MPRA Paper
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- 24082: The Economic Benefit of Data-Communication Technology on the New York Metroplex Area

- Gabriele Enea, Lucrezio Figurelli and Giovanni Osea Giuntella
- 24080: Koszty restrukturyzacji sektora bankowego w Polsce

- Adam Pawlikowski and Dobromil Serwa
- 24079: Détection de fraudes et loi de Benford: quelques risques associés (Fraud detection and Benford's law: some linked risks)

- Adrien Bonache, Karen Moris and Jonathan Maurice
- 24078: How polycentric is a monocentric city? The role of agglomeration economies

- Gabriel Ahlfeldt and Nicolai Wendland
- 24077: Sector CO2 and SOx emissions efficiency and investment: homogeneous vs heterogeneous estimates using the Italian NAMEA

- Giovanni Marin
- 24076: On the dynamics of energy consumption and employment in public and private sector

- Aviral Tiwari
- 24075: Fiscal Imbalances, Inflation and Sovereign Default Dynamics

- Michel Guillard and Ramiro Sosa Navarro
- 24069: Can cheap panel-based internet surveys substitute costly in-person interviews in CV surveys?

- Henrik Lindhjem and Stale Navrud
- 24067: Indian Agricultural Scenario and Food Security Concerns in the Context of Climate Change: a Review

- Purnamita Dasgupta and Smita Sirohi
- 24065: Measures of schoolchild height and weight as indicators of community nutrition, lessons from Brazil

- Ronald Calitri
- 24059: Croissance et convergence économique en Afrique: L’impact des effets spatiaux (Growth and convergence in Africa: The impact of spatial effects)

- Abdou-Aziz Niang
- 24057: International parity relations between Poland and Germany: a cointegrated VAR approach

- Agnieszka Stazka
- 24056: School to Work Transition, Employment Attainment and VET. Theories Guide for Policy Makers

- Miguel Santos
- 24054: The sustainability of trade balances in Sub-Saharan Africa: panel cointegration tests with cross-section dependence

- Yoshihiro Hashiguchi and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 24053: Small sample properties of CIPS panel unit root test under conditional and unconditional heteroscedasticity

- Yoshihiro Hashiguchi and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 24048: Participatory Decision Making: A Field Experiment on Manipulating the Votes

- James Vreeland and Paolo Spada
- 24047: Juridical and financial considerations on the public re capitalisation and rescue of financial institutions during periods of financial crises (Part I)

- Marianne Ojo and Jose Rodríguez-Miguez
- 24044: A Critical Note on Marx’s Theory of Profits

- Theodore Mariolis
- 24043: Controllability, Observability, Regularity, and the so-called Problem of Transforming Values into Prices of Production

- Theodore Mariolis
- 24042: Distribution and Growth in an Economy with Heterogeneous Capital and Excess Capacity

- Theodore Mariolis
- 24039: On the optimal mix of patent instruments

- Angus Chu and Yuichi Furukawa
- 24038: A Dynamic Approach to Demand for Energy in Turkey

- Faik Bilgili
- 24029: A DEA approach for measuring university departments’ efficiency

- Nickolaos Tzeremes and George Halkos
- 24028: Relational contract theory and management contracts: A paradigm for the application of the Theory of the Norms

- Michael Diathesopoulos
- 24027: Youth unemployment, firm size and reservation wages in South Africa

- Neil Rankin and Gareth A. Roberts
- 24026: Eine „dienende Rolle“ für den Finanzsektor? Nicht dienen, sondern funktionieren! ("Playing servant" by the financial sector? Not serving, butfunctioning!)

- Lukas Menkhoff
- 24025: La rivincita delle campagne. Economie e culture dalla povertà al benessere (Recensione) (La rivincita delle campagne. Economie e culture dalla povertà al benessere (Book review))

- Antonio Sortino
- 24024: The potential for ICT-development in Morocco

- Olivier Cattaneo, Ndiamé Diop and Peter Walkenhorst
- 24023: Process assessment for use in very small enterprises: the NOEMI assessment methodology

- Bernard Di Renzo and Christophe Feltus
- 24021: Identifying long run supply curve of India

- Ashima Goyal and Ayan Kumar Pujari
- 24019: A Critique of the ‘New Approach’ to the Transformation Problem and a Proposal

- Theodore Mariolis
- 24018: Group Affiliation and Location of Indian Firms’ Foreign Acquisitions

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan and Neelam Singh
- 24017: Is Money Neutral In Stock Market? The Case of Malaysia

- Chin-Hong Puah, Habibullah Muzafar Shah and Venus Liew
- 24016: Changing Threat Perceptions and the Efficient Provisioning of International Security

- Rupayan Gupta
- 24015: The Effect of Opportunity Cost and Pacifism on Protests in Occupied Regions

- Rupayan Gupta
- 24014: History, culture, and trade: a dynamic gravity approach

- Douglas Campbell
- 24013: Energy tax harmonization in EU: Time series and panel data evidence

- Faik Bilgili
- 24012: Comerţul exterior scufundă barca economiei româneşti (Foreign Trade is Sinking the Romanian Economy Boat)

- George Georgescu
- 24011: Determinants of farm size expansion among eu farmers

- Fabio Bartolini, Laura Sardonini and Davide Viaggi
- 24008: Learning-by-Doing and Cannibalization Effects at Multi-Vintage Firms: Evidence from the Semiconductor Industry

- Ralph Siebert
- 24007: Licensing in the Patent Thicket - Timing and Benefits

- Ralph Siebert and Georg von Graevenitz
- 24005: Il dibattito degli economisti italiani sull’impresa pubblica negli anni Sessanta del ‘900 (The debate on public corporation between Italian economists in the Sixties of the 20th Century)

- Alessandro Pavarin
- 24002: Multiple equilibria and chaos in a discrete tâtonnement process

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 23999: Labor market reform and poverty – the role of informal sector

- Sugata Marjit, Saibal Kar and Dibyendu Maiti
- 23995: Investment and Regulation in Telecommunications

- Stanislaw Piatek
- 23994: The Link between the Office Market and Labour Market in Germany

- Michael Voigtländer
- 23993: Enforceability of Regulatory Decisions and Protection of Rights of Telecommunications Undertakings

- Slawomir Dudzik
- 23992: 2007 EC Competition Law and Sector-specific Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland

- Krzysztof Kuik
- 23991: The Defense of Monopoly as a Determinant of the Process of Transformation of State-owned Infrastructure Sectors in Poland

- Krystyna Bobinska
- 23990: Parallel Trade in Prescription Medicines in the European Union: The Age of Reason?

- Ian S. Forrester and Anthony Dawes
- 23989: Controlled Chaos with Consumer Welfare as the Winner – a Study of the Goals of Polish Antitrust Law

- Dawid Miasik
- 23987: Antitrust and Copyright Collectives – an Economic Analysis

- Adrianna Zablocka
- 23986: Antitrust Private Enforcement – Case of Poland

- Agata Jurkowska
- 23985: Polish Antitrust Law in its Fight against Cartels - Awaiting a Breakthrough

- Rajmund Molski
- 23984: Process assessment for use in very small enterprises: the NOEMI assess-ment methodology

- Bernard Di Renzo and Christophe Feltus
- 23983: Développement et expérimentation d'un modèle de gestion collaborative des pratiques informatiques à l'usage des petites et moyennes entreprises

- Bernard Di Renzo and Christophe Feltus
- 23982: NOEMI, a collaborative management for ICT process improvement in SME: experience report

- Bernard Di Renzo, Christophe Feltus and Sylvie Prime
- 23981: Few determinants of compulsive buying of youth in Pakistan

- Salman Saleem and Dr Rashid Salaria
- 23980: The history of the mainstream rejection of interdependent preferences

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 23979: Trade, competitiveness and employment in Jordan

- Claudia Nassif and Peter Walkenhorst
- 23977: Exploring the international transmission of U.S. stock price movements

- Tim Berg
- 23976: Cross-country evidence on the relation between stock prices and the current account

- Tim Berg
- 23974: Economic theory and social change: problems and revisions

- Angelo Fusari
- 23973: Do monetary and technology shocks move euro area stock prices?

- Tim Berg
- 23972: Decomposition of the effect of government size on growth

- Eiji Yamamura
- 23971: Croatia: Integration Perspectives and Synergic Effects of European Transformation in the Countries Targeted by EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policies Economy

- Ana-Maria Boromisa and Sandro Knezović
- 23969: Price Earning Ratio and Market to Book Ratio

- Muhammad Khan
- 23966: Real and financial sector interaction under liberalisation in an open developing economy

- Ashima Goyal and Shridhar Dash
- 23962: Monetary policy and firms’ investment: Dynamic panel data evidence from Malaysia

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim
- 23961: Innocent frauds meet Goodhart’s Law in monetary policy

- Dirk Bezemer and Geoffrey Gardiner
- 23958: Banks as Better Monitors and Firms' Financing Choices in Dynamic General Equilibrium

- Bernard-Daniel Solomon
- 23957: Effects of Husband’s Education and Family Structure on Labor Force Participation and Married Japanese Women’s Earnings

- Yukichi Mano and Eiji Yamamura
- 23949: Monetary policy and inflation targeting in a small open-economy

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Fathin Faezah Md. Said, Mansor Jusoh and Md. Zyadi Md. Thahir
- 23945: Procyclical Effects of the banking System during the financial and economic Crisis 2007-2009: the Case of Europe

- Pavel Nikolov
- 23941: The political economy of European anti-trust and industrial policy

- Christos Pitelis and Pellumb Kelmendi
- 23940: Open innovation and the management of intra-firm conflict

- Christos Pitelis and Andreas Panagopoulos
- 23939: A note on Cyert and March (1963) and Penrose (1959): A case for synergy

- Christos Pitelis
- 23938: Foreign direct investment and economic integration

- Christos Pitelis
- 23937: The co-evolution of organizational value capture, value creation and sustainable advantage

- Christos Pitelis
- 23934: Microfinance and Mechanism Design: The Role of Joint Liability and Cross-Reporting

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim
- 23933: The ineffectiveness of state as a controller and owner

- Mirosław Bojańczyk
- 23932: Theory of argumentation in financial markets

- Fernando Estrada
- 23930: The economic policy of Ronald Reagan

- Cosimo Magazzino
- 23929: El aporte de la ruralidad al desarrollo (The Rural Contribution to Development)

- Elena Pisani
- 23925: Information transmission and the emergence of a peculiar trading facility in certain emerging markets

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 23924: The relevance of coarse thinking for investors' willingness to pay: An experimental study

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 23923: Robot traders can prevent extreme events in complex stock markets

- Nicolas Suhadolnik, Jaqueson Galimberti and Sergio Da Silva
- 23921: Rules of Origin in the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement and Nigeria’s international trade

- Emmanuel Balogun
- 23920: Capitalization, regulation and the poor: access to basic services in Bolivia

- Gover Barja Daza and Miguel Urquiola
- 23912: Labor productivity growth, informal wage and capital mobility: A general equilibrium analysis

- Sugata Marjit and Saibal Kar
- 23911: A cross-national analysis of the relations between school choice and effectiveness differences between private-dependent and public schools

- Jaap Dronkers and S Avram
- 23904: Il problema della coerenza delle previsioni nei modelli econometrici non lineari (The coherency problem when forecasting with nonlinear econometric models)

- Giorgio Calzolari and Lorenzo Panattoni
- 23902: Теорема о существовании разрывов в шкале вероятностей. Дискретный случай (Theorem of existence of ruptures in probability scale. Discrete case)

- Alexander Harin
- 23901: Business Competitiveness in Bahrain: A Synopsis

- K R Pillai
- 23900: Measuring Beliefs Supportive of Environmental Action and Inaction: A Reinterpretation of the Awareness of Consequences Scale

- Anthony Ryan and Clive Spash
- 23897: The impact of institutional investors and increasingly sophisticated financial instruments on risk and leverage

- Mirosław Bojańczyk
- 23890: Toward a non-capitalist market system. Suggestions for curing the ills of our economic system

- Angelo Fusari
- 23886: A Cross-national analysis of the relations between school choice and effectiveness differences between private-independent and public schools

- Jaap Dronkers and S Avram
- 23881: Wealth and Status: Analyzing the Perceived Attractiveness of 2010 FIFA World Cup Players

- Feng Chi and Nathan Yang
- 23880: A phronesis antenarrative about the understanding of money and usage of money in more phronetic ways

- Wilfred Berendsen