MPRA Paper
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- 38109: Government spending, corruption and economic growth

- Giorgio d'Agostino, John Dunne and Luca Pieroni
- 38106: Investimento em Valor Contrário no Brasil: Overreaction ou Efeito Tamanho? (Contrary Investment Value in Brazil: Overreaction or Size Effect?)

- Odilon Saturnino, Valeria Saturnino, Pierre Lucena, Charles De Montreuil Carmona and Luiz Fernando Araujo
- 38105: Critérios de formação de carteiras de ativos através de hierarchical clusters (Criteria of portfolio formation of stocks through hierarchical clusters)

- Pierre Lucena, Antonio Carlos Figueiredo and Gerson Lachtermacher
- 38103: An analysis of correlation between organizational justice and job satisfaction

- Esmaeil Yaghoubi, Sina Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi, Ahmad Ebrahimi, Hadi Abdollahi and Hamid Ebrahimi
- 38101: Una interpretación sobre el bajo crecimiento económico en México (One interpretation of the low economic growth in Mexico)

- Sánchez Juárez Isaac
- 38100: The impact of the global economic crisis on non-oil operations of ports in Iran

- Sina Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi
- 38099: Financial stabilization systems, economic growth of developing countries and EU’s STABEX

- Francesco Aiello
- 38097: Productivité des industries manufacturières marocaines et investissements directs étrangers (Productivity in Moroccan manufacturing and foreign direct investment)

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Said Toufik
- 38096: Cashless banking in Nigeria and its implications

- Victor C. Olajide
- 38095: Institutional benchmarking of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 38094: Development thresholds of foreign aid effectiveness in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 38093: Perceptions of intellectual property: a review

- Roya Ghafele
- 38092: Crowdsourcing patent application review: leveraging new opportunities to capitalize on innovation?

- Roya Ghafele and Benjamin Gibert
- 38091: Of war and peace: analyzing the policy discourse on intellectual property

- Roya Ghafele
- 38087: Combating eutrophication in coastal areas at risk for oil spills

- Kari Hyytiäinen and Anni Huhtala
- 38084: The geopolitics in the spheres of influence, domination, and overrule: towards a new world order or disorder?

- Isa Mulaj
- 38083: Reproductive behaviour in Pakistan: insights from the population, labour force, and migration survey 1979-80

- Zeba A. Sathar and Irfan Mohammad
- 38082: Poverty and social safety nets: a case study of Pakistan

- Irfan Mohammad
- 38081: International financial integration of Mediterranean economies: A bird’s-eye view

- Marga Peeters and Nidal Rachid Sabri
- 38080: The impact of exchange rate volatility on trade integration among North and South Mediterranean countries

- Nidal Rachid Sabri, Marga Peeters and Diama K. Abulaben
- 38079: Pakistan's poverty reduction strategy: why employment matters

- Rashid Amjad
- 38077: Food security in South Asia: strategies and programmes for regional collaboration

- Muhammad Iqbal and Rashid Amjad
- 38070: Mechanization process of the sugar cane harvest and its direct and indirect impact over the employment in Brazil and in its 5 macro regions

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Alexandre L. Mendonça de Barros, Marta C. Marjotta-Maistro and Márcia Istake
- 38069: Relations Of The Regional Cane Agroindustry With The National Economy: Analysis Applied To The Center-South And North-Northeast (Relations Of The Regional Cane Agroindustry With The National Economy: Analysis Applied To The Center-South And North-Northeast)

- C. C. C. Costa, H. L. Burnquist and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38068: Crescimento Econômico E Distribuição De Renda: Uma Análise A Partir Das Estruturas Econômicas Do Brasil Contemporâneo (Economic Growth And Income Distribution: An Analysis From The Contemporary Brazilian Economic Structure)

- L O. Almeida and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38067: Impacto Das Exportações Brasileiras Para O Mercosul, União Européia E Nafta Sobre Produção E Emprego: Uma Análise De Insumo-Produto Para 1997 -2001 (Impact of Brazilian exports to Mercosur, European Union and NAFTA About Production and Employment: An Input-Output Analysis for 1997 -2001)

- Fernando Perobelli, Joaquim Guilhoto and W. R. Faria
- 38066: Організаційно-економічний механізм управління раціональним використанням ресурсів (Organizational and economic mechanisms of rational use of resources)

- Yuriy Vovk
- 38065: Аналіз досвіду здійснення інноваційної політики зарубіжними країнами (Analysis of implementation of innovation policy foreign countries)

- Ihor I. Stoyko, Yuriy Vovk and Olha S. Yurchak
- 38064: Unemployment accounts

- Ofer Setty
- 38061: CO2 Emission and Firm Heterogeneity: A Study of Metals & Metal based Industries in India

- Krishnan Narayanan and Santosh Kumar Sahu
- 38059: Test of Higher Moment Capital Asset Pricing Model in Case of Pakistani Equity Market

- Attiya Javid
- 38058: On the sources of risk preferences in rural Vietnam

- Duc Anh Dang
- 38057: Informative Advertising in Directed Search

- Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Benoit Julien and Wang Chengsi
- 38056: On the choice of an anchor for the GCC currency: does the symmetry of shocks extend to both the oil and the non-oil sectors

- Rosmy Jean Louis, Faruk Balli and Mohamed Osman
- 38052: The Correlation Problem in Operational Risk

- Antoine Frachot, Thierry Roncalli and Eric Salomon
- 38050: Robust Test for Spatial Error Model:Considering Changes of Spatial Layouts and Distribution Misspecification

- Penghui Guo and Lihu Liu
- 38047: Free Trade under Contractual Development Area (FTCDA) - A First Examination of a Third Way Facing the Dilemma: Free-Trade vs Protectionist Policy

- Rodolphe Buda
- 38044: Interações sinérgicas e transbordamento do efeito multiplicador de produção das grandes regiões do Brasil (Synergistic interactions and overflow of the multiplier effect of the production from large regions of Brazil)

- U. A. Sesso Filho, A. C. Moretto, R. L. Rodrigues and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38043: Why do firms issue equity? Some evidence from an emerging economy, India

- Saumitra Bhaduri
- 38040: Comparação Entre O Agronegócio Familiar Do Rio Grande Do Sul E Do Brasil (Comparing The Agribusiness For The State Of Rio Grande Do Sul And For Brazil As A Whole)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, S. M. Ichihara, F. G. Silveira and Carlos Azzoni
- 38039: An Overview of the Productive Structure of the Amazon Region: Using the Eyes of an Interregional Input-Output System

- Joaquim Guilhoto and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
- 38038: Modeling employment dynamics with state dependence and unobserved heterogeneity

- Victoria Prowse
- 38037: A note on the empirical test of herding: a threshold regression approach

- Saumitra Bhaduri
- 38036: A note on excess money growth and inflation dynamics: evidence from threshold regression

- Saumitra Bhaduri and Sethudurai Raja
- 38035: “Ideal” financial development and financial overaccumulation

- Sara Hsu and Jianjun Li
- 38034: Financial development and economic growth in Poland in transition: causality analysis

- Henryk Gurgul and Łukasz Lach
- 38033: Armed conflict and children's health - exploring new directions: The case of Kashmir

- Anton Parlow
- 38032: Türkiye'de Aşırı Kredi Genişlemeleri ve Belirleyicileri (Determinants of Credit Booms in Turkey)

- Mahir Binici and Bülent Köksal
- 38031: Assessing uncertainty in Europe and the US: is there a common uncertainty factor?

- Oliver Sauter
- 38029: Comparative, dynamic efficiency of national healthcare systems

- Krzysztof Waśniewski
- 38028: A comparative study of trends in globalization using different synthetic indicators

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 38027: Adaptive interactive profit expectations using small world networks and runtime weighted model averaging

- William Bell
- 38026: Network Averaging: a technique for determining a proxy for the dynamics of networks

- William Bell
- 38025: Workers’ motivation: the italian case of cooperative credit banks

- Roberta Troisi and Annamaria Nese
- 38023: Spekulation mit Nahrungsmittelprodukten als Ursache für Welternährungskrisen: Untersuchung am Beispiel des Reismarktes (Speculation with food products as a reason for global food crises: Analysis using the example of the rice market)

- Johanna Bischoff
- 38015: Applying approximate entropy (ApEn) to speculative bubble in the stock market

- Saumitra Bhaduri
- 38014: Applying an alternative test of herding behavior: a case study of the Indian stock market

- Saumitra Bhaduri and Mahapatra Sidharth
- 38011: Microfinane in SAARC countries: updates 2011

- Syed Badruddoza
- 38010: Education and armed conflict: the Kashmir insurgency in the nineties

- Anton Parlow
- 38008: Exchange rate variation and fiscal balance in Nigeria: a time series analysis

- Awoyemi O. Sangosanya and Akinwande Atanda
- 38006: Uso De Combustíveis E Emissões De Co2 No Brasil: Um Modelo Interregional De Insumo-Produto (Use of fossil and emissions of CO2 in Brazil - An Interregional Input-Output model)

- E. M. Hilgemberg and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38005: Impacto De Alterações Nas Exportações Regionais De Açúcar E Álcool Sobre A Economia Do Brasil (Impacts Of Changes In Regional Sugar And Ethanol Exports Upon Brazilian Overall Economy)

- H. L. Burnquist, C. C. Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 38004: From the Neoliberal crisis to a new path of development

- Alberto Russo
- 38002: State of an innovation system: theoretical and empirical advance towards an innovation efficiency index

- Carlos Montalvo and Saeed Moghayer
- 38001: Revisiting the growth-inflation nexus: a wavelet analysis

- Saumitra Bhaduri
- 38000: Bank firm nexus and its impact on firm performance: an Indian case study

- Saumitra Bhaduri and Rathi Sunanda
- 37999: Allocation of capital in the post liberalized regime: a case study of the Indian corporate sector

- Saumitra Bhaduri and Kumar Amit
- 37997: The bank lending channel of monetary policy transmission: evidence from an emerging aarket, India

- Saumitra Bhaduri and Goyal Toto
- 37994: Nominal effective exchange rate neutrality: the case of Macedonia

- Dushko Josheski and Darko Lazarov
- 37991: The way things are done here – Polish entrepreneurship - having endowned heritage or burden?

- Marzena Starnawska
- 37990: Would you rather be ill now, or later?

- Arthur Attema and Mm Versteegh
- 37989: Time to tweak the TTO. But how?

- Mm Versteegh, Arthur Attema, M Oppe, Nancy Devlin and Ea Stolk
- 37987: Perceptions of entrepreneurs among polish students

- Marzena Starnawska
- 37982: The new kid in the forest: the impact of China's resource demand on Gabon's tropical timber value chain

- Anne Terheggen
- 37979: Investigating the effect of granted facilities by specialist banks to agriculture part on value added agriculture part of Iran

- Habib Lotfi and Sina Ahmadzadeh Mashinchi
- 37978: A Computer-based System for the Management of Field Crop Pests

- S. A. Bhatti, N. Hameed and Inayatullah C.
- 37977: Does the labor market structure explain differences in poverty in rural Punjab?

- Rashid Amjad, Ghulam Arif and Usman Mustafa
- 37976: The tropical timber industry in Gabon: a forward linkages approach to industrialisation

- Anne Terheggen
- 37975: Charitable giving under inequality aversion and social capital

- Eiji Yamamura
- 37973: A methodology of estimation on air pollution and its health effects in large Japanese cities

- Keiko Hirota, Satoshi Shibuya, Shogo Sakamoto and Shigeru Kashima
- 37971: MINISIS version H: a suitable library information system

- Nabeela Hameed and Nabeela Arshad
- 37970: Coordination failure cycle

- Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul
- 37969: Bayesian equilibrium by iterative conjectures: a theory of games with players forming conjectures iteratively starting with first order uninformative conjectures

- Jimmy Teng
- 37968: Military competition and size and composition of economy and government

- Jimmy Teng
- 37966: The role of population on economic growth and development: evidence from developing countries

- Akinwande Atanda, Salaudeen B. Aminu and Olorunfemi Alimi
- 37965: Selecting between different productivity measurement approaches: An application using EU KLEMS data

- Dimitris Giraleas, Ali Emrouznejad and Emmanuel Thanassoulis
- 37963: Matriz de insumo-produto para a economia turística brasileira: construção e análise das relações intersetoriais (Input-output matrix for the Brazilian tourism economy: construction and analysis of intersectoral relationships)

- Francisco Casimiro Filho and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 37962: Structural Change in the Automotive Industry and its Regional Impacts: The Case of Brazil (Structural Change in the Automotive Industry and its Regional Impacts: The Case of Brazil)

- E. Amann, E. Haddad, Fernando Perobelli and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 37961: A Importância Do Agronegócio Familiar No Brasil (The Importance of Agribusiness' Family In Brazil)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Silvio M. Ichihara and Carlos Azzoni
- 37960: Direct and indirect energy consumption in China and the United States

- H. Liu, K. R. Polenske, Joaquim Guilhoto and Y. Xi
- 37959: Neither here nor there: regionally targeted social policy or socially targeted regional policy? the first four years of Lula’s administration

- Carlos Azzoni, Joaquim Guilhoto, E. A Haddad, G. J. D. Hewings, M. A. Laes and G. Moreira

- A. C. Moretto and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 37957: Commodity price changes and their impacts on poverty in developing countries: the Brazilian case

- Carlos Azzoni, Joaquim Guilhoto, Eduardo Haddad, Tatiane Menezes, Fernando Gaiger Silveira and Marcos Hasegawa
- 37956: An Evaluation of the Revenue side as a source of fiscal consolidation in high debt economies

- Ritwik Banerjee
- 37954: Efficiency evaluation of Greek equity funds

- Vassilios Babalos, Guglielmo Maria Caporale and Nikolaos Philippas
- 37953: Mutual funds performance appraisal using stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis

- Vassilios Babalos, Nikolaos Philippas, Michael Doumpos and Constantin Zompounidis
- 37949: Measuring Italian university efficiency: a non-parametric approach

- Luisa Monaco
- 37948: Economic Partnership Agreements: Assessing Potential Implications from Some Alternative Scenarios

- Selim Raihan, Mohammad Razzaque and Edwin Laurent
- 37947: Economic and Social Impact of Financial Crisis on Households: A Case Study of Bangladesh with Reference to Social Safety Net Programme (SSNPs)

- Selim Raihan
- 37946: Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Migration and Remittances in Bangladesh: A Survey Based Analysis

- Selim Raihan
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