MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 37758: Measuring the impacts of the national flood insurance program

- James P. Howard .
- 37756: Impact of environmental regulations on trade in the main EU countries: conflict or synergy?

- Roberta de Santis
- 37755: The panel conditionally homogenous vectorautoregressive model

- Georgios Georgiadis
- 37754: Mechanization, task assignment, and inequality

- Kazuhiro Yuki
- 37752: The doctrinal paradox, the discursive dilemma, and logical aggregation theory

- Philippe Mongin
- 37751: Value judgments and value neutrality in economics

- Philippe Mongin
- 37745: Examining the discourse on nuclear weapons

- Roya Ghafele
- 37740: Does optimization imply rationality?

- Philippe Mongin
- 37736: The metaphors of globalization and trade. an analysis of the language used in the World Trade Organization

- Roya Ghafele
- 37735: Can intellectual property diplomacy be more than war by other means?

- Roya Ghafele
- 37734: Natural disasters and participation in volunteer activities: A case study of the Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake

- Eiji Yamamura
- 37732: Supplementary appendix to "noncausal vector autoregression"

- Markku Lanne and Pentti Saikkonen
- 37730: Trade, FDI, growth and biodiversity: an empirical analysis for the main OECD countries

- Roberta de Santis
- 37727: A note on the pricing of the perpetual American capped power put option

- Yoshitaka Sakagami
- 37726: Las cajas de ahorro y el cambio tecnológico antes de Internet, 1945-1995 (Technological change in Spanish Savings Banks before Internet, 1945-1995)

- J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 37725: Risk aversion influence on insurance market

- Daniela Viviana Raduna and Mihai Daniel Roman
- 37720: Public sector pay policy in East European countries

- Dan Lupu
- 37719: Análisis económico sobre el tamaño óptimo del mercado y ubicación de estaciones de transferencia para el manejo de residuos sólidos en Colombia (Economic Analysis about the Solid Waste Quantities and Optimal Hauling Distance to Install Transfer Stations in Colombia)

- Jorge Perdomo Calvo and Juan Andrés Ramirez Orozco
- 37717: Supplement to "Belief heterogeneity in the Arrow-Borch-Raviv insurance model"

- Mario Ghossoub
- 37712: Air pollution:a case study of a cashew nut factory

- A. Rjumohan
- 37707: Food prices, government subsidies and fiscal balances in south Mediterranean countries

- Marga Peeters and Ronald Albers
- 37706: A pro bit analysis of the incidence of the cotton leaf curl virus in Punjab, Pakistan

- Georgee. Battese and Munir Ahmad
- 37704: Cournot and Bertrand competition with asymmetric costs in a mixed duopoly revisited

- Kangsik Choi
- 37703: Technical efficiency measures for dairy farms using panel data: a comparison of alternative model specifications

- Munir Ahmad and Boris Bravo-Ureta
- 37702: An analysis of technical efficiency of rice farmers in pakistani Punjab

- Munir Ahmad, Rafiq Muhammad and Asgar Ali
- 37701: Endogenous human capital formation, distance to frontier and growth

- Sujata Basu and Meeta Mehra
- 37696: Information system solutions for the management of Romanian small and medium size enterprises

- Liliana Moga
- 37691: A behavioral note on the demand for health

- Aida Isabel Tavares
- 37682: An empirical analysis of the determinants of corporate crime in Malaysia

- Mung Ling Voon, Sze Ling Voon and Chin-Hong Puah
- 37681: Poverty across the agro- ecological zones in rural Pakistan

- Ghulam Arif and Munir Ahmad
- 37680: Empirical analysis on emerging issues of Malaysia outward FDI from macroeconomic perspective

- Jerome Kueh, Chin-Hong Puah and Shazali Abu Mansor
- 37678: An econometric decomposition of dairy output growth

- Munir Ahmad and Boris Bravo-Ureta
- 37677: Budget-current account deficits nexus in Malaysia

- Chin-Hong Puah, Evan Lau and Kim Lee Tan
- 37676: Testing long-run neutrality of money: evidence from Malaysian stock market

- Chin-Hong Puah, Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Kian-Ping Lim
- 37671: Dynamic linkage between Macroeconomic Activities and Stock Prices in Fiji

- Chin-Hong Puah and Tiru Jayaraman
- 37669: Martingale approximation for common factor representation

- Victor Bystrov and Antonietta di Salvatore
- 37665: Consumers’ versatile buying behavior irrespective to high and low involvement products

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37664: Disparity in the structure of wages in Pakistan

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37663: The energy short fall and its after effects (a case study for Karachi city in context to Karachi electric supply corporation)

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37662: Empirical analysis of the forecast error impact of classical and bayesian beta adjustment techniques

- Pankaj Sinha and Prabha Jayaraman
- 37661: Feminism today

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37660: Do economic players shape up fashion trends?

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37659: Co-movements of consumption patterns of high and low involvement products

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37658: Macroeconomic instability in Afghanistan: causes and solutions

- Omar Joya
- 37657: Spending patterns in youth

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37655: Age segregation and hiring of older employees: low mobility revisited

- Pekka Ilmakunnas and Seija Ilmakunnas
- 37653: Energy consumption and economic growth: evidence from nonlinear panel cointegration and causality tests

- Tolga Omay, Mubariz Hasanov and Nuri Ucar
- 37651: Gifts and sponsored trips for doctors matter more for sales of MNCs?(an application of censored regression)

- Syed Akif Hasan, Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani and Amber Osman
- 37649: Stock market and economic growth in selected Asian countries

- Hong Peng Tang, Muzafar Shah Habibullah and Chin-Hong Puah
- 37648: Natural Learning in Higher Education

- J. Armstrong
- 37646: Uncertainty, flexible labour relations and R&D expenditure

- Emanuele Grassi and Marco Di Cintio
- 37645: Il difficile passaggio verso il lavoro dei giovani che lasciano la scuola: quali possibili politiche? (The hard access to the labour market of youth leaving school: what policy choices?)

- Floro Caroleo
- 37641: Valorizzazione Territoriale e Sviluppo Sostenibile

- Fancesco Petrillo
- 37637: Electricity consumption and economic growth causality revisited: evidence from Turkey

- Muhammad Shahbaz and Ozturk Ilhan
- 37635: Backward and forward closed solutions of multivariate ARMA models

- Jorge Ludlow
- 37634: Do reticent managers lie during firm surveys?

- George Clarke
- 37633: Globalization and health worker crisis: what do wealth-effects tells us?

- Simplice Asongu
- 37632: Determinants of Health Professionals’ Migration in Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 37631: Are financial benefits of financial globalization questionable until greater domestic financial development has taken place?

- Simplice Asongu
- 37630: Belief heterogeneity in the Arrow-Borch-Raviv insurance model

- Mario Ghossoub
- 37629: Monotone equimeasurable rearrangements with non-additive probabilities

- Mario Ghossoub
- 37628: Towards a Purely Behavioral Definition of Loss Aversion

- Mario Ghossoub
- 37625: A note on construction of heuristically optimal Pena’s synthetic indicators by the particle swarm method of global optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 37622: Análisis de los factores que afectan la repetición de la visita a una atracción cultural: una aplicación al museo de Antioquia (Analysis of factors affecting repeat visit to a cultural attraction: an application to the Museum of Antioquia)

- Juan Brida, Pablo Daniel Monterubbianesi and Sandra Zapata Aguirre
- 37621: State legitimacy and famines in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Camille Sutter
- 37618: Social Enterprise, Capabilities and Development: Lessons from Ecuador

- Margherita Scarlato
- 37617: Trust, contracting, and adaptation in agri-food hybrid structure

- Gaetano Martino
- 37600: Adaptation in Food Networks: theoretical framework and empirical evidences

- Gaetano Martino and Angelo Frascarelli
- 37599: Rationality of business operational forecasts: evidence from Malaysian distributive trade sector

- Chin-Hong Puah, Shirly Wong and Muzafar Shah Habibullah
- 37598: Technological progress and its contribution to economic development

- Ewa Lechman
- 37596: Extraction of non-renewable resources: a differential game approach

- George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
- 37592: Voting Behaviour in a dynamic perspective: a survey

- Marco Ferdinando Martorana
- 37585: ¿Cuál matriz de pesos espaciales?. Un enfoque sobre selección de modelos (Which spatial weighting matrix? An approach for model selection)

- Marcos Herrera Gómez, Jesus Mur and Manuel Ruiz Marin
- 37583: Does unemployment insurance crowd out home production?

- Temel Taskin
- 37580: A cooperação entre equipas de trabalho em empresas em rede: vantagens para o desenvolvimento regional (Workteam Co-operation in Networked Companies: regional development advantages)

- António Moniz
- 37573: Le calcul de la valeur statistique d'une vie humaine (Estimation of statistical value of life)

- Georges Dionne and Martin Lebeau
- 37567: Does Corporate Governance Effects Firm Performance in Case of Pakistani Market

- Attiya Javid and Robina Iqbal
- 37566: Impact of Family Ownership concentration on the Firm’s Performance: Evidence from Pakistani Capital Market

- Shahab-u-Din Din and Attiya Javid
- 37565: The Response of the Pakistani Stock market to a Cataclysmic Event

- Attiya Javid
- 37564: Modeling Dividend Behavior in Pakistan

- Fazli Haleem and Attiya Javid
- 37563: An assessment of debt sustainability in scenario of Pakistan’s debt burden

- Khurram Ejaz and Attiya Javid
- 37562: Forecasting performance of capital asset pricing models in case of Pakistani market

- Attiya Javid
- 37561: Time Varying Risk Return Relationship: Evidence from Listed Pakistani Firms

- Attiya Javid
- 37560: Impact of managerial ownership on financial policies and the firm’s performance: evidence Pakistani manufacturing firms

- Shahab-u- Din and Attiya Javid
- 37558: Analysis of asymmetry in the price-volume relation: evidence from Pakistani stock market

- Fauzia Mubarik and Attiya Javid
- 37557: Total labor force and GDP of Bangladesh: an analysis in between the year 2002-2009

- Muhammad Iqbal Hossain
- 37551: Who is happier: The housewife or working wife?

- Edsel Beja
- 37550: Decomposition of toxic chemical substance management in three U.S. manufacturing sectors from 1991 to 2008

- Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 37548: Estimation Theory for the Cusp Catastrophe Model

- Loren Cobb
- 37543: Türkiye’de Bilgi Ekonomisi ve Bilgi Yoğun Malların Dış Ticareti (1969-2009) (Knowledge Economy and Foreign Trade of Knowledge Intensive Goods In Turkey (1969-2009))

- Caner Ekizceleroğlu
- 37539: Estimação da matriz insumo-produto utilizando dados preliminares das contas nacionais: aplicação e análise de indicadores econômicos para o Brasil em 2005 (Estimation of input-output matrix using preliminary data from national accounts: application and analysis of economic indicators for Brazil in 2005)

- Joaquim Guilhoto and Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho
- 37535: Energy consumption, emissions and economic growth in an oil producing country

- Mohd Adib Ismail and Mawar Murni Yunus
- 37534: A note on the indeterminacy and arbitrariness of pena’s method of construction of synthetic indicators

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 37531: The effect of instıtutıonal varıables on fdi inflows: Evidence from upper-middle income countries

- Bulent Dogru
- 37530: Arbitrage, cointegration and testing the unbiasedness hypothesis in coffee futures traded at the CSCE

- Malini Nair
- 37529: What determines broadband uptake in emerging countries? An empirical study

- Mona Badran
- 37528: The relationship between stock returns and volatility in the seventeen largest international stock markets: A semi-parametric approach

- Dimitrios Dimitriou and Theodore Simos
- 37527: Entreprises behavior in cooperative and punishment‘s repeated negotiations

- Mihai Roman
- 37525: Farmers' perceptions of problems using RRA methodology

- Bashir Ahmad and Munir Ahmad
- 37524: Balanced skills among nascent entrepreneurs

- Michael Stuetzer, Martin Obschonka and Eva Schmitt-Rodermund
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