MPRA Paper
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- 18058: Do exports promote savings in African countries?

- Dipendra Sinha
- 18057: Indian Industrialisation, Multinational Enterprises and Gains from Trade

- Udo Broll and Bernard Gilroy
- 18056: Efectos del incremento del precio del petróleo en la economía española: Análisis de cointegración y de la política monetaria mediante reglas de Taylor (Oil price shocks and the spanish economy: Cointegration analysis and monetary policy under Taylor rules)

- Fernando Hernandez Martinez
- 18054: Reconstruction of Religion and Ecology Discourses

- Suteja Hardiansyah
- 18053: Mapping Islamic Evolutionary in the Context of Social Justice and Poverty: A Complexity Approach

- Suteja Hardiansyah
- 18051: Meninjau Ulang Diskursus Teologi Islam dalam Dunia Modern (Reconstruction of Islamic Theology Discourse In the Modern World)

- Suteja Hardiansyah
- 18050: La producción de energía eléctrica en España: Análisis económico de la actividad tras la liberalización del Sector Eléctrico (Electricity output in Spain: Economic analysis of the activity after liberalization)

- Fernando Hernandez Martinez
- 18049: The Death of Theology: The Complexity of the New Islamic Theology (Al-Kalam Al-Jadid) in Philosophy of Moral (Kematian Teologi: Kompleksitas Teologi Islam Baru dalam Dimensi Etika) (The Death of Theology: The Complexity of the New Islamic Theology (Al-Kalam Al-Jadid) in Philosophy of Moral)

- Suteja Hardiansyah
- 18048: The 2005 European e-Business Readiness Index

- Fulvia Pennoni, Stefano Tarantola and Ari Latvala
- 18047: Análisis de la concentración en la producción de energía eléctrica tras la liberalización en España del Sector Eléctrico (Analysis of concentration in the spanish electricity output after liberalisation)

- Fernando Hernandez Martinez
- 18046: Developing Countries in Light of Intra-Trade

- Udo Broll and Bernard Gilroy
- 18045: Tax systems and tax reforms in Europe: Italy

- Luigi Bernardi
- 18044: El ahorro privado de las familias y las pensiones públicas en Alemania y Estados Unidos:¿cumplimiento de la hipótesis del ciclo vital? (Household private saving and public pensions in Germany and the United States:¿Does the life-cycle hypothesis hold?)

- Fernando Hernandez Martinez
- 18043: Global economy dynamics? Panel data approach to spillover effects

- Gregory Daco, Fernando Hernandez Martinez and Li-Wu Hsu
- 18042: International Division of Labour and Intra-Trade

- Udo Broll and Bernard Gilroy
- 18041: Tax systems and tax reforms in Europe: Rationale and open issue for more radical reforms

- Luigi Bernardi
- 18039: The role of intra-firm trade

- Bernard Gilroy
- 18034: Labour Market Imperfection and HOS Model: Some Counterintuitive Results

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 18033: Economic Recession and Informal Sector Workers

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 18031: The Dual Stickiness Model and Inflation Dynamics in Spain

- Diego José Torres
- 18030: Evaluation of post Kyoto GHG emission reduction paths

- Juan-Carlos Ciscar, Leonidas Paroussos and Denise Van Regemorter
- 18029: Trade openness and city interaction

- Mauricio Ramírez Grajeda and Ian Sheldon
- 18026: A Game Theoretical View on Efficiency Wage Theories

- Dennis Wesselbaum
- 18025: Volatility Indexes seem to point to the Past

- Gerhard Schroeder
- 18021: A panel data analysis of the growth effects of remittances

- B. Rao and Gazi Hassan
- 18019: Environmentally Unfriendly Consumption Behaviour: Theoretical and Empirical Evidence from Private Motorists in Mexico City

- Miguel Ángel Alva González
- 18017: Connecting labour values and relative prices

- Vicenc Melendez-Plumed
- 18012: Character, knowledge and skills in ancient Greek education: Lessons for today’s policy makers

- George Bitros and Anastassios Karayiannis
- 18011: Migration des Elites Norme Culturelle et Formation de la Diaspora (Brain Drain Social Norm and Diaspora Formation)

- Mohamed Jellal
- 18010: Skill premium: What caused the ‘mismatch’?

- Satyaki Roy
- 18009: Structural change in employment in India since 1980s: How Lewisian is it?

- Satyaki Roy
- 18006: Corruption in a Model of Vertical Linkage between Formal and Informal Credit Sources and Credit Subsidy Policy

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Krishnendu Dastidar
- 18005: Foreign Capital, National Welfare and Unemployment in a Fair Wage Model

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Dibyendu Banerjee
- 18004: Foreign Capital Inflow, Skilled-Unskilled Wage Inequality and Unemployment of Unskilled Labour in a Fair Wage Model

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Dibyendu Banerjee
- 18003: Recession in the Skilled Sector and Implications for Informal Wage

- Sugata Marjit, Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Saibal Kar
- 18002: Agricultural Dualism, Incidence of Child Labour and Subsidy Policies

- Jayanta Dwibedi and Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 18001: Growth and Keeping up with the Joneses

- Ron Wendner
- 18000: Optimal Strategies for Investment in Generation of Electric Energy through Real Options

- Julia Cristina Noronha, J. W. Marangon-Lima, T. G. Leite-Ferreira, C. Unsihuay and A. C. Zambroni de Souza
- 17998: The Determinants of Participation in Adult Education and Training in Canada

- Taylor Shek-wai Hui and Jeffrey Smith
- 17995: The US/Canada Difference in Postsecondary Educational Choice

- Taylor Shek-wai Hui
- 17994: The “Sheepskin Effects” of Canadian Credentials

- Taylor Shek-wai Hui
- 17991: Gandhi – An Economist's Eye View

- Sankara Rama Subramaniam Viswanatha
- 17989: The history of transaction cost economics and its recent developments

- Hardt Lukasz
- 17984: Determinants of Capital Structure in Textile Sector of Pakistan

- Sabeel Ahmed and Muhammad Hanif
- 17983: International Competitiveness, Multinational Enterprise Technology Clubs and the Government Interface

- Bernard Gilroy
- 17979: Economic Insights and Deficits in European Biotechnology Patent Policy

- Bernard Gilroy and Tobias Vollpert
- 17977: Who was getting the highest share of the tiny pie?: Robust analysis of poverty dynamics and its decomposition by Ethiopian socioeconomic groups in the period of 1995 - 2000

- Taddese Mezgebo
- 17972: Globalisation, multinational enterprises and European integration

- Bernard Gilroy
- 17971: A Primer on Internet Economics: Economic Aspects of Digital Information Technologies

- Bernard Gilroy
- 17970: The New Agenda for FDI: Evidence from South Korea and Germany

- Bernard Gilroy and Elmar Lukas
- 17968: Economy of Time and Matter in a Universal Setting

- John L. O'Sullivan
- 17967: Growth, Quality, Happiness, and the Poor

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 17966: Productivity and Growth: Least Absolute Deviation estimator and bootstrap techniques to predict aggregate production elasticities in the Palestinian manufacturing industry

- Alexandrina Ioana Scorbureanu
- 17965: The competitive advantage in The Middle East. An empirical approach

- Alexandrina Ioana Scorbureanu
- 17960: A multivariate approach for identification of optimal locations with in Ethiopia’s wheat market to tackle soaring inflation on food price (Extended version)

- Taddese Mezgebo
- 17954: Decizii economice in conditii de incertitudine

- Albici Mihaela, Nicoleta Belu and Cristina Tenovici
- 17950: Servicio público de aguas y servicio privado de producción y distribución de electricidad en Pamplona, 1893-1961 (Public utility of water and private service of production and distribution of electricity in Pamplona, 1893-1961)

- Josean Garrues-Irurzun
- 17948: El Irati, Compañía General de Maderas, Fuerzas Hidráulicas y Tranvía Eléctrico de Navarra: una empresa autoproductora comercial de electricidad, 1904-1961 (The Irati, Company of Woods, Water Power and Electric Tramway of Navarre: the electricity business, 1904-1961)

- Josean Garrues-Irurzun
- 17946: Economic Policy and State Owned Enterprises: Evolution Towards Privatisation in India

- Madhu Bala
- 17945: CVA calculation for CDS on super senior ABS CDO

- Hui Li
- 17944: Extension of Spot Recovery Model for Gaussian Copula

- Hui Li
- 17943: Effects of market sentiment in index option pricing: a study of CNX NIFTY index option

- Thirukumaran Nagarajan and Koteswararao Malipeddi
- 17941: Does government spending spur economic growth in Nigeria?

- Olukayode Maku
- 17940: Innovation Determinants in Emerging Countries: An Empirical Study at the Tunisian Firms level

- Foued Gabsi, Hatem Mhenni and Karim Koouba
- 17939: Innovation policies in the context of North-Africa: new trends in Morroco and Tunisia

- Rigas Arvanitis and Hatem Mhenni
- 17938: Disparités régionales et diffusion des TIC en Tunisie (Regional disparities and ICTs diffusion in Tunisia)

- Adel Ben Youssef, Raouchen Methamem and Hatem M'Henni
- 17937: Le maillon manquant entre adoption et usage des TIC dans les économies du sud de la méditerranée (The missed link between adoption and usage of ICT in the south Mediterranean countries)

- Bertrand Bellon, Adel Ben Youssef and M’henni, Hatem
- 17936: Economic Security - Organic Dimension of National Security

- Marius-Petre Rotaru
- 17933: Free movement of services in the european union

- Marius-Petre Rotaru
- 17932: Real Business Cycle Theory-A Systematic Review

- Binbin Deng
- 17930: Central and eastern european social model

- Marius-Petre Rotaru
- 17929: Regional integration and the new type of commercial warfare

- Marius-Petre Rotaru
- 17928: European integration by means of energetic integration

- Marius-Petre Rotaru
- 17923: After all, most of the ‘Myth’ has some blurred empirical foundation: determinants of University level performance of students: case study of Rural Development Course covered in 2008 with in Mekelle University

- Taddese Mezgebo
- 17921: Fallacies, Collapses, Crises. Now What?

- Themistokles Lazarides and Evaggelos Drmmpetas
- 17920: Equal Strength or Dominant Teams: Policy Analysis of NFL

- Burhan Biner
- 17918: From Creativity to Innovation in Organizations

- Mauro Laruccia
- 17917: Does Macroeconomic Indicators exert shock on the Nigerian Capital Market?

- Olukayode Maku and Akinwande Atanda
- 17916: Social Capital and Economic Performance: some lessons from Farm Partnerships in Sweden

- Thanos Fragkandreas and Karin Larsen
- 17913: Robustness of the Extensive Margin in the Helpman, Melitz and Rubinstein (HMR) Model

- Maksim Belenkiy
- 17911: The Determinants of Outsourcing from the U. S.: Evidence from Domestic Manufacturing Industries, 1972-2002

- Maksim Belenkiy
- 17909: Average tree solutions and the distribution of Harsanyi dividends

- Sylvain Béal, Eric Rémila and Philippe Solal
- 17908: An Analytical Solution for the Interest Rate Reaction Function in a Neo- Keynesian Economy Using the Undetermined Coefficients Method

- Mario Arend
- 17903: Emissions Trends, Labour Productivity Dynamics and Time-Related Events - Sector Heterogeneous Analyses of Decoupling/Recoupling on a 1990-2006 NAMEA

- Giovanni Marin and Massimiliano Mazzanti
- 17902: Bayesian Estimation of Spatial Externalities Using Regional Production Function: The Case of China and Japan

- Yoshihiro Hashiguchi
- 17901: On the New Notion of the Set-Expectation for a Random Set of Events

- Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Alexey O. Vorobyev
- 17900: Peso Acceptance Patterns in El Paso

- Thomas Fullerton, Molina, Angel L., and Michael Pisani
- 17899: Reading between the lines: A closer look at the effectiveness of early childhood education policy to reduce inequality in Argentina

- Agustina Paglayan
- 17898: Evaluación de los efectos de la remoción de medidas para-arancelarias sobre las exportaciones argentinas de productos textiles (Assessing the efects of eliminating non-tariff barriers over the Argentine Textile Exports)

- Sonia León, Mauricio Roitman and Carlos Romero
- 17897: Рыночная доля банков с государственным участием в России (Market share of state-influenced banks in Russia)

- Andrei Vernikov
- 17893: The role of authoritative media in Economics

- Ginters Buss
- 17892: CSR: Transparency and the role of intermediate organisations

- G.W. Dubbink, Johan Graafland and L. Liederkerke
- 17889: Self-Enforcing Climate Change Treaties: A Generalized Differential Game Approach with Applications

- Gui de Mendonça
- 17886: Family Capitalism Corporate Governance Theory

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17884: La Creación de Empresas Mediante la Experimentación sobre Modelo: un Proyecto (Building Business through Experiments on Model: a Project)

- Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez
- 17879: The influence of government size on economic growth and life satisfaction. A case study from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 17878: Monetary Asset Substitution in the Euro Area

- Paolo Zagaglia
- 17874: Mean Shift detection under long-range dependencies with ART

- Juliane Willert
- 17873: Liberalisation in a world of second best: evidence on European network industries

- Mehmet Ugur
- 17872: Innovative Work Practices and Sickness Absence: What Does a Nationally Representative Employee Survey Tell?

- Petri Böckerman, Edvard Johansson and Antti Kauhanen
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