MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 13792: choice of remuneration regime in fisheries: the case of Hawaii’s longline fisheries

- Quang Nguyen
- 13789: How can the power of Leviathans be measured?

- Jürgen Göbel
- 13788: New results on the influence of climate on the distribution of population and economic activity

- Hans-Martin Füssel
- 13784: دور مؤسسات الكفالة المصرفية في حل مشكلة تمويل المشروعات الصغيرة (The role of institutions of the bank guarantee in solving the problem of financing small projects)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 13783: Central and East European countries: innovation leapfrog versus “path dependence”?

- Irina Boyko
- 13782: Fiat money and the value of binding portfolio constraints

- Mario Pascoa, Myrian Petrassi and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 13781: The impossibility of effective enforcement mechanisms in collateralized credit markets

- Thiago Revil T. Ferreira and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 13780: On the role of money growth targeting under inflation targeting regime

- Meixing Dai
- 13779: Une note sur la règle du taux d’intérêt et le rôle de la courbe LM (A note on the interest rate rule and the role of LM curve)

- Meixing Dai
- 13770: Technology based Health care an Indian perspective: opportunities and challenges

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13769: Information Economics and Intellectual Property Rights

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13768: ICT in Education: A Study of Public Health Education

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13767: Social Networks and Decision Making: Women’s Participation in Household Decisions

- Srinivasan Kannan
- 13765: Targeting the real exchange rate

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Carlos Vegh
- 13764: Dealing with capital inflows: Are there any lessons?

- Carmen Reinhart and Steve Dunnaway
- 13763: Twin fallacies about exchange rate policy: A note

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13760: Should executive stock options be abandoned?

- Chongwoo Choe and Xiangkang Yin
- 13757: Saving behavior in low- and middle-income developing countries

- Carmen Reinhart, Masao Ogaki and Jonathan Ostry
- 13756: Un Análisis de la gestión de instituciones culturales: el caso específico de los Museos (Management in cultural organizations: the case of museums)

- Carolina Asuaga and Pau Rausell
- 13755: Return Migration: an Empirical Investigation

- Roman Zakharenko
- 13754: Past success and present overconfidence

- Marco Novarese
- 13750: Indeterminacy, bifurcations and chaos in an overlapping generations model with negative environmental externalities

- Angelo Antoci and Mauro Sodini
- 13748: La Gestión Museística, una perspeciva histórica (The museum management, a historical perspective)

- Carolina Asuaga
- 13747: Gestión de radios universitarias: Definiendo la Estrategia (University´s radio management:Defining the Strategy)

- Carolina Asuaga
- 13746: Sustainability of BMT financing for Developing Micro-enterprises

- Abdul Ghafar Ismail and Widiyanto Mislan Condro
- 13744: Finance and Growth: The Role of Islamic Contracts

- Abdul Ghafar Ismail and Achmad Tohirin
- 13742: Las Artes Escénicas y la Teoría General del Costo (The Performing Arts and the Cost General Theory)

- Carolina Asuaga, Manon Lecueder and Silvia Vigo
- 13740: How Bad is US Unemployment?

- Alan Freeman and Radhika Desai
- 13736: The mirage of floating exchange rates

- Carmen Reinhart
- 13735: Crisis financieras en Asia y Latinoamerica: ahora y entonces (Financial Crises in Asia and Latin America Different: Then and Now)

- Carmen Reinhart and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13734: Interfuel Substitution: A Meta-Analysis

- David Stern
- 13733: El ahorro y 1a tasa de interes real en los paises en desarrollo (Saving and the Real Interest Rate in Developing Countries)

- Carmen Reinhart and Jonathan Ostry
- 13731: An empirical investigation of the effects of concentration on profitability among US banks

- Fiona Tregenna
- 13730: The Latin American experience in pension system reform: Coverage, fiscal issues and possible implications for China

- Daniel Titelman, Cecilia Vera and Esteban Perez Caldentey
- 13728: Can payments for watershed services help save biodiversity? A spatial analysis of highland Guatemala

- Stefano Pagiola, Wei Zhang and Ale Colom
- 13727: Poor household participation in payments for environmental services in Nicaragua and Colombia

- Ana R. Rios and Stefano Pagiola
- 13726: Estimating the costs of REDD at the country level

- Stefano Pagiola and Benoit Bosquet
- 13725: Evolution of digital marketing

- Cristian Morozan, Elena Enache and Camelia Vechiu
- 13723: The Growing Importance of Risk in Regulation

- Marianne Ojo
- 13722: Gender differentials in agricultural productivity: evidence from Nepalese household data

- Sridhar Thapa
- 13721: What is the best firm size to invest?

- Ivan Kitov
- 13720: Impact of Selected Rural Development Programmes on Poverty Alleviation in Ikwuano LGA, Abia State, Nigeria

- Ifeanyi Nwachukwu and Chima I. Ezeh
- 13716: Private Saving and Terms of Trade Shocks

- Carmen Reinhart and Jonathan Ostry
- 13711: Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria

- Remy O. Mejeha and Ifeanyi Nwachukwu
- 13710: Do capital controls influence the volume and composition of capital flows? Evidence from the 1990s

- Carmen Reinhart and Peter Montiel
- 13709: On crises, contagion, and confusion

- Carmen Reinhart and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13708: Devaluation, Relative Prices, and International Trade

- Carmen Reinhart
- 13707: Inflows of capital to developing countries in the 1990s

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13706: Volatility Transmission: What Does Asia-Pacific Markets Expect?

- Ahmed Shamiri
- 13704: Capital flows and saving in Latin America and Asia: A reinterpretation

- Carmen Reinhart and Ernesto Talvi
- 13703: On the use of reserve requirements in dealing with capital flow problems

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13701: The great dissolution: organization capital and diverging volatility puzzle

- Natasha Xingyuan Che
- 13698: Variety Trade and Skill Premium in a Calibrated General Equilibrium Model: The Case of Mexico

- Manoj Atolia and Yoshinori Kurokawa
- 13695: Las secuelas de las crisis financieras (The aftermath of financial crisis)

- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- 13694: Una banda cambiaria en el G–3 ¿Es lo mejor para los mercados emergentes? (Is a G-3 Target Zone on Target for Emerging Markets?)

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13693: Fiscal (and external) sustainability

- Eduardo Ley
- 13692: Inversión de las corrientes de capital, tipo de cambio y dolarización (Capital Flow Reversals, the Exchange Rate Debate, and Dollarization)

- Carmen Reinhart and Guillermo Calvo
- 13691: The demand for money in developing countries: Assessing the role of financial innovation

- Carmen Reinhart, Patricio Arrau, Jose DeGregorio and Peter Wickham
- 13690: Measuring intertemporal substitution: The role of durable goods

- Carmen Reinhart and Masao Ogaki
- 13689: Inflation stabilization in chronic inflation countries: The empirical evidence

- Carmen Reinhart and Carlos Vegh
- 13688: The Need for Greater Pro Active Involvement by Regulators in Financial Regulation and Supervision: Lessons From the Legal and General Case

- Marianne Ojo
- 13687: Acyclic social welfare

- Somdeb Lahiri
- 13685: Firm Performance and Managerial Turnover: The Case of Ukraine

- Alexander Muravyev, Olga Bilyk and Bogdana Grechaniuk
- 13684: An Islamic perspective of industrial relations: the case of Pakistan

- Jawad Syed
- 13683: Intertemporal substitution and durable goods: long-run data

- Carmen Reinhart and Masao Ogaki
- 13682: El problema de la afluencia de capital: Conceptos y temas (The Capital Inflows Problem: Concepts and Issues)

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13681: Af1uencia de capital y apreciacion del tipo de cambio real en America Latina: E1 papel de los factores externos (Capital Inflows and Real Exchange Rate Appreciation in Latin America: The Role of External Factors)

- Carmen Reinhart, Guillermo Calvo and Leonardo Leiderman
- 13680: Fundamental determinants of the Asian crisis: The role of financial fragility and external imbalances (a comment)

- Carmen Reinhart
- 13679: Financial crash, commodity prices and global imbalances: A comment

- Carmen Reinhart
- 13678: Investor protection and share prices: Evidence from statutory rules governing variations of shareholders’ class rights in Russia

- Alexander Muravyev
- 13675: Trade Between Euro Zone and Arab Countries: a Panel Study

- Nasri Harb
- 13674: A Schumpeterian Growth Model with Heterogenous Firms

- Antonio Minniti, Carmelo Parello and P. S. Segerstrom
- 13672: Market Frictions: A Unified Model of Search and Switching Costs

- Chris Wilson
- 13671: Explaining the size distribution of cities: x-treme economies

- Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
- 13668: Structural change, economic growth and environmental dynamics with heterogeneous agents

- Angelo Antoci, Paolo Russu and Elisa Ticci
- 13667: Visitor and firm taxes versus environmental options in a dynamical context

- Angelo Antoci, Marcello Galeotti and Lucio Geronazzo
- 13666: Biodiversity and economic growth: stabilization versus preservation of the ecological dynamics

- Angelo Antoci, Simone Borghesi and Paolo Russu
- 13664: Consumption of private goods as substitutes for environmental goods in an economic growth model

- Angelo Antoci, Marcello Galeotti and Paolo Russu
- 13663: How can the Power of Leviathans be Measured?

- Göbel Jürgen
- 13662: Comparing the accuracy of density forecasts from competing GARCH models

- Ahmed Shamiri, Abu Hassan Shaari and Zaidi Isa
- 13661: Participation, growth and social poverty: social capital in a homogeneous society

- Angelo Antoci, Pier Luigi Sacco and Paolo Vanin
- 13660: Média, vlastníci a tlaky: súhrn poznatkov o trhu s informáciami (Media, owners and pressures: our understanding of the market for information)

- Jan Zilinsky
- 13657: Realidades de las hiperinflaciones modernas (The Realities of Modern Hyperinflation)

- Carmen Reinhart and Miguel Savastano
- 13656: ¿Es tan diferente la crisis financiera de sub-prime en EEUU? Una comparacion historica internacional (Is The 2007 U.S. Subprime Crisis So Different? An International Historical Comparison)

- Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff
- 13655: Private investment and economic growth in developing countries

- Carmen Reinhart and Mohsin Khan
- 13654: Fluctuaciones del producto y choques monetarios: evidencia colombiana (Output Fluctuations and Monetary Shocks: Evidence from Colombia)

- Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart
- 13652: Explain ‘conjectural variation’ in Cournot duopoly, evaluate its impacts and discuss the policy implication

- Niall Douglas
- 13651: What is the evidence on the role of foreign direct investment in economics growth, and on the determinants of foreign direct investment flows?

- Niall Douglas
- 13650: Modelling the Costs of Climate Change and its Costs of Mitigation: A Scientific Approach

- Niall Douglas
- 13646: RFID chips: enabling the efficient exchange of information

- Stefan Heng
- 13645: Understanding the implementation of e-business strategies: Evidence from Luxembourg

- Ludivine Martin
- 13641: The anti-Phillips curve

- Ivan Kitov
- 13630: Indian Capital Control Liberalization: Evidence from NDF Markets

- Michael Hutchison, Jake Kendall, Gurnain Pasricha and Nirvikar Singh
- 13629: Assessing financial vulnerability, an early warning system for emerging markets: Introduction

- Carmen Reinhart, Morris Goldstein and Graciela Kaminsky
- 13627: Australian and American tariffs policies: do they rock or tango?

- Aurélie Cassette and Etienne Farvaque
- 13625: Federalism and Public Choice

- Roderick Hills
- 13624: Could Markets' Equilibrium Sets Be Fractal Attractors?

- C-Rene Dominique
- 13622: Import Demand in Heterogeneous Panel Setting

- Nasri Harb
- 13621: Factors Affecting Students' Performance

- Nasri Harb and Ahmed El-Shaarawi
- 13614: State Bank of Pakistan: Evolution, Functions and Organization

- Muhammad Arby
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