MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 61724: Fighting against drought in Dobrogea by protective forest belts

- Aurel Lup and Liliana Miron
- 61723: Response policies and strategies for intensification processes of land degradation and desertification in the Republic of Moldova

- Tamara Leah
- 61722: The Effects of Compulsory Military Service Exemption on Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

- Huzeyfe Torun and Semih Tumen
- 61721: Economy of Moldavian wine complex in context of European Union integration

- Boris Gaina, Galina Gobirman and Xenia Pascari
- 61719: Modernization of the agri-food sector of the Republic of Moldova in the context of international trade development

- Alexandru Stratan, Victor Moroz and Anatolie Ignat
- 61714: Labour flows and R&D: A quantile regression analysis

- Marco Di Cintio and Emanuele Grassi
- 61713: Amicable settlement of conflicts between agri-food producers and consumers

- Ioan Alecu Niculae, Felix Dimitrie Ciocan and Gabriela Gyongy Mihut
- 61711: Why Low Adult Immunization? An inquiry into the case of Hepatitis B Vaccine in the Peri-Urban Areas of Kathmandu Valley

- Nirmal Raut and Devendra Prasad Shrestha
- 61710: Profiting from Mimicking Strategies in Non-Anonymous Markets

- Michalis Vasios, Richard Payne and Ingmar Nolte
- 61699: Elementary game theory

- Himanshu Soni and Damini Sharma
- 61698: Auctioning emission permits in a leader-follower setting

- Francisco Alvarez and Francisco André
- 61695: Revisiting the Link between Political and Financial Crises in Africa

- Sara Bertin, Steve Ohana and Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
- 61689: L’économie politique de la finance et de la production: cas des pays de la Tunisie, du Maroc et de la Mauritanie (The political economy of finance and production: For countries of Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania)

- Azza Ziadi
- 61688: Räume der Übertragung: Die neue transnationale Politik der säkularen Stagnation (Spaces of Transference: The New Transnational Politics of Secular Stagnation)

- Emmanuel Mavrozacharakis and Kostas Lavdas
- 61687: Loan Loss Provisioning in OIC Countries: Evidence from Conventional vs. Islamic Banks

- Ashraf Ali, M. Kabir Hassan and Basher Syed Abul
- 61685: Optimal Income Taxation with a Stationarity Constraint in a Dynamic Stochastic Economy

- Marcus Berliant and Shota Fujishima
- 61684: Economic Growth, Safe Drinking Water and Ground Water Storage: Examining Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) in Indian Context

- Michael von Hauff and Avijit Mistri
- 61680: Unemployment and Labor Force Participation in Turkey

- Aysıt Tansel, Zeynel Ozdemir and Emre Aksoy
- 61679: Vietnam’s Accession to the WTO: Lessons from Past Trade Agreements

- Philip Abbott, Jeanet Bentzen and Finn Tarp
- 61670: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Say’s Law

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 61668: Pakistan Economy: Caught in a Maelstrom

- Rashid Amjad and Musleh-ud Din
- 61666: Human resources, physical resources and economic development: A foundation of human resource economics

- Fumitaka Furuoka
- 61665: The Industry oriented Asian Tigers and the Natural Resource based Pacific Alliance Economic Growth Models

- Hernán Briceño Avalos
- 61657: Endogenous Reputation Formation: Cooperation and Identity under the Shadow of the Future

- Kenju Kamei
- 61656: Economic Growth, Safe Drinking Water and Ground Water Storage: Examining Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) in Indian Context

- Michael von Hauff and Avijit Mistri
- 61651: Legislative Vetoes and Corruption: The Effect of Formal Checks on Governance

- William B. Heller, Andreas Kyriacou and Oriol Roca-Sagalés
- 61649: The American Pride and Aspiration

- Sattwik Santra and Ranajoy Chaudhury
- 61646: Holding-Together Regionalism: 20 Years of Post-Soviet Integration

- Alexander Libman and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 61644: Employment of ICT specialists in the EU (2004-2012)

- Anna Sabadash
- 61642: The value added tax. The impact of procedures applyed to agricultural producers (reverse charge, quota reducing and the exemption from VAT). Case study: wheat, flour, bread and bakery products

- Mircea Toma
- 61639: Eurasian Integration: Challenges of Transcontinental Regionalism

- Evgeny Vinokurov and Alexander Libman
- 61637: Innovative model of cooperation for small agricultural producers

- Alexandru Lapusan
- 61636: Two Integration Projects in Europe: Dead End of Struggle

- Evgeny Vinokurov, Sergey Kulik, Andrey Spartak and Igor Yurgens
- 61631: The Effects of Climate on Output per Worker: Evidence from the Manufacturing Industry in Colombia

- Mateo Salazar
- 61628: Do services reduce gender inequality in labor markets? The service sector, knnowledge-intensive services and the gender pay gap

- Diego Dueñas, Carlos Iglesias-Fernández and Raquel Llorente
- 61627: Education inequality: become better or worse?

- Sui Chin Tan, Chong Mun Ho and Vincent Pang
- 61625: Influence factors of economic growth in the romanian agrofood sector

- Sorinel Ionel Bucur and Elena Carmen Bucur
- 61624: Impact of the National Economy restructuring on the Rural Development

- Lenuța Costin
- 61622: Conceptual approaches of the rural space

- Talida Geamasu and Ioan Niculae Alecu
- 61619: Comparative study regarding the edilitar fund in Romanian village between the interwar period and communist period

- Emilian Merce, Cristian Călin Merce and Iulia Mureşan
- 61618: EDB Eurasian Integration Yearbook 2013

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 61616: Identifying the Flypaper Effect in the Presence of Spatial Dependence: Evidence from Education in China’s Counties

- Yihua Yu, Jing Wang and Xi Tian
- 61615: In Search of Fiscal Interactions: A Spatial Analysis of Chinese Provincial Infrastructure Spending

- Xinye Zheng, Feng Song, Yihua Yu and Shunfeng Song
- 61611: Risk-adjusted pricing of bank’s assets based on cash flow matching matrix

- Ihor Voloshyn and Mykyta Voloshyn
- 61607: Expert assessment on agri-food implications of March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 61604: Migration Decision and Rural Income Inequality in Northwestern China

- Yue Hua
- 61603: Finite-length Patents and Functional Differential Equations in a Non-scale R&D-based Growth Model

- Hwan Lin and L.F. Shampine
- 61602: Exchange volatility and trade performance in Morocco and Tunisia: what have we learned so far?

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 61594: Endogenous Labour Market Imperfections, FDI and External Terms-of-Trade Shocks in a Developing Economy

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 61593: Public Subsidy on Education and Welfare in Small OECD Countries: A Theoretical and Empirical Reconciliation

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Anindya Biswas
- 61592: Creşterea economică a României între 1980 şi 2013 (The Economic Growth of Romania between 1980 and 2013)

- Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 61590: Retail Sector and Economic Development

- Duong Ngotran and Tien Ngo
- 61587: Limited Information-Processing Capacity and Asymmetric Stock Correlations

- Ozcan Ceylan
- 61584: The analysis of agricultural landscape change using GIS techniques. Case study: Podoleni, Romania

- Dan-Adrian Chelaru, Adrian Ursu and Florin Mihai
- 61583: Anthropogenic landform modeling using GIS techniques case study: Vrancea region

- Adrian Ursu, Dan-Adrian Chelaru, Florin Mihai and Iulian Iordache
- 61582: Rural-urban relations in the context of sustainable development. Case Study: Cuejdiu Valley Basin, Neamt County

- Ana-Andreea Ghiurca, Andreea Lamasanu and Florin Mihai
- 61581: The Usage Of Natural Fertilizers - A Practice That Favors The Ecological Agriculture Development In Romania

- Ana-Andreea Ghiurca, Andreea Lamasanu and Florin Mihai
- 61580: Implication of demographic dimension in sustainable rural development. Case study: Râșca Valley

- Andreea Lamasanu, Ana-Andreea Ghiurca and Florin Mihai
- 61578: Exploring the Potential of Mgnrega for the revitalization of Rainfed Agriculture in India

- Niteen Kumar
- 61577: Estimation of Internal Migration in India, 2011 Census based on Life Table Survival Ratio (LTSR) Method

- Avijit Mistri
- 61574: When does Innovation Matter for Exporting?

- Juan Blyde, Gonzalo Iberti and Micaela Mussini
- 61568: Requirements for interoperable Intelligent Transport Systems in South East Europe

- Panagiotis Iordanopoulos, Evangelos Mitsakis, Robert Rijavec, Alexander Hausmann and Wolfgang Kernstock
- 61563: Winning virtuous strategy creation by interlocking interconnecting directors in boards of directors in firms in information century

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 61562: Integrated risk management in a commercial market-maker bank using the 'cash flow at risk' approach

- Ihor Voloshyn and Mykyta Voloshyn
- 61560: Membership in the Euro area and fiscal sustainability. Analysis through panel fiscal reaction functions

- Piotr Ciżkowicz, Andrzej Rzońca and Rafał Trzeciakowski
- 61559: Policy Challenge of Resource-Rich Developing Countries: Case of Mongolia

- Tsenguunjav Byambasuren, Uranzaya Erdenebold and Baasansuren Otgonbayar
- 61557: Innovation, Governance and Competition

- Saurav Roychoudhury, Anuj Bhowmik and Srobonti Chattopadhyay
- 61551: A Long-Run Relationship between Real Exchange Rates and Real Commodity Prices: The Case of Mongolia

- Tsenguunjav Byambasuren
- 61543: Estimation of road traffic induced environmental pollutants based on a point-to-point traffic detection system

- Evangelos Mitsakis, Iraklis Stamos, Socrates Basbas, Miron Aggelakis and Georgia Aifadopoulou
- 61540: Στατικό μοντέλο καταμερισμού κυκλοφορίας και Δείκτες Αστικής Κινητικότητας για την πόλη της Θεσσαλονίκης (Static traffic assignment model and urban mobility indicators for the city of Thessaloniki)

- Iraklis Stamos, Georgia Aifadopoulou, Evangelos Mitsakis and Evangelia Chrysochoou
- 61539: Εκτίμηση και πρόβλεψη της κυκλοφορίας σε πραγματικό χρόνο για προηγμένες υπηρεσίες πληροφόρησης μετακινούμενων στη Θεσσαλονίκη (Real-time traffic estimation and forecast for advanced traveler information services in Thessaloniki)

- Evangelos Mitsakis, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, Georgia Aifadopoulou and Panagiotis Tzenos
- 61538: Μακροσκοπικά Θεμελιώδη Διαγράμματα: Ευρήματα μέσω Προσομοίωσης για το Οδικό Δίκτυο της Θεσσαλονίκης (Macroscopic fundamental diagrams: Simulation based findings from the road network of Thessaloniki)

- Iraklis Stamos, Josep Maria Salanova Grau and Evangelos Mitsakis
- 61537: Current status and future prospects of Intelligent Transport Systems deployment in South East Europe

- Evangelos Mitsakis, Panagiotis Iordanopoulos, Georgia Aifadopoulou, Yannis Tyrinopoulos and Maria Chatziathanasiou
- 61535: A review on climate change adaptation policies for the transportation sector

- Iraklis Stamos and Evangelos Mitsakis
- 61534: Estimating Central Bank Preferences Combining Topic and Scaling Methods

- Nicole Baerg and Will Lowe
- 61530: Openness, Human Capital and Economic Growth in MENA: Theoretical foundations and application to Dynamic panel data (Openness, Human Capital and Economic Growth in MENA: Theoretical foundations and application to Dynamic panel data)

- Abderraouf Mtiraoui
- 61529: Weather and Income: Lessons from the main European regions

- David García-León
- 61528: Asset based poverty and wealth accumulation in low income households in Bangladesh

- Javed Bin Kamal
- 61527: Do upcoming “Smart cities” need to provide smart distribution of higher urban economic growth? Evidence from Urban India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 61520: Return dynamics and volatility spillovers between FOREX and MENA stock markets: what to remember for portfolio choice?

- Arfaoui Mongi and Aymen Ben Rejeb
- 61519: Financial integration in emerging market economies: effects on volatility transmission and contagion

- Aymen Ben Rejeb and Adel Boughrara
- 61517: A simple empirical analysis on the link between socioeconomic status and spatial mobility

- Moussa Keita
- 61516: Financial market interdependencies: a quantile regression analysis of volatility spillover

- Aymen Ben Rejeb and Arfaoui Mongi
- 61515: Sources of Exchange Rate Fluctuations in Kenya: The Relative Importance of Real and Nominal Shocks

- Moses Kiptui
- 61511: Business investment during the global crisis: some evidence from the Italian experience

- Enrico D'Elia and Lucio Morettini
- 61508: Environmental education in rural areas - a real support for sustainable development

- Ana-Andreea Ghiurca, Andreea Lamasanu and Florin Mihai
- 61507: Een snelle kosten-effectiviteitsanalyse voor het Deltaprogramma IJsselmeergebied: wat zijn de kosten en veiligheidsbaten van wel of niet meestijgen met de zeespiegel en extra zoetwaterbuffer? (A cost-effectiveness analysis for the Deltaprogramme IJsselmeerregion: what are the costs and safety benefits of raising the water level and increasing the fresh water stock?)

- Frits Bos, Peter Zwaneveld and Peter van Puijenbroek
- 61506: Reële opties en de waarde van flexibiliteit bij natte infrastructuur (Real options analysis and the value of flexibility for (wet) infrastructure)

- Frits Bos and Peter Zwaneveld
- 61505: Brain Drain from Central and Eastern Europe

- Daniela Bobeva
- 61504: Social health insurance improves women’s healthcare use: Evidence from Indonesia

- Shanika Samarakoon and Rasyad Parinduri
- 61503: The Impact of Syrian Refugees on Natives' Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey: Evidence from a Quasi-Experimental Design

- Evren Ceritoğlu, Burcu Gürcihan, Huzeyfe Torun and Semih Tumen
- 61502: A ranking of VAR and structural models in forecasting

- El Mostafa Bentour
- 61501: Development of MSW collection services on regional scale: spatial analysis and urban disparities in North-East Region, Romania

- Florin Mihai
- 61500: The anthropogenic influence on Cuejdi River water quality

- Ana-Andreea Ghiurca, Andreea Lamasanu and Florin Mihai
- 61499: March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear accident impacts on Japanese agri-food sector

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 61497: A Simple Model of Functional Specialization of Cities

- Kohei Nagamachi
- 61495: Monetary Policy and Investment Dynamics: Evidence from Disaggregate Data

- Gregory Givens and Robert Reed
- 61490: Fatality sensitivity in coalition countries: a study of British, Polish and Australian public opinion on the Iraq war

- Piotr Lis
- 61489: Measuring Agricultural Policy Bias: General Equilibrium Analysis of Fifteen Developing Countries

- Henning Tarp Jensen, Sherman Robinson and Finn Tarp
- 61486: Impact of lawyers' invisible disabilities on their professional challenges and their perception of their performance

- Ronit Zats
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