MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 15376: The global financial crisis, LDC exports and welfare: analysis with a world trade model

- Dirk Willenbockel and Sherman Robinson
- 15375: Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms for Establishing Nash Equilibrium in Symmetric Cournot Games

- Mattheos Protopapas, E.B. Kosmatopoulos and F. Battaglia
- 15373: Understanding the impact of Cotton Subsidies on developing countries

- I Gillson, Colin Poulton, Kelvin Balcombe and S Page
- 15372: How does fiscal policy affect monetary policy in the Southern African Community (SADC)?

- Moses Obinyeluaku and Nicola Viegi
- 15370: Ageing, marital status and its health implications: evidences from India

- Manoj K. Pandey
- 15369: Energy Demand in Pakistan: A Disaggregate Analysis

- Muhammad Khan and Usman Ahmed
- 15364: The influence of different forms of government spending on distribution and growth

- Pasquale Commendatore, Carlo Panico and Antonio Pinto
- 15362: The Monte Carlo method to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors

- Daniel Ciuiu and Cristian Costinescu
- 15361: Market Stability in Adam Smith: Competitive Process and Institutions

- Jose M. Menudo
- 15360: Pattern classification using principal components regression

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 15359: ¿Vale la pena tener intermediarios financieros propios? Un examen a la literatura reciente (Does it worth having local financial intermediaries? An examination onto recent literature)

- Gustavo Ferro
- 15358: Choosing the extent of private participation in public services: A computable general equilibrium perspective

- Omar Chisari, Germán D. Lambardi and Carlos Romero
- 15357: Natural Selection, Irrationality and Monopolistic Competition

- Guo Ying Luo
- 15356: Reflexiones sobre el futuro del sector de agua y saneamiento en Argentina (Reflections on the future of the sector of water and sanitation in Argentina)

- Gustavo Ferro
- 15355: Pattern classification using polynomial and linear regression

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 15354: De bancos centrales, juntas monetarias y dolarización (On central banks, currency boards and dollarization)

- Gustavo Ferro
- 15353: Currency Board: From Stabilization to Full Dollarization? The Argentine Experience

- Gustavo Ferro
- 15352: Risque associé à l'utilisation de la loi de Benford pour détecter les fraudes dans le secteur de la mode (Risk of Reviews based on Benford Law in the Fashion Sector)

- Adrien Bonache, Karen Moris and Jonathan Maurice
- 15348: Public Debt, Distortionary Taxation, and Monetary Policy

- Alessandro Piergallini and Giorgio Rodano
- 15347: On the Survival of Overconfident Traders in a Competitive Securities Market

- David Hirshleifer and Guo Ying Luo
- 15345: The Multistep Beveridge-Nelson Decomposition

- Tommaso Proietti
- 15340: Impact of aggregation on measuring FDI spillovers: a Monte Carlo appraisal

- Sizhong Sun
- 15339: Industry specialization, diversification, churning, and unemployment in Chinese cities

- Shihe Fu, Xiaofang Dong and Guojun Chai
- 15336: Liberalization of trade in services: A CGE analysis for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay

- Omar Chisari, Javier Maquieyra and Carlos Romero
- 15334: ConocoPhillips and Exxon Mobil stock price

- Ivan Kitov
- 15333: 政治市场博弈:结构与行为 (Political Market Games: Structure and Behavior)

- Weiting Huang
- 15331: Estimating Structural Change with Smooth Transition Regressions: an Application to Meat Demand

- Matthew T. Holt and Joseph Balagtas
- 15330: Distributional Aspect of Forest Income: A Study on JFM and non-JFM Forest Dependent Households

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15329: Does wealth inequality reduce the gains from trade?

- Mauro Caselli
- 15328: Study on Forest Dependent Households under a Household Model Framework

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15327: Benefit Relationship between Owner and User of Common Pool Resource: Evidence from Joint Forest Management Programme in West Bengal

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15322: Review of Lead Phase Out for Air Quality Improvement in the Third World Cities Lessons from Thailand and Indonesia

- Keiko Hirota
- 15320: Fehlende Werte in SAS 6.12, US-Version (Missing Values in SAS 6.12, US-Version)

- Frits Fliers
- 15317: Du refus de vente au don: une explication de la formation du prix par l´affect (From rejection of exchange to gift: regard as an explanation of prices)

- Sadri Slim
- 15315: Searching for the Concentration-Price Effect in the German Movie Theater Industry

- Enrico Böhme and Christopher Müller
- 15313: CO2 e crescimento econômico: uma análise para as emissões dos combustíveis líquidos de origem fóssil no Brasil (CO2 and economic growth: An analysis for emissions from burning fossil fuels in liquid form in Brazil)

- André Luiz Andrade
- 15312: Systems GMM estimates of the Feldstein-Horioka puzzle for the OECD countries and tests for structural breaks

- B. Rao, Artur Tamazian and Saten Kumar
- 15311: Gender, pay and development: a cross-country analysis

- Nabanita Datta Gupta
- 15310: Comparison of time series with unequal length in the frequency domain

- Jorge Caiado, Nuno Crato and Daniel Peña
- 15309: Regulatory Governance Costs in Network Industries: Implicatins for postal Regulation

- Martin Maegli and Christian Jaag
- 15305: Can Joint Forest Management Programme Sustain Rural Life: A Livelihood Analysis from Community-based Forest Management Groups

- Nimai Das
- 15304: Understanding of Social Capital in Gender-based Participatory JFM Programme: An Evidence from West Bengal

- Nimai Das
- 15302: Ownership, Performance and Executive Turnover

- Wei Chi and Yijiang Wang
- 15300: Acreage response of rice: A case study in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Suryani Darham, Aswani Farhana Mohd Noh and Nurjihan Idris
- 15297: Bretton-Woodský měnový systém: Systém fixních nebo de-facto plovoucích kurzů? (Bretton-Woods Monetary System: Was It Fixed or De-facto Floating?)

- Radek Bednarik
- 15296: An efficiency wage - imperfect information model of the aggregate supply curve

- Carl Campbell
- 15294: Desempleo, pobreza y estrategias de protección social: Perú 1998-2005 (Unemployment, poverty and social protection strategies: Peru 1998-2005)

- Gustavo Yamada and Ricardo Montero
- 15291: Fútbol profesional y bolsa: experiencia en otras ligas europeas (Professional football and Stock Exchange: experince in some European Leagues)

- Angel Barajas
- 15290: Testing The Effects of Economic, Social, and Political Globalization on Human Rights in Africa

- Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati
- 15285: Modeling a Multi-Choice Game Based on the Spirit of Equal Job opportunities

- Chih-Ru Hsiao and Wen-Lin Chiou
- 15280: Trickle-Down Effects of Changing Value of Euro on US Economy

- Sulagna Bhattacharya
- 15276: The Immigrants Odds of Slipping into Poverty during Business Cycles: Double Jeopardy?

- Jongsung Kim and Edinaldo Tebaldi
- 15270: Alcanzando los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en Guatemala: Modelos de Predicción y Costeo del Cumplimiento de los Objetimos del Milenio en Guatemala

- Gustavo Yamada, Arlette Beltrán, Juan Castro and Enrique Vásquez
- 15269: Consistencia de medidas de eficiencia basadas en funciones de distancia paramétricas y no paramétricas: una aplicación al sector de distribuidoras de electricidad en la Argentina (Consistency of efficiency measures based on parametric and non-parametric distance functions: An application to electricty distribution in Argentina)

- Andrés Loza, Paula Margaretic and Carlos Romero
- 15264: Algorithm for payoff calculation for option trading strategies using vector terminology

- Pankaj Sinha and Archit Johar
- 15262: GDP vs EVA as an Economic Indicator

- Nicolas Cachanosky
- 15261: Transport infrastructures and regional growth: evidence of the Spanish case

- Pedro Cantos-Sánchez, Mercedes Gumbau-Albert and Joaquin Maudos
- 15260: Patents, technological inputs and spillovers among regions

- Mercedes Gumbau-Albert and Joaquin Maudos
- 15259: Estimating the intensity of price and non-price competition in banking: an application to the Spanish case

- Santiago Carbo Valverde, Juan Fernández de Guevara y Rodoselovics, David Humphrey and Joaquin Maudos
- 15258: Cross-Country Comparisons of Competition and Pricing Power in European Banking

- Santiago Carbo Valverde, David Humphrey, Joaquin Maudos and Philip Molyneux
- 15257: The determinants of net interest income in the Mexican banking system: an integrated model

- Joaquin Maudos and Liliana Solisa
- 15256: Regional Financial Development and Bank Competition: Effects on Firms' Growth

- Juan Fernandez de Guevara and Joaquin Maudos
- 15255: Regional financial development and bank competition: effects on economic growth

- Juan Fernandez de Guevara and Joaquin Maudos
- 15254: Banking competition, financial dependence and economic growth

- Joaquin Maudos and Juan Fernandez de Guevara
- 15253: The cost of market power in banking: social welfare loss vs. inefficiency cost

- Joaquin Maudos and Juan Fernandez de Guevara
- 15252: Factors Explaining the Interest Margin in the Banking Sectors of the European Union

- Joaquin Maudos and Juan Fernandez de Guevara
- 15251: Evaluation of riskiness of Indian Banks and probability of book value insolvency

- Pankaj Sinha, Varundeep Singh Taneja and Vineet Gothi
- 15250: Stock Futures Introduction & Its Impact on Indian Spot Market

- Surajit Bhattacharyya and Arunima Saxena
- 15249: Happiness and age cycles – return to start…

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 15245: Origins and Development of the Trend towards Value-Free Economics

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 15243: A New Classification of Goods in Sraffa-Price-Systems: Basic Capital Goods, Non-Basic Capital Goods and Consumption Goods

- Ashurali Khudaynazarov
- 15241: Identifying common dynamic features in stock returns

- Jorge Caiado and Nuno Crato
- 15239: Agglomeration under Forward-Looking Expectations: Potentials and Global Stability

- Daisuke Oyama
- 15237: A software for project management process

- Logica Bănică, Doina Rosca and Cristian Stefan
- 15236: Virtualization: an old concept in a new approach

- Logica Bănică, Doina Rosca and Cristian Stefan
- 15232: Social Capital and Network Externalities: Evidence from Gender Sensitive JFM Programme in West Bengal

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15230: Moral Hazard Problem for Rural Labour Households under JFMP: A Study from Forest Dependent Groups in West Bengal

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15229: Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter?

- Madina Kukenova and Martin Strieborny
- 15228: Verteilungskampf und geldpolitische Sanktion (The struggle over distribution and monetary sanction)

- Toralf Pusch
- 15223: Do Money Or Oil And Crop Productivity Shocks Lead To Inflation: The Case Of Pakistan

- Syed Abbas
- 15220: Analysis of Risk Behavior of Households: Evidence from Gender Sensitive JFM Programme in West Bengal

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15215: A Dynamic Correlation Approach of the Swiss Tourism Income

- Costas Leon and Bruno Eeckels
- 15212: House prices and financial liberalisation in Australia

- David Williams
- 15211: Financial Frictions on Capital Allocation: A Transmission Mechanism of TFP Fluctuations

- Kaiji Chen and Zheng Song
- 15210: Divari territoriali e limiti nell’accesso al credito per le PMI meridionali: quale ruolo per i Confidi? (Credit constraints for SMEs in the Italian Mezzogiorno: which role for Mutual Loan-Guarantee Consortia?)

- Carmelo Petraglia, Francesca Amaturo and Luca Giordano
- 15208: Household’s willingness to pay for safe drinking water: A case study of Abbottabad district

- Mirajul Haq, Usman Mustafa and Iftikhar Ahmad
- 15204: Market Bubbles and Chrashes

- Taisei Kaizoji and Didier Sornette
- 15203: Exogenous coalition formation in the e-marketplace based on geographical proximity

- Peter McBurney, Tomasz Michalak, Joanna Tyrowicz and Michael Wooldridge
- 15202: Breeding Ones' Own Subprime Crisis: The effects of labour market on financial system stability

- Tomasz Daras and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15201: Active Labour Market Policies and Unemployment Convergence in Transition

- Joanna Tyrowicz and Piotr Wójcik
- 15199: Blame No One? Investment Decisions of the Polish Stock-listed Companies

- Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15194: Sustainable trends in producer price indices

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 15193: Preferential trading areas: investment and welfare effects when countries differ in their size

- Yogesh Uppal
- 15191: Explaining the size distribution of cities: x-treme economies

- Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
- 15187: Financial Integration of GCC Capital Markets:Evidence of Nonlinear Cointegration

- Ibrahim Onour
- 15183: The domestic stability pact in Italy: a rule for discipline?

- Luisa Giuriato and Francesca Gastaldi
- 15178: Altitude or hot air?

- Romulo Chumacero
- 15176: A price mechanism in economies with asymmetric information

- Marta Faias, Carlos Hervés-Beloso and Emma Moreno García
- 15174: How do neighbors influence investment in social capital?: Homeownership and length of residence

- Eiji Yamamura
- 15173: Elegance with substance

- Thomas Colignatus
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