MPRA Paper
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- 19468: Does University Research Improve University Teaching?

- Simon James
- 19467: Productivity and Financial Structure: Evidence from Indian High-Tech Firms

- Saibal Ghosh
- 19462: Locational signaling and agglomeration

- Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
- 19461: The Taxation of Motor Fuel: International Comparison

- Eduardo Ley and Boccardo Jessica
- 19460: Risk Management in Islamic and Conventional Banks: A Differential Analysis

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh and Amanat Jalbani
- 19459: Corporate finance in an interest free economy: An alternate approach to practiced Islamic Corporate Finance

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 19458: A Brief Review & Introduction to Practiced Islamic Banking & Finance

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 19455: A short step between democracy and dictatorship

- Antonio Quesada
- 19454: Axiomatics for the Hirsch research output index

- Antonio Quesada
- 19449: What really matters for income growth in the Philippines: Empirical evidence from provincial data

- Dennis Mapa, Arsenio Balisacan, Kristine Joy S. Briones and Manuel Leonard Albis
- 19442: On the Truly Noncooperative Game of Life on Earth: Darwin, Hardin, & Ostrom's Nontrivial Errors

- Matt Funk
- 19441: Le Capital Social: Entre Evidences Théoriques et Balbutiemments Empiriques (Social Capital: Theoretical Evidence and empirical issues)

- Thierry Yogo
- 19438: Patent Protection with Licensing

- Xiaogang Che and Yibai Yang
- 19437: Patent Protection with Cooperative R&D Option

- Xiaogang Che and Yibai Yang
- 19436: Patent Protection with Cooperative R&D Option

- Xiaogang Che and Yibai Yang
- 19435: Die Umsetzung der Annual-Overlap-Methode in ökonometrischen Modellen – eine Analyse der programmtechnischen Möglichkeiten von E-Views (The implementation of the annual-overlap method in econometric models – an analysis of the technical possibilities in the framework of E-Views)

- Georg Quaas
- 19434: Модели экономической интеграции: мировой и постсоветский опыт (Models of economic integration - Russian and post-Soviet experience)

- Alexander Libman
- 19433: Structural Changes in India's Stock Markets' Efficiency

- Anand Sasidharan
- 19431: Growth and institutions in Paolo Sylos Labini's thought

- Marcella Corsi and Giulio Guarini
- 19428: Economic viability of fertiliser use in Uganda's agriculture

- Geofrey Okoboi
- 19427: A Small Open Economy with Heterogenous Agents Facing Interest Rate Ceilings on Loans

- Mario Arend
- 19426: Measuring Regional Backwardness: Poverty, Gender, and Children in the Districts of India

- Vani Borooah and Amaresh Dubey
- 19425: Deprivation, Violence, and Conflict: An Analysis of Naxalite Activity in the Districts of India

- Vani Borooah
- 19424: Home is Where the Hurt is: An Econometric Analysis of Injuries Caused By Spousal Assault

- Vani Borooah and John Mangan
- 19423: Terrorist Incidents in India, 1998–2004: A Quantitative Analysis of Fatality Rates

- Vani Borooah
- 19422: Measuring economic inequality: deprivation, economising and possessing

- Vani Borooah
- 19421: The Effectiveness of Jobs Reservation: Caste, Religion, and Economic Status in India

- Vani Borooah, Amaresh Dubey and Sriya Iyer
- 19420: Incumbency and Parliamentary Elections in India

- Vani Borooah
- 19419: Crime and Fear

- Vani Borooah and Carlos Carcach
- 19418: The Decomposition of Inter-Group Differences in a Logit Model: Extending the Oaxaca-Blinder Approach with an Application to School Enrolment in India

- Vani Borooah and Sriya Iyer
- 19417: The Measurement of Employment Inequality Between Population Subgroups: Theory and Application

- Vani Borooah
- 19415: Targeting Social Need: Why are Deprivation Levels in Northern Ireland Higher for Catholics than for Protestants?

- Vani Borooah
- 19408: Regulating non audit services: Towards a principles based approach to regulation

- Marianne Ojo
- 19404: The Origins of Czech Credit Guarantees Programs and the Value of Guarantee Fund Portfolio on Czech Stock Exchanges

- Karel Janda
- 19403: Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages

- Francisco Alcalá and Pedro J. Hernandez
- 19401: Parallel axiomatizations of majority and unanimity

- Antonio Quesada
- 19400: Decision by majority and the right to vote

- Antonio Quesada
- 19399: Allocation by coercion

- Antonio Quesada
- 19397: Dynamic Models of Arts Labor Supply

- Milenko Popovic
- 19392: From men and machines to the organizational learning curve

- Guido Fioretti
- 19390: The competitive environment of the European electricity sector in the post-Kyoto scenarios

- Javier Carrillo-Hermosilla, Pablo Del Río, Totti Könnölä and Carlos García
- 19389: Points of reference in the evolution of the Romanian management consultancy market

- Tudor Ciumara
- 19388: The Contribution of the Publicly Funded R&D Capital to Productivity Growth and an application to the Greek food and beverages industry

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis
- 19387: Innovation Policy and Development in the ICT Paradigm: Regional and Theoretical Perspectives

- Tarmo Kalvet
- 19386: Trade Liberalization and Heterogeneous Rates of Time Preference across Countries: A Possibility of Trade Deficits with China

- Taiji Harashima
- 19385: Endogenous Growth Models in Open Economies: A Possibility of Permanent Current Account Deficits

- Taiji Harashima
- 19384: Real Interest Rates, Bubbles and Monetary Policy in the GCC countries

- Weshah Razzak and El Mostafa Bentour
- 19379: European Banking Integration under a Quadratic Loss Function

- Emmanuel Mamatzakis and A Koutsomanoli
- 19378: Is Grass Greener on the Other Side?: A Glimpse of the Worker Camps in UAE

- Anand Sasidharan
- 19375: Online or university education

- Hb Paksoy
- 19372: The Role of Expectations and Gender in Altruism

- Mary Rigdon and Adam Seth Levine
- 19371: On the Problem of Economic Power: Lessons from the Natural History of the Hawaiian Archipelago

- Matt Funk
- 19370: Expansión del Tamaño Muestral de las Venta y Stock Inmobiliario del Gran Santiago (Expansion factor and bootstrap similación: An application to the real estate sector)

- Byron Idrovo
- 19369: Un Modelo SARIMA para Predecir la Tasa de Desempleo de Chile (A model SARIMA to predict chilean unemployment)

- Byron Idrovo and Javier Contreras
- 19368: Indicadores de Actividad para la Inversión en Infraestructura y Vivienda (Economic indicators of Investment in Infrastructure and House)

- Byron Idrovo and Juan Carlos Caro S.
- 19367: SEIA: Una mirada alternativa de la inversión (A new economic indicator)

- Byron Idrovo
- 19365: Los Ciclos del Mercado Inmobiliario y su Relación con los Ciclos de la Economía (Housing Market Fluctuations and the Economic Cycles)

- Byron Idrovo
- 19364: Local Public Management: A Spanish Case Study Based on Image Strategy

- Luis Camilo Ortigueira-Sánchez
- 19362: Offshore Outsourcing, Contractual R&D and Intellectual Property in Developing Countries

- Sugata Marjit, Xinpeng Xu and Lei Yang
- 19359: Imagineering the U.S. Public Debt: How Changing Perceptions of the Debt altered the Mechanics of Treasury Debt Management in the 1860s and 1960s

- Franklin Noll
- 19357: Fiscal Transfers and Structural Reforms in the European Monetary Union

- Holger Zemanek
- 19355: What kinds of credit associations favor introducing new financial technology?

- Nobuyoshi Yamori, Kei Tomimura and Kozo Harimaya
- 19354: Emigration, Wage Inequality and Vanishing Sectors

- Sugata Marjit and Saibal Kar
- 19353: The Impact of Hurricanes on Housing Prices: Evidence from US Coastal Cities

- Anthony Murphy and Eric Strobl
- 19352: Some aspects regarding matrimonial relations in the city of Arad in the XVIIIth century

- Eugen Ghita
- 19349: Framework for Analisis and Improvement of Agrarian Dynamics

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 19348: Ruptures in the probability scale? Calculation of ruptures’ dimensions

- Alexander Harin
- 19345: Interpreting the Demand for Koshala State in Orissa: Development versus Underdevelopment

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan, Manoj Kumar Sahoo, Vinoj Abraham and Ritu Kumar Mishra
- 19341: Investīciju struktūra un ekonomikas izaugsme Latvijā (Investment Structure and Economic Growth in Latvia)

- Deniss Titarenko
- 19338: A Cointegration Analysis of Investment Output Ratio in Bangladesh

- Emmanuel Anoruo, Saten Kumar and Bill DiPietro
- 19330: The evolution of Norway’s national innovation system

- Jan Fagerberg, David C Mowery and Bart Verspagen
- 19326: Are People Really Risk Seeking for Losses?

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 19324: Die Aufgaben der Einkommenspolitik im Rahmen einer keynesianischen Beschäftigungspolitik: Eine Skizze (The tasks of incomes policy in Keynesian employment policy: a draft)

- Eckhard Hein
- 19323: Izvoare de demografie istorică din secolul al XVIII-lea în eparhia Aradului (Sources of historical demography of XVIIIth century in the diocese of Arad)

- Eugen Ghita
- 19322: Investition, Finanzierung und Sparen: einige Implikationen der Keynes-Robertson-Kontroverse über den "Revolving Fund" (Investment, finance and saving: some implications of the Keynes-Robertson controversy on the "revolving fund")

- Eckhard Hein
- 19321: On the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries

- Jakub Growiec
- 19320: Theory of the firm under multiple uncertainties

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19318: A new stopping time and American option model: a solution to the free-boundary problem

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19317: Optimal option pricing and trading: a new theory

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19315: A new approach to stochastic optimization: the investment-consumption model

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19313: General closed-form solutions to the dynamic optimization problem in incomplete markets

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19312: Habitatul semiurban şi urban în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (Urban and Semi Urban Habitat in Former County of Arad in XVIIIth Century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 19311: Populaţie şi habitat pe domeniul cetăţii Şiria la începutul secolului al XVI –lea (Population and habitat on the feudal domain Şiria at the beginning of the XVIth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 19310: La acumulación de capital en la Argentina en la posguerra (Postwar capital accumulation in Argentina)

- Gustavo Burachik
- 19309: Preferences estimation without approximation

- Alghalith Moawia
- 19307: Inflation and investment in monetary growth models

- Piotr Ciżkowicz, Marcin Hołda and Andrzej Rzońca
- 19305: Эконометрический анализ модели инвестиционного акселератора (The Econometric Analysis of the Investment Accelerator Model)

- Deniss Titarenko
- 19300: Testing the Stability of Demand for Money in Tonga

- Saten Kumar and Billy Manoka
- 19299: Macroeconomic Implications of Capital Inflows in India

- Tariq Masood and Mohd. Izhar Ahmad
- 19298: Further Evidence on Public Spending and Economic Growth in East Asian Countries

- Saten Kumar
- 19297: An Econometric Analysis of Inter-State Variations in Women’s Labour Force Participation in India

- Tariq Masood and Mohd. Izhar Ahmad
- 19295: Application of the Alternative Techniques to Estimate Demand for Money in Developing Countries

- Rup Singh and Saten Kumar
- 19293: Real Wages, Inflation and Labour Productivity in Australia

- Saten Kumar, Don Webber and Geoff Perry
- 19290: General Trading Costs in Pure Theory of International Trade

- Sugata Marjit and Biswajit Mandal
- 19289: Book Review of Ignacio De Leon's An Institutional Assessment of Antitrust Policy The Latin American Experience

- A. Rodriguez
- 19288: The impact of state welfare policies on women's cohabitation

- Mark W. Smith
- 19287: Beyond the static money multiplier: in search of a dynamic theory of money

- Michele Berardi
- 19285: Should monetary policy respond to private sector expectations?

- Michele Berardi
- 19282: Exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices in the Central European countries

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 19281: Tax Simplification is not a simple issue: the reasons for difficulty and a possible strategy

- Simon James