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34416: Profil et corrélats de la pauvreté en République Centrafricaine en 2008 (Profile and Correlates of Poverty in the Central African Republic in 2008) Downloads
Prospere Backiny-Yetna and Quentin Wodon
34415: Pauvreté au Libéria: Niveau, profil, et corrélats en 2007 (Poverty in Liberia: Level, Profile, and Correlates in 2007) Downloads
Prospère Backiny-Yetna, Quentin Wodon, Rose Mungai and Clarence Tsimpo
34414: In pursuit for impeccable veracity Downloads
Sergey Popov
34412: Entry, growth, and survival in the green industry Downloads
Dakshina De Silva, Timothy P. Hubbard, Robert P. McComb and Anita R. Schiller
34411: The state of blacks in higher education Downloads
William Darity, Rhonda V Sharpe and Omari H Swinton
34408: Italian consumers’ willingness to pay for renewable energy sources Downloads
Simona Bigerna and Paolo Polinori
34398: تفعيل دور التمويل الإسلامي في تنمية المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة (Activating the role of Islamic finance in the development of small and medium enterprises) Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
34397: Hopf bifurcation in a environmental defensive expenditures model with time delay Downloads
Paolo Russu
34396: eGEP Economic Model: Final Report on the Benefits, Costs and Financing of eGovernment Downloads
Marcella Corsi, Carlo D'Ippoliti, Andrea Gumina and Michele Battisti
34395: A dynamic model of house price Downloads
Zigan Wang and Youwei Zhu
34393: Theory of financial integration and achievements in the European Union Downloads
Daniel Stavarek, Iveta Palečková (Řepková) and Katarina Gajdosova
34392: Energy Resources, Domestic Investment and Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria Downloads
Olufemi Muibi Saibu
34386: Riba in La-riba contracts:where to turn in Islamic home financing? Downloads
Zubair Hasan
34382: The river sharing problem: A review of the technical literature for policy economists Downloads
Rodney Beard
34380: Pauvreté en Guinée de 1994 à 2007: Tendances, perceptions, et priorités des ménages (Poverty in Guinea from 1994 to 2007: Trends, Perceptions, and Household Priorities) Downloads
Prospère Backiny-Yetna and Quentin Wodon
34378: Impact de la crise économique en République Centrafricaine: Analyse quantitative et qualitative (Impact of the Economic Crisis in the Central African Republic:Quantitative and Qualitative analyses) Downloads
Léa Salmon, Josias Tebero and Quentin Wodon
34377: Tendances et profil de la pauvreté au Cap-Vert de 2001 à 2007: Analyses quantitative et qualitative (Poverty Trends and Profile in Cape Verde from 2001 to 2007: Quantitative and Qualitative analyses) Downloads
Propere Backiny-Yetna, Flávia Carbonari and Quentin Wodon
34374: Risque et mesures de la pauvreté rurale au Burkina Faso (Risk and Measures of Rural Poverty in Burkina Faso) Downloads
Kofi Nouve, Yiriyibin Bambio, Samuel Kabore and Quentin Wodon
34371: Determinants of smallholder maize supply to private traders and profitability: evidence from lilongwe district in central Malawi Downloads
Assa M. Maganga
34370: Panel unit root tests of purchasing power parity hypothesis: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Giray Gözgör
34369: Comparing forecast performances among volatility estimation methods in the pricing of european type currency options of USD-TL and Euro-TL Downloads
Giray Gözgör and Pinar Nokay
34368: Innovative management practices and their impact on local e-government performance: The Turkish provincial municipalities Downloads
Aykut Arslan
34367: Productivity change in Italian airports Downloads
Simone Gitto and Paolo Mancuso
34366: Airport efficiency: a DEA two stage analysis of the Italian commercial airports Downloads
Simone Gitto and Paolo Mancuso
34365: The individual contribution to income inequality: conceptual analysis and empirical investigation Downloads
Gaetano Martino and Paolo Polinori
34361: Money Demand Functions for Pakistan (Divisia Approach) Downloads
Haroon Sarwar, Zakir Hussian and Masood Awan
34359: The world energy production, consumption and productivity in the energy sector, population and the per capita growth: Regression analysis Downloads
Dushko Josheski, Darko Lazarov, Cane Koteski and Zlatko Sovreski V.
34358: Counterparty credit risk management in industrial corporates Downloads
Christian Langkamp
34357: Makroekonomiskā aprites modeļa izstrādāšana izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi (Development of System Dynamics Macroeconomic Equilibrium Model) Downloads
Valerijs Skribans
34356: The creative industrial park: formation path and evolution mechanism Downloads
Yong Yang, Shu-Yi Huang and Ming-Hua Lin
34354: India: Latin America's Next Big Thing? Downloads
Mauricio Moreira
34352: Causality relations between foreign direct investment and portfolio investment volatility Downloads
Giray Gözgör and Yaman O. Erzurumlu
34347: European labour markets challenges in the context of the “Europe 2020” srategy Downloads
Iskra Beleva
34346: Effect of transparency on changing views regarding nuclear energy before and after Fukushima accident Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
34345: Frictionless economy and its implementation in real world Downloads
Yu Yang
34343: Services trade, regulation, and regional integration: Evidence from sectoral data Downloads
Erik van der Marel and Ben Shepherd
34334: The Poisson quasi-maximum likelihood estimator: A solution to the “adding up” problem in gravity models Downloads
Jean-Francois Arvis and Ben Shepherd
34329: Heterogenous intertemporal elasticity of substitution and relative risk aversion: estimation of optimal consumption choice with habit formation and measurement errors Downloads
Natalia Khorunzhina and Gayle Wayne Roy
34322: Growth and election outcomes in a developing country Downloads
Poonam Gupta and Arvind Panagariya
34313: Economic thinking and ethics: an ethical approach for economical issues Downloads
Sebastian Thieme
34312: Kuznets curve and environmental performance: evidence from China Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
34304: The performance of amateur traders on a public internet site: a case of a stock-exchange contest Downloads
Michel Blanchard and Philippe Bernard
34303: Are international environmental agreements stable ex-post? Downloads
Rodney Beard and Thilak Mallawaarachchi
34302: Simulation based estimation of threshold moving average models with contemporaneous shock asymmetry Downloads
Huseyin Tastan
34301: Earnings Dynamics of Men and Women in Finland: Permanent Inequality versus Earnings Instability Downloads
Otto Kässi
34295: Consolidation causes little austerity Downloads
Ralph Musgrave
34292: Economics and psychology.Perfect rationality versus bounded rationality Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
34290: Poverty, inflation and economic growth: empirical evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Chani, Zahid Pervaiz, Sajjad Ahmad Jan, Amjad Ali and Amatul R. Chaudhary
34279: Longevity risks and capital markets: The 2010-2011 update Downloads
David Blake, Christophe Courbage, Richard MacMinn and Michael Sherris
34278: Target-driven investing: Optimal investment strategies in defined contribution pension plans under loss aversion Downloads
David Blake, Douglas Wright and Yumeng Zhang
34277: Age dependent investing: Optimal funding and investment strategies in defined contribution pension plans when members are rational life cycle financial planners Downloads
David Blake, Douglas Wright and Yumeng Zhang
34276: Who enters the foreclosure process? Downloads
Eric Doviak and Sean MacDonald
34275: Who defaults on their home mortgage? Downloads
Eric Doviak and Sean MacDonald
34273: Good governance in microcredit strategy for poverty reduction: focus on western Mindanao, Philippines Downloads
Frede Moreno
34272: Economic Cycle Volatility in the World Economy and Prospects for Global Economic Equilibrium Recovery Downloads
Vadym Konchyn
34271: Regional convergence in Turkey: the role of government in economic environment augmenting activities Downloads
Fatma Karaman Kabadurmus and Fatma Doğruel
34269: Financial Inclusion in India: A case-study of West Bengal Downloads
Sadhan Chattopadhyay
34266: Taxes, lawyers, and the decline of witch trials in France Downloads
Noel Johnson and Mark Koyama
34265: The threshold nonstationary panel data approach to forward premiums Downloads
Jun Nagayasu
34264: N-Person cake-cutting: there may be no perfect division Downloads
Steven Brams, Michael A. Jones and Christian Klamler
34263: Two-person cake-cutting: the optimal number of cuts Downloads
Julius B. Barbanel and Steven Brams
34262: When does approval voting make the "right choices"? Downloads
Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
34261: ЧОВЕШКИ КАПИТАЛ, ВОДЕЩ ЧОВЕШКИ КАПИТАЛ И ДОХОДИ ОТ ТРУД: Как образованието определя дохода от труд в икономиката на България? (Human Capital, Leading Human Capital and Labour Incomes) Downloads
Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva and Nataliya Panayotova
34260: Nine protestants are to be esteemed worth ten catholics. Representing religion, labour and economic performance in pre-Industrial Europe, c.1650 - c.1800 Downloads
Thijs A. Lambrecht
34257: Ryzyko struktury: Rys koncepcyjny (The Risk of the Structure: Initial proposal) Downloads
Piotr Staszkiewicz
34255: A critical perspective on heterodox production modeling Downloads
Michael Murray
34254: Evolution of competition in Vietnam industries over the recent economic transition Downloads
Tinh Doan
34245: Cost and profit efficiency of french commercial banks Downloads
Raoudha Béjaoui Rouissi
34244: Measuring the competitiveness of the provinces of Ecuador (Measuring the competitiveness of the provinces of Ecuador) Downloads
Rafael Alvarado
34241: Institutionally Induced Human Capital Vintages and Economic Growth in Transition Downloads
Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva and Kaloyan Ganev
34237: From Coping with Natural Disasters in the Past to a Model of Future Optimal Adaptation Downloads
Raphael Bucher and Jasmin Guelden Sterzl
34236: Longevity hedge effectiveness: a decomposition Downloads
Andrew Cairns, Kevin Dowd, David Blake and Guy Coughlan
34234: Spend more today: Using behavioural economics to improve retirement expenditure decisions Downloads
David Blake and Tom Boardman
34232: Bowling alone but tweeting together: the evolution of human interaction in the social networking era Downloads
Angelo Antoci, Fabio Sabatini and Mauro Sodini
34231: Human Capital Formation during Communism and Transition: Evidence from Bulgaria Downloads
Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva
34227: Interruptions and failure in higher education: evidence from ISEG-UTL Downloads
Margarida Lopes and Graça Leao Fernandes
34226: Foreign direct investment-economic growth nexus: The role of domestic financial development in Portugal Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Nuno Leitão and Malik Summaira
34225: Matter matters: productivity, resources, and prices Downloads
Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
34222: International partnerships, foreign control and income levels: theory and evidence Downloads
Christa Brunnschweiler and Simone Valente
34220: Financial Reforms and Banking Efficiency: Case of Pakistan Downloads
Usman Ahmad
34217: Gestion publique du périmètre irrigué: Accord informel, corruption et recherche de rente (Public management of water in irrigated aera:informal agreement,corruption and rent-seeking) Downloads
Hayet Ben Said
34216: The investments in renewable energy sources: do low carbon economies better invest in green technologies? Downloads
Giuseppe Scandurra and Antonio Angelo Romano
34215: Efficiency Analysis of Micro-finance Institutions in Pakistan Downloads
Usman Ahmad
34211: A framework for acquiring the resources vital for the start-up of a business in South Africa:an African Immigrant’s Perspective Downloads
Robertson Tengeh, Harry Ballard and Andre Slabbert
34206: Copyright and market structure under vertical relations Downloads
Yasuo Nakanishi
34203: Social security and the rise in health spending: a macroeconomic analysis Downloads
Kai Zhao
34202: The Hodrick-Prescott filter with priors: linear restrictions on HP filters Downloads
Juan Julio
34191: Mode of compensation to internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Thar coalfields areas of Sindh Downloads
Gobind M. Herani
34190: Relationship between exports, imports, and economic growth in France: evidence from cointegration analysis and Granger causality with using geostatistical models Downloads
Arshia Amiri and Ulf-G. Gerdtham
34189: Welfare costs of reclassification risk in the health insurance market Downloads
Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
34187: Regulation, competition and fraud: evidence from retail gas stations in Mexico Downloads
Julio Arteaga and Daniel Flores
34186: Legislative turnover, fiscal policy, and economic growth: evidence from U.S. state legislatures Downloads
Yogesh Uppal and Amihai Glazer
34185: Why does mutual fund performance not persist? The impact and interaction of fund flows and manager changes Downloads
Wolfgang Bessler, David Blake, Peter Lückoff and Ian Tonks
34184: Sharing longevity risk: Why governments should issue longevity bonds Downloads
David Blake, Tom Boardman and Andrew Cairns
34183: Efficiency of broadband internet adoption in European Union member states Downloads
Dmitry Pavlyuk
34182: Weak continuity of preferences with nontransitive indifference Downloads
Gianni Bosi and Magalì Zuanon
34181: E-commerce narzędziem globalizacji handlu (E-commerce - The Way of Market Globalization) Downloads
Grzegorz Chodak
34180: Internet jako dodatkowy kanał dystrybucji – efekt synergii czy kanibalizm? (Internet as Additional Distribution Channel - Synergy or Cannibalism) Downloads
Grzegorz Chodak
34179: Non-linear convergence in Asian interest rates and inflation rates Downloads
Khalid Kisswani and Salah Nusair
Yasuo Nakanishi
Page updated 2025-03-25
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