MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 38852: Banking Redefined

- Vijaya Varma
- 38851: What do happy people choose: rapid economic growth or stable economy?

- Edsel L. Beja
- 38850: Role of Financial and Technology Inclusion, Remittances and Exports vis-à-vis growth: A study of Nepal

- Ronald Kumar
- 38846: Functional cointegration: definition and nonparametric estimation

- Jean-Yves Pitarakis
- 38845: Jointly testing linearity and nonstationarity within threshold autoregressions

- Jean-Yves Pitarakis
- 38844: Maroc gouvernance finance et développement (Morocco governance finance and economic development)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38842: Black swan protection: an experimental investigation

- Andrea Morone and Ozlem Ozdemir
- 38841: Visitors of two types of museums: do expenditure patterns differ?

- Juan Brida, Marta Disegna and Raffaele Scuderi
- 38839: Sharing a polluted river network

- Baomin Dong, Debing Ni and Yuntong Wang
- 38830: Macroeconomic instability and the incentive to innovate

- Serena Masino
- 38825: Cognitive load in the multi-player prisoner's dilemma game: Are there brains in games?

- Sean Duffy and John Smith
- 38823: The logic of violence in the civil war: the economics perspective

- Fernando Estrada
- 38822: The Role of Agriculture in the Early Phase of Industrialization: Policy implications of Japan's experience

- Shigehisa Kasahara
- 38820: Ethics and economics, a binomial possible and desirable relationship

- Manuela Ciani Scarnicci
- 38818: Global technological collaboration network. Network analysis of international co-inventions

- Giuditta De Prato and Daniel Nepelski
- 38817: Características demográficas y socioeconómicas de los adultos mayores en la Argentina: elaboración de un índice de bienestar

- Alejandro Calabria and Sergio Rottenschweiler
- 38816: Does CPI Granger-Cause WPI? New Extensions from Frequency Domain Approach in Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz, A.T.K. Kumar and Iqbal Tahir Mohammad
- 38815: Macroeconomic Effects of the German Government’s Building Rehabilitation Program

- Tobias Kronenberg, Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs and Patrick Hansen
- 38813: Corruption and tax evasion an optimal policy

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38812: The financial crisis: impact on BRIC and policy response

- Ritwik Banerjee and Pankaj Vashisht
- 38811: GIS of poverty mapping analysis for Pakistan

- Nabeela Arshad
- 38810: Liberating nations from the debt burden

- Mohamed Rabie
- 38809: 结婚年龄与婚姻的稳定性:来自断点回归的证据 (Age at marriage and marital stability: evidence from a regression discontinuity design)

- Chuanchuan Zhang
- 38804: Social security family finance and demography

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38802: Exiting the crisis in the right direction: A sustainable and shared prosperity plan for Europe

- Thomas Spencer, Lucas Chancel and Guerin Emmanuel
- 38801: Protecting privacy amid questions of economic efficiency and egalitarianism

- Enrico Baffi
- 38800: Human behaviour and adequacy of satisfiers in the light of sustainable development

- Arthur Walter
- 38799: Demand shifting across flights and airports in a spatial competition model

- Diego Escobari and Sang-Yeob Lee
- 38796: A network analysis of cities hosting ICT R&D

- Daniel Nepelski and Giuditta De Prato
- 38793: Social security family finance and demography

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38791: Once an enemy, forever an enemy? the long-run impact of the Japanese invasion of China from 1937 to 1945 on trade and investment

- Yi Che, Julan Du, Yi Lu and Zhigang Tao
- 38790: How exporters respond to antidumping investigations?

- Yi Lu, Zhigang Tao and Yan Zhang
- 38788: Evaluar para aprender. Eficiencia en salud y desarrollo (Evaluating for learning. Efficiency in health and development)

- Jose Larru
- 38787: Is There a Pollution Haven Effect? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China

- Yi Lu, Mingqin Wu and Linhui Yu
- 38785: 中国产出缺口的估计(1985-2009)及两种评估方法的比较 (China's output gap estimates (1985-2009) and comparison of the two estimation methods)

- Fei Liu
- 38778: An alternative to the Baum-Welch recursions for hidden Markov models

- Francesco Bartolucci
- 38769: Do Credit Associations Put Competitive Pressure on Regional Banks in Japanese Regional Lending Markets?

- Kazumine Kondo
- 38768: Relative price effects of monetary policy shock in Malaysia: a svar study

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Mohd Azlan Shah Zaidi and W.N.w Azman-Saini
- 38767: Skill bias, age and organizational change

- Mary O'Mahony and Fei Peng
- 38766: Macroeconomic instability and the incentive to innovate

- Serena Masino
- 38764: Nitrate pollution due to agriculture: project report No.1: policy in the United Kingdom

- David Parsisson, Nick Hanley and Clive Spash
- 38763: Croyances culturelles éducation et croissance (Cultural beliefs education and growth)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38759: Inefficient predation, information, and contagious institutional change

- Michael Dorsch and Paul Maarek
- 38758: Copper and Foreign Investment: The development of the mining industry in Cyprus during the great depression

- Alexander Apostolides
- 38757: Item selection by an extended Latent Class model: An application to nursing homes evaluation

- Francesco Bartolucci, Montanari Giorgio E. and Silvia Pandolfi
- 38756: Labor share, informal sector and development

- Paul Maarek
- 38755: Microfinance in India: self help groups - bank linkage model

- Dr. Lipishree Das
- 38754: A causal analysis of mother’s education on birth inequalities

- Silvia Bacci, Francesco Bartolucci and Luca Pieroni
- 38751: Skewness in stock returns: evidence from the Bucharest stock exchange during 2000 – 2011

- Iulian Panait and Ecaterina Oana Slavescu
- 38750: Rentes et corruption au maroc théorie et evidence (Morocco rents and corruption theory and evidence)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38747: The impact of financial sector on innovation activity: theoretical background and new evidence from russian banking sector

- Alexander Veysov and Mikhail Stolbov
- 38746: Diaspora parité du pouvoir d'achat incertitude et épargne

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38745: Fiscal Consolidation Needs and Implications for Growth

- Douglas Sutherland
- 38743: Do Women in Top Management Affect Firm Performance? Evidence from Indonesia

- Salim Darmadi
- 38742: Some socio-economic determinants of fertility in Pakistan: an empirical analysis

- Muhammad Chani, Muhammad Shahid and Mahboob Ul Hassan
- 38741: Evolution of Financing Needs in Indian Infrastructure

- Pankaj Sinha, Deepshikha Arya and Shuchi Singh
- 38738: On the sources of risk preferences in rural Vietnam

- Duc Anh Dang
- 38736: Técnicas para datos multinivel: Aplicación a los determinantes del rendimiento educativo (Techniques for multilevel data: Application to the determinants of educational performance)

- Marcos Herrera Gómez, María Aráoz, Gisela de Lafuente, Lucrecia D'jorge, María Granado, Andres Michel and Corina Paz Teran
- 38735: The Effect of Compulsory Schooling Laws on Teenage Marriage and Births in Turkey

- Murat Kırdar, Meltem Dayioglu and Ismet Koc
- 38732: High Implicit Interest Rates in the Context of Informal Traditional Housing Transactions: Evidence from Morocco

- Ahmed Driouchi and Amat Mertou
- 38731: How far India has gone down the road towards financial integration with US since subprime crisis? An Econometric Analysis

- Malayendu Saha and Amalendu Bhunia
- 38730: A Note on Stability of Self-Consistent Equilibrium in an Asynchronous Model of Discrete-Choice with Social Interaction

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 38722: Determinants of the exit decision of foreign banks in India

- Onkar Shivraj Swami, N. Arun Vishnu Kumar and Palash Baruah
- 38721: Board diversity and firm performance: the Indonesian evidence

- Salim Darmadi
- 38719: Linkages between investment flows and financial development: causality evidence from selected African countries

- Simplice Asongu
- 38717: The Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Mexico

- Hector E. Angulo-Rodriguez, Magda A. Castillo-Duran, Jorge Garza-Rodriguez, Monica Gonzalez-Hernandez and Ricardo Puente-Ortiz
- 38715: The effects of state budget cuts on employment and income

- Jeffrey Clemens and Stephen Miran
- 38713: Economics and ethics: a historical approach

- Manuela Ciani Scarnicci
- 38712: Implications of India-Asean Fta on India’s fisheries sector

- B.P. Chandran
- 38711: Endogenous dynamic academic research culture

- Mohamed Jellal, Joao Faria and Noureddine Elaoufi
- 38709: Market competition and innovation in Luxembourg

- Chiara Peroni and Ivete Gomes Ferreira
- 38708: حوكمة الوقف الاسلامى (Governance of Islamic Waqf)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 38706: Risk management in Islamic banks

- Mohamed Helmy
- 38704: A selection analysis on education returns in China

- Lili Kang and Fei Peng
- 38701: Selection and institutional shareholder activism in Chinese acquisitions

- Fei Peng, Lili Kang and Jun Jiang
- 38700: Posterior consistency of nonparametric conditional moment restricted models

- Yuan Liao and Wenxin Jiang
- 38698: Endogeneity in ultrahigh dimension

- Jianqing Fan and Yuan Liao
- 38697: Large covariance estimation by thresholding principal orthogonal complements

- Jianqing Fan, Yuan Liao and Martina Mincheva
- 38696: Does export participation affect wages and employment quality? the case of Vietnamese SMEs

- Van Huong Vu
- 38691: Subjective well-being among ethnic minorities: the Dutch case

- Ozge Gokdemir and Devrim Dumludag
- 38690: Corporate investment decisions under asymmetric information and uncertainty

- Peter Bell
- 38689: Goodness of fit test for the multifractal model of asset returns

- Peter Bell
- 38687: Gouvernance éducation et croissance économique (Governance education and economic growth)

- Mohamed Jellal and Mohamed Bouzahzah
- 38686: Herbert Simon: bounded rationality y teoría de las organizaciones (Herbert Simon: bounded rationality and organizations theory)

- Fernando Estrada
- 38685: Determinantes de la eficiencia técnica en las actividades I+DT de los Centros Tecnológicos españoles (Determinants of technical efficiency in R&D activities for Spanish Technological Institutes)

- Ramón Núñez-Sánchez and Aurelia Modrego-Rico
- 38683: Farm diversification and market inclusion in East Europe and Central Asia

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 38682: Risk components in UK cross-sectional equities: evidence of regimes and overstated parametric estimates

- Francesco Rossi
- 38681: An Analysis of the New Budget Law of Mongolia of 2011

- Ariunaa Lkhagvadorj
- 38680: الوقف الاسلامى كأحد أدوات المسؤولية الاجتماعية للشركات (Islamic Waqf as a tools of corporate social responsibility)

- Hussein Elasrag
- 38675: An empirical investigation of the arbitrage pricing theory in a frontier stock market: evidence from Bangladesh

- Muhammad U Faruque
- 38672: L’impact du conseil d’administration sur la performance financière des entreprises Tunisiennes (The impact of the Board of directors on the financial performance of Tunisian companies)

- Zied Bouaziz and Mohamed Triki
- 38671: Environmental efficiency indices: towards a new approach to green-growth accounting

- Chiara Peroni
- 38670: A new unit labour cost changes decomposition Four pillars of cost competitiveness recovery

- Chiara Peroni and Charles-Henri DiMaria
- 38668: Savings for retirement under liquidity constraints: a note

- Lorenzo Corsini and Luca Spataro
- 38666: Cost-benefit analysis and the greenhouse effect

- Clive Spash and Nick Hanley
- 38665: Reformulation du modèle macroéconomique de la nouvelle synthèse: crédits, politique monétaire et écarts de taux (A reformulation of the new synthesis macroeconomic model: credits, monetary policy and interest rates gaps)

- Bernard Landais
- 38664: Does ECOWAS make sense?

- Nilanjan Banik and C.A. Yoonus
- 38663: Stock return comovement and systemic risk in the Turkish banking system

- Mahir Binici, Bülent Köksal and Cuneyt Orman
- 38659: The location substitution effect: does it apply for China?

- Nilanjan Banik and Khanindra Ch. Das
- 38658: Effects of siblings and birth order on income redistribution preferences

- Eiji Yamamura
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