MPRA Paper
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- 61886: Supporting the Development of Gerontechnology as Part of Silver Economy Building

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61885: Outplacement jako sposób ochrony kompetencji pracowników organizacji w warunkach zmiennego otoczenia (Outplacement as a Way of Protecting Organization Employees Competencies in a Changing Environment)

- Andrzej Klimczuk and Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
- 61884: Eksperci i narcyzm kulturowy - próba analizy wzajemnych relacji (Experts and Cultural Narcissism - An Attempt to Analyze the Relationship)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61883: Barriers to the Development of Creative Industries in Culturally Diverse Region (Barriers to the Development of Creative Industries in Culturally Diverse Region)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61882: Analysis of Intergenerational Policy Models

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61881: Government spending in education and economic growth in Cameroon. A Vector error Correction Model approach

- Lionel Douanla Tayo and Marcel Olivier AbomoFouda
- 61880: Aktywność ekonomiczna ludzi starych w kontekście badań nad kapitałem społecznym na przykładzie mieszkańców Białegostoku (Economic Activity of Older People in the Context of Social Capital Research - Bialystok Residents Example)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61879: Wiekizm jako przeszkoda w budowie społeczeństwa mądrości (Ageism as an Obstacle in Construction of Wisdom Society)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61878: W kreatywnym chaosie. O zróżnicowaniu starości na przykładzie prac społeczności (Inventive Chaos: Art Works of Community as an Example of Ageing Diversity)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61877: Srebrna gospodarka w dokumentach strategicznych państwa (Silver Economy in the State Strategic Documents)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61876: Społeczeństwo wielokulturowe i srebrna gospodarka. Wielokulturowość w kontekście starzenia się ludności (Multicultural Society and Silver Economy. Multiculturalism in the Context of an Ageing Population)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61875: Solidarność pokoleń w perspektywie strategicznej państwa (Solidarity between Generations in Strategic Perspective of State)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61873: Przemysły kultury i kreatywne w regionie zróżnicowanym kulturowo. Bariery i wyzwania z perspektywy polityki regionalnej (Cultural and creative industries in the culturally diverse region. Barriers and challenges from the regional policy perspective)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61872: Nierówności społeczne w kontekście badania kapitału społecznego ludzi starych. Przykład Domu Pomocy Społecznej i Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku w Białymstoku

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61871: Medialaby w kontekście solidarności pokoleń i wykluczenia robotycznego (Medialabs in the Context of Generations Solidarity and Robotics Divide)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61870: Ludzie starzy o swoim wizerunku w mediach (Older People About Their Media Image)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61869: Kreatywne starzenie się. Przykłady zagranicznych i polskich zaleceń i praktyk (Creative Ageing. Examples of Foreign and Polish Recommendations and Practices)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61868: Budowa kapitału społecznego ludzi starych w kontekście polityk aktywizacji i aktywnego starzenia się (Building Older People Social Capital in the Context of Activation Policies and Active Ageing)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61867: Unit Roots and Smooth Transitions: A Replication

- Tamer Kulaksizoglu
- 61866: Bezpieczeństwo ludzi starych w kontekście badań nad kapitałem społecznym na przykładzie mieszkańców Białegostoku (The safety of elderly people in the context of social capital research - Bialystok residents example)

- Andrzej Klimczuk
- 61865: Benchmarking Liquidity Proxies: Accounting for Dynamics and Frequency Issues

- Sven Langedijk, George Monokroussos and Evangelia Papanagiotou
- 61862: Forecasting the yield curve - Forecast performance of the dynamic Nelson-Siegel model from 1971 to 2008

- Tomas K. Molenaars, Nick H. Reinerink and Marcus A. Hemminga
- 61861: Offshoring of Medium-skill Jobs, Polarization, and Productivity Effect: Implications for Wages and Low-skill Unemployment

- Ehsan Vallizadeh, Joan Muysken and Thomas Ziesemer
- 61859: Two-Population Social Cycle Theories

- Gene Callahan and Andreas Hoffmann
- 61858: Quantifying Economic Integration of the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union: Methodological Approaches

- Igor Pelipas, Irina Tochitskaya and Evgeny Vinokurov
- 61857: Taxes and Private Consumption Expenditure: A Component Based Analysis for Turkey

- Ayşe Kaya and Hüseyin Şen
- 61853: System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration II

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 61849: Regional Disparity and Dynamic Development of China: a Multidimensional Index

- Peng Bin
- 61845: Financial Integration, Volatility of Financial Flows and Macroeconomic Volatility

- Rajmund Mirdala and Aneta Svrčeková
- 61838: Understanding Financial Instability: Minsky Versus the Austrians

- Ludwig Van Den Hauwe
- 61834: A népgazdasági szintű tervezési magatartás vizsgálata: kísérlet néhány összefüggés elemzésére (Examination of national-level planning behaviour: An attempt at analysing some interrelations)

- János Gács and Mária Lackó
- 61831: Dynamic Oligopolistic Pricing with Endogenous Change in Market Structure and Market Potential in an Epidemic Diffusion Model

- Thomas Ziesemer
- 61826: Differences in monetary policies between two hypothetical closed economies:one which is concerned with avoiding a large negative output gap and the other which is not

- Thakshila Gunaratna
- 61821: Efficiency of sugar industry in Sudan: Data Envelopment Analysis

- Ibrahim Onour
- 61817: The Relationship between Risk-Return Trade-Off and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from Malaysia Banking Sector

- Fadzlan Sufian and Muhamed Zulkhibri
- 61813: Tariffs and non-tariff frictions in the world wine trade

- Andrea Dal Bianco, Vasco Boatto, Francesco Caracciolo and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 61811: Qu’il est bon d’être méchant! Paradoxe de l’illégitimité organisationnelle dans le contexte des banques d’investissement (It feels so good to be bad! Paradox of organizational illegitimacy in the context of investment banks)

- Thomas Roulet
- 61807: Academic Publishing and Open Access

- Frank Müller-Langer and Marc Scheufen
- 61805: On the fundamentals of winning virtuous strategies creation toward leveraged buyout transactions implementation during private equity investment in conditions of resonant absorption of discrete information in diffusion - type financial system with induced nonlinearities

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 61803: Optimizing the Structure of Mongolian Foreign Trade and the Alternative Policy of Successful Transition

- Tsenguunjav Byambasuren and Munkh-Erdene Gochoo
- 61802: Mega Deal between the European Union and the Eurasian Economic Union

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 61801: The Hybrid Open Access Citation Advantage: How Many More Cites is a $3,000 Fee Buying You?

- Frank Müller-Langer and Richard Watt
- 61800: Integrating Human Capital and Human Capabilities in Understanding the Value of Education

- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and Anna Sabadash
- 61799: Unemployment and drug treatment

- Cláudia Costa Storti, Paul Grauwe, Anna Sabadash and Linda Montanari
- 61798: Economic and Financial Crises in Fifteenth-Century Egypt: Lessons From the History

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 61797: Book Review: Shari'ah Maxims Modern Applications in Islamic Finance by Muhammad Tahir Mansoori

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 61789: Enhancing the reliability of performance measures in empirical based research: leverage ratios and theoretical based research

- Marianne Ojo
- 61788: Théories et concepts fondamentaux de l'histoire de la pensée économique (Fundamental theories and concepts in the history of economic thought)

- Moussa Keita
- 61786: To remit, or not to remit: that is the question. A remittance field experiment

- Maximo Torero and Angelino Viceisza
- 61784: Institutional Investors Allocation to Emerging Markets: a Panel Approach to Asset Demand

- Bruno Bonizzi
- 61782: An arithmetic analysis of Bangladeshi sending migrants stock and remittance per capita in Malaysia

- Mannan Kazi and Khandaker Mursheda Farhana
- 61780: Computer system for farms (SITEFA) - an opportunity for performant agricultural management

- Elena Cofas
- 61779: Analysis economic indicators main crops in the South-West Oltenia

- Diana Necula
- 61778: Study on growth / conservation economic efficiency of production plant growth arrangements regarding environmental performance

- Ana Ursu
- 61776: Economic efficiency analysis of vegetable production systems during 2011-2014

- Ana Ursu
- 61775: The economic efficiency of beef cattle in extensive system

- Lidia Iurchevici and Rodica Chetroiu
- 61774: Interpretation of the results of the technical indicators of agriculture-specific economic”

- Victor Olteanu
- 61773: The system of indicators of estimation the economic efficiency in the production of goat milk

- Rodica Chetroiu and Ion Calin
- 61772: Contributions of livestock holdings to the environment objectives improvement

- Rodica Chetroiu and Lidia Iurchevici
- 61771: Studies on the present situation of agricultural heritage the Archdiocese of Bucharest

- Florin Ungureanu and Alecu Ioan Niculae
- 61770: Scarcity Rents and Incentives for Price Manipulation in Emissions Permit Markets with Stackelberg Competition

- Francisco André and Luis Miguel de Castro
- 61768: Analysis of the importance of the Merei Parish in the tourism and agrotourism in Buzau County

- Diana Necula and Raluca Necula
- 61767: Rural and historical tourism in Dobrogea

- Elena Sima
- 61766: Sustainable develoment of Ostrov area, Constanta county through rural and wine tourism

- Radu Andrei Iova and Elena Lascar
- 61765: Improvement of natural grassland as a factor of rural development in lower Danube Region

- Marijana Jovanovic, Slavica Arsic and Djuro Pajcin
- 61764: Beekeeping development opportunity for Serbian Danube”

- Nada Mijajlovic and Slavica Arsic
- 61763: Computer model for evaluating performance and economic risk at the level of farms of different sizes

- Rozi Liliana Berevoianu
- 61762: La Direction centrale de la statistique et la Balance de l’économie nationale de l’URSS en 1923—24 (The Central Statistical Administration and the Balance of the National Economy of the USSR, 1923—24)

- Amanar Akhabbar
- 61761: Business environment analysis of Romania

- Darius Stan
- 61760: Samuelson and the Non-Substitution Theorem: Some Methodological Remarks

- Amanar Akhabbar
- 61757: Evolution of agricultural cooperatives in Romania in 2014

- Florentin Bercu
- 61756: Study on the importance of credit as financial leverage in agricultural development

- Darius Stan
- 61755: Subsistence and semi subsistence agriculture in Romania

- Mihaela Vlad
- 61754: The right of foreigners to purchase agricultural lands in Romania. Cross-border conflict mediation

- Alecu Ioan Niculae, Felix Dimitrie Ciocan, Adriana Badea and Gabriela Gyongy
- 61753: The impact of the solar energy collecting systems on an individual agricultural household

- Petruta Turek Rahoveanu
- 61752: Green energy

- Victor Olteanu
- 61751: The ecological control of pests at cabbage using Artistolochia Clematitis plants from spontaneous flora

- Olimpia Pandia, Ion Saracin and Ion Bogza
- 61750: Organic farming, a viable and feasible component of the Romanian agriculture

- Anda Irina Angelescu, Ioan Alecu Niculae and Adriana Badea
- 61749: Soil biota as a natural resource for the restoration of degraded chernozems

- Irina Senicovscaia
- 61748: Qualité institutionnelle et Croissance économique: Application sur données de Panel dynamique (GMM) (Institutional quality and economic growth: Application on Dynamic Panel Data (GMM))

- Abderraouf Mtiraoui
- 61747: Environmental management in Natura 2000 Sites Case study: Braila county

- Elisabeta Rosu
- 61746: The price trend and their impact on profit margin and safety of the protein for feed in Romania

- Adrian Gheorghe Zugravu, Maria Magdalena Turek Rahoveanu, Liliana Moga and Mihaela Neculita
- 61745: Technical-economic analysis of a family farm. Case study – Gheraseni Parish, Buzau county

- Petruta Turek Rahoveanu
- 61743: Computer model for agricultural holdings-useful tool in the evaluation and implementation of a high performance management

- Rozi Liliana Berevoianu
- 61742: Use planning analysis on agricultural holdings according to their physical size. Case studies

- Mihaela Vlad
- 61741: Economic efficiency in protected vegetable cultivation

- Diana Maria Necula
- 61740: Assessment of public good energy environment - Soy

- Mihaela Vlad and Rozi Liliana Berevoianu
- 61739: The corelation between the doses of nitrogen and phosphorus appliend on the non irigated system and physiological processes of the crop hybrid Campion – year 2012

- Ion Bogza, Olimpia Pandia and Ion Saracin
- 61738: Physiological proprieties from corn influenced by the differentiate application of nitrogen and phosphorus

- Ion Bogza, Olimpia Pandia and Ion Saracin
- 61737: The maize crop technology characterized by its main indicators at the country level and in Călăraşi county

- Giorgiana Crudu, Mohamed Dhary Yusif El-Jubouri and Raluca Necula
- 61736: Analysis of sunflower production, at macro and microeconomic level. Case study

- Giorgiana Rotaru and Mariana Nastase
- 61735: Risk analysis in the critical pigmeat control points

- Ancuta Marin
- 61734: Evolución de la Pobreza Multidimensional en Nicaragua, 2001-2009 (Evolution of Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Nicaragua, 2001-2009)

- José Espinoza-Delgado and Julio López-Laborda
- 61733: The importance of traceability in certification the quality of animal products

- Lidia Iurchevici and Rodica Chetroiu
- 61732: Influence of non-saccharomyces yeasts on white dry wines

- Alain Poulard, Xenia Pascari and Boris Gaina
- 61731: The romanian trade with dairy products – the need to increase the export potential

- Mariana Grodea
- 61730: Cereal market in Romania-regional competitiveness

- Dan Voicilas
- 61729: Agricultural commodities and processed products ratio in the Romanian international agrifood trade

- Camelia Gavrilescu
- 61726: Importance of education and training local population in process of development rural tourism in Serbia

- Vukovic Predrag, Jonel Subić and Drago Cvijanović
- 61725: Education and specialized training - ways to increase performance in agriculture

- Ancuta Marin