MPRA Paper
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- 22406: A closed form solution to Stollery's global warming problem with temperature in utility

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 22403: State Aid for Industrial Enterprises in Belarus: Remedy or Poison?

- Irina Kolesnikova
- 22402: A classical algorithm to break through Maskin's theorem for small-scale cases

- Haoyang Wu
- 22401: Money Talks? An Experimental Study of Rebate in Reputation System Design

- Lingfang Li and Erte Xiao
- 22396: Measuring the Welfare Cost of Inflation in Zimbabwe

- Albert Makochekanwa
- 22393: EU labour market behaviour during the Great Recession

- Alfonso Arpaia and Nicola Curci
- 22387: Real-Time Data Revisions and the PCE Measure of Inflation

- Heather Tierney
- 22385: Régulation d'un duopole et R&D environnementale (Regulation of a duopoly and environmental R&D)

- Slim Ben Youssef and Zeineb Dinar
- 22382: A Study about the Impact of Nutrition Education and Awareness of Food Safety among Women SHG Members

- B Gowri, K.P. Vasantha Devi and Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 22380: Asymptotic Theory Of Stochastic Choice Functionals For Prospects With Embedded Comotonic Probability Measures

- Godfrey Cadogan
- 22379: Asset Pricing - A Brief Review (Asset Pricing - A Brief Review)

- Minqiang Li
- 22378: Estimation of Peaked Densities Over the Interval [0,1] Using Two-Sided Power Distribution: Application to Lottery Experiments

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 22370: Externalities, income taxes and indeterminacy in OLG models

- Yan Chen and Yan Zhang
- 22367: CEO turnover in a competitive assignment framework

- Andrea Eisfeldt and Camelia Kuhnen
- 22363: Skill mismatch e profili professionali: il settore turistico-alberghiero (Skill mismatch in tourism and hotel sector)

- Filippo Ferrari
- 22362: The Transatlantic Economy Dollar vs Euro relations amid the Global Financial Crisis

- Maria Avellaneda
- 22361: Infant Industry Protection and Industrial Dynamics

- Josh Ederington and Phillip McCalman
- 22360: A dynamic factor model of the coincident indicators for the US transportation sector

- Kajal Lahiri and Vincent Yao
- 22359: Экономическое равновесие и оптимум (Economic Equilibrium and the Optimum)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22352: Factor Endowment, Structural Change, and Economic Growth

- Natasha Xingyuan Che
- 22348: Financing Creative Destruction

- Roberto Samaniego
- 22346: Foreign Direct Investment and Customs Union: Incentives for Multilateral Tariff Cooperation over Free Trade

- Halis Yildiz
- 22344: Managing infectious diseases over connected populations: a non-convex optimal control

- Michele Graziano Ceddia
- 22343: Islamic equity funds: an Italian perspective

- Collina Stefano
- 22342: Commutative Prospect Theory and Stopped Behavioral Processes for Fair Gambles

- Godfrey Cadogan
- 22337: Human Deprivation Index: A Measure of Multidimensional Poverty

- Sivakumar Marimuthu and A Sarvalingam
- 22335: Insurance contracts on tourism

- Armand Krasniqi
- 22328: The Month-of-the-year Effect: Evidence from GARCH models in Fifty Five Stock Markets

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 22327: Health Expenditures in Greece: A Multiple Least Squares Regression and Cointegration Analysis Using Bootstrap Simulation in EVIEWS

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 22326: Bootstrapping Fuzzy-GARCH Regressions on the Day of the Week Effect in Stock Returns: Applications in MATLAB

- Eleftherios Giovanis
- 22325: Natural Resource Curse: Special Experience Of The Persian Gulf States

- Yeganeh Eghbalnia
- 22323: A note on the double k-class estimator in simultaneous equations

- Kajal Lahiri and Chuanming Gao
- 22321: Effects of television advertising on children: with special reference to pakistani urban children

- Zain Ul Abideen and Rashid M. Salaria
- 22319: Transport as the factor of sustainable economic development

- Fatos Ukaj
- 22318: Studying the Properties of the Correlation Trades

- Gea Cayetano
- 22317: صيغ تمويل المشروعات الصغيرة في الاقتصاد الإسلامي (Islamic financial instruments and small and medium enterprises)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22316: Realgrößen und Preisindizes im alten und im neuen VGR-System (Macro-economic aggregates in real terms and price indices in the old and the new system of national accounts)

- Georg Quaas
- 22313: Legal aspects of electronic commerce

- Radut Carmen and Licuta Petria
- 22310: الريادية ودورها فى التنمية العربية فى ظل اقتصاد المعرفة (Entrepreneurship and its role in the Arab development under the knowledge economy)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22308: Science, Bourgeois Dignity, and the Industrial Revolution

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 22306: On the Complete Information First--Price Auction and its Intuitive Solution

- Jose Alcalde and Matthias Dahm
- 22304: الاستثمارات العربية البينية كآلية للتشغيل فى الدول العربية (The Inter-Arab investments as a mechanism for job creation in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22300: المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ودورها في التشغيل فى الدول العربية (The role of small and medium enterprises in job creation in the Arab countries)

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22299: Greenhouse gas emissions and the role of the Kyoto Protocol

- Hiroki Iwata and Keisuke Okada
- 22296: Insurance regulation and the credit crisis. What’s new?

- Gustavo Ferro
- 22295: Does the Hartz IV Reform have an Effect on Matching Efficiency in Germany? A Stochastic Frontier Approach

- Katja Hillmann
- 22291: An analysis of bounded rationality in judicial litigations: the case with loss/disappointment averses plaintiffs

- Eric Langlais
- 22289: Dilemmas of public election

- Fernando Estrada
- 22286: Effects of residential mobility on the educational opportunity of children in a society with a centralised educational system

- Jaap Dronkers and Annelies Vermeij
- 22285: Testing the Weak Form Efficiency in Pakistan’s Equity, Badla and Money Markets

- Abdul Rashid and Fazal Husain
- 22284: The compromise efficiency vs. egalitarianism among generations with an infinite horizon

- José Alcantud
- 22283: Sex discrimination within the Romanian labor market – Myth or reallity?

- Ciprian Turturean, Ciprian Chirila and Viorica Chirila
- 22275: The Defense-growth nexus: An application for the Israeli-Arab conflict

- Aamer Abu-Qarn
- 22272: Accounting for Unobserved Country Heterogeneity in Happiness Research: Country Fixed Effects versus Region Fixed Effects

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 22270: The Impact of Innovation into the Economic Growth

- Shqipe Gerguri and Veland Ramadani
- 22268: Density Based Regression for Inhomogeneous Data: Application to Lottery Experiments

- Krzysztof Kontek
- 22267: Innovation: Principles and Strategies

- Veland Ramadani and Shqipe Gerguri
- 22266: The simple analytics of oligopoly banking in developing economies

- Tarron Khemraj
- 22262: Long-term diffusion factors of technological development - an evolutionary model and case study

- Witold Kwasnicki and Halina Kwasnicka
- 22251: Tourism and the issue of regulation of tourism with functional legislation in countries of transition - emphasizing specially Kosovo -

- Armand Krasniqi
- 22249: The need for the establishment of a legislative framework for sustainable tourism in Kosovo

- Armand Krasniqi
- 22247: Onshore and offshore market for Indian Rupee: recent evidence on volatility and shock spillover

- Harendra Behera
- 22245: Food and Global Crises impacts on Middle East and North African Region: What lesson can we learn for the future?

- Imed Drine
- 22244: Volatility Co-movement of ASEAN-5 Equity Markets

- Swee-Ling Oh, Evan Lau, Chin-Hong Puah and Shazali Abu Mansor
- 22242: Domestic fuel price and economic sectors in Malaysia: a future of renewable energy?

- Hui-Siang Brenda Jee, Evan Lau, Chin-Hong Puah and Shazali Abu Mansor
- 22238: Innovative Approaches to Developmental Microfinance in India

- Puja Kasat
- 22235: Interrelations between Education, Health, Income and Economic Development in Europe with Emphasis on New Members of European Union

- Cristina Boboc, Ahmed Driouchi and Emilia Titan
- 22233: Is the Welfare State Sustainable? Experimental Evidence on Citizens' Preferences for Redistribution

- Ilja Neustadt and Peter Zweifel
- 22232: Problems and Prospects of Islamic Banking: a case Study of Takaful

- Mohd. Izhar Ahmad, Tariq Masood and Mohd Saeed Khan
- 22229: Модель жилищного строительства в постсоциалистических странах на примере Латвии (Housing model in the post socialistic countries on the example of Latvia)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 22227: The System of Indicators of Eurasian Integration

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 22225: Worker’s remittances as stable financial flows: some evidence from India

- Bhupal Singh
- 22216: The Troika process: Economic models and macroeconomic policy in the USA

- Michael Donihue and John Kitchen
- 22213: Negative selectivity of Europe’s guest-worker immigration?

- Jaap Dronkers and Manon de Heus
- 22212: Vertical Integration and Patent Licensing in Upstream and Downstream Markets

- Fehmi Bouguezzi and Moez El Elj
- 22210: The influence of taxation on energy products price and consequences on the global economy

- Mihaela Nicolau
- 22209: Job satisfaction in the Republic of Macedonia: The role of gender and education

- Izet Zeqiri and Brikend Aziri
- 22208: Average tax rate cyclicality in OECD countries: A test of three fiscal policy theories

- Davide Furceri and Georgios Karras
- 22207: Gauging the Potential for Social Unrest

- Oded Stark, Walter Hyll and Doris A. Behrens
- 22205: Об одной модели перераспределения ресурсов (A Model of Resource Redistribution)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22204: Demand for Money in the Selected OECD Countries: A Time Series Panel Data Approach and Structural Breaks

- Saten Kumar, Mamta Chowdhury and B. Rao
- 22202: Eco-development and Tribal Empowerment

- Rajasekharan Pillai
- 22201: Модели равновесного экономического роста (Models of Equilibrium Economic Growth)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22200: Economic Implications of Intellectual Property Rights for the Biotechnology Sector: A Comparative Analysis of the European-Japanese Situations

- Bernard Gilroy, Wolfgang Brandes and Tobias Volpert
- 22189: The Effects of School Quality on Long-Term Health

- Shahar Sansani
- 22188: Estimating Infrastructural Investment Needs for India

- Chandan Sharma and N R Bhanumurthy
- 22187: The Evolution of Kаzakhstan's Position on Relations with Russia in 1991-2010

- Evgeny Vinokurov
- 22186: Effects of the private-label invasion in food industries

- Michael Ward, Jay P. Shimshack, Jeffrey Perloff and J. Michael Harris
- 22184: Econometric Analysis of the Bilateral Trade Flows in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

- Aysu Insel and Mahmut Tekçe
- 22173: Production Possibilities in Catchment Areas Under Dharabi Dam in Chakwal

- Muhammad Aamir Khan
- 22171: Fragments on black swan: money, credit and finance in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin

- Fernando Estrada
- 22170: Эволюционная теория экономической политики: Часть II: Необходимость своевременного переключения (The Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy: Part II: The Necessity of Timely Switching)

- Victor Polterovich and Vladimir Popov
- 22169: O Ensino Superior e a Formação e Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida (Higher Education in Lifelong Learning)

- Margarida Lopes and Aquiles Pinto
- 22168: Эволюционная теория экономической политики: Часть I: Опыт быстрого развития (An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Policy: Part I: The Experience of Fast Development)

- Victor Polterovich and Vladimir Popov
- 22167: Global Financial crisis and Islamic finance

- Hussien Alasrag
- 22163: Loss Distributions

- Krzysztof Burnecki, Adam Misiorek and Rafał Weron
- 22162: Colonial Institutions, Slavery, Inequality, and Development: Evidence from São Paulo, Brazil

- William Summerhill
- 22161: Economic Significance of Pilgrimage: A Focused Micro Level Study from Kerala, India

- Rajasekharan Pillai
- 22159: Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: Evidence from Korea

- Jong-Seo Choi, Young-Min Kwak and Chongwoo Choe
- 22155: Optimal predictions of powers of conditionally heteroskedastic processes

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian