MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 50690: Aspects of green marketing: a prospect for Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50689: Do the Poorest Ethnic Minorities Benefit from a Large-Scale Poverty Reduction Program? Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen, Tung Phung and Daniel Westbrook
- 50687: Environmental accounting and the roles of economics

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan, Suman Deb and Steve Rozario
- 50685: Restructurations industrielles et niveau de diplôme des jeunes générations. Une estimation empirique pour la France (Industrial restructuring and level of diploma of young generations. An empirical estimate for France)

- Nicolas Fleury and Fabrice Gilles
- 50683: Declining economy in Zambia and its impact in food security

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50682: How large second-generation migrants and natives differ in terms of human capital accumulation and why? Empirical evidence for France

- Nicolas Fleury
- 50681: Relation between lease finance and purchase

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50680: Emerging equity market and economic development: Bangladesh perspective

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan, Rajib Datta and Arjun Das
- 50678: Present and future of biofuels production for sustainability

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50676: Output Maximization Subject to a Nonlinear Constraint

- Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Pahlaj Moolio
- 50675: The Real Net National Product in Sustainable Development

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50674: Approval Voting: A Multi-outcome Election

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50673: The NNP and Sustainability in Open Economy: Highlights on Recent World Economy and on Open Economy of Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50672: Optimal Environmental Taxes Due to Health Effect

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50671: Political Economy and Social Welfare with Voting Procedure

- Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Pahlaj Moolio
- 50670: Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the USA

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50669: Certainty and Uncertainty in Cap and Trade System or in Carbon Tax for Green Accounting to Decrease Greenhouse gas Emissions

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50668: Taxes on Cars and Gasoline to Control of Air Pollution: Suggested Models for Bangladesh

- Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Joly Paul
- 50667: Utility Maximization Subject to Multiple Constraints

- Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Pahlaj Moolio
- 50666: Output Maximization of an Agency

- Pahlaj Moolio, Jamal Islam and Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50665: Preference of Social Choice in Mathematical Economics

- Jamal Islam, Dr Haradhan Mohajan and Pahlaj Moolio
- 50663: Economic Development of Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 50660: The Oaxaca–Blinder Unexplained Component as a Treatment Effects Estimator

- Tymon Słoczyński
- 50657: Public Policy of Crafts in México: A Misconception

- Jose Azuela Flores and Adolfo Rogelio Cogco Calderón
- 50649: Vieillissement démographique, longévité et épargne. Le cas du Maroc (Ageing population, longevity and save. The case of Morocco)

- Ghizlan Loumrhari
- 50646: When Cards and ATM’s are the only choice: A fortnight in Cyprus with no banking system, nor trust

- Leonidas Efthymiou and Sophia Michael
- 50642: Macroeconomic Dynamics of Egypt: An Integrated Approach to Trade and Exchange Rate Policy Reforms

- Montague Lord
- 50641: Endogenous Growth with a Ceiling on the Stock of Pollution

- Gilbert Kollenbach
- 50638: Vietnam’s Export Competitiveness: Trade and Macroeconomic Policy Linkages

- Montague Lord
- 50636: Climate Change Creates Trade Opportunity in India

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 50635: Partial-Equilibrium and Industrial-Shift Analysis of the U.S.–Colombia FTA

- Montague Lord
- 50633: Does economic prosperity bring about a happier society? Empirical remarks on the Easterlin Paradox debate sans Happiness Adaptation

- Edsel Beja
- 50630: The effect of electricity consumption from renewable sources on countries’ economic growth levels: Evidence from advanced, emerging and developing economies

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 50629: Viet Nam: Small Scale Technical assistance for Capacity Building of Ministry of Finance to Support Tariff, Industry and Subsidy Analysis for the WTO Accession

- Montague Lord
- 50628: Trade and Institutions: Evidence from Regional Studies

- Paul Ojeaga and Adeyemi Ogundipe
- 50623: Network Industries in the New Economy

- McGee John and Sammut-Bonnici Tanya
- 50620: Network Strategy in the Digital Economy

- Tanya Sammut-Bonnici
- 50619: Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: The Role of Exports, Capital and Labor in France

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Mohammad Mafizur Rahman
- 50618: Coal Consumption, Industrial Production and CO2 Emissions in China and India

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Sahbi Farhani and Ilhan Ozturk
- 50616: Road Traffic Accidents in Saudi Arabia: An ARDL Approach and Multivariate Granger Causality

- Mohammed Moosa Ageli
- 50608: Methodological Developments in Human Development Literature

- Purusottam Nayak
- 50605: Robbing Peter to Pay Paul: The Employment Effects of the Missouri Quality Jobs Program

- Howard Wall
- 50603: Estimación y análisis de la elasticidad precio de la demanda para diferentes tipos de bebidas en México (Estimation and analysis of price elasticity of demand to different kind of beverage in Mexico)

- Hugo Javier Fuentes and Andrés Zamudio
- 50602: Integrated Rural Development Programmes and Projects: An Assessment of the Italian case

- Francesco Mantino
- 50601: Taxation of Domestic Dividend Income and Foreign Investment Holdings

- Anil Mishra and Ronald Ratti
- 50599: Multi-Country Empirical Investigation into International Financial Integration

- Anil Mishra and Kevin Daly
- 50598: Kuhn-Tucker theorem foundations and its application in mathematical economics

- Dushko Josheski and Elena Gelova
- 50597: Profits and employment

- Thanos Skouras
- 50596: Some Facts and Figures on Development Attainments in Nagaland

- Purusottam Nayak
- 50595: The Geography of Patenting In India: Patterns and Determinants

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 50592: Famiglia e pressione fiscale (Households and tax burden in Italy: 1991-2012)

- Luigi Pierfranco Campiglio
- 50591: Income and Emission: A Panel Data based Cointegration Analysis

- Soumyananda Dinda and Dipankor Coondoo
- 50590: Globalization and Environment: Can Pollution Haven Hypothesis alone explain the impact of Globalization on Environment?

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 50588: Health Cycles and Health Transitions

- Shankha Chakraborty, Chris Papageorgiou and Fidel Perez Sebastian
- 50586: Social Capital in the creation of Human Capital and Economic Growth: A Productive Consumption Approach

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 50585: The Structural Price Mechanism

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 50584: Discussion of "Local News Online: Aggregators, Geo-Targeting and the Market for Local News" by George, L. and C. Hogendorn

- Daniel Levy
- 50577: Developing a Dominant Logic of Strategic Innovation

- Tanya Sammut-Bonnici and Sotirios Paroutis
- 50575: A ligação ferroviária do Porto de Sines como elemento estruturante de desenvolvimento regional (A rail link from the port of Sines as a structuring element of regional development)

- Paulo Moreira
- 50574: Inclusive Green Growth and Sustainable Development through Productive Consumption

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 50571: Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Enhancing Farm Income: The Case of Bihar

- K.M. Singh, Abhay Kumar, R.K.P. Singh and Ujjwal Kumar
- 50565: Econometric Testing of the Displacement Effect: the Saudi Experience

- Mohammed Ageli
- 50560: The relationship between people’s attitude and willingness to pay for river conservation

- George Halkos
- 50559: An Empirical Note on Tax Auditing and the Size of the Underground Economy in the United States, 1962-1980

- Richard Cebula and Ira Saltz
- 50558: I rimedi nelle operazioni di concentrazione. Disciplina e prassi comunitaria. Cenni sulla disciplina e prassi italiana (Remedies in concentration operations. Discipline and practice at European level. Reference to the Italian discipline and practice)

- Pierluigi Congedo and Federico Ghezzi
- 50557: Financing Utilities: How the Role of the European Investment Bank shifted from regional development to making markets

- Judith Clifton, Daniel Diaz Fuentes and Julio Revuelta
- 50551: Efficiency or Technology Adoption: A Case Study in Waste- Treatment Technology

- Shunsuke Managi, Akira Hibiki and Tetsuya Shimane
- 50547: Szpilrajn-type extensions of fuzzy quasiorderings

- José Alcantud and Susana Díaz
- 50546: How Rebellion Expands? From Periphery to Heartland

- Keisuke Nakao
- 50545: Income and Livelihoods in the War in Afghanistan

- Evelina Gavrilova and Vincenzo Bove
- 50544: Efficient Market Hypothesis in South Africa: Evidence from a threshold autoregressive (TAR) model

- Dorathea Van Heerden, Jose Rodrigues, Dale Hockly, Bongani Lambert, Tjaart Taljard and Andrew Phiri
- 50541: Knowledge and Culture on Entrepreneurship

- Panagiotis Petrakis and Pantelis Kostis
- 50539: Expression of TRPV1 channels after nerve injury provides an essential delivery tool for neuropathic pain attenuation

- Hm Zakir, Rm Mostafeezur, A Suzuki, S Hitomi, T Maeda, K Seo, Y Yamada, K Yamamura, S Lev, Am Binshtok, K Iwata and J Kitagawa
- 50537: Les transferts des fonds des migrants marocains: Leviers de croissance et du développement (Remittances of Moroccan migrants: Levers of growth and development)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 50536: Stagflation and the Rejection of Keynesian Economics: A Case of Naive Falsification

- Jesse Zinn
- 50535: Le système algérien de protection sociale: entre Bismarckien et Beveridgien (The Algerian social protection system: between Bismarckian and Beveridgian)

- Nacer-Eddine Hammouda and Walid Merouani
- 50534: The Malthus versus Ricardo 1815 Corn Laws Controversy: An appraisal

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- 50533: Codifications of complete preorders that are compatible with Mahalanobis disconsensus measures

- José Alcantud, Rocio de Andres Calle and Teresa González-Arteaga
- 50530: The Application of GARCH and EGARCH in Modeling the Volatility of Daily Stock Returns During Massive Shocks: The Empirical Case of Egypt

- Hassan Ezzat
- 50529: Roads or Schools? Political Budget Cycles with different types of voters

- María del Pilar López Uribe
- 50527: A Critical Marxist Approach to Capital Theory

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 50522: State-Dependence and Stepping Stone Effects of Low Pay Employment in Australia

- Lixin Cai
- 50521: The Dynamics of Low Pay Employment in Australia

- Lixin Cai
- 50515: Ending the myth of the St Petersburg paradox

- Robert Vivian
- 50510: Inflation, Unemployment and Economic Growth in a Schumpeterian Economy

- Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi and Yuichi Furukawa
- 50506: The Small and Medium Enterprises and Poverty in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis

- Sharafat Ali
- 50505: TÜRKİYE’DE HİSSE SENEDİ FİYATLARI VE DÖVİZ KURU ARASINDA DOĞRUSAL VE DOĞRUSAL OLMAYAN EŞ BÜTÜNLEŞME İLİŞKİSİ (Linear and Nonlinear Cointegration Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates in Turkey)

- Bülent Dogru and Mursit Recepoglu
- 50504: Swedish embedded software and vertically integrated industries: an appraisal

- Philippe Rouchy
- 50498: Structuration du pool bancaire de la PME: une revue de la littérature (Structuring SMEs' banks relationships: a review)

- Ludovic Vigneron and Hiba Hajj Chehade
- 50495: Quality and health care performance in the Italian regions

- Arianna De Nicola, Paolo Mancuso and Vivian Valdmanis
- 50493: New Empirical Insights into the “Natural Trading Partner” Hypothesis for CARICOM Countries

- Jeetendra Khadan and Roger Hosein
- 50489: Provision of Differentiated Public Goods within Organizations

- Galina Zudenkova
- 50487: Sign-based portmanteau test for ARCH-type models with heavy-tailed innovations

- Min Chen and Ke Zhu
- 50485: Czy handel elektroniczny wydłuża czas życia produktu? (Can e-commerce extend the product life cycle?)

- Grzegorz Chodak and Kudryńska Katarzyna
- 50484: Bariery utrudniające ekspansję polskich sklepów internetowych na rynki zagraniczne (Expansion barriers of the Polish e-stores on foreign markets)

- Grzegorz Chodak and Latus Łukasz
- 50478: The Impact of Agricultural Land on Poverty and Inequality in Rural Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen
- 50477: The Impact of A National Poverty Reduction Program on Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam: The Lens of Baseline and Endline Surveys

- Cuong Nguyen, Thu Phung, Tung Phung, Ngoc Vu and Daniel Westbrook
- 50475: Day-of-the-Week Effects in Subjective Well-Being: Does Selectivity Matter?

- Semih Tumen and Tugba Zeydanli
- 50474: Taxes, Health Insurance and Women's Self-Employment

- Malathi Velamuri
- 50473: The global financial crisis: An analysis of the spillover effects on African stock markets

- Kimiko Sugimoto, Takashi Matsuki and Yushi Yoshida
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