MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 27679: Corruption in higher education: causes, consequences, reforms - the case of Georgia

- Mariam Orkodashvili
- 27676: State owned enterprises, entrepreneurship and local development: A case from Turkey

- Murat Çokgezen
- 27675: Is Social Assistance Contributing to Higher Informality in Turkey?

- Diego Angel-Urdinola, Francisco Haimovich and Monica Robayo
- 27674: Labor Markets and School-to-Work Transition in Egypt: Diagnostics, Constraints, and Policy Framework

- Diego Angel-Urdinola and Amina Semlali
- 27669: Comportement de l'entreprise réglementée: étude de l'hypothèse Averch-Johnson (Behavior of the Regulated Firm: A Study of the Averch-Johnson Hypothesis)

- Jean Mirucki
- 27668: Financial Development and Growth: A Positive, Monotonic Relationship? Empirical Evidences from South Africa

- Abdul Jalil, Abu Wahid and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 27667: Import Tariffs and Growth in a Model with Habits

- Been-Lon Chen and Shun-Fa Lee
- 27666: General fund financing, earmarking, economic stabilization and welfare

- Been-Lon Chen and Shun-Fa Lee
- 27664: A Set of Limited Asian Pacific Corporate Governance Standards After Financial Crisis, Corporate Scandals and Manipulation

- Tran Ngoc Huy Dinh
- 27663: «Un genere pressocché necessario»: consumo, politica e industria dello zucchero nel Regno di Napoli in età rivoluzionaria e napoleonica (“An almost necessary good”: sugar consumption, politics and industry in the Kingdom of Naples during the revolutionary and Napoleonic age)

- Daniela Ciccolella
- 27661: See you on Facebook: the effect of social networking on human interaction

- Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
- 27660: Markets as economizers of information: Field experimental examination of the “Hayek Hypothesis”

- Omar Al-Ubaydli and Peter Boettke
- 27656: A theory of dynamic tariff and quota retaliation

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 27655: Measuring the Cost of International Trade in Services

- Sébastien Miroudot, Jehan Sauvage and Ben Shepherd
- 27653: Attendance of ice hockey matches in the Czech Extraliga

- Jiří Lahvička
- 27652: A comprehensive literature classification of simulation optimisation methods

- Wafik Hachicha, Ahmed Ammeri, Faouzi Masmoudi and Habib Chachoub
- 27651: Zur Analyse internationaler Migrationsprozesse. Makro-quantitative Perspektiven und eine vergleichende Fallstudie über die Lage der türkischen Community in Österreich (On the analysis of international migration processes. Macro-quantitative perspectives and a comparative case study on the situation of the Turkish Community in Austria)

- Arno Tausch
- 27649: Monetary aspects of short-term capital inflows in the Central European Countries

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 27646: Applying a CART-based approach for the diagnostics of mass appraisal models

- Evgeny Antipov and Elena Pokryshevskaya
- 27645: Mass appraisal of residential apartments: An application of Random forest for valuation and a CART-based approach for model diagnostics

- Evgeny Antipov and Elena Pokryshevskaya
- 27644: Accounting for latent classes in movie box office modeling

- Evgeny Antipov and Elena Pokryshevskaya
- 27643: Financial intermediaries, leverage ratios, and business cycles

- Yasin Mimir
- 27641: The Impacts of the Proposed EU-Libya Trade Agreement

- Clive George, Oliver Miles and Dan Prud'homme
- 27636: Social surplus approach and heterodox economics

- Frederic Lee and Tae-Hee Jo
- 27635: Heterodox production and cost theory of the business enterprise

- Frederic Lee and Tae-Hee Jo
- 27634: Governance and Enterprise Restructuring in Southeast Europe

- Mico Apostolov
- 27632: Пенсионная реформа и межпоколенческий альтруизм в моделях экономической динамики (Pension reform and intergenerational altruism in economic dynamics models)

- Alexander Surkov
- 27631: Real Exchange Rate Changes and Trade Balance in Pakistan: A Revisit

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Abdul Jalil and Faridul Islam
- 27630: Partial privatization and environmental policies

- Kazuhiko Kato
- 27629: The effect of education on migration: Evidence from school reform

- Petri Böckerman and Mika Haapanen
- 27627: Preparing for Basel IV: why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision

- Marianne Ojo
- 27626: Commodity-industry classificationproxy: A correspondence table between SITC revision 2 and ISIC revision 3

- Arip M. Affendy, Lau Sim Yee and Madono Satoru
- 27624: Employee motivation and organizational impact of innovation on employee satisfaction

- Nadežda Fuksová and Jozef Chajdiak
- 27620: Semivalues: power,potential and multilinear extensions

- Francesc Carreras and José Miguel Giménez
- 27619: Constant-utility paths in a resource-based economy

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 27618: Inequality averse criteria for evaluating infinite utility streams: The impossibility of Weak Pareto

- José Alcantud
- 27617: Price Setting and Price Adjustment in Some European Union Countries: Introduction to the Special Issue

- Daniel Levy and Frank Smets
- 27615: On the Nature of Knowledge: An evolutionary perspective

- Hardy Hanappi
- 27613: An Empirical Analysis of the Effects of GP Competition

- Chris Pike
- 27612: Habitatul rural în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (The rural habitat in Arad county during the eighteenth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 27611: Efectele inundaţiilor din 1771 în oraşul Arad (The consequences of the 1771 floods in the city of Arad)

- Eugen Ghita
- 27610: Aspecte juridice privind relaţiile matrimoniale în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (Legal aspects of marital relations in the city of Arad in the eighteenth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 27609: Sârbii – imigranţi şi emigranţi în comitatul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (Serbs - immigrants and emigrants in Arad county in eighteenth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 27605: Innovation, diffusion and cumulative causation: changes in the Spanish growth regime, 1960-2001

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27603: A critical realist interpretation of evolutionary growth theorising

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27602: Evolutionary and new growth theories: are they converging?

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27601: The interactions between national systems and sectoral patterns of innovation: a cross-country analysis of Pavitt’s taxonomy

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27600: Două cazuri de divorţ în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea (Two cases of divorce in the town of Arad in the eighteenth century)

- Eugen Ghita
- 27598: Technological regimes and sectoral differences in productivity growth

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27597: The technology clubs: the distribution of knowledge across nations

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27596: The dynamic effects of U.S. monetary policy on state unemployment

- Dimitris Korobilis and Michelle Gilmartin
- 27595: Technology clubs, technology gaps and growth trajectories

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27593: Assessing the transmission of monetary policy using dynamic factor models

- Dimitris Korobilis
- 27592: Structural change and the growth of industrial sectors: empirical test of a GPT model

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27591: How does competition affect the relationship between innovation and productivity? Estimation of a CDM model for Norway

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27588: Technological regimes, Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and firm level productivity growth

- Fulvio Castellacci and Jinghai Zheng
- 27586: Closing the technology gap?

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27585: Firm heterogeneity, international cooperations and export participation

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27580: A re-appraisal of the fertility response to the Australian baby bonus

- Sarah Sinclair, Jonathan Boymal and Ashton de Silva
- 27572: How Does Corruption Influence the Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Growth?

- Keisuke Okada and Sovannroeun Samreth
- 27569: Australasian money demand stability: Application of structural break tests

- Saten Kumar and Don Webber
- 27567: Estimation of the Business Cycles - Selected Methodological Problems of the Hodrick-Prescott Filter Application

- Svatopluk Kapounek
- 27564: A proposal for the inflation targeting communication strategy of the Bank of Albania

- Erinda Nervaj, Rigers Kaso, Ina Kraja, Doriana Lama and Marga Peeters
- 27563: "Ukraine" in scholarly publications: An analysis based on econLit

- Jean Mirucki and Maria Poshyvak
- 27562: "The productivity of economics departments in the U.S.: publications in the core journals": A comment

- Jean Mirucki
- 27561: Концентрация доходов, нестабильность демократии и экономический рост (Income Concentration, Instability of Democracy and the Economic Growth)

- Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov and Alexander Tonis
- 27559: The economic meaning of ‘intangible capital’ (according to World Bank research)

- Ledeneva Marina
- 27558: Continuous supply chain collaboration: Road to achieve operational excellence

- Senthil Kumar Nakkeeran and Subburethina Bharathi Pugalendhi
- 27553: Indian G-Sec Market II: Anatomy of Short Rates

- Rituparna Das
- 27551: Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees

- Daniele Giovannucci, Joost Pierrot and Alexander Kasterine
- 27550: Diffusion des TIC dans l’espace méditerranéen une explication géographique (ICT diffusion in the mediterranean space: a geographical explanation)

- Hatem M'Henni and Raouchen Methamem
- 27549: Should SA Tour, A Singapore Travel company, Use External financing to Expand the MICE business in the China and Singapore markets?

- Chia-Yu Chang, Tran Ngoc Huy Dinh and Pekaric Benjamin
- 27548: La fracture numérique Nord-Sud de la méditerranée; une explication néo-institutionnelle (A digital divide between north and south of Mediterranean sea: A neo-institutional explanation)

- Hatem M'Henni
- 27546: Flight to Liquidity and Global Equity Returns

- Ruslan Goyenko and Sergei Sarkissian
- 27545: Cross listing waves

- Sergei Sarkissian and Michael Schill
- 27543: Why are U.S. firms listed in foreign markets worth more?

- Sergei Sarkissian and Michael Schill
- 27541: Linking Decision and Time Utilities

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 27539: Y a-t-il une gouvernance des systèmes d’innovation dans les pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-Orient? (Is there any NSI governance in MENA region)

- Rigas Arvanitis, Hatem M'Henni and Lena Tsipouri

- Bertrand Bellon, Adel Ben Youssef and Hatem M'Henni
- 27537: Les effets des technologies de l'information et de communication sur la croissance économique; le cas de la Tunisie (ICT contribution to growth; the case of tunisia)

- Adel Ben Youssef and Hatem M'Henni
- 27536: Should Argentina Be Welcomed Back by the Capital Markets?

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 27535: Federalism, decentralisation and corruption

- Sebastian Freille, Mohammad Emranul Haque and Richard Kneller
- 27531: Competition and market structure in local real estate markets

- Jason Beck, Frank Scott and Aaron Yelowitz
- 27528: New estimates of the hybrid US Phillips curve

- B. Rao and Cung Cao
- 27527: Biases in approximating log production

- Kai Sun, Daniel Henderson and Subal Kumbhakar
- 27526: О возможностях анализа «затраты-выгоды» на примере инвестиций в развитие детей из неблагополучных семей в России (Investments in development of children from disadvantaged families in Russia as an example of the cost-benefit analysis)

- Alexander Surkov
- 27525: Theoretical models of heterogeneity, growth and competitiveness: insights from the mainstream and evolutionary economics paradigms

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27524: Common and private property to exhaustible resources: theoretical implications for economic growth

- Kirill Borissov and Alexander Surkov
- 27523: Innovation and the competitiveness of industries: comparing the mainstream and the evolutionary approaches

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27521: Innovation, diffusion and catching up in the fifth long wave

- Fulvio Castellacci
- 27520: Comparison of Foreign Direct Investment in Turkey and Egypt: Motivations and Obstacles

- Devrim Dumludag
- 27519: Advances and challenges in innovation studies

- Fulvio Castellacci, Stine Grodal, Sandro Mendonça and Mona Wibe
- 27518: After the reforms: Determinants of wage growth and change in wage inequality in Vietnam: 1998-2008

- Chris Sakellariou and Zheng Fang
- 27517: Endogenous growth in a model with heterogeneous agents and voting on public goods

- Kirill Borissov and Alexander Surkov
- 27516: The Evolution of Gender Wage Differentials and Discrimination in Thailand: 1991-2007--An Application of Unconditional Quantile Regression

- Kampon Adireksombat, Zheng Fang and Chris Sakellariou
- 27515: Discrimination in the Equilibrium Search Model with Wage-Tenure Contracts

- Zheng Fang and Chris Sakellariou
- 27512: Non-Parametric Maximum Likelihood Density Estimation and Simulation-Based Minimum Distance Estimators

- Florian Gach and Benedikt Pötscher
- 27509: What determines credit participation and credit constraints of the poor in peri-urban areas, Vietnam?

- Tinh Doan, John Gibson and Mark Holmes
- 27507: Ambiguous games with contingent beliefs

- Giuseppe De Marco and Maria Romaniello
- 27505: Estado e industrializacion: dos hipotesis y la evidencia sobre el Paraguay, 1852-1870 (State-led "industrialization": the evidence on Paraguay, 1852-1870)

- Mario Pastore
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