙ БІЗНЕС" (Methodology features and problems of definition of the term «green business»)

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41115: ІНТЕРНАЦІОНАЛІЗАЦІЯ БАНКІВСЬКОГО СЕКТОРУ УКРАЇНИ: ЦІНА Й МЕТОДИ ЗЛИТТЯ ТА ПОГЛИНАНЬ (Internationalization of Ukrainian banking sector: prices and M&A methods)

- Stepanenko Bohdana
- 41114: Глобальні зміни клімату: ризики, можливості та адаптація фінансового сектору (Global climate change: risks, opportunities and adaptation of finance sector)

- Bohdana Stepanenko
- 41111: Assessment of investment projects on the basis of production efficiency

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
- 41110: The phased approach to time value of money in economic analysis of investment projects

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
- 41108: О мере и формах государственного участия (The measure and form of government participation in economics)

- Vadim Daskovskiy and Vladimir Kiselyov
- 41105: Job design and innovative work behavior enabling innovation through active or low-strain jobs?

- Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes, Sem Vandekerckhove and Geert Van Hootegem
- 41103: Механизм договорных цен (Mekhanizm dogovornykh tsen) (The Mechanism of Negotiated Prices)

- Victor Polterovich, Mark Levin and Iosif Lakhman
- 41093: Market expectations of the short rate and the term structure of interest rates: a new perspective from the classic model

- Xiaoxia Ye
- 41091: Respuesta del retorno accionario a la politica monetaria: Evidencia para el mercado chileno (Stock return response to monetary policy: Evidence from the Chilean market)

- Andrés Acuña-Duarte and Cristian F. Pinto
- 41090: The paradox of “preferences”: regional trade agreements and trade costs in services

- Sébastien Miroudot and Ben Shepherd
- 41089: Hierarchical modeling approach for relief logistics nework Design

- Ratih Kusumastuti, Sigit Wibowo and Rizqiah Insanita
- 41088: Elements of novelty, known mechanisms, and the fundamental causes of the recent crisis

- Alberto Russo
- 41087: El desafio de ser Keynesiano con vacas flacas (Tne challenge of being Keynesian in troubel times)

- Victor Peirone
- 41083: Patents versus R&D subsidies in a Schumpeterian growth model with endogenous market structure

- Angus Chu and Yuichi Furukawa
- 41082: Is there a producer quality wage premium similar to the exporter wage premium?

- Pedro Hernández
- 41079: The city and its canal: producing a place marketing pilot plan for Chester

- Alex Deffner and Theodore Metaxas
- 41078: Too smart to be selfish? Measures of cognitive ability, social preferences, and consistency

- Chia-Ching Chen, I-Ming Chiu, John Smith and Tetsuji Yamada
- 41076: Deconstructing Growth - A Business Cycle Accounting Approach with application to BRICs

- Suparna Chakraborty and Keisuke Otsu
- 41075: The price of morals: an empirical investigation of industry sectors and perceptions of moral satisfaction--do business economists pay for morally satisfying employment?

- Mary Ellen Benedict and McClough David
- 41074: Sovereign Defaults and Banking Crises

- Cesar Sosa-Padilla
- 41073: Financing Health Care Expenditure in the OECD Countries: Evidence from a Heterogeneous, Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel

- Felipa De Mello-Sampayo and Sofia de Sousa-Vale
- 41071: Macro Models: un APP for Macroeconomic Models. User Manual 1.0

- Gianluigi Coppola and Natalia Marsilia
- 41070: Cykle na rynku nieruchomości mieszkaniowych i komercyjnych, ryzyko dla inwestora oraz potrzeba adekwatnej i ostrożnej wyceny (Cycles on the housing and commercial real estate market, risks and the need for appropriate and prudent valuation)

- Hanna Augustyniak, Jacek Łaszek, Krzysztof Olszewski and Joanna Waszczuk
- 41069: Приватизация и рациональная структура собственности (Privatizatsiya i ratsional’naya struktura sobstvennosti) (Privatization and the Rational Ownership Structure)

- Victor Polterovich
- 41059: The impact of commercial real estate on the financial sector, its tracking by central banks and some recommendations for the macro-financial stability policy of central banks

- Krzysztof Olszewski
- 41056: Capital Adequacy and the Bank Lending Channel: Macroeconomic Implications

- Ming-fu Shaw, Juin-jen Chang and Hung-Ju Chen
- 41055: Appendix for the PPP hypothesis and structural breaks: the case of Mexico

- Manuel Gómez-Zaldívar, Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària and Frederick Wallace
- 41054: India: The use of temporary trade barriers

- Patricia Tovar
- 41051: Two Equations on the Pareto-Efficient Sharing of Real GDP Risk

- David Eagle and Lars Christensen
- 41050: Economic segregation and urban growth

- Jing Li
- 41047: In Search of an Optimal Strategy for Yuan’s Real Revaluation

- Meixing Dai
- 41046: On International Spillovers

- Dominique Bianco and Abdou-Aziz Niang
- 41044: Variance Ratio Testing for Fractional Cointegration in Presence of Trends and Trend Breaks

- Andreas Dechert
- 41043: Проектирование реформ: как искать промежуточные институты (Proektirovanie reform: kak iskat' promezhutochnye instituty) (Reform Design: How to Search for Interim Institutions)

- Victor Polterovich
- 41042: Impact on firms of the use of knowledge providers: a systematic review of the literature

- Carlos Vivas-Augier and Andrés Barge-Gil
- 41038: A note on Corporate Governance in Public Sector Undertakings in India

- Pankaj Sinha and Anushree Singhal
- 41036: The US monetary performance prior to the 2008 crisis

- Kui-Wai Li
- 41035: Unacknowledged Urbanisation: The New Census Towns of India

- Kanhu Pradhan
- 41034: An Analysis on Technical Efficiency in Post-reform China

- Xianbo Zhou, Kui-Wai Li and Qin Li
- 41033: A study on the volatility forecast of the US housing market in the 2008 crisis

- Kui-Wai Li
- 41032: Methodological mistakes and econometric consequences

- Asad Zaman
- 41027: Monetary policy and endogenous market structure in a schumpeterian economy

- Angus Chu and Ji Lei
- 41024: Planning, managing and implementing place/city marketing effectively: review and discussion of the last 25 years

- Theodore Metaxas
- 41023: Investment images in Southern Europe: an appreciation of firms in four Southern European cities

- Theodore Metaxas
- 41022: A comparative content analysis of CSR strategies oriented to environmental issues between Greek and European CSR practices

- Theodore Metaxas and Maria Tsavdaridou
- 41018: Introduction to contingent valuation using Stata

- Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
- 41016: Dynamic market selection in EU business services

- Henk Kox and George Leeuwen
- 41012: Corporate taxation and exports

- Daniela Federici and Valentino Parisi
- 41009: Economic Ideas of Rifa`ah al-Tahtawi

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 41007: Is Direct FDI in Healthcare Desirable in a Developing Economy?

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay
- 41006: Poverty and employment impact of trade liberalization in Nigeria: empirical evidence and policy implications

- Emmanuel Balogun and Risikat Dauda
- 41005: Optimal pricing policy of continental transit route: a study of Kolkata-Agartala transit route

- S. K. Sen, I Mukhopadhyay and S Gupta